[FIX] product_margin: same multi value for the same function field method

bzr revid: olt@tinyerp.com-20100928122845-rvjqg7bo6d6a009p
This commit is contained in:
olt@tinyerp.com 2010-09-28 14:28:45 +02:00
parent 02ab26f946
commit c5de222c66
1 changed files with 62 additions and 46 deletions

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@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import time
from osv import fields, osv
class product_product(osv.osv):
_inherit = "product.product"
@ -30,30 +31,31 @@ class product_product(osv.osv):
res = {}
if context is None:
context = {}
for val in self.browse(cr, uid, ids,context=context):
for val in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
res[val.id] = {}
date_from = context.get('date_from', time.strftime('%Y-01-01'))
date_to = context.get('date_to', time.strftime('%Y-12-31'))
invoice_state = context.get('invoice_state', 'open_paid')
if 'date_from' in field_names:
res[val.id]['date_from'] = date_from
if 'date_to' in field_names:
res[val.id]['date_to'] = date_to
if 'invoice_state' in field_names:
res[val.id]['invoice_state'] = invoice_state
invoice_types = ()
states = ()
if invoice_state=='paid':
elif invoice_state=='open_paid':
elif invoice_state=='draft_open_paid':
if invoice_state == 'paid':
states = ('paid',)
elif invoice_state == 'open_paid':
states = ('open', 'paid')
elif invoice_state == 'draft_open_paid':
states = ('draft', 'open', 'paid')
if 'sale_avg_price' in field_names or 'sale_num_invoiced' in field_names or 'turnover' in field_names or 'sale_expected' in field_names:
invoice_types = ('out_invoice', 'in_refund')
if 'purchase_avg_price' in field_names or 'purchase_num_invoiced' in field_names or 'total_cost' in field_names or 'normal_cost' in field_names:
invoice_types = ('in_invoice', 'out_refund')
if len(invoice_types):
avg(l.price_unit) as avg_unit_price,
@ -65,51 +67,65 @@ class product_product(osv.osv):
left join account_invoice i on (l.invoice_id = i.id)
left join product_template product on (product.id=l.product_id)
where l.product_id = %s and i.state in %s and i.type IN %s and i.date_invoice>=%s and i.date_invoice<=%s
""", (val.id, states, invoice_types, date_from, date_to))
result = cr.fetchall()[0]
if 'sale_avg_price' in field_names or 'sale_num_invoiced' in field_names or 'turnover' in field_names or 'sale_expected' in field_names:
res[val.id]['sale_avg_price']=result[0] and result[0] or 0.0
res[val.id]['sale_num_invoiced']=result[1] and result[1] or 0.0
res[val.id]['turnover']=result[2] and result[2] or 0.0
res[val.id]['sale_expected']=result[3] and result[3] or 0.0
res[val.id]['sale_avg_price'] = result[0] and result[0] or 0.0
res[val.id]['sale_num_invoiced'] = result[1] and result[1] or 0.0
res[val.id]['turnover'] = result[2] and result[2] or 0.0
res[val.id]['sale_expected'] = result[3] and result[3] or 0.0
res[val.id]['sales_gap'] = res[val.id]['sale_expected']-res[val.id]['turnover']
if 'purchase_avg_price' in field_names or 'purchase_num_invoiced' in field_names or 'total_cost' in field_names or 'normal_cost' in field_names:
res[val.id]['purchase_avg_price']=result[0] and result[0] or 0.0
res[val.id]['purchase_num_invoiced']=result[1] and result[1] or 0.0
res[val.id]['total_cost']=result[2] and result[2] or 0.0
res[val.id]['normal_cost']=result[4] and result[4] or 0.0
res[val.id]['purchase_avg_price'] = result[0] and result[0] or 0.0
res[val.id]['purchase_num_invoiced'] = result[1] and result[1] or 0.0
res[val.id]['total_cost'] = result[2] and result[2] or 0.0
res[val.id]['normal_cost'] = result[4] and result[4] or 0.0
res[val.id]['purchase_gap'] = res[val.id]['normal_cost']-res[val.id]['total_cost']
if 'total_margin' in field_names:
res[val.id]['total_margin'] = val.turnover - val.standard_price
if 'expected_margin' in field_names:
res[val.id]['expected_margin'] = val.sale_expected - val.normal_cost
if 'total_margin_rate' in field_names:
res[val.id]['total_margin_rate']=val.turnover and val.total_margin * 100 / val.turnover or 0.0
res[val.id]['total_margin_rate'] = val.turnover and val.total_margin * 100 / val.turnover or 0.0
if 'expected_margin_rate' in field_names:
res[val.id]['expected_margin_rate']=val.sale_expected and val.expected_margin * 100 / val.sale_expected or 0.0
res[val.id]['expected_margin_rate'] = val.sale_expected and val.expected_margin * 100 / val.sale_expected or 0.0
return res
_columns = {
'date_from': fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='date', string='From Date', multi=True),
'date_to': fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='date', string='To Date', multi=True),
'date_from': fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='date', string='From Date', multi='product_margin'),
'date_to': fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='date', string='To Date', multi='product_margin'),
'invoice_state': fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='selection', selection=[
('paid','Paid'),('open_paid','Open and Paid'),('draft_open_paid','Draft, Open and Paid')
], string='Invoice State',multi=True, readonly=True),
'sale_avg_price' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='Avg. Unit Price', multi='sale',help="Avg. Price in Customer Invoices)"),
'purchase_avg_price' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='Avg. Unit Price', multi='purchase',help="Avg. Price in Supplier Invoices "),
'sale_num_invoiced' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='# Invoiced', multi='sale',help="Sum of Quantity in Customer Invoices"),
'purchase_num_invoiced' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='# Invoiced', multi='purchase',help="Sum of Quantity in Supplier Invoices"),
'sales_gap' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='Sales Gap', multi='sale',help="Expected Sale - Turn Over"),
'purchase_gap' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='Purchase Gap', multi='purchase',help="Normal Cost - Total Cost"),
'turnover' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='Turnover' ,multi='sale',help="Sum of Multification of Invoice price and quantity of Customer Invoices"),
'total_cost' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='Total Cost', multi='purchase',help="Sum of Multification of Invoice price and quantity of Supplier Invoices "),
'sale_expected' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='Expected Sale', multi='sale',help="Sum of Multification of Sale Catalog price and quantity of Customer Invoices"),
'normal_cost' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='Normal Cost', multi='purchase',help="Sum of Multification of Cost price and quantity of Supplier Invoices"),
'total_margin' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='Total Margin', multi='total',help="Turnorder - Standard price"),
'expected_margin' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='Expected Margin', multi='total',help="Expected Sale - Normal Cost"),
'total_margin_rate' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='Total Margin (%)', multi='margin',help="Total margin * 100 / Turnover"),
'expected_margin_rate' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='Expected Margin (%)', multi='margin',help="Expected margin * 100 / Expected Sale"),
], string='Invoice State',multi='product_margin', readonly=True),
'sale_avg_price' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='Avg. Unit Price', multi='product_margin',
help="Avg. Price in Customer Invoices)"),
'purchase_avg_price' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='Avg. Unit Price', multi='product_margin',
help="Avg. Price in Supplier Invoices "),
'sale_num_invoiced' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='# Invoiced', multi='product_margin',
help="Sum of Quantity in Customer Invoices"),
'purchase_num_invoiced' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='# Invoiced', multi='product_margin',
help="Sum of Quantity in Supplier Invoices"),
'sales_gap' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='Sales Gap', multi='product_margin',
help="Expected Sale - Turn Over"),
'purchase_gap' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='Purchase Gap', multi='product_margin',
help="Normal Cost - Total Cost"),
'turnover' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='Turnover' ,multi='product_margin',
help="Sum of Multification of Invoice price and quantity of Customer Invoices"),
'total_cost' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='Total Cost', multi='product_margin',
help="Sum of Multification of Invoice price and quantity of Supplier Invoices "),
'sale_expected' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='Expected Sale', multi='product_margin',
help="Sum of Multification of Sale Catalog price and quantity of Customer Invoices"),
'normal_cost' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='Normal Cost', multi='product_margin',
help="Sum of Multification of Cost price and quantity of Supplier Invoices"),
'total_margin' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='Total Margin', multi='product_margin',
help="Turnorder - Standard price"),
'expected_margin' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='Expected Margin', multi='product_margin',
help="Expected Sale - Normal Cost"),
'total_margin_rate' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='Total Margin (%)', multi='product_margin',
help="Total margin * 100 / Turnover"),
'expected_margin_rate' : fields.function(_product_margin, method=True, type='float', string='Expected Margin (%)', multi='product_margin',
help="Expected margin * 100 / Expected Sale"),