[IMP] sass2scss taken from ~cto-openerp/+junk/sass2scss with minor cleanups

bzr revid: al@openerp.com-20120223234806-8tg83pph08dsvqie
This commit is contained in:
Antony Lesuisse 2012-02-24 00:48:06 +01:00
parent 86cb69e9f9
commit 73becbfe0b
1 changed files with 51 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -113,6 +113,57 @@ html_template = """<!DOCTYPE html>
def sass2scss(src):
# Validated by diff -u of sass2scss against:
# sass-convert -F sass -T scss openerp.sass openerp.scss
block = []
sass = ('', block)
reComment = re.compile(r'//.*$')
reIndent = re.compile(r'^\s+')
reIgnore = re.compile(r'^\s*(//.*)?$')
reFixes = { re.compile(r'\(\((.*)\)\)') : r'(\1)', }
lastLevel = 0
prevBlocks = {}
for l in src.split('\n'):
l = l.rstrip()
if reIgnore.search(l): continue
l = reComment.sub('', l)
l = l.rstrip()
indent = reIndent.match(l)
level = indent.end() if indent else 0
l = l[level:]
if level>lastLevel:
prevBlocks[lastLevel] = block
newBlock = []
block[-1] = (block[-1], newBlock)
block = newBlock
elif level<lastLevel:
block = prevBlocks[level]
lastLevel = level
if not l: continue
# Fixes
for ereg, repl in reFixes.items():
l = ereg.sub(repl if type(repl)==str else repl(), l)
def write(sass, level=-1):
out = ""
indent = ' '*level
if type(sass)==tuple:
if level>=0:
out += indent+sass[0]+" {\n"
for e in sass[1]:
out += write(e, level+1)
if level>=0:
out = out.rstrip(" \n")
out += ' }\n'
if level==0:
out += "\n"
out += indent+sass+";\n"
return out
return write(sass)
class WebClient(openerpweb.Controller):
_cp_path = "/web/webclient"