[ADD] grouping to the Model/Query API, but filtering looks completely broken

bzr revid: xmo@openerp.com-20120302154759-8ihi5p1ffygiyhw3
This commit is contained in:
Xavier Morel 2012-03-02 16:47:59 +01:00
parent 2c2df2b325
commit 9b0cc92b66
3 changed files with 277 additions and 170 deletions

View File

@ -103,6 +103,38 @@ openerp.web.Query = openerp.web.Class.extend({
'search_count', [this._filter], {
context: this._model.context(this._context)});
* Performs a groups read according to the provided grouping criterion
* @param {String|Array<String>} grouping
* @returns {jQuery.Deferred<Array<openerp.web.data.Group>> | null}
group_by: function (grouping) {
if (grouping === undefined) {
return null;
if (!(grouping instanceof Array)) {
grouping = _.toArray(arguments);
if (_.isEmpty(grouping)) { return null; }
var self = this;
return this._model.call('read_group', {
groupby: grouping,
fields: _.uniq(grouping.concat(this._fields || [])),
domain: this._model.domain(this._filter),
context: this._model.context(this._context),
offset: this._offset,
limit: this._limit,
orderby: openerp.web.serialize_sort(this._order_by) || false
}).pipe(function (results) {
return _(results).map(function (result) {
return new openerp.web.data.Group(
self._model.name, grouping[0], result);
* Creates a new query with the union of the current query's context and
* the new context.
@ -152,9 +184,12 @@ openerp.web.Query = openerp.web.Class.extend({
* @param {String...} fields ordering clauses
* @returns {openerp.web.Query}
order_by: function () {
if (arguments.length === 0) { return this; }
return this.clone({order_by: _.toArray(arguments)});
order_by: function (fields) {
if (!fields instanceof Array) {
fields = _.toArray(arguments);
if (_.isEmpty(fields)) { return this; }
return this.clone({order_by: fields});
@ -345,6 +380,64 @@ openerp.web.Traverser = openerp.web.Class.extend(/** @lends openerp.web.Traverse
* Utility objects, should never need to be instantiated from outside of this
* module
* @namespace
openerp.web.data = {
Group: openerp.web.Class.extend(/** @lends openerp.web.data.Group# */{
* @constructs openerp.web.data.Group
* @extends openerp.web.Class
init: function (model, grouping_field, read_group_group) {
// In cases where group_by_no_leaf and no group_by, the result of
// read_group has aggregate fields but no __context or __domain.
// Create default (empty) values for those so that things don't break
var fixed_group = _.extend(
{__context: {group_by: []}, __domain: []},
var aggregates = {};
_(fixed_group).each(function (value, key) {
if (key.indexOf('__') === 0
|| key === grouping_field
|| key === grouping_field + '_count') {
aggregates[key] = value || 0;
this.model = new openerp.web.Model(
model, fixed_group.__context, fixed_group.__domain);
var group_size = fixed_group[grouping_field + '_count'] || fixed_group.__count || 0;
var leaf_group = fixed_group.__context.group_by.length === 0;
this.attributes = {
grouped_on: grouping_field,
// if terminal group (or no group) and group_by_no_leaf => use group.__count
length: group_size,
value: fixed_group[grouping_field],
// A group is open-able if it's not a leaf in group_by_no_leaf mode
has_children: !(leaf_group && fixed_group.__context['group_by_no_leaf']),
aggregates: aggregates
get: function (key) {
return this.attributes[key];
subgroups: function () {
return this.model.query().group_by(this.model.context().group_by);
query: function () {
return this.model.query.apply(this.model, arguments);
openerp.web.DataGroup = openerp.web.OldWidget.extend( /** @lends openerp.web.DataGroup# */{
* Management interface between views and grouped collections of OpenERP
@ -368,181 +461,51 @@ openerp.web.DataGroup = openerp.web.OldWidget.extend( /** @lends openerp.web.Da
init: function(parent, model, domain, context, group_by, level) {
this._super(parent, null);
if (group_by) {
if (group_by.length || context['group_by_no_leaf']) {
return new openerp.web.ContainerDataGroup( this, model, domain, context, group_by, level);
} else {
return new openerp.web.GrouplessDataGroup( this, model, domain, context, level);
this.model = model;
this.model = new openerp.web.Model(model, context, domain);
this.group_by = group_by;
this.context = context;
this.domain = domain;
this.level = level || 0;
cls: 'DataGroup'
openerp.web.ContainerDataGroup = openerp.web.DataGroup.extend( /** @lends openerp.web.ContainerDataGroup# */ {
* @constructs openerp.web.ContainerDataGroup
* @extends openerp.web.DataGroup
* @param session
* @param model
* @param domain
* @param context
* @param group_by
* @param level
init: function (parent, model, domain, context, group_by, level) {
this._super(parent, model, domain, context, null, level);
this.group_by = group_by;
* The format returned by ``read_group`` is absolutely dreadful:
* * A ``__context`` key provides future grouping levels
* * A ``__domain`` key provides the domain for the next search
* * The current grouping value is provided through the name of the
* current grouping name e.g. if currently grouping on ``user_id``, then
* the ``user_id`` value for this group will be provided through the
* ``user_id`` key.
* * Similarly, the number of items in the group (not necessarily direct)
