[FIX] Security fixes for sql injections

bzr revid: jma@tinyerp.com-20100610133419-fwbc1xp0xoq77n90
This commit is contained in:
JMA (OpenERP) 2010-06-10 19:04:19 +05:30
parent a4d86b14fe
commit 4cf1362e3b
61 changed files with 573 additions and 702 deletions

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
import time
from operator import itemgetter
import netsvc
from osv import fields, osv
@ -33,6 +34,25 @@ from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from tools import config
def check_cycle(self, cr, uid, ids):
""" climbs the ``self._table.parent_id`` chains for 100 levels or
until it can't find any more parent(s)
Returns true if it runs out of parents (no cycle), false if
it can recurse 100 times without ending all chains
level = 100
while len(ids):
cr.execute('SELECT DISTINCT parent_id '\
'FROM '+self._table+' '\
'WHERE id IN %s '\
'AND parent_id IS NOT NULL',(tuple(ids),))
ids = map(itemgetter(0), cr.fetchall())
if not level:
return False
level -= 1
return True
class account_payment_term(osv.osv):
_name = "account.payment.term"
_description = "Payment Term"
@ -170,6 +190,7 @@ class account_account(osv.osv):
_name = "account.account"
_description = "Account"
_parent_store = True
logger = netsvc.Logger()
def _get_children_and_consol(self, cr, uid, ids, context={}):
@ -228,66 +249,88 @@ class account_account(osv.osv):
if ids3:
ids3 = self._get_children_and_consol(cr, uid, ids3, context)
return ids2 + ids3
def __compute(self, cr, uid, ids, field_names, arg, context={}, query=''):
#compute the balance/debit/credit accordingly to the value of field_name for the given account ids
mapping = {
'balance': "COALESCE(SUM(l.debit),0) - COALESCE(SUM(l.credit), 0) as balance ",
'debit': "COALESCE(SUM(l.debit), 0) as debit ",
'credit': "COALESCE(SUM(l.credit), 0) as credit "
#get all the necessary accounts
ids2 = self._get_children_and_consol(cr, uid, ids, context)
#compute for each account the balance/debit/credit from the move lines
accounts = {}
if ids2:
aml_query = self.pool.get('account.move.line')._query_get(cr, uid, context=context)
wheres = [""]
if query.strip():
if aml_query.strip():
query = " AND ".join(wheres)
cr.execute("SELECT l.account_id as id, " +\
' , '.join(map(lambda x: mapping[x], field_names)) +
"FROM " \
"account_move_line l " \
"WHERE " \
"l.account_id =ANY(%s) " \
+ query +
" GROUP BY l.account_id",(ids2,))
for res in cr.dictfetchall():
accounts[res['id']] = res
# consolidate accounts with direct children
brs = list(self.browse(cr, uid, ids2, context=context))
sums = {}
while brs:
current = brs[0]
can_compute = True
for child in current.child_id:
if child.id not in sums:
can_compute = False
brs.insert(0, brs.pop(brs.index(child)))
except ValueError:
brs.insert(0, child)
if can_compute:
for fn in field_names:
sums.setdefault(current.id, {})[fn] = accounts.get(current.id, {}).get(fn, 0.0)
if current.child_id:
sums[current.id][fn] += sum(sums[child.id][fn] for child in current.child_id)
res = {}
null_result = dict((fn, 0.0) for fn in field_names)
for id in ids:
res[id] = sums.get(id, null_result)
return res
def __compute(self, cr, uid, ids, field_names, arg=None, context=None,
query='', query_params=()):
""" compute the balance, debit and/or credit for the provided
account ids
`ids`: account ids
`field_names`: the fields to compute (a list of any of
'balance', 'debit' and 'credit')
`arg`: unused fields.function stuff
`query`: additional query filter (as a string)
`query_params`: parameters for the provided query string
(__compute will handle their escaping) as a
mapping = {
'balance': "COALESCE(SUM(l.debit),0) " \
"- COALESCE(SUM(l.credit), 0) as balance",
'debit': "COALESCE(SUM(l.debit), 0) as debit",
'credit': "COALESCE(SUM(l.credit), 0) as credit"
#get all the necessary accounts
children_and_consolidated = self._get_children_and_consol(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
#compute for each account the balance/debit/credit from the move lines
accounts = {}
if children_and_consolidated:
aml_query = self.pool.get('account.move.line')._query_get(cr, uid, context=context)
wheres = [""]
if query.strip():
if aml_query.strip():
filters = " AND ".join(wheres)
self.logger.notifyChannel('addons.'+self._name, netsvc.LOG_DEBUG,
'Filters: %s'%filters)
# IN might not work ideally in case there are too many
# children_and_consolidated, in that case join on a
# values() e.g.:
# SELECT l.account_id as id FROM account_move_line l
# INNER JOIN (VALUES (id1), (id2), (id3), ...) AS tmp (id)
# ON l.account_id = tmp.id
# or make _get_children_and_consol return a query and join on that
request = ("SELECT l.account_id as id, " +\
' , '.join(map(mapping.__getitem__, field_names)) +
" FROM account_move_line l" \
" WHERE l.account_id IN %s " \
+ filters +
" GROUP BY l.account_id")
params = (tuple(children_and_consolidated),) + query_params
cr.execute(request, params)
self.logger.notifyChannel('addons.'+self._name, netsvc.LOG_DEBUG,
'Status: %s'%cr.statusmessage)
for res in cr.dictfetchall():
accounts[res['id']] = res
# consolidate accounts with direct children
brs = list(self.browse(cr, uid, children_and_consolidated, context=context))
sums = {}
while brs:
current = brs[0]
can_compute = True
for child in current.child_id:
if child.id not in sums:
can_compute = False
brs.insert(0, brs.pop(brs.index(child)))
except ValueError:
brs.insert(0, child)
if can_compute:
for fn in field_names:
sums.setdefault(current.id, {})[fn] = accounts.get(current.id, {}).get(fn, 0.0)
if current.child_id:
sums[current.id][fn] += sum(sums[child.id][fn] for child in current.child_id)
res = {}
null_result = dict((fn, 0.0) for fn in field_names)
for id in ids:
res[id] = sums.get(id, null_result)
return res
def _get_company_currency(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context={}):
result = {}
@ -392,8 +435,10 @@ class account_account(osv.osv):
if (obj_self in obj_self.child_consol_ids) or (p_id and (p_id is obj_self.id)):
return False
cr.execute('select distinct child_id from account_account_consol_rel where parent_id =ANY(%s)',(ids,))
child_ids = filter(None, map(lambda x: x[0], cr.fetchall()))
cr.execute('SELECT DISTINCT child_id '\
'FROM account_account_consol_rel '\
'WHERE parent_id IN %s', (tuple(ids),))
child_ids = map(itemgetter(0), cr.fetchall())
c_ids = child_ids
if (p_id and (p_id in c_ids)) or (obj_self.id in c_ids):
return False
@ -883,7 +928,10 @@ class account_move(osv.osv):
def _amount_compute(self, cr, uid, ids, name, args, context, where =''):
if not ids: return {}
cr.execute('select move_id,sum(debit) from account_move_line where move_id =ANY(%s) group by move_id',(ids,))
cr.execute( 'SELECT move_id, SUM(debit) '\
'FROM account_move_line '\
'WHERE move_id IN %s '\
'GROUP BY move_id', (tuple(ids),))
result = dict(cr.fetchall())
for id in ids:
result.setdefault(id, 0.0)
@ -982,7 +1030,10 @@ class account_move(osv.osv):
if new_name:
self.write(cr, uid, [move.id], {'name':new_name})
cr.execute('update account_move set state=%s where id =ANY(%s) ',('posted',ids,))
cr.execute('UPDATE account_move '\
'SET state=%s '\
'WHERE id IN %s',
('posted', tuple(ids),))
raise osv.except_osv(_('Integrity Error !'), _('You can not validate a non-balanced entry !\nMake sure you have configured Payment Term properly !\nIt should contain atleast one Payment Term Line with type "Balance" !'))
return True
@ -995,7 +1046,9 @@ class account_move(osv.osv):
if not line.journal_id.update_posted:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Error !'), _('You can not modify a posted entry of this journal !\nYou should set the journal to allow cancelling entries if you want to do that.'))
if len(ids):
cr.execute('update account_move set state=%s where id =ANY(%s)',('draft',ids,))
cr.execute('UPDATE account_move '\
'SET state=%s '\
'WHERE id IN %s', ('draft', tuple(ids),))
return True
def write(self, cr, uid, ids, vals, context={}):
@ -1114,7 +1167,10 @@ class account_move(osv.osv):
line_id2 = 0
cr.execute('select sum('+mode+') from account_move_line where move_id=%s and id<>%s', (move.id, line_id2))
cr.execute('SELECT SUM(%s) '\
'FROM account_move_line '\
'WHERE move_id=%s AND id<>%s',
(mode, move.id, line_id2))
result = cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
cr.execute('update account_move_line set '+mode2+'=%s where id=%s', (result, line_id))
return True
@ -1268,24 +1324,26 @@ class account_tax_code(osv.osv):
This code is used for some tax declarations.
def _sum(self, cr, uid, ids, name, args, context, where =''):
ids2 = self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)])
def _sum(self, cr, uid, ids, name, args, context,where ='', where_params=()):
parent_ids = tuple(self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)]))
if context.get('based_on', 'invoices') == 'payments':
cr.execute('SELECT line.tax_code_id, sum(line.tax_amount) \
FROM account_move_line AS line, \
account_move AS move \
LEFT JOIN account_invoice invoice ON \
(invoice.move_id = move.id) \
WHERE line.tax_code_id =ANY(%s) '+where+' \
WHERE line.tax_code_id in %s '+where+' \
AND move.id = line.move_id \
AND ((invoice.state = \'paid\') \
OR (invoice.id IS NULL)) \
GROUP BY line.tax_code_id',(ids2,))
GROUP BY line.tax_code_id',
cr.execute('SELECT line.tax_code_id, sum(line.tax_amount) \
FROM account_move_line AS line \
WHERE line.tax_code_id =ANY(%s) '+where+' \
GROUP BY line.tax_code_id',(ids2,))
WHERE line.tax_code_id in %s '+where+' \
GROUP BY line.tax_code_id',
for record in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context):
def _rec_get(record):
@ -1302,12 +1360,14 @@ class account_tax_code(osv.osv):
fiscalyear_id = self.pool.get('account.fiscalyear').find(cr, uid, exception=False)
where = ''
where_params = ()
if fiscalyear_id:
pids = map(lambda x: str(x.id), self.pool.get('account.fiscalyear').browse(cr, uid, fiscalyear_id).period_ids)
if pids:
where = ' and period_id in (' + (','.join(pids))+')'
where = ' and period_id in %s'
where_params = (tuple(pids),)
return self._sum(cr, uid, ids, name, args, context,
where=where, where_params=where_params)
def _sum_period(self, cr, uid, ids, name, args, context):
if 'period_id' in context and context['period_id']:
@ -1318,7 +1378,7 @@ class account_tax_code(osv.osv):
return dict.fromkeys(ids, 0.0)
period_id = period_id[0]
return self._sum(cr, uid, ids, name, args, context,
where=' and line.period_id='+str(period_id))
where=' and line.period_id=%s', where_params=(period_id,))
_name = 'account.tax.code'
_description = 'Tax Code'
@ -1366,24 +1426,15 @@ class account_tax_code(osv.osv):
'sign': lambda *args: 1.0,
'notprintable': lambda *a: False,
def _check_recursion(self, cr, uid, ids):
level = 100
while len(ids):
cr.execute('select distinct parent_id from account_tax_code where id =ANY(%s)',(ids,))
ids = filter(None, map(lambda x:x[0], cr.fetchall()))
if not level:
return False
level -= 1
return True
def copy(self, cr, uid, id, default=None, context=None):
if default is None:
default = {}
default = default.copy()
default.update({'line_ids': []})
return super(account_tax_code, self).copy(cr, uid, id, default, context)
_check_recursion = check_cycle
_constraints = [
(_check_recursion, 'Error ! You can not create recursive accounts.', ['parent_id'])
@ -1922,16 +1973,7 @@ class account_account_template(osv.osv):
'nocreate': lambda *a: False,
def _check_recursion(self, cr, uid, ids):
level = 100
while len(ids):
cr.execute('select parent_id from account_account_template where id =ANY(%s)',(ids,))
ids = filter(None, map(lambda x:x[0], cr.fetchall()))
if not level:
return False
level -= 1
return True
_check_recursion = check_cycle
_constraints = [
(_check_recursion, 'Error ! You can not create recursive account templates.', ['parent_id'])
@ -2042,16 +2084,7 @@ class account_tax_code_template(osv.osv):
return [(x['id'], (x['code'] and x['code'] + ' - ' or '') + x['name']) \
for x in reads]
def _check_recursion(self, cr, uid, ids):
level = 100
while len(ids):
cr.execute('select distinct parent_id from account_tax_code_template where id =ANY(%s)',(ids,))
ids = filter(None, map(lambda x:x[0], cr.fetchall()))
if not level:
return False
level -= 1
return True
_check_recursion = check_cycle
_constraints = [
(_check_recursion, 'Error ! You can not create recursive Tax Codes.', ['parent_id'])

View File

@ -298,9 +298,10 @@ class account_move_line(osv.osv):
for line_id in ids:
res[line_id] = False
cursor.execute('SELECT l.id, i.id ' \
'FROM account_move_line l, account_invoice i ' \
'WHERE l.move_id = i.move_id ' \
'AND l.id =ANY(%s)',(ids,))
'FROM account_move_line l, account_invoice i ' \
'WHERE l.move_id = i.move_id ' \
'AND l.id in %s',
invoice_ids = []
for line_id, invoice_id in cursor.fetchall():
res[line_id] = invoice_id
@ -620,10 +621,11 @@ class account_move_line(osv.osv):
date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
cr.execute('SELECT account_id, reconcile_id \
FROM account_move_line \
WHERE id =ANY(%s) \
GROUP BY account_id,reconcile_id',(ids,))
cr.execute('SELECT account_id, reconcile_id '\
'FROM account_move_line '\
'WHERE id IN %s '\
'GROUP BY account_id,reconcile_id',
r = cr.fetchall()
#TODO: move this check to a constraint in the account_move_reconcile object
if (len(r) != 1) and not context.get('fy_closing', False):

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
import time
from operator import itemgetter
import decimal_precision as dp
import netsvc
@ -564,12 +565,13 @@ class account_invoice(osv.osv):
def move_line_id_payment_get(self, cr, uid, ids, *args):
res = []
if not ids: return res
cr.execute('select \
l.id \
from account_move_line l \
left join account_invoice i on (i.move_id=l.move_id) \
where i.id in ('+','.join(map(str,map(int, ids)))+') and l.account_id=i.account_id')
res = map(lambda x: x[0], cr.fetchall())
cr.execute('SELECT l.id '\
'FROM account_move_line l '\
'LEFT JOIN account_invoice i ON (i.move_id=l.move_id) '\
'WHERE i.id IN %s '\
'AND l.account_id=i.account_id',
res = map(itemgetter(0), cr.fetchall())
return res
def copy(self, cr, uid, id, default=None, context=None):
@ -888,8 +890,9 @@ class account_invoice(osv.osv):
def action_number(self, cr, uid, ids, *args):
cr.execute('SELECT id, type, number, move_id, reference ' \
'FROM account_invoice ' \
'WHERE id IN ('+','.join(map(str, ids))+')')
'FROM account_invoice ' \
'WHERE id IN %s',
obj_inv = self.browse(cr, uid, ids)[0]
for (id, invtype, number, move_id, reference) in cr.fetchall():
if not number:
@ -1112,7 +1115,9 @@ class account_invoice(osv.osv):
move_ids = [move_id,]
if invoice.move_id:
cr.execute('SELECT id FROM account_move_line WHERE move_id = ANY(%s)',(move_ids,))
cr.execute('SELECT id FROM account_move_line '\
'WHERE move_id in %s',
((move_id, invoice.move_id.id),))
lines = line.browse(cr, uid, map(lambda x: x[0], cr.fetchall()) )
for l in lines+invoice.payment_ids:
if l.account_id.id==src_account_id:

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from operator import itemgetter
from osv import fields, osv
import ir
@ -88,22 +89,19 @@ class res_partner(osv.osv):
_name = 'res.partner'
_inherit = 'res.partner'
_description = 'Partner'
def _credit_debit_get(self, cr, uid, ids, field_names, arg, context):
query = self.pool.get('account.move.line')._query_get(cr, uid, context=context)
l.partner_id, a.type, sum(l.debit-l.credit)
account_move_line l
left join
account_account a on (l.account_id=a.id)
a.type =ANY(%s) and
l.partner_id =ANY(%s) and
l.reconcile_id is null and
group by
l.partner_id, a.type
cr.execute("""SELECT l.partner_id, a.type, SUM(l.debit-l.credit)
FROM account_move_line l
LEFT JOIN account_account a ON (l.account_id=a.id)
WHERE a.type IN ('receivable','payable')
AND l.partner_id in %s
AND l.reconcile_id IS NULL
AND """ + query + """
GROUP BY l.partner_id, a.type
tinvert = {
'credit': 'receivable',
'debit': 'payable'
@ -116,28 +114,34 @@ class res_partner(osv.osv):
if val is None: val=0
res[pid][maps[type]] = (type=='receivable') and val or -val
return res
def _asset_difference_search(self, cr, uid, obj, name, type, args, context=None):
if not len(args):
return []
having_values = tuple(map(itemgetter(2), args))
where = ' AND '.join(
map(lambda x: '(SUM(debit-credit) %(operator)s %%s)' % {
query = self.pool.get('account.move.line')._query_get(cr, uid, context=context)
cr.execute(('SELECT partner_id FROM account_move_line l '\
'WHERE account_id IN '\
'(SELECT id FROM account_account '\
'WHERE type=%s AND active) '\
'AND reconcile_id IS NULL '\
'AND '+query+' '\
'AND partner_id IS NOT NULL '\
'GROUP BY partner_id HAVING '+where),
(type,) + having_values)
res = cr.fetchall()
if not len(res):
return [('id','=','0')]
return [('id','in',map(itemgetter(0), res))]
def _credit_search(self, cr, uid, obj, name, args, context):
if not len(args):
return []
where = ' and '.join(map(lambda x: '(sum(debit-credit)'+x[1]+str(x[2])+')',args))
query = self.pool.get('account.move.line')._query_get(cr, uid, context={})
cr.execute(('select partner_id from account_move_line l where account_id in (select id from account_account where type=%s and active) and reconcile_id is null and '+query+' and partner_id is not null group by partner_id having '+where), ('receivable',) )
res = cr.fetchall()
if not len(res):
return [('id','=','0')]
return [('id','in',map(lambda x:x[0], res))]
return self._asset_difference_search(cr, uid, obj, name, 'receivable', args, context=context)
def _debit_search(self, cr, uid, obj, name, args, context):
if not len(args):
return []
query = self.pool.get('account.move.line')._query_get(cr, uid, context={})
where = ' and '.join(map(lambda x: '(sum(debit-credit)'+x[1]+str(x[2])+')',args))
cr.execute(('select partner_id from account_move_line l where account_id in (select id from account_account where type=%s and active) and reconcile_id is null and '+query+' and partner_id is not null group by partner_id having '+where), ('payable',) )
res = cr.fetchall()
if not len(res):
return [('id','=','0')]
return [('id','in',map(lambda x:x[0], res))]
return self._asset_difference_search(cr, uid, obj, name, 'payable', args, context=context)
_columns = {
'credit': fields.function(_credit_debit_get,

View File

@ -32,15 +32,9 @@ class account_analytic_balance(report_sxw.rml_parse):
'get_objects': self._get_objects,
'lines_g': self._lines_g,
'move_sum': self._move_sum,
# 'move_sum_debit': self._move_sum_debit,
# 'move_sum_credit': self._move_sum_credit,
'sum_all': self._sum_all,
# 'sum_debit': self._sum_debit,
# 'sum_credit': self._sum_credit,
'sum_balance': self._sum_balance,
# 'sum_quantity': self._sum_quantity,
'move_sum_balance': self._move_sum_balance,
# 'move_sum_quantity': self._move_sum_quantity,
self.acc_ids = []
self.read_data = []
@ -81,10 +75,10 @@ class account_analytic_balance(report_sxw.rml_parse):
sum(aal.amount) AS balance, sum(aal.unit_amount) AS quantity \
FROM account_analytic_line AS aal, account_account AS aa \
WHERE (aal.general_account_id=aa.id) \
AND (aal.account_id in (" + ','.join(map(str, ids)) + "))\
AND (aal.account_id in aal.account_id in %s)\
AND (date>=%s) AND (date<=%s) AND aa.active \
GROUP BY aal.general_account_id, aa.name, aa.code, aal.code \
ORDER BY aal.code", (date1, date2))
ORDER BY aal.code", (tuple(ids),date1, date2))
res = self.cr.dictfetchall()
for r in res:
@ -107,62 +101,26 @@ class account_analytic_balance(report_sxw.rml_parse):
self.acc_data_dict[account_id] = ids
ids = self.acc_data_dict[account_id]
query_params = (tuple(ids), date1, date2)
if option == "credit" :
self.cr.execute("SELECT -sum(amount) FROM account_analytic_line \
WHERE account_id =ANY(%s) AND date>=%s AND date<=%s AND amount<0",
(ids,date1, date2))
WHERE account_id in %s AND date>=%s AND date<=%s AND amount<0",query_params)
elif option == "debit" :
self.cr.execute("SELECT sum(amount) FROM account_analytic_line \
WHERE account_id =ANY(%s)\
AND date>=%s AND date<=%s AND amount>0",
(ids,date1, date2))
WHERE account_id in %s\
AND date>=%s AND date<=%s AND amount>0",query_params)
elif option == "quantity" :
self.cr.execute("SELECT sum(unit_amount) FROM account_analytic_line \
WHERE account_id =ANY(%s)\
AND date>=%s AND date<=%s",
(ids,date1, date2))
WHERE account_id in %s\
AND date>=%s AND date<=%s",query_params)
return self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
# def _move_sum_debit(self, account_id, date1, date2):
# account_analytic_obj = self.pool.get('account.analytic.account')
# ids = account_analytic_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid,
# [('parent_id', 'child_of', [account_id])])
# self.cr.execute("SELECT sum(amount) \
# FROM account_analytic_line \
# WHERE account_id in ("+ ','.join(map(str, ids)) +") \
# AND date>=%s AND date<=%s AND amount>0",
# (date1, date2))
# return self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
# def _move_sum_credit(self, account_id, date1, date2):
# account_analytic_obj = self.pool.get('account.analytic.account')
# ids = account_analytic_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid,
# [('parent_id', 'child_of', [account_id])])
# self.cr.execute("SELECT -sum(amount) \
# FROM account_analytic_line \
# WHERE account_id in ("+ ','.join(map(str, ids)) +") \
# AND date>=%s AND date<=%s AND amount<0",
# (date1, date2))
# return self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
def _move_sum_balance(self, account_id, date1, date2):
debit = self._move_sum(account_id, date1, date2, 'debit')
credit = self._move_sum(account_id, date1, date2, 'credit')
return (debit-credit)
# def _move_sum_quantity(self, account_id, date1, date2):
# account_analytic_obj = self.pool.get('account.analytic.account')
# ids = account_analytic_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid,
# [('parent_id', 'child_of', [account_id])])
# self.cr.execute("SELECT sum(unit_amount) \
# FROM account_analytic_line \
# WHERE account_id in ("+ ','.join(map(str, ids)) +") \
# AND date>=%s AND date<=%s",
# (date1, date2))
# return self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
def _sum_all(self, accounts, date1, date2, option):
ids = map(lambda x: x['id'], accounts)
if not len(ids):
@ -174,68 +132,25 @@ class account_analytic_balance(report_sxw.rml_parse):
self.acc_sum_list = ids2
ids2 = self.acc_sum_list
query_params = (tuple(ids2), date1, date2)
if option == "debit" :
self.cr.execute("SELECT sum(amount) FROM account_analytic_line \
WHERE account_id =ANY(%s) AND date>=%s AND date<=%s AND amount>0",
(ids,date1, date2,))
WHERE account_id =ANY(%s) AND date>=%s AND date<=%s AND amount>0",query_params)
elif option == "credit" :
self.cr.execute("SELECT -sum(amount) FROM account_analytic_line \
WHERE account_id =ANY(%s) AND date>=%s AND date<=%s AND amount<0",
(ids,date1, date2,))
WHERE account_id =ANY(%s) AND date>=%s AND date<=%s AND amount<0",query_params)
elif option == "quantity" :
self.cr.execute("SELECT sum(unit_amount) FROM account_analytic_line \
WHERE account_id =ANY(%s)AND date>=%s AND date<=%s",
(ids,date1, date2,))
WHERE account_id =ANY(%s)AND date>=%s AND date<=%s",query_params)
return self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
# def _sum_debit(self, accounts, date1, date2):
# ids = map(lambda x: x['id'], accounts)
# if not len(ids):
# return 0.0
# account_analytic_obj = self.pool.get('account.analytic.account')
# ids2 = account_analytic_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid,
# [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)])
# self.cr.execute("SELECT sum(amount) \
# FROM account_analytic_line \
# WHERE account_id IN ("+','.join(map(str, ids2))+") \
# AND date>=%s AND date<=%s AND amount>0",
# (date1, date2))
# return self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
# def _sum_credit(self, accounts, date1, date2):
# ids = map(lambda x: x['id'], accounts)
# if not len(ids):
# return 0.0
# ids = map(lambda x: x['id'], accounts)
# account_analytic_obj = self.pool.get('account.analytic.account')
# ids2 = account_analytic_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid,
# [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)])
# self.cr.execute("SELECT -sum(amount) \
# FROM account_analytic_line \
# WHERE account_id IN ("+','.join(map(str, ids2))+") \
# AND date>=%s AND date<=%s AND amount<0",
# (date1, date2))
# return self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
def _sum_balance(self, accounts, date1, date2):
debit = self._sum_all(accounts, date1, date2, 'debit') or 0.0
credit = self._sum_all(accounts, date1, date2, 'credit') or 0.0
return (debit-credit)
# def _sum_quantity(self, accounts, date1, date2):
# ids = map(lambda x: x['id'], accounts)
# if not len(ids):
# return 0.0
# account_analytic_obj = self.pool.get('account.analytic.account')
# ids2 = account_analytic_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid,
# [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)])
# self.cr.execute("SELECT sum(unit_amount) \
# FROM account_analytic_line \
# WHERE account_id IN ("+','.join(map(str, ids2))+") \
# AND date>=%s AND date<=%s",
# (date1, date2))
# return self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
'account.analytic.account', 'addons/account/project/report/analytic_balance.rml',

