[IMP] complete rewrite of the data loading code in the graph view, using the lazy/eager feature of readgroup. The code is simpler and more efficient: it only performs a fixed number of requests (well, the number is 'fixed' in the sense that it does not depend of the size of the data being displayed, but it still depends on the number of dimensions) (addon web_graph)

bzr revid: ged@openerp.com-20140402074341-8cleqizqculxmkys
This commit is contained in:
Gery Debongnie 2014-04-02 09:43:41 +02:00
parent 95b2daf17b
commit c4d0299eca
1 changed files with 182 additions and 224 deletions

View File

@ -82,7 +82,9 @@ openerp.web_graph.PivotTable = openerp.web.Class.extend({
get_values: function (id1, id2, default_values) {
var cell = _.findWhere(this.cells, {x: Math.min(id1, id2), y: Math.max(id1, id2)});
return (cell !== undefined) ? cell.values : (default_values || new Array(this.measures.length));
return (cell !== undefined) ?
cell.values :
(default_values || new Array(this.measures.length));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -144,12 +146,16 @@ openerp.web_graph.PivotTable = openerp.web.Class.extend({
get_ancestors: function (header) {
var self = this;
if (!header.children) return [];
return [].concat.apply([], _.map(header.children, function (c) {return self.get_ancestors_and_self(c); }));
return [].concat.apply([], _.map(header.children, function (c) {
return self.get_ancestors_and_self(c);
get_ancestors_and_self: function (header) {
var self = this;
return [].concat.apply([header], _.map(header.children, function (c) { return self.get_ancestors_and_self(c); }));
return [].concat.apply([header], _.map(header.children, function (c) {
return self.get_ancestors_and_self(c);
get_total: function (header) {
@ -205,54 +211,28 @@ openerp.web_graph.PivotTable = openerp.web.Class.extend({
expand: function (header_id, groupby) {
var self = this,
header = this.get_header(header_id),
otherRoot = this.get_other_root(header),
fields = otherRoot.groupby.concat(this.measures);
other_root = this.get_other_root(header),
this_gb = [groupby.field],
other_gbs = _.pluck(other_root.groupby, 'field');
if (header.path.length === header.root.groupby.length) {
groupby = [groupby].concat(otherRoot.groupby);
return this.get_groups(groupby, fields, header.domain).then(function (groups) {
_.each(groups.reverse(), function (group) {
// make header
var child = self.make_header(group, header);
child.expanded = false;
header.children.splice(0,0, child);
header.root.headers.splice(header.root.headers.indexOf(header) + 1, 0, child);
// make cells
_.each(self.get_ancestors_and_self(group), function (data) {
var values = _.map(self.measures, function (m) {
return data.attributes.aggregates[m.field];
var other = _.find(otherRoot.headers, function (h) {
if (header.root === self.cols) {
return _.isEqual(data.path.slice(1), h.path);
} else {
return _.isEqual(_.rest(data.path), h.path);
if (other) {
self.add_cell(child.id, other.id, values);
return this.perform_requests(this_gb, other_gbs, header.domain).then(function () {
var data = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
data = data.slice(other_gbs.length + 1, data.length);
_.each(data, function (data_pt) {
data_pt, header.root.headers, other_root.headers, 1, header.path);
header.expanded = true;
header.children.forEach(function (child) {
child.expanded = false;
child.root = header.root;
make_header: function (group, parent) {
var title = parent ? group.attributes.value : _t('Total');
return {
id: _.uniqueId(),
path: parent ? parent.path.concat(title) : [],
title: title,
children: [],
domain: parent ? group.model._domain : this.domain,
root: parent ? parent.root : undefined,
swap_axis: function () {
var temp = this.rows;
this.rows = this.cols;
@ -262,206 +242,184 @@ openerp.web_graph.PivotTable = openerp.web.Class.extend({
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Data updating methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Load the data from the db, using the method this.load_data
// update_data will try to preserve the expand/not expanded status of each
// column/row. If you want to expand all, then set this.cols.headers/this.rows.headers
// to null before calling update_data.
update_data: function () {
var self = this;
update_data: function () {
var self = this;
return this.perform_requests().then (function () {
var data = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
self.no_data = !data[0][0].attributes.length;
if (self.no_data) {
var row_headers = [],
col_headers = [];
self.cells = [];
return this.load_data().then (function (result) {
if (result) {
self.no_data = false;
self[self.cols.headers ? 'update_headers' : 'expand_headers'](self.cols, result.col_headers);
self[self.rows.headers ? 'update_headers' : 'expand_headers'](self.rows, result.row_headers);
} else {
self.no_data = true;
var dim_col = self.cols.groupby.length,
i, j, index;
expand_headers: function (root, new_headers) {
root.headers = new_headers;
_.each(root.headers, function (header) {
header.root = root;
header.expanded = (header.children.length > 0);
update_headers: function (root, new_headers) {
_.each(root.headers, function (header) {
var corresponding_header = _.find(new_headers, function (h) {
return _.isEqual(h.path, header.path);
if (corresponding_header && header.expanded) {
corresponding_header.expanded = true;
_.each(corresponding_header.children, function (c) {
c.expanded = false;
if (corresponding_header && (!header.expanded)) {
corresponding_header.expanded = false;
var updated_headers = _.filter(new_headers, function (header) {
return (header.expanded !== undefined);
_.each(updated_headers, function (header) {
if (!header.expanded) {
header.children = [];
header.root = root;
root.headers = updated_headers;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Data loading methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// To obtain all the values required to draw the full table, we have to do
// at least 2 + min(row.groupby.length, col.groupby.length)
// calls to readgroup. To simplify the code, we will always do
// 2 + row.groupby.length calls. For example, if row.groupby = [r1, r2, r3]
// and col.groupby = [c1, c2], then we will make the call with the following
// groupbys: [r1,r2,r3], [c1,r1,r2,r3], [c1,c2,r1,r2,r3], [].
load_data: function () {
var self = this,
cols = this.cols.groupby,
rows = this.rows.groupby,
visible_fields = rows.concat(cols, self.measures);
if (this.measures.length === 0) {
return $.Deferred.resolve().promise();
var groupbys = _.map(_.range(cols.length + 1), function (i) {
return cols.slice(0, i).concat(rows);
var get_data_requests = _.map(groupbys, function (groupby) {
return self.get_groups(groupby, visible_fields, self.domain);
return $.when.apply(null, get_data_requests).then(function () {
var data = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),
row_data = data[0],
col_data = (cols.length !== 0) ? data[data.length - 2] : [],
has_data = data[data.length - 1][0];
return has_data && self.format_data(col_data, row_data, data);
for (i = 0; i < self.rows.groupby.length + 1; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < dim_col + 1; j++) {
index = i*(dim_col + 1) + j;
self.make_headers_and_cell(data[index], row_headers, col_headers, i);
self.set_headers(row_headers, self.rows);
self.set_headers(col_headers, self.cols);
get_groups: function (groupbys, fields, domain, path) {
var self = this,
groupby = (groupbys.length) ? groupbys[0] : [];
path = path || [];
make_headers_and_cell: function (data_pts, row_headers, col_headers, index, prefix) {
var self = this;
data_pts.forEach(function (data_pt) {
var row_value = (prefix || []).concat(data_pt.attributes.value.slice(0,index));
var col_value = data_pt.attributes.value.slice(index);
var row = self.find_or_create_header(row_headers, row_value, data_pt);
var col = self.find_or_create_header(col_headers, col_value, data_pt);
return this._query_db(groupby, fields, domain, path).then(function (groups) {
if (groupbys.length > 1) {
var get_subgroups = $.when.apply(null, _.map(groups, function (group) {
return self.get_groups(_.rest(groupbys), fields, group.model._domain, path.concat(group.attributes.value)).then(function (subgroups) {
group.children = subgroups;
return get_subgroups.then(function () {
return groups;
} else {
return groups;
var cell_value = _.map(self.measures, function (m) {
return data_pt.attributes.aggregates[m.field];
x: Math.min(row.id, col.id),
y: Math.max(row.id, col.id),
values: cell_value
make_header: function (values) {
return _.extend({
children: [],
domain: this.domain,
expanded: undefined,
id: _.uniqueId(),
path: [],
root: undefined,
title: undefined
}, values || {});
find_or_create_header: function (headers, path, data_pt) {
var hdr = _.find(headers, function (header) {
return _.isEqual(path, header.path);
if (hdr) {
return hdr;
if (!path.length) {
hdr = this.make_header({title: _t('Total')});
return hdr;
hdr = this.make_header({
title: _t(_.last(path))
parent = _.find(headers, function (header) {
return _.isEqual(header.path, _.initial(path, 1));
var previous = parent.children.length ? _.last(parent.children) : parent;
headers.splice(headers.indexOf(previous) + 1, 0, hdr);
return hdr;
perform_requests: function (group1, group2, domain) {
var self = this,
requests = [],
row_gbs = _.pluck(this.rows.groupby, 'field'),
col_gbs = _.pluck(this.cols.groupby, 'field'),
field_list = row_gbs.concat(col_gbs, _.pluck(this.measures, 'field')),
fields = field_list.map(function (f) { return self.raw_field(f); });
group1 = group1 || row_gbs;
group2 = group2 || col_gbs;
var i,j, groupbys;
for (i = 0; i < group1.length + 1; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < group2.length + 1; j++) {
groupbys = group1.slice(0,i).concat(group2.slice(0,j));
requests.push(self.get_groups(groupbys, fields, domain || self.domain));
return $.when.apply(null, requests);
// set the 'expanded' status of new_headers more or less like root.headers, with root as root
set_headers: function(new_headers, root) {
if (root.headers) {
_.each(root.headers, function (header) {
var corresponding_header = _.find(new_headers, function (h) {
return _.isEqual(h.path, header.path);
if (corresponding_header && header.expanded) {
corresponding_header.expanded = true;
_.each(corresponding_header.children, function (c) {
c.expanded = false;
if (corresponding_header && (!header.expanded)) {
corresponding_header.expanded = false;
var updated_headers = _.filter(new_headers, function (header) {
return (header.expanded !== undefined);
_.each(updated_headers, function (header) {
header.root = root;
root.headers = updated_headers;
} else {
root.headers = new_headers;
_.each(root.headers, function (header) {
header.root = root;
header.expanded = (header.children.length > 0);
return new_headers;
_query_db: function (groupby, fields, domain, path) {
var self = this,
field_ids = _.without(_.pluck(fields, 'field'), '__count'),
fields = _.map(field_ids, function(f) { return self.raw_field(f); });
return this.model.query(field_ids)
.then(function (results) {
var groups = _.filter(results, function (group) {
return group.attributes.length > 0;
return _.map(groups, function (g) { return self.format_group(g, path); });
get_groups: function (groupbys, fields, domain) {
var self = this;
return this.model.query(_.without(fields, '__count'))
.then(function (groups) {
return groups.map(function (group) {
var attrs = group.attributes,
grouped_on = attrs.grouped_on instanceof Array
? attrs.grouped_on : [attrs.grouped_on],
raw_grouped_on = grouped_on.map(function (f) {
return self.raw_field(f);
if (grouped_on.length === 1) { attrs.value = [attrs.value]}
attrs.value = _.range(grouped_on.length).map(function (i) {
if (attrs.value[i] === false) {
return _t('Undefined');
} else if (attrs.value[i] instanceof Array) {
return attrs.value[i][1];
return attrs.value[i]
attrs.aggregates.__count = group.attributes.length;
attrs.grouped_on = raw_grouped_on;
return group;
// if field is a fieldname, returns field, if field is field_id:interval, retuns field_id
raw_field: function (field) {
return field.split(':')[0];
// add the path to the group and sanitize the value...
format_group: function (group, current_path) {
var attrs = group.attributes,
value = attrs.value,
grouped_on = attrs.grouped_on ? this.raw_field(attrs.grouped_on) : false;
if (value === false) {
group.attributes.value = _t('Undefined');
} else if (grouped_on && this.fields[grouped_on].type === 'selection') {
var selection = this.fields[grouped_on].selection,
value_lookup = _.where(selection, {0:value});
group.attributes.value = value_lookup ? value_lookup[0][1] : _t('Undefined');
} else if (value instanceof Array) {
group.attributes.value = value[1];
group.path = (value !== undefined) ? (current_path || []).concat(group.attributes.value) : [];
group.attributes.aggregates.__count = group.attributes.length;
return group;
format_data: function (col_data, row_data, cell_data) {
var self = this,
dim_row = this.rows.groupby.length,
dim_col = this.cols.groupby.length,
col_headers = this.get_ancestors_and_self(this.make_headers(col_data, dim_col)),
row_headers = this.get_ancestors_and_self(this.make_headers(row_data, dim_row));
this.cells = [];
_.each(cell_data, function (data, index) {
self.make_cells(data, index, [], row_headers, col_headers);
}); // not pretty. make it more functional?
return {col_headers: col_headers, row_headers: row_headers};
make_headers: function (data, depth, parent) {
var self = this,
main = this.make_header(data, parent);
if (main.path.length < depth) {
main.children = _.map(data.children || data, function (data_pt) {
return self.make_headers (data_pt, depth, main);
return main;
make_cells: function (data, index, current_path, rows, cols) {
var self = this;
_.each(data, function (group) {
var attr = group.attributes,
path = attr.grouped_on ? current_path.concat(attr.value) : current_path,
values = _.map(self.measures, function (measure) { return attr.aggregates[measure.field]; }),
row = _.find(rows, function (header) { return _.isEqual(header.path, path.slice(index)); }),
col = _.find(cols, function (header) { return _.isEqual(header.path, path.slice(0, index)); });
self.add_cell(row.id, col.id, values);
if (group.children) {
self.make_cells (group.children, index, path, rows, cols);