* is provided via ``${current_field}_count``
* * Other aggregate fields are just dumped there
* This function slightly improves the grouping records by:
* * Adding a ``grouped_on`` property providing the current grouping field
* * Adding a ``value`` and a ``length`` properties which replace the
* ``$current_field`` and ``${current_field}_count`` ones
* * Moving aggregate values into an ``aggregates`` property object
* Context and domain keys remain as-is, they should not be used externally
* but in case they're needed...
* @param {Object} group ``read_group`` record
transform_group: function (group) {
var field_name = this.group_by[0];
// In cases where group_by_no_leaf and no group_by, the result of
// read_group has aggregate fields but no __context or __domain.
// Create default (empty) values for those so that things don't break
var fixed_group = _.extend(
{__context: {group_by: []}, __domain: []},
var aggregates = {};
_(fixed_group).each(function (value, key) {
if (key.indexOf('__') === 0
|| key === field_name
|| key === field_name + '_count') {
aggregates[key] = value || 0;
var group_size = fixed_group[field_name + '_count'] || fixed_group.__count || 0;
var leaf_group = fixed_group.__context.group_by.length === 0;
return {
__context: fixed_group.__context,
__domain: fixed_group.__domain,
grouped_on: field_name,
// if terminal group (or no group) and group_by_no_leaf => use group.__count
length: group_size,
value: fixed_group[field_name],
// A group is openable if it's not a leaf in group_by_no_leaf mode
openable: !(leaf_group && this.context['group_by_no_leaf']),
aggregates: aggregates
fetch: function (fields) {
// internal method
var d = new $.Deferred();
var self = this;
this.rpc('/web/group/read', {
model: this.model,
context: this.context,
domain: this.domain,
fields: _.uniq(this.group_by.concat(fields)),
group_by_fields: this.group_by,
sort: openerp.web.serialize_sort(this.sort)
}, function () { }).then(function (response) {
var data_groups = _(response).map(
_.bind(self.transform_group, self));
self.groups = data_groups;
d.resolveWith(self, [data_groups]);
}, function () {
d.rejectWith.apply(d, [self, arguments]);
return d.promise();
* The items of a list have the following properties:
* ``length``
* the number of records contained in the group (and all of its
* sub-groups). This does *not* provide the size of the "next level"
* of the group, unless the group is terminal (no more groups within
* it).
* ``grouped_on``
* the name of the field this level was grouped on, this is mostly
* used for display purposes, in order to know the name of the current
* level of grouping. The ``grouped_on`` should be the same for all
* objects of the list.
* ``value``
* the value which led to this group (this is the value all contained
* records have for the current ``grouped_on`` field name).
* ``aggregates``
* a mapping of other aggregation fields provided by ``read_group``
* @param {Array} fields the list of fields to aggregate in each group, can be empty
* @param {Function} ifGroups function executed if any group is found (DataGroup.group_by is non-null and non-empty), called with a (potentially empty) list of groups as parameters.
* @param {Function} ifRecords function executed if there is no grouping left to perform, called with a DataSet instance as parameter
list: function (fields, ifGroups, ifRecords) {
var self = this;
this.fetch(fields).then(function (group_records) {
ifGroups(_(group_records).map(function (group) {
var child_context = _.extend({}, self.context, group.__context);
.group_by(this.group_by)).then(function (groups) {
if (!groups) {
new openerp.web.DataSetSearch(self, self.model.name),
{domain: self.model.domain(), context: self.model.context(),
_sort: self.sort}));
ifGroups(_(groups).map(function (group) {
var child_context = _.extend(
{}, self.model.context(), group.model.context());
return _.extend(
new openerp.web.DataGroup(
self, self.model, group.__domain,
self, self.model.name, group.model.domain(),
child_context, child_context.group_by,
self.level + 1),
group, {sort: self.sort});
__context: child_context,
__domain: group.model.domain(),
grouped_on: group.get('grouped_on'),
length: group.get('length'),
value: group.get('value'),
openable: group.get('has_children'),
aggregates: group.get('aggregates')
}, {sort: self.sort});
openerp.web.GrouplessDataGroup = openerp.web.DataGroup.extend( /** @lends openerp.web.GrouplessDataGroup# */ {
* @constructs openerp.web.GrouplessDataGroup
* @extends openerp.web.DataGroup
* @param session
* @param model
* @param domain
* @param context
* @param level
init: function (parent, model, domain, context, level) {
this._super(parent, model, domain, context, null, level);
list: function (fields, ifGroups, ifRecords) {
new openerp.web.DataSetSearch(this, this.model),
{domain: this.domain, context: this.context, _sort: this.sort}));
openerp.web.ContainerDataGroup = openerp.web.DataGroup.extend({ });
openerp.web.GrouplessDataGroup = openerp.web.DataGroup.extend({ });
openerp.web.StaticDataGroup = openerp.web.GrouplessDataGroup.extend( /** @lends openerp.web.StaticDataGroup# */ {
* A specialization of groupless data groups, relying on a single static

