[FIX] api: environment recomputation

In a workflow context (for instance, in the invoice workflow),
context is not passed.

Therefore, relying on the 'recompute' key being the context
in order to not recompute the fields does not work with Workflows.

It leads to huge performance issues,
as fields are recomputed recursively (instead of sequentially)
when several records are implied.
For instance, when reconciling several invoices with one payment
(100 invoices with 1 payment for instance),
records of each invoice are recomputed uselessly in each workflow call
(for each "confirm_paid" method done for each invoice).

With a significant number of invoices (100, for instance),
it even leads to a "Maximum recursion depth reached" errror.

closes #4905
This commit is contained in:
Denis Ledoux 2015-02-12 14:57:31 +01:00
parent a67747f77e
commit c9154e08aa
4 changed files with 70 additions and 53 deletions

View File

@ -1391,7 +1391,8 @@ class account_move_line(osv.osv):
self.create(cr, uid, data, context)
del vals['account_tax_id']
if check and not context.get('novalidate') and (context.get('recompute', True) or journal.entry_posted):
recompute = journal.env.recompute and context.get('recompute', True)
if check and not context.get('novalidate') and (recompute or journal.entry_posted):
tmp = move_obj.validate(cr, uid, [vals['move_id']], context)
if journal.entry_posted and tmp:
move_obj.button_validate(cr,uid, [vals['move_id']], context)

View File

@ -890,6 +890,19 @@ class Environment(object):
if invalids:
raise Warning('Invalid cache for fields\n' + pformat(invalids))
def recompute(self):
return self.all.recompute
def norecompute(self):
tmp = self.all.recompute
self.all.recompute = False
self.all.recompute = tmp
class Environments(object):
""" A common object for all environments in a request. """
@ -897,6 +910,7 @@ class Environments(object):
self.envs = WeakSet() # weak set of environments
self.todo = {} # recomputations {field: [records]}
self.mode = False # flag for draft/onchange
self.recompute = True
def add(self, env):
""" Add the environment `env`. """

View File

@ -3973,7 +3973,7 @@ class BaseModel(object):
self.pool[model_name]._store_set_values(cr, user, todo, fields_to_recompute, context)
# recompute new-style fields
if context.get('recompute', True):
if recs.env.recompute and context.get('recompute', True):
self.step_workflow(cr, user, ids, context=context)
@ -4220,7 +4220,7 @@ class BaseModel(object):
# check Python constraints
if context.get('recompute', True):
if recs.env.recompute and context.get('recompute', True):
result += self._store_get_values(cr, user, [id_new],
list(set(vals.keys() + self._inherits.values())),
@ -4233,7 +4233,7 @@ class BaseModel(object):
# recompute new-style fields
if self._log_create and context.get('recompute', True):
if self._log_create and recs.env.recompute and context.get('recompute', True):
message = self._description + \
" '" + \
self.name_get(cr, user, [id_new], context=context)[0][1] + \
@ -5629,12 +5629,13 @@ class BaseModel(object):
field, recs = self.env.get_todo()
# evaluate the fields to recompute, and save them to database
names = [f.name for f in field.computed_fields if f.store]
for rec, rec1 in zip(recs, recs.with_context(recompute=False)):
for rec in recs:
values = rec._convert_to_write({
name: rec[name] for name in names
with rec.env.norecompute():
except MissingError:
# mark the computed fields as done

View File

@ -736,57 +736,58 @@ class one2many(_column):
result = []
context = dict(context or {})
context['recompute'] = False # recomputation is done by outer create/write
if not values:
obj = obj.pool[self._obj]
_table = obj._table
for act in values:
if act[0] == 0:
act[2][self._fields_id] = id
id_new = obj.create(cr, user, act[2], context=context)
result += obj._store_get_values(cr, user, [id_new], act[2].keys(), context)
elif act[0] == 1:
obj.write(cr, user, [act[1]], act[2], context=context)
elif act[0] == 2:
obj.unlink(cr, user, [act[1]], context=context)
elif act[0] == 3:
inverse_field = obj._fields.get(self._fields_id)
assert inverse_field, 'Trying to unlink the content of a o2m but the pointed model does not have a m2o'
# if the model has on delete cascade, just delete the row
if inverse_field.ondelete == "cascade":
rec = obj.browse(cr, user, [], context=context)
with rec.env.norecompute():
_table = obj._table
for act in values:
if act[0] == 0:
act[2][self._fields_id] = id
id_new = obj.create(cr, user, act[2], context=context)
result += obj._store_get_values(cr, user, [id_new], act[2].keys(), context)
elif act[0] == 1:
obj.write(cr, user, [act[1]], act[2], context=context)
elif act[0] == 2:
obj.unlink(cr, user, [act[1]], context=context)
cr.execute('update '+_table+' set '+self._fields_id+'=null where id=%s', (act[1],))
elif act[0] == 4:
# table of the field (parent_model in case of inherit)
field = obj.pool[self._obj]._fields[self._fields_id]
field_model = field.base_field.model_name
field_table = obj.pool[field_model]._table
cr.execute("select 1 from {0} where id=%s and {1}=%s".format(field_table, self._fields_id), (act[1], id))
if not cr.fetchone():
# Must use write() to recompute parent_store structure if needed and check access rules
obj.write(cr, user, [act[1]], {self._fields_id:id}, context=context or {})
elif act[0] == 5:
inverse_field = obj._fields.get(self._fields_id)
assert inverse_field, 'Trying to unlink the content of a o2m but the pointed model does not have a m2o'
# if the o2m has a static domain we must respect it when unlinking
domain = self._domain(obj) if callable(self._domain) else self._domain
extra_domain = domain or []
ids_to_unlink = obj.search(cr, user, [(self._fields_id,'=',id)] + extra_domain, context=context)
# If the model has cascade deletion, we delete the rows because it is the intended behavior,
# otherwise we only nullify the reverse foreign key column.
if inverse_field.ondelete == "cascade":
obj.unlink(cr, user, ids_to_unlink, context=context)
obj.write(cr, user, ids_to_unlink, {self._fields_id: False}, context=context)
elif act[0] == 6:
# Must use write() to recompute parent_store structure if needed
obj.write(cr, user, act[2], {self._fields_id:id}, context=context or {})
ids2 = act[2] or [0]
cr.execute('select id from '+_table+' where '+self._fields_id+'=%s and id <> ALL (%s)', (id,ids2))
ids3 = map(lambda x:x[0], cr.fetchall())
obj.write(cr, user, ids3, {self._fields_id:False}, context=context or {})
elif act[0] == 3:
inverse_field = obj._fields.get(self._fields_id)
assert inverse_field, 'Trying to unlink the content of a o2m but the pointed model does not have a m2o'
# if the model has on delete cascade, just delete the row
if inverse_field.ondelete == "cascade":
obj.unlink(cr, user, [act[1]], context=context)
cr.execute('update '+_table+' set '+self._fields_id+'=null where id=%s', (act[1],))
elif act[0] == 4:
# table of the field (parent_model in case of inherit)
field = obj.pool[self._obj]._fields[self._fields_id]
field_model = field.base_field.model_name
field_table = obj.pool[field_model]._table
cr.execute("select 1 from {0} where id=%s and {1}=%s".format(field_table, self._fields_id), (act[1], id))
if not cr.fetchone():
# Must use write() to recompute parent_store structure if needed and check access rules
obj.write(cr, user, [act[1]], {self._fields_id:id}, context=context or {})
elif act[0] == 5:
inverse_field = obj._fields.get(self._fields_id)
assert inverse_field, 'Trying to unlink the content of a o2m but the pointed model does not have a m2o'
# if the o2m has a static domain we must respect it when unlinking
domain = self._domain(obj) if callable(self._domain) else self._domain
extra_domain = domain or []
ids_to_unlink = obj.search(cr, user, [(self._fields_id,'=',id)] + extra_domain, context=context)
# If the model has cascade deletion, we delete the rows because it is the intended behavior,
# otherwise we only nullify the reverse foreign key column.
if inverse_field.ondelete == "cascade":
obj.unlink(cr, user, ids_to_unlink, context=context)
obj.write(cr, user, ids_to_unlink, {self._fields_id: False}, context=context)
elif act[0] == 6:
# Must use write() to recompute parent_store structure if needed
obj.write(cr, user, act[2], {self._fields_id:id}, context=context or {})
ids2 = act[2] or [0]
cr.execute('select id from '+_table+' where '+self._fields_id+'=%s and id <> ALL (%s)', (id,ids2))
ids3 = map(lambda x:x[0], cr.fetchall())
obj.write(cr, user, ids3, {self._fields_id:False}, context=context or {})
return result
def search(self, cr, obj, args, name, value, offset=0, limit=None, uid=None, operator='like', context=None):