View File

@ -77,41 +77,6 @@ class account_analytic_analytic_check(report_sxw.rml_parse):
return res
# def _lines_p(self, date1, date2):
# res = []
# acc_obj = self.pool.get('account.account')
# for a in acc_obj.read(self.cr, self.uid, self.ids, ['name', 'code','sign']):
# self.cr.execute("SELECT sum(debit), sum(credit) \
# FROM account_move_line \
# WHERE date>=%s AND date<=%s AND state<>'draft' AND account_id = %s", (date1, date2, a['id']))
# (gd, gc) = self.cr.fetchone()
# gd = gd or 0.0
# gc = gc or 0.0
# self.cr.execute("SELECT abs(sum(amount)) AS balance \
# FROM account_analytic_line \
# WHERE date>=%s AND date<=%s AND amount*%s>0 AND general_account_id = %s", (date1, date2, a['sign'], a['id']))
# (ad,) = self.cr.fetchone()
# ad = ad or 0.0
# self.cr.execute("SELECT abs(sum(amount)) AS balance \
# FROM account_analytic_line \
# WHERE date>=%s AND date<=%s AND amount*%s<0 AND general_account_id = %s", (date1, date2, a['sign'], a['id']))
# (ac,) = self.cr.fetchone()
# ac = ac or 0.0
# res.append({'code': a['code'], 'name': a['name'],
# 'gen_debit': gd,
# 'gen_credit': gc,
# 'ana_debit': ad,
# 'ana_credit': ac,
# 'delta_debit': gd - ad,
# 'delta_credit': gc - ac,})
# self.sum_gen_deb += gd
# self.sum_gen_cred += gc
# self.sum_ana_deb += ad
# self.sum_ana_cred += ac
# return res
def _gen_deb(self, date1, date2):
return self.sum_gen_deb

View File

@ -93,15 +93,14 @@ class account_analytic_cost_ledger(report_sxw.rml_parse):
ids = map(lambda x: x.id, accounts)
if not len(ids):
return 0.0
self.cr.execute("SELECT sum(amount) FROM account_analytic_line WHERE account_id =ANY(%s) AND date>=%s AND date<=%s AND amount>0", (ids, date1, date2,))
self.cr.execute("SELECT sum(amount) FROM account_analytic_line WHERE account_id IN %s AND date>=%s AND date<=%s AND amount>0", (tuple(ids), date1, date2,))
return self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
def _sum_credit(self, accounts, date1, date2):
ids = map(lambda x: x.id, accounts)
if not len(ids):
return 0.0
ids = map(lambda x: x.id, accounts)
self.cr.execute("SELECT -sum(amount) FROM account_analytic_line WHERE account_id =ANY(%s) AND date>=%s AND date<=%s AND amount<0", (ids,date1, date2,))
self.cr.execute("SELECT -sum(amount) FROM account_analytic_line WHERE account_id in %s AND date>=%s AND date<=%s AND amount<0", (tuple(ids),date1, date2,))
return self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
def _sum_balance(self, accounts, date1, date2):

