[IMP] Add some comments for pack ops

bzr revid: jco@openerp.com-20130930090437-ccamo5iei8otau4i
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Josse Colpaert 2013-09-30 11:04:37 +02:00
parent 304b23e93a
commit 63bc83cefa
1 changed files with 16 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
def _reserve_quants_ops_move(self, cr, uid, ops, move, qty, create=False, context=None):
Will return the quantity that got reserved
Will return the quantity that could not be reserved
quant_obj = self.pool.get("stock.quant")
op_obj = self.pool.get("stock.pack.operation")
@ -829,7 +829,7 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
return 0
#Quants get
prefered_order = "reservation_id IS NOT NULL"
prefered_order = "reservation_id IS NOT NULL" #TODO: reservation_id as such might work
dom = op_obj._get_domain(cr, uid, ops, context=context)
dom = dom + [('reservation_id', 'not in', [x.id for x in move.picking_id.move_lines])]
quants = quant_obj.quants_get(cr, uid, move.location_id, move.product_id, qty, domain=dom, prefered_order=prefered_order, context=context)
@ -842,19 +842,13 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
return res_qty
# TODO:rereserve should be improved for giving negative quants when a certain lot is not there
# (Suppose you have a pack op for 20 lot B and lot B does not have any quants in the source location
# and could be used also instead of do_split
def rereserve(self, cr, uid, picking_ids, create=False, context=None):
This will unreserve all products and reserve the quants from the operations
:return: Tuple (res, res2)
This will unreserve all products and reserve the quants from the operations again
:return: Tuple (res, res2, resneg)
res: dictionary of ops with quantity that could not be processed matching ops and moves
res2: dictionary of moves with quantity that could not be processed
resneg: the negative quants to be created: resneg[move][ops] gives negative quant to be created (TODO:)
res2: dictionary of moves with quantity that could not be processed matching ops and moves
resneg: the negative quants to be created: resneg[move][ops] gives negative quant to be created
tuple of dictionary with quantities of quant operation and product that can not be matched between ops and moves
and dictionary with remaining values on moves
@ -865,7 +859,7 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
pack_obj = self.pool.get("stock.quant.package")
res = {} # Qty still to do from ops
res2 = {} #what is left from moves
resneg= {} #Number of negative quants to create for move : op
resneg= {} #Number of negative quants to create for move/op
for picking in self.browse(cr, uid, picking_ids, context=context):
products_moves = {}
# unreserve everything and initialize res2
@ -877,16 +871,15 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
products_moves.setdefault(move.product_id.id, []).append(move)
# Resort pack_operation_ids
# Resort pack_operation_ids such that package transfers happen first and then the most specific operations from the product
orderedpackops = picking.pack_operation_ids
#Sort packing operations such that only transferring packages happens first and then packing operations with most specific information
orderedpackops.sort(key = lambda x: ((x.package_id and not x.product_id) and -3 or 0) + (x.package_id and -1 or 0) + (x.lot_id and -1 or 0))
for ops in orderedpackops:
#Find moves that correspond
#If a product is specified in the ops, search for appropriate quants
if ops.product_id:
#TODO: Should have order such that things with lots and packings are searched first
# Match with moves
move_ids = ops.product_id.id in products_moves and filter(lambda x: res2[x.id] > 0, products_moves[ops.product_id.id]) or []
qty_to_do = ops.product_qty
while qty_to_do > 0 and move_ids:
@ -904,10 +897,12 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
res2[move.id] -= qty
res[ops.id] = {}
res[ops.id][ops.product_id.id] = qty_to_do
# In case only a package is specified, take all the quants from the package
elif ops.package_id:
quants = quant_obj.browse(cr, uid, pack_obj.get_content(cr, uid, [ops.package_id.id], context=context))
quants = [x for x in quants if x.qty > 0] #Negative quants should not be moved
for quant in quants:
# Match with moves
move_ids = quant.product_id.id in products_moves and filter(lambda x: res2[x.id] > 0, products_moves[quant.product_id.id]) or []
qty_to_do = quant.qty
while qty_to_do > 0 and move_ids:
@ -928,7 +923,7 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
def do_partial(self, cr, uid, picking_ids, context=None):
If no pack operation, we close the whole move
If no pack operation, we do simple action_done of the picking
Otherwise, do the pack operations
if not context:
@ -939,8 +934,9 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
self.action_done(cr, uid, [picking.id], context=context)
#First thing that needs to happen is rereserving the quants
res = self.rereserve(cr, uid, [picking.id], create = True, context = context) #This time, quants need to be created
# Rereserve quants
# TODO: quants could have been created already in Supplier, so create parameter could disappear
res = self.rereserve(cr, uid, [picking.id], create = True, context = context) #This time, quants need to be created
resneg = res[2]
orig_moves = picking.move_lines
orig_qtys = {}