[MERGE] forward port of branch 7.0 up to cb29f9e

This commit is contained in:
Christophe Simonis 2015-07-29 12:07:34 +02:00
commit 5c7190c93f
3 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -881,7 +881,7 @@ class calendar_event(osv.Model):
'allday': fields.boolean('All Day', states={'done': [('readonly', True)]}),
'user_id': fields.many2one('res.users', 'Responsible', states={'done': [('readonly', True)]}),
'color_partner_id': fields.related('user_id', 'partner_id', 'id', type="integer", string="colorize", store=False), # Color of creator
'active': fields.boolean('Active', help="If the active field is set to true, it will allow you to hide the event alarm information without removing it."),
'active': fields.boolean('Active', help="If the active field is set to false, it will allow you to hide the event alarm information without removing it."),
'categ_ids': fields.many2many('calendar.event.type', 'meeting_category_rel', 'event_id', 'type_id', 'Tags'),
'attendee_ids': fields.one2many('calendar.attendee', 'event_id', 'Attendees', ondelete='cascade'),
'partner_ids': fields.many2many('res.partner', string='Attendees', states={'done': [('readonly', True)]}),

View File

@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ class crm_case_section(osv.osv):
'complete_name': fields.function(get_full_name, type='char', size=256, readonly=True, store=True),
'code': fields.char('Code', size=8),
'active': fields.boolean('Active', help="If the active field is set to "\
"true, it will allow you to hide the sales team without removing it."),
"false, it will allow you to hide the sales team without removing it."),
'change_responsible': fields.boolean('Reassign Escalated', help="When escalating to this team override the salesman with the team leader."),
'user_id': fields.many2one('res.users', 'Team Leader'),
'member_ids': fields.many2many('res.users', 'sale_member_rel', 'section_id', 'member_id', 'Team Members'),

View File

@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ class module(osv.osv):
ir_model_data = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')
modules_to_remove = [m.name for m in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context)]
ir_model_data._module_data_uninstall(cr, uid, modules_to_remove, context)
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state': 'uninstalled'})
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state': 'uninstalled', 'latest_version': False})
return True
def downstream_dependencies(self, cr, uid, ids, known_dep_ids=None,