[FIX]CODA Handle IBAN, spaced and '-' bank account. Fix Journal_id not set in bank account

bzr revid: dle@openerp.com-20121218112745-yfell4wt9vx10kqk
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dle@openerp.com 2012-12-18 12:27:45 +01:00
commit 70e0d2860c
1 changed files with 18 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -90,19 +90,30 @@ class account_coda_import(osv.osv_memory):
raise osv.except_osv(_('Error') + ' R1002', _('Foreign bank accounts with IBAN structure are not supported '))
else: # Something else, not supported
raise osv.except_osv(_('Error') + ' R1003', _('Unsupported bank account structure '))
bank_ids = self.pool.get('res.partner.bank').search(cr, uid, [('acc_number', '=', statement['acc_number'])])
not_found_except = osv.except_osv(_('Error') + ' R1004', _("No matching Bank Account.\n\nPlease set-up a Bank Account with as Account Number '%s' and as Currency '%s'.") % (statement['acc_number'], statement['currency']))
statement['journal_id'] = False
statement['bank_account'] = False
# Belgian Account Numbers are composed of 12 digits.
# In OpenERP, the user can fill the bank number in any format: With or without IBan code, with or without spaces, with or without '-'
# The two following sql requests handle those cases.
if len(statement['acc_number']) >= 12:
# If the Account Number is >= 12 digits, it is mostlikely a Belgian Account Number (With or without IBAN).
# The following request try to find the Account Number using a 'like' operator.
# So, if the Account Number is stored with IBAN code, it can be found thanks to this.
cr.execute("select id from res_partner_bank where replace(replace(acc_number,' ',''),'-','') like %s", ('%' + statement['acc_number'] + '%',))
# This case is necessary to avoid cases like the Account Number in the CODA file is set to a single or few digits,
# and so a 'like' operator would return the first account number in the database which matches.
cr.execute("select id from res_partner_bank where replace(replace(acc_number,' ',''),'-','') = %s", (statement['acc_number'],))
bank_ids = [id[0] for id in cr.fetchall()]
if bank_ids and len(bank_ids) > 0:
bank_accs = self.pool.get('res.partner.bank').browse(cr, uid, bank_ids)
for bank_acc in bank_accs:
if (bank_acc.journal_id.currency and bank_acc.journal_id.currency.name != statement['currency']) and (not bank_acc.journal_id.currency and bank_acc.journal_id.company_id.currency_id.name != statement['currency']):
raise not_found_except
if not (bank_acc.journal_id and (bank_acc.journal_id.currency and bank_acc.journal_id.currency.name != statement['currency']) and (not bank_acc.journal_id.currency and bank_acc.journal_id.company_id.currency_id.name != statement['currency'])):
statement['journal_id'] = bank_acc.journal_id
statement['bank_account'] = bank_acc
raise not_found_except
if statement['bank_account'] == False:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Error') + ' R1004', _("No matching Bank Account (with Account Journal) found.\n\nPlease set-up a Bank Account with as Account Number '%s' and as Currency '%s' and an Account Journal.") % (statement['acc_number'], statement['currency']))
statement['description'] = rmspaces(line[90:125])
statement['balance_start'] = float(rmspaces(line[43:58])) / 1000
statement['balance_start_date'] = time.strftime(tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT, time.strptime(rmspaces(line[58:64]), '%d%m%y'))