View File

@ -38,12 +38,17 @@ class account_inverted_analytic_balance(report_sxw.rml_parse):
def _lines_g(self, accounts, date1, date2):
ids = map(lambda x: x.id, accounts)
self.cr.execute("SELECT aa.name AS name, aa.code AS code, sum(aal.amount) AS balance, sum(aal.unit_amount) AS quantity, aa.id AS id \
self.cr.execute("SELECT aa.name AS name, aa.code AS code, "
"sum(aal.amount) AS balance, "
"sum(aal.unit_amount) AS quantity, aa.id AS id \
FROM account_analytic_line AS aal, account_account AS aa \
WHERE (aal.general_account_id=aa.id) AND (aal.account_id =ANY(%s)) AND (date>=%s) AND (date<=%s) AND aa.active \
GROUP BY aal.general_account_id, aa.name, aa.code, aal.code, aa.id ORDER BY aal.code", (ids,date1,date2,))
WHERE (aal.general_account_id=aa.id) "
"AND (aal.account_id IN %s) "
"AND (date>=%s) AND (date<=%s) AND aa.active \
GROUP BY aal.general_account_id, aa.name, aa.code, aal.code, aa.id "
"ORDER BY aal.code",
(tuple(ids), date1, date2))
res = self.cr.dictfetchall()
for r in res:
if r['balance'] > 0:
r['debit'] = r['balance']
@ -58,10 +63,17 @@ class account_inverted_analytic_balance(report_sxw.rml_parse):
def _lines_a(self, accounts, general_account_id, date1, date2):
ids = map(lambda x: x.id, accounts)
self.cr.execute("SELECT sum(aal.amount) AS balance, sum(aal.unit_amount) AS quantity, aaa.code AS code, aaa.name AS name, account_id \
FROM account_analytic_line AS aal, account_analytic_account AS aaa \
WHERE aal.account_id=aaa.id AND aal.account_id =ANY(%s) AND aal.general_account_id=%s AND aal.date>=%s AND aal.date<=%s \
GROUP BY aal.account_id, general_account_id, aaa.code, aaa.name ORDER BY aal.account_id", (ids,general_account_id, date1, date2,))
self.cr.execute("SELECT sum(aal.amount) AS balance, "
"sum(aal.unit_amount) AS quantity, "
"aaa.code AS code, aaa.name AS name, account_id \
FROM account_analytic_line AS aal, "
"account_analytic_account AS aaa \
WHERE aal.account_id=aaa.id AND aal.account_id IN %s "
"AND aal.general_account_id=%s AND aal.date>=%s "
"AND aal.date<=%s \
GROUP BY aal.account_id, general_account_id, aaa.code, aaa.name "
"ORDER BY aal.account_id",
(tuple(ids), general_account_id, date1, date2))
res = self.cr.dictfetchall()
aaa_obj = self.pool.get('account.analytic.account')
@ -86,14 +98,14 @@ class account_inverted_analytic_balance(report_sxw.rml_parse):
ids = map(lambda x: x.id, accounts)
self.cr.execute("SELECT sum(amount) \
FROM account_analytic_line \
WHERE account_id =ANY(%s) AND date>=%s AND date<=%s AND amount>0", (ids,date1, date2,))
WHERE account_id in %s AND date>=%s AND date<=%s AND amount>0", (tuple(ids),date1, date2,))
return self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
def _sum_credit(self, accounts, date1, date2):
ids = map(lambda x: x.id, accounts)
self.cr.execute("SELECT -sum(amount) \
FROM account_analytic_line \
WHERE account_id =ANY(%s) AND date>=%s AND date<=%s AND amount<0", (ids,date1, date2,))
WHERE account_id in %s AND date>=%s AND date<=%s AND amount<0", (tuple(ids),date1, date2,))
return self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
def _sum_balance(self, accounts, date1, date2):
@ -105,7 +117,7 @@ class account_inverted_analytic_balance(report_sxw.rml_parse):
ids = map(lambda x: x.id, accounts)
self.cr.execute("SELECT sum(unit_amount) \
FROM account_analytic_line \
WHERE account_id =ANY(%s) AND date>=%s AND date<=%s", (ids,date1, date2,))
WHERE account_id in %s AND date>=%s AND date<=%s", (tuple(ids),date1, date2,))
return self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
report_sxw.report_sxw('report.account.analytic.account.inverted.balance', 'account.analytic.account', 'addons/account/project/report/inverted_analytic_balance.rml',parser=account_inverted_analytic_balance, header=False)

View File

@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ class account_analytic_quantity_cost_ledger(report_sxw.rml_parse):
WHERE (aal.account_id=%s) AND (aal.date>=%s) \
AND (aal.date<=%s) AND (aal.general_account_id=aa.id) \
AND aa.active \
AND (aal.journal_id =ANY(%s) ) \
AND (aal.journal_id in %s ) \
GROUP BY aa.code, aa.name, aa.id ORDER BY aa.code",
(account_id, date1, date2,journal_ids))
(account_id, date1, date2, tuple(journal_ids)))
res = self.cr.dictfetchall()
return res
@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ class account_analytic_quantity_cost_ledger(report_sxw.rml_parse):
account_analytic_journal AS aaj \
WHERE (aal.general_account_id=%s) AND (aal.account_id=%s) \
AND (aal.date>=%s) AND (aal.date<=%s) \
AND (aal.journal_id=aaj.id) AND (aaj.id =ANY(%s)) \
AND (aal.journal_id=aaj.id) AND (aaj.id IN %s) \
ORDER BY aal.date, aaj.code, aal.code",
(general_account_id, account_id, date1, date2,journal_ids,))
(general_account_id, account_id, date1, date2,tuple(journal_ids)))
res = self.cr.dictfetchall()
return res

View File

@ -80,13 +80,13 @@ class aged_trial_report(rml_parse.rml_parse):
self.cr.execute("""SELECT partner_id, SUM(debit-credit)
FROM account_move_line AS line, account_account
WHERE (line.account_id = account_account.id)
AND (account_account.type =ANY(%s))
AND (partner_id =ANY (%s))
AND (account_account.type IN %s)
AND (partner_id IN %s)
AND ((reconcile_id IS NULL)
OR (reconcile_id IN (SELECT recon.id FROM account_move_reconcile AS recon WHERE recon.create_date > %s )))
AND (account_account.company_id = %s)
AND account_account.active
GROUP BY partner_id""" , (self.ACCOUNT_TYPE, partner_ids,form['date1'],form['company_id'],))
GROUP BY partner_id""" , (tuple(self.ACCOUNT_TYPE), tuple(partner_ids),form['date1'],form['company_id'],))
t = self.cr.fetchall()
for i in t:
totals[i[0]] = i[1]
@ -97,14 +97,14 @@ class aged_trial_report(rml_parse.rml_parse):
self.cr.execute("""SELECT partner_id, SUM(debit-credit)
FROM account_move_line AS line, account_account
WHERE (line.account_id=account_account.id)
AND (account_account.type =ANY (%s))
AND (account_account.type IN %s)
AND (COALESCE(date_maturity,date) < %s)
AND (partner_id =ANY (%s))
AND (partner_id IN %s)
AND ((reconcile_id IS NULL)
OR (reconcile_id IN (SELECT recon.id FROM account_move_reconcile AS recon WHERE recon.create_date > %s )))
AND (account_account.company_id = %s)
AND account_account.active
GROUP BY partner_id""", (self.ACCOUNT_TYPE, form['date1'], partner_ids,form['date1'], form['company_id'],))
GROUP BY partner_id""", (tuple(self.ACCOUNT_TYPE), form['date1'], tuple(partner_ids),form['date1'], form['company_id'],))
t = self.cr.fetchall()
for i in t:
future_past[i[0]] = i[1]
@ -112,14 +112,14 @@ class aged_trial_report(rml_parse.rml_parse):
self.cr.execute("""SELECT partner_id, SUM(debit-credit)
FROM account_move_line AS line, account_account
WHERE (line.account_id=account_account.id)
AND (account_account.type =ANY (%s))
AND (account_account.type IN %s)
AND (COALESCE(date_maturity,date) > %s)
AND (partner_id =ANY (%s))
AND (partner_id IN %s)
AND ((reconcile_id IS NULL)
OR (reconcile_id IN (SELECT recon.id FROM account_move_reconcile AS recon WHERE recon.create_date > %s )))
AND (account_account.company_id = %s)
AND account_account.active
GROUP BY partner_id""" , (self.ACCOUNT_TYPE, form['date1'], partner_ids, form['date1'], form['company_id'],))
GROUP BY partner_id""" , (tuple(self.ACCOUNT_TYPE), form['date1'], tuple(partner_ids), form['date1'], form['company_id'],))
t = self.cr.fetchall()
for i in t:
future_past[i[0]] = i[1]
@ -131,14 +131,14 @@ class aged_trial_report(rml_parse.rml_parse):
self.cr.execute("""SELECT partner_id, SUM(debit-credit)
FROM account_move_line AS line, account_account
WHERE (line.account_id=account_account.id)
AND (account_account.type =ANY (%s))
AND (account_account.type IN %s)
AND (COALESCE(date_maturity,date) BETWEEN %s AND %s)
AND (partner_id =ANY (%s))
AND (partner_id IN %s)
AND ((reconcile_id IS NULL)
OR (reconcile_id IN (SELECT recon.id FROM account_move_reconcile AS recon WHERE recon.create_date > %s )))
AND (account_account.company_id = %s)
AND account_account.active
GROUP BY partner_id""" , (self.ACCOUNT_TYPE, form[str(i)]['start'], form[str(i)]['stop'],partner_ids ,form['date1'] ,form['company_id'],))
GROUP BY partner_id""" , (tuple(self.ACCOUNT_TYPE), form[str(i)]['start'], form[str(i)]['stop'], tuple(partner_ids) ,form['date1'] ,form['company_id'],))
t = self.cr.fetchall()
d = {}

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from operator import itemgetter
import pooler
import time
from report import report_sxw
@ -41,10 +41,12 @@ class journal_print(report_sxw.rml_parse):
def set_context(self, objects, data, ids, report_type = None):
super(journal_print, self).set_context(objects, data, ids, report_type)
self.cr.execute('select period_id, journal_id from account_journal_period where id =ANY(%s)',(ids,))
self.cr.execute('SELECT period_id, journal_id '
'FROM account_journal_period '
'WHERE id IN %s',
res = self.cr.fetchall()
self.period_ids = map(lambda x:x[0],res)
self.journal_ids = map(lambda x:x[1],res)
self.period_ids, self.journal_ids = zip(*res)
# returns a list of period objs
def periods(self, journal_period_objs):
@ -74,7 +76,14 @@ class journal_print(report_sxw.rml_parse):
for period in periods:
period_data = self.pool.get('account.period').browse(self.cr, self.uid, period)
self.cr.execute('select j.code, j.name, sum(l.debit) as debit, sum(l.credit) as credit from account_move_line l left join account_journal j on (l.journal_id=j.id) where period_id=%s and journal_id =ANY(%s) and l.state<>\'draft\' group by j.id, j.code, j.name', (period,journal_id,))
'SELECT j.code, j.name, '
'SUM(l.debit) AS debit, SUM(l.credit) AS credit '
'FROM account_move_line l '
'LEFT JOIN account_journal j ON (l.journal_id=j.id) '
'WHERE period_id=%s AND journal_id IN %s '
'AND l.state<>\'draft\' '
'GROUP BY j.id, j.code, j.name', (period, tuple(journal_id)))
res = self.cr.dictfetchall()
@ -82,45 +91,60 @@ class journal_print(report_sxw.rml_parse):
return lines_data
if not self.journal_ids:
return []
self.cr.execute('select j.code, j.name, sum(l.debit) as debit, sum(l.credit) as credit from account_move_line l left join account_journal j on (l.journal_id=j.id) where period_id=%s and journal_id =ANY(%s) and l.state<>\'draft\' group by j.id, j.code, j.name', (period_id,self.journal_ids,))
print " self.journal_ids >>. " , self.journal_ids
self.cr.execute('SELECT j.code, j.name, '
'SUM(l.debit) AS debit, SUM(l.credit) AS credit '
'FROM account_move_line l '
'LEFT JOIN account_journal j ON (l.journal_id=j.id) '
'WHERE period_id=%s AND journal_id IN %s '
'AND l.state<>\'draft\' '
'GROUP BY j.id, j.code, j.name',
(period_id, tuple(self.journal_ids)))
res = self.cr.dictfetchall()
return res
def _sum_debit_period(self, period_id,journal_id=None):
if type(journal_id)==type([]):
self.cr.execute('select sum(debit) from account_move_line where period_id=%s and journal_id =ANY(%s) and state<>\'draft\'', (period_id,journal_id,))
return self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
if not self.journal_ids:
journals = journal_id or self.journal_ids
if not journals:
return 0.0
self.cr.execute('select sum(debit) from account_move_line where period_id=%s and journal_id =ANY(%s) and state<>\'draft\'', (period_id,self.journal_ids,))
self.cr.execute('SELECT SUM(debit) FROM account_move_line '
'WHERE period_id=%s AND journal_id IN %s '
'AND state<>\'draft\'',
(period_id, tuple(journals)))
return self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
def _sum_credit_period(self, period_id,journal_id=None):
if type(journal_id)==type([]):
self.cr.execute('select sum(credit) from account_move_line where period_id=%s and journal_id =ANY(%s) and state<>\'draft\'', (period_id,journal_id,))
return self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
if not self.journal_ids:
journals = journal_id or self.journal_ids
if not journals:
return 0.0
self.cr.execute('select sum(credit) from account_move_line where period_id=%s and journal_id =ANY(%s) and state<>\'draft\'', (period_id,self.journal_ids,))
self.cr.execute('SELECT SUM(credit) FROM account_move_line '
'WHERE period_id=%s AND journal_id IN %s '
'AND state<>\'draft\'',
(period_id, tuple(journals)))
return self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
def _sum_debit(self,period_id=None,journal_id=None):
if type(period_id)==type([]):
self.cr.execute('select sum(debit) from account_move_line where period_id =ANY(%s) and journal_id =ANY(%s) and state<>\'draft\'',(period_id,journal_id,))
return self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
if not self.journal_ids or not self.period_ids:
journals = journal_id or self.journal_ids
periods = period_id or self.period_ids
if not (journals and periods):
return 0.0
self.cr.execute('select sum(debit) from account_move_line where period_id =ANY(%s) and journal_id =ANY(%s) and state<>\'draft\'',(self.period_ids,self.journal_ids,))
self.cr.execute('SELECT SUM(debit) FROM account_move_line '
'WHERE period_id IN %s '
'AND journal_id IN %s '
'AND state<>\'draft\'',
(tuple(periods), tuple(journals)))
return self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
def _sum_credit(self,period_id=None,journal_id=None):
if type(period_id)==type([]):
self.cr.execute('select sum(credit) from account_move_line where period_id =ANY(%s) and journal_id =ANY(%s) and state<>\'draft\'',(period_id,journal_id,))
return self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
if not self.journal_ids or not self.period_ids:
periods = period_id or self.period_ids
journals = journal_id or self.journal_ids
if not (periods and journals):
return 0.0
self.cr.execute('select sum(credit) from account_move_line where period_id =ANY(%s) and journal_id =ANY(%s) and state<>\'draft\'',(self.period_ids,self.journal_ids,))
self.cr.execute('SELECT SUM(credit) FROM account_move_line '
'WHERE period_id IN %s '
'AND journal_id IN %s '
'AND state<>\'draft\'',
(tuple(periods), tuple(journals)))
return self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
report_sxw.report_sxw('report.account.general.journal', 'account.journal.period', 'addons/account/report/general_journal.rml', parser=journal_print)
report_sxw.report_sxw('report.account.general.journal.wiz', 'account.journal.period', 'addons/account/report/wizard_general_journal.rml', parser=journal_print, header=False)

