[MERGE] Forwardport of 6.1 changes to project_issue working hours to open/close computations and corrections to the issue analysis report

bzr revid: cbi@openerp.com-20130321150817-5dr6gyo6yv42fyoh
This commit is contained in:
Chris Biersbach 2013-03-21 16:08:17 +01:00
commit 94814833d4
3 changed files with 123 additions and 62 deletions

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@ -137,6 +137,13 @@ class project_issue(base_stage, osv.osv):
res = {}
for issue in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
# if the working hours on the project are not defined, use default ones (8 -> 12 and 13 -> 17 * 5), represented by None
if not issue.project_id or not issue.project_id.resource_calendar_id:
working_hours = None
working_hours = issue.project_id.resource_calendar_id.id
res[issue.id] = {}
for field in fields:
duration = 0
@ -150,20 +157,24 @@ class project_issue(base_stage, osv.osv):
ans = date_open - date_create
date_until = issue.date_open
#Calculating no. of working hours to open the issue
if issue.project_id.resource_calendar_id:
hours = cal_obj.interval_hours_get(cr, uid, issue.project_id.resource_calendar_id.id,
hours = cal_obj._interval_hours_get(cr, uid, working_hours,
timezone_from_uid=issue.user_id.id or uid,
elif field in ['working_hours_close','day_close']:
if issue.date_closed:
date_close = datetime.strptime(issue.date_closed, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
date_until = issue.date_closed
ans = date_close - date_create
#Calculating no. of working hours to close the issue
if issue.project_id.resource_calendar_id:
hours = cal_obj.interval_hours_get(cr, uid, issue.project_id.resource_calendar_id.id,
hours = cal_obj._interval_hours_get(cr, uid, working_hours,
timezone_from_uid=issue.user_id.id or uid,
elif field in ['days_since_creation']:
if issue.create_date:
days_since_creation = datetime.today() - datetime.strptime(issue.create_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
@ -182,27 +193,12 @@ class project_issue(base_stage, osv.osv):
resource_ids = res_obj.search(cr, uid, [('user_id','=',issue.user_id.id)])
if resource_ids and len(resource_ids):
resource_id = resource_ids[0]
duration = float(ans.days)
if issue.project_id and issue.project_id.resource_calendar_id:
duration = float(ans.days) * 24
new_dates = cal_obj.interval_min_get(cr, uid,
duration, resource=resource_id)
no_days = []
date_until = datetime.strptime(date_until, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
for in_time, out_time in new_dates:
if in_time.date not in no_days:
if out_time > date_until:
duration = len(no_days)
duration = float(ans.days) + float(ans.seconds)/(24*3600)
if field in ['working_hours_open','working_hours_close']:
res[issue.id][field] = hours
res[issue.id][field] = abs(float(duration))
elif field in ['day_open','day_close']:
res[issue.id][field] = duration
return res

View File

@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ class project_issue_report(osv.osv):
'project_id':fields.many2one('project.project', 'Project',readonly=True),
'version_id': fields.many2one('project.issue.version', 'Version'),
'user_id' : fields.many2one('res.users', 'Assigned to',readonly=True),
'partner_id': fields.many2one('res.partner','Contact',domain="[('object_id.model', '=', 'project.issue')]"),
'partner_id': fields.many2one('res.partner','Contact'),
'channel_id': fields.many2one('crm.case.channel', 'Channel',readonly=True),
'task_id': fields.many2one('project.task', 'Task',domain="[('object_id.model', '=', 'project.issue')]" ),
'task_id': fields.many2one('project.task', 'Task'),
'email': fields.integer('# Emails', size=128, readonly=True),
@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ class project_issue_report(osv.osv):
date_trunc('day',c.create_date) as create_date,
extract('epoch' from (c.date_open-c.create_date))/(3600*24) as delay_open,
extract('epoch' from (c.date_closed-c.date_open))/(3600*24) as delay_close,
c.day_open as delay_open,
c.day_close as delay_close,
(SELECT count(id) FROM mail_message WHERE model='project.issue' AND res_id=c.id) AS email

