Updated script

bzr revid: fp@tinyerp.com-b1c176752968c00ebf6b1d21029ecb132e401810
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Fabien Pinckaers 2007-08-14 07:44:48 +00:00
parent e8a178bf0a
commit 79586ba0b3
1 changed files with 28 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# Copyright (c) 2004 TINY SPRL. (http://tiny.be) All Rights Reserved.
@ -65,38 +66,42 @@ def wait(id):
progress,users = sock2.get_progress(admin_passwd, id)
return True
def wizard_run(wizname, fieldvalues={}, endstate='end'):
wiz_id = sock4.create(dbname, uid, 'admin', wizname)
state = 'init'
datas = {'form':{}}
while state!=endstate:
res = sock4.execute(dbname, uid, 'admin', wiz_id, datas, state, {})
if 'datas' in res:
datas['form'].update( res['datas'] )
if res['type']=='form':
for field in res['fields'].keys():
datas['form'][field] = res['fields'][field].get('value', False)
state = res['state'][-1][0]
elif res['type']=='state':
state = res['state']
return True
for demo in demos:
for lang in langs:
print 'Testing Language', lang, 'with demo', demo, '...'
for l10n in l10n_charts:
print '\tTesting localisation', l10n, '...'
print 'Testing localisation', l10n, '...'
for prof in profiles:
print '\t\tTesting profile', prof, '...'
print '\tTesting profile', prof, '...'
id = sock2.create(admin_passwd, dbname, demo, lang)
print 'Creating DB', id
uid = sock3.login(dbname, 'admin','admin')
idprof = sock.execute(dbname, uid, 'admin', 'ir.module.module', 'search', [('name','=',prof)])
idl10n = sock.execute(dbname, uid, 'admin', 'ir.module.module', 'search', [('name','=',l10n)])
wiz_id = sock4.create(dbname, uid, 'admin', 'base_setup.base_setup')
state = 'init'
datas = {'form':{}}
while state!='menu':
res = sock4.execute(dbname, uid, 'admin', wiz_id, datas, state, {})
if 'datas' in res:
datas['form'].update( res['datas'] )
if res['type']=='form':
for field in res['fields'].keys():
datas['form'][field] = res['fields'][field].get('value', False)
state = res['state'][-1][0]
'profile': idprof[0],
'charts': idl10n[0],
elif res['type']=='state':
state = res['state']
sock.execute(dbname, uid, 'admin', 'res.partner', 'search', [])
wizard_run('base_setup.base_setup', {
'profile': idprof[0],
'charts': idl10n[0],
}, 'menu')
for lang in langs:
print '\t\tTesting Language', lang, '...'
wizard_run('module.lang.install', {'lang': lang})
ok = False
range = 4
while (not ok) and range: