[FIX] stock_account: In stock valuation report, if all products real price, don't do the product history price query

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Josse Colpaert 2015-07-01 10:05:49 +02:00
parent 49cc4b9d4e
commit ce0027a6d0
1 changed files with 4 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -65,8 +65,10 @@ class stock_history(osv.osv):
products_rec = self.pool['product.product'].read(cr, uid, product_ids, ['cost_method', 'product_tmpl_id'], context=context)
products_dict = dict((product['id'], product) for product in products_rec)
cost_method_product_tmpl_ids = list(set(product['product_tmpl_id'][0] for product in products_rec if product['cost_method'] != 'real'))
cr.execute('SELECT DISTINCT ON (product_template_id, company_id) product_template_id, company_id, cost FROM product_price_history WHERE product_template_id in %s AND datetime <= %s ORDER BY product_template_id, company_id, datetime DESC', (tuple(cost_method_product_tmpl_ids), date))
histories = cr.dictfetchall()
histories = []
if cost_method_product_tmpl_ids:
cr.execute('SELECT DISTINCT ON (product_template_id, company_id) product_template_id, company_id, cost FROM product_price_history WHERE product_template_id in %s AND datetime <= %s ORDER BY product_template_id, company_id, datetime DESC', (tuple(cost_method_product_tmpl_ids), date))
histories = cr.dictfetchall()
histories_dict = {}
for history in histories:
histories_dict[(history['product_template_id'], history['company_id'])] = history['cost']