View File

@ -12,6 +12,51 @@ and removes most stateful behavior of DataSet.
Migration guide
* Actual arbitrary RPC calls can just be remapped on a
:js:class:`~openerp.web.Model` instance:
.. code-block:: javascript
dataset.call(method, args)
.. code-block:: javascript
dataset.call_and_eval(method, args)
can be replaced by calls to :js:func:`openerp.web.Model.call`:
.. code-block:: javascript
model.call(method, args)
If callbacks are passed directly to the older methods, they need to
be added to the new one via ``.then()``.
.. note::
The ``context_index`` and ``domain_index`` features were not
ported, context and domain now need to be passed in "in full",
they won't be automatically filled with the user's current
* Shorcut methods (``name_get``, ``name_search``, ``unlink``,
``write``, ...) should be ported to
:js:func:`openerp.web.Model.call`, using the server's original
signature. On the other hand, the non-shortcut equivalents can now
use keyword arguments (see :js:func:`~openerp.web.Model.call`'s
signature for details)
* ``read_slice``, which allowed a single round-trip to perform a
search and a read, should be reimplemented via
:js:class:`~openerp.web.Query` objects (see:
:js:func:`~openerp.web.Model.query`) for clearer and simpler
code. ``read_index`` should be replaced by a
:js:class:`~openerp.web.Query` as well, combining
:js:func:`~openerp.web.Query.offset` and
@ -35,3 +80,29 @@ API simplification
a restricted Python evaluator (in javascript) meaning most of the
context and domain parsing & evaluation can be moved to the
javascript code and does not require cooperative RPC bridging.
DataGroup -> also Model
Alongside the deprecation of ``DataSet`` for
:js:class:`~openerp.web.Model`, OpenERP Web 6.2 also deprecates
``DataGroup`` and its subtypes in favor of a single method on
Migration guide
While the ``DataGroup`` API worked (mostly), it is quite odd and
alien-looking, a bit too Smalltalk-inspired (behaves like a
self-contained flow-control structure for reasons which may or may not
have been good).
Because it is heavily related to ``DataSet`` (as it *yields*
``DataSet`` objects), deprecating ``DataSet`` automatically deprecates
``DataGroup`` (if we want to stay consistent), which is a good time to
make the API more imperative and look more like what most developers
are used to.

View File

@ -128,6 +128,17 @@ around and use them differently/add new specifications on them.
:rtype: Deferred<Number>
.. js:function:: openerp.web.Query.group_by(grouping...)
Fetches the groups for the query, using the first specified
grouping parameter
:param Array<String> grouping: Lists the levels of grouping
asked of the server. Grouping
can actually be an array or
:rtype: Deferred<Array<openerp.web.Group>> | null
The second set of methods is the "mutator" methods, they create a
**new** :js:class:`~openerp.web.Query` object with the relevant
(internal) attribute either augmented or replaced.
@ -170,6 +181,65 @@ around and use them differently/add new specifications on them.
(``?`` field) and the inability to "drill down" into relations
for sorting.
Aggregation (grouping)
OpenERP has powerful grouping capacities, but they are kind-of strange
in that they're recursive, and level n+1 relies on data provided
directly by the grouping at level n. As a result, while ``read_group``
works it's not a very intuitive API.
OpenERP Web 6.2 eschews direct calls to ``read_group`` in favor of
calling a method of :js:class:`~openerp.web.Query`, `much in the way
it is one in SQLAlchemy
<http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/orm/query.html#sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.group_by>`_ [#]_:
.. code-block:: javascript
some_query.group_by(['field1', 'field2']).then(function (groups) {
// do things with the fetched groups
This method is asynchronous when provided with 1..n fields (to group
on) as argument, but it can also be called without any field (empty
fields collection or nothing at all). In this case, instead of
returning a Deferred object it will return ``null``.
When grouping criterion come from a third-party and may or may not
list fields (e.g. could be an empty list), this provides two ways to
test the presence of actual subgroups (versus the need to perform a
regular query for records):
* A check on ``group_by``'s result and two completely separate code
.. code-block:: javascript
var groups;
if (groups = some_query.group_by(gby)) {
groups.then(function (gs) {
// groups
// no groups
* Or a more coherent code path using :js:func:`when`'s ability to
coerce values into deferreds:
.. code-block:: javascript
$.when(some_query.group_by(gby)).then(function (groups) {
if (!groups) {
// No grouping
} else {
// grouping, even if there are no groups (groups
// itself could be an empty array)
The result of a (successful) :js:func:`~openerp.web.Query.group_by` is
an array of :js:class:`~openerp.web.data.Group`.
Synchronizing views (provisional)
@ -268,5 +338,8 @@ For instance, to call the ``eval_domain_and_context`` of the
// handle result
.. [#] with a small twist: SQLAlchemy's ``orm.query.Query.group_by``
is not terminal, it returns a query which can still be altered.
.. [#] except for ``context``, which is extracted and stored in the
request object itself.