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@ -19,7 +19,9 @@
import pytz
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from dateutil import rrule
import math
from faces import *
from openerp.osv import fields, osv
@ -212,45 +214,108 @@ class resource_calendar(osv.osv):
@return : Total number of working hours based dt_from and dt_end and
resource if supplied.
if not id:
return 0.0
dt_leave = self._get_leaves(cr, uid, id, resource)
hours = 0.0
return self._interval_hours_get(cr, uid, id, dt_from, dt_to, resource_id=resource)
current_hour = dt_from.hour
def _interval_hours_get(self, cr, uid, id, dt_from, dt_to, resource_id=False, timezone_from_uid=None, exclude_leaves=True, context=None):
""" Calculates the Total Working hours based on given start_date to
end_date, If resource id is supplied that it will consider the source
leaves also in calculating the hours.
while (dt_from <= dt_to):
cr.execute("select hour_from,hour_to from resource_calendar_attendance where dayofweek='%s' and calendar_id=%s order by hour_from", (dt_from.weekday(),id))
der = cr.fetchall()
for (hour_from,hour_to) in der:
if hours != 0.0:#For first time of the loop only,hours will be 0
current_hour = hour_from
leave_flag = False
if (hour_to>=current_hour):
dt_check = dt_from.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
for leave in dt_leave:
if dt_check == leave:
dt_check = datetime.strptime(dt_check, "%Y-%m-%d") + timedelta(days=1)
leave_flag = True
@param dt_from : date start to calculate hours
@param dt_end : date end to calculate hours
@param resource_id: optional resource id, If given resource leave will be
@param timezone_from_uid: optional uid, if given we will considerer
working hours in that user timezone
@param exclude_leaves: optionnal, if set to True (default) we will exclude
resource leaves from working hours
@param context: current request context
@return : Total number of working hours based dt_from and dt_end and
resource if supplied.
utc_tz = pytz.timezone('UTC')
local_tz = utc_tz
if leave_flag:
d1 = dt_from
d2 = datetime(dt_from.year, dt_from.month, dt_from.day, int(math.floor(hour_to)), int((hour_to%1) * 60))
if timezone_from_uid:
users_obj = self.pool.get('res.users')
user_timezone = users_obj.browse(cr, uid, timezone_from_uid, context=context).partner_id.tz
if user_timezone:
local_tz = pytz.timezone(user_timezone)
except pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError:
pass # fallback to UTC as local timezone
if hours != 0.0:#For first time of the loop only,hours will be 0
d1 = datetime(dt_from.year, dt_from.month, dt_from.day, int(math.floor(current_hour)), int((current_hour%1) * 60))
def utc_to_local_zone(naive_datetime):
utc_dt = utc_tz.localize(naive_datetime, is_dst=False)
return utc_dt.astimezone(local_tz)
if dt_from.day == dt_to.day:
if hour_from <= dt_to.hour <= hour_to:
d2 = dt_to
dt_from = d2
hours += (d2-d1).seconds
dt_from = datetime(dt_from.year, dt_from.month, dt_from.day, int(math.floor(current_hour)), int((current_hour%1) * 60)) + timedelta(days=1)
current_hour = 0.0
def float_time_convert(float_val):
factor = float_val < 0 and -1 or 1
val = abs(float_val)
return (factor * int(math.floor(val)), int(round((val % 1) * 60)))
return (hours/3600)
# Get slots hours per day
# {day_of_week: [(8, 12), (13, 17), ...], ...}
hours_range_per_weekday = {}
if id:
cr.execute("select dayofweek, hour_from,hour_to from resource_calendar_attendance where calendar_id=%s order by hour_from", (id,))
for weekday, hour_from, hour_to in cr.fetchall():
weekday = int(weekday)
hours_range_per_weekday.setdefault(weekday, [])
hours_range_per_weekday[weekday].append((hour_from, hour_to))
# considering default working hours (Monday -> Friday, 8 -> 12, 13 -> 17)
for weekday in range(5):
hours_range_per_weekday[weekday] = [(8, 12), (13, 17)]
## Interval between dt_from - dt_to
## dt_from dt_to
## =============|==================|============
## [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ]
## [ : start of range
## ] : end of range
## case 1: range end before interval start (skip)
## case 2: range overlap interval start (fit start to internal)
## case 3: range within interval
## case 4: range overlap interval end (fit end to interval)
## case 5: range start after interval end (skip)
interval_start = utc_to_local_zone(dt_from)
interval_end = utc_to_local_zone(dt_to)
hours_timedelta = timedelta()
# Get leaves for requested resource
dt_leaves = set([])
if exclude_leaves and id:
dt_leaves = set(self._get_leaves(cr, uid, id, resource=resource_id))
for day in rrule.rrule(rrule.DAILY, dtstart=interval_start,
if exclude_leaves and day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') in dt_leaves:
# XXX: futher improve leave management to allow for partial day leave
for (range_from, range_to) in hours_range_per_weekday.get(day.weekday(), []):
range_from_hour, range_from_min = float_time_convert(range_from)
range_to_hour, range_to_min = float_time_convert(range_to)
daytime_start = local_tz.localize(day.replace(hour=range_from_hour, minute=range_from_min, second=0, tzinfo=None))
daytime_end = local_tz.localize(day.replace(hour=range_to_hour, minute=range_to_min, second=0, tzinfo=None))
# case 1 & 5: time range out of interval
if daytime_end < interval_start or daytime_start > interval_end:
# case 2 & 4: adjust start, end to fit within interval
daytime_start = max(daytime_start, interval_start)
daytime_end = min(daytime_end, interval_end)
# case 2+, 4+, 3
hours_timedelta += (daytime_end - daytime_start)
# return timedelta converted to hours
return (hours_timedelta.days * 24.0 + hours_timedelta.seconds / 3600.0)