View File

@ -87,14 +87,15 @@ class general_ledger(rml_parse.rml_parse):
#periods = form['periods'][0][2]
if not periods:
sql = """
Select min(p.date_start) as start_date,max(p.date_stop) as stop_date from account_period as p where p.fiscalyear_id = """ + str(form['fiscalyear']) + """
Select min(p.date_start) as start_date,max(p.date_stop) as stop_date from account_period as p where p.fiscalyear_id = %s
sqlargs = (form['fiscalyear'],)
periods_id = ','.join(map(str, periods))
sql = """
Select min(p.date_start) as start_date,max(p.date_stop) as stop_date from account_period as p where p.id in ( """ + periods_id + """)
Select min(p.date_start) as start_date,max(p.date_stop) as stop_date from account_period as p where p.id in %s
sqlargs = (tuple(periods),)
self.cr.execute(sql, sqlargs)
res = self.cr.dictfetchall()
borne_min = res[0]['start_date']
borne_max = res[0]['stop_date']
@ -105,15 +106,22 @@ class general_ledger(rml_parse.rml_parse):
periods = form['periods']
#periods = form['periods'][0][2]
if not periods:
sql = """
Select min(p.date_start) as start_date,max(p.date_stop) as stop_date from account_period as p where p.fiscalyear_id = """ + str(form['fiscalyear']) + """
sql = """
SELECT MIN(p.date_start) AS start_date,
MAX(p.date_stop) AS stop_date
FROM account_period AS p
WHERE p.fiscalyear_id = %s
sqlargs = (form['fiscalyear'],)
periods_id = ','.join(map(str, periods))
sql = """
Select min(p.date_start) as start_date,max(p.date_stop) as stop_date from account_period as p where p.id in ( """ + periods_id + """)
SELECT MIN(p.date_start) AS start_date,
MAX(p.date_stop) AS stop_date
FROM account_period AS p
WHERE p.id IN %s
sqlargs = (tuple(periods),)
self.cr.execute(sql, sqlargs)
res = self.cr.dictfetchall()
period_min = res[0]['start_date']
period_max = res[0]['stop_date']
@ -196,8 +204,12 @@ class general_ledger(rml_parse.rml_parse):
## We will now compute solde initiaux
for move in res:
SOLDEINIT = "SELECT sum(l.debit) AS sum_debit, sum(l.credit) AS sum_credit FROM account_move_line l WHERE l.account_id = " + str(move.id) + " AND l.date < '" + self.borne_date['max_date'] + "'" + " AND l.date > '" + self.borne_date['min_date'] + "'"
SOLDEINIT = "SELECT SUM(l.debit) AS sum_debit,"\
" SUM(l.credit) AS sum_credit "\
"FROM account_move_line l "\
"WHERE l.account_id = %s "\
"AND l.date < %s AND l.date > %s"
self.cr.execute(SOLDEINIT, (move.id, self.borne_date['max_date'],self.borne_date['min_date']))
resultat = self.cr.dictfetchall()
if resultat[0] :
if resultat[0]['sum_debit'] == None:
@ -322,7 +334,8 @@ class general_ledger(rml_parse.rml_parse):
return 0.0
self.cr.execute("SELECT sum(debit) "\
"FROM account_move_line l "\
"WHERE l.account_id in ("+','.join(map(str, self.child_ids))+") AND "+self.query)
"WHERE l.account_id in %s AND "+self.query,
sum_debit = self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
return sum_debit
@ -331,7 +344,8 @@ class general_ledger(rml_parse.rml_parse):
return 0.0
self.cr.execute("SELECT sum(credit) "\
"FROM account_move_line l "\
"WHERE l.account_id in ("+','.join(map(str, self.child_ids))+") AND "+self.query)
"WHERE l.account_id in %s AND "+self.query,
## Add solde init to the result
sum_credit = self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
@ -342,7 +356,8 @@ class general_ledger(rml_parse.rml_parse):
return 0.0
self.cr.execute("SELECT (sum(debit) - sum(credit)) as tot_solde "\
"FROM account_move_line l "\
"WHERE l.account_id in ("+','.join(map(str, self.child_ids))+") AND "+self.query)
"WHERE l.account_id in %s AND "+self.query,
sum_solde = self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
return sum_solde

View File

@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ class partner_balance(report_sxw.rml_parse):
def __init__(self, cr, uid, name, context):
super(partner_balance, self).__init__(cr, uid, name, context=context)
self.date_lst = []
self.date_lst_string = ''
self.account_ids = ''
self.localcontext.update( {
'time': time,
@ -166,28 +165,24 @@ class partner_balance(report_sxw.rml_parse):
self.date_lst_string =''
if self.date_lst:
self.date_lst_string = '\'' + '\',\''.join(map(str, self.date_lst)) + '\''
## Compute Code
account_move_line_obj = pooler.get_pool(self.cr.dbname).get('account.move.line')
if (data['form']['result_selection'] == 'customer' ):
self.ACCOUNT_TYPