[IMP] translate: unify the server and web translation export mechanisms

- qweb and Javascript terms extraction now builtin
- all qweb/JS terms are flagged with an extra PO comment:
  `openerp-web`, which the web client will use when
  loading translations
- the homemade Python/Mako extractor has been removed
  and replaced by the default babel Python extractor.
  Net result is that we extract less spurious terms, but
  keep valid ones, so everything looks great under
  the sun.

bzr revid: odo@openerp.com-20121003132659-h5obyl1j7hjo1y2b
This commit is contained in:
Olivier Dony 2012-10-03 15:26:59 +02:00
parent 4d35720a57
commit a42baec455
1 changed files with 107 additions and 85 deletions

View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import logging
import tarfile
import tempfile
import threading
from babel.messages import extract
from os.path import join
from datetime import datetime
@ -47,6 +48,9 @@ from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# used to notify web client that these translations should be loaded in the UI
'af_ZA': 'Afrikaans_South Africa',
'sq_AL': 'Albanian_Albania',
@ -390,11 +394,13 @@ class TinyPoFile(object):
def write(self, modules, tnrs, source, trad):
def write(self, modules, tnrs, source, trad, comments=None):
plurial = len(modules) > 1 and 's' or ''
self.buffer.write("#. module%s: %s\n" % (plurial, ', '.join(modules)))
if comments:
self.buffer.write(''.join(('#. %s\n' % c for c in comments)))
code = False
for typy, name, res_id in tnrs:
@ -421,44 +427,43 @@ class TinyPoFile(object):
def trans_export(lang, modules, buffer, format, cr):
def _process(format, modules, rows, buffer, lang, newlang):
def _process(format, modules, rows, buffer, lang):
if format == 'csv':
writer=csv.writer(buffer, 'UNIX')
for row in rows:
writer = csv.writer(buffer, 'UNIX')
# write header first
for module, type, name, res_id, src, trad, comments in rows:
# Comments are ignored by the CSV writer
writer.writerow((module, type, name, res_id, src, trad))
elif format == 'po':
writer = TinyPoFile(buffer)
# we now group the translations by source. That means one translation per source.
grouped_rows = {}
for module, type, name, res_id, src, trad in rows:
for module, type, name, res_id, src, trad, comments in rows:
row = grouped_rows.setdefault(src, {})
row.setdefault('modules', set()).add(module)
if ('translation' not in row) or (not row['translation']):
row['translation'] = trad
row.setdefault('tnrs', []).append((type, name, res_id))
row.setdefault('comments', set()).update(comments)
for src, row in grouped_rows.items():
writer.write(row['modules'], row['tnrs'], src, row['translation'])
writer.write(row['modules'], row['tnrs'], src, row['translation'], row['comments'])
elif format == 'tgz':
rows_by_module = {}
for row in rows:
module = row[0]
# first row is the "header", as in csv, it will be popped
rows_by_module.setdefault(module, [['module', 'type', 'name', 'res_id', 'src', ''],])
rows_by_module.setdefault(module, []).append(row)
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
for mod, modrows in rows_by_module.items():
tmpmoddir = join(tmpdir, mod, 'i18n')
pofilename = (newlang and mod or lang) + ".po" + (newlang and 't' or '')
pofilename = (lang if lang else mod) + ".po" + ('t' if not lang else '')
buf = file(join(tmpmoddir, pofilename), 'w')
_process('po', [mod], modrows, buf, lang, newlang)
_process('po', [mod], modrows, buf, lang)
tar = tarfile.open(fileobj=buffer, mode='w|gz')
@ -469,16 +474,15 @@ def trans_export(lang, modules, buffer, format, cr):
raise Exception(_('Unrecognized extension: must be one of '
'.csv, .po, or .tgz (received .%s).' % format))
newlang = not bool(lang)
if newlang:
lang = 'en_US'
trans = trans_generate(lang, modules, cr)
if newlang and format!='csv':
for trx in trans:
trx[-1] = ''
modules = set([t[0] for t in trans[1:]])
_process(format, modules, trans, buffer, lang, newlang)
del trans
trans_lang = lang
if not trans_lang and format == 'csv':
# CSV files are meant for translators and they need a starting point,
# so we at least put the original term in the translation column
trans_lang = 'en_US'
translations = trans_generate(lang, modules, cr)
modules = set([t[0] for t in translations[1:]])
_process(format, modules, translations, buffer, lang)
del translations
def trans_parse_xsl(de):
res = []
@ -541,6 +545,46 @@ def in_modules(object_name, modules):
module = module_dict.get(module, module)
return module in modules
def babel_extract_qweb(fileobj, keywords, comment_tags, options):
"""Babel message extractor for qweb template files.
:param fileobj: the file-like object the messages should be extracted from
:param keywords: a list of keywords (i.e. function names) that should
be recognized as translation functions
:param comment_tags: a list of translator tags to search for and
include in the results
:param options: a dictionary of additional options (optional)
:return: an iterator over ``(lineno, funcname, message, comments)``
:rtype: ``iterator``
result = []
def handle_text(text, lineno):
text = (text or "").strip()
if len(text) > 1: # Avoid mono-char tokens like ':' ',' etc.
result.append((lineno, None, text, []))
# not using elementTree.iterparse because we need to skip sub-trees in case
# the ancestor element had a reason to be skipped
def iter_elements(current_element):
for el in current_element:
if isinstance(el, SKIPPED_ELEMENT_TYPES): continue
if "t-js" not in el.attrib and \
not ("t-jquery" in el.attrib and "t-operation" not in el.attrib) and \
not ("t-translation" in el.attrib and el.attrib["t-translation"].strip() == "off"):
handle_text(el.text, el.sourceline)
for att in ('title', 'alt', 'label', 'placeholder'):
if att in el.attrib:
handle_text(el.attrib[att], el.sourceline)
handle_text(el.tail, el.sourceline)
tree = etree.parse(fileobj)
return result
def trans_generate(lang, modules, cr):
dbname = cr.dbname
@ -572,8 +616,8 @@ def trans_generate(lang, modules, cr):
cr.execute(query, query_param)
_to_translate = []
def push_translation(module, type, name, id, source):
tuple = (module, source, name, id, type)
def push_translation(module, type, name, id, source, comments=None):
tuple = (module, source, name, id, type, comments or [])
if source and tuple not in _to_translate:
@ -723,7 +767,7 @@ def trans_generate(lang, modules, cr):
if not hasattr(msg, '__call__'):
push_translation(module, term_type, model, 0, encode(msg))
for (model_id, model, module) in cr.fetchall():
for (_, model, module) in cr.fetchall():
module = encode(module)
model = encode(model)
@ -739,7 +783,6 @@ def trans_generate(lang, modules, cr):
for constraint in getattr(model_obj, '_sql_constraints', []):
push_constraint_msg(module, 'sql_constraint', model, constraint[2])
# parse source code for _() calls
def get_module_from_path(path, mod_paths=None):
if not mod_paths:
# First, construct a list of possible paths
@ -777,76 +820,55 @@ def trans_generate(lang, modules, cr):
_logger.debug("Scanning modules at paths: ", path_list)
mod_paths = []
join_dquotes = re.compile(r'([^\\])"[\s\\]*"', re.DOTALL)
join_quotes = re.compile(r'([^\\])\'[\s\\]*\'', re.DOTALL)
re_dquotes = re.compile(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_]_\([\s]*"(.+?)"[\s]*?\)', re.DOTALL)
re_quotes = re.compile(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_]_\([\s]*\'(.+?)\'[\s]*?\)', re.DOTALL)
def export_code_terms_from_file(fname, path, root, terms_type):
def verified_module_filepaths(fname, path, root):
fabsolutepath = join(root, fname)
frelativepath = fabsolutepath[len(path):]
display_path = "addons%s" % frelativepath
module = get_module_from_path(fabsolutepath, mod_paths=mod_paths)
is_mod_installed = module in installed_modules
if (('all' in modules) or (module in modules)) and is_mod_installed:
_logger.debug("Scanning code of %s at module: %s", frelativepath, module)
src_file = misc.file_open(fabsolutepath, subdir='')
if (('all' in modules) or (module in modules)) and module in installed_modules:
return module, fabsolutepath, frelativepath, display_path
return None, None, None, None
def babel_extract_terms(fname, path, root, extract_method="python", trans_type='code',
extra_comments=None, extract_keywords={'_': None}):
module, fabsolutepath, _, display_path = verified_module_filepaths(fname, path, root)
extra_comments = extra_comments or []
if module:
src_file = open(fabsolutepath, 'r')
code_string = src_file.read()
for lineno, message, comments in extract.extract(extract_method, src_file,
push_translation(module, trans_type, display_path, lineno,
encode(message), comments + extra_comments)
if module in installed_modules:
frelativepath = str("addons" + frelativepath)
ite = re_dquotes.finditer(code_string)
code_offset = 0
code_line = 1
for i in ite:
src = i.group(1)
if src.startswith('""'):
assert src.endswith('""'), "Incorrect usage of _(..) function (should contain only literal strings!) in file %s near: %s" % (frelativepath, src[:30])
src = src[2:-2]
src = join_dquotes.sub(r'\1', src)
# try to count the lines from the last pos to our place:
code_line += code_string[code_offset:i.start(1)].count('\n')
# now, since we did a binary read of a python source file, we
# have to expand pythonic escapes like the interpreter does.
src = src.decode('string_escape')
push_translation(module, terms_type, frelativepath, code_line, encode(src))
code_line += i.group(1).count('\n')
code_offset = i.end() # we have counted newlines up to the match end
ite = re_quotes.finditer(code_string)
code_offset = 0 #reset counters
code_line = 1
for i in ite:
src = i.group(1)
if src.startswith("''"):
assert src.endswith("''"), "Incorrect usage of _(..) function (should contain only literal strings!) in file %s near: %s" % (frelativepath, src[:30])
src = src[2:-2]
src = join_quotes.sub(r'\1', src)
code_line += code_string[code_offset:i.start(1)].count('\n')
src = src.decode('string_escape')
push_translation(module, terms_type, frelativepath, code_line, encode(src))
code_line += i.group(1).count('\n')
code_offset = i.end() # we have counted newlines up to the match end
for path in path_list:
_logger.debug("Scanning files of modules at %s", path)
for root, dummy, files in osutil.walksymlinks(path):
for fname in itertools.chain(fnmatch.filter(files, '*.py')):
export_code_terms_from_file(fname, path, root, 'code')
for fname in itertools.chain(fnmatch.filter(files, '*.mako')):
export_code_terms_from_file(fname, path, root, 'report')
for fname in fnmatch.filter(files, '*.py'):
babel_extract_terms(fname, path, root)
for fname in fnmatch.filter(files, '*.mako'):
babel_extract_terms(fname, path, root, trans_type='report')
# Javascript source files in the static/src/js directory, rest is ignored (libs)
if fnmatch.fnmatch(root, '*/static/src/js*'):
for fname in fnmatch.filter(files, '*.js'):
babel_extract_terms(fname, path, root, 'javascript',
extract_keywords={'_t': None})
# QWeb template files
if fnmatch.fnmatch(root, '*/static/src/xml*'):
for fname in fnmatch.filter(files, '*.xml'):
babel_extract_terms(fname, path, root, 'openerp.tools.translate:babel_extract_qweb',
out = [["module","type","name","res_id","src","value"]] # header
out = []
# translate strings marked as to be translated
for module, source, name, id, type in _to_translate:
trans = trans_obj._get_source(cr, uid, name, type, lang, source)
out.append([module, type, name, id, source, encode(trans) or ''])
for module, source, name, id, type, comments in _to_translate:
trans = '' if not lang else trans_obj._get_source(cr, uid, name, type, lang, source)
out.append([module, type, name, id, source, encode(trans) or '', comments])
return out
def trans_load(cr, filename, lang, verbose=True, module_name=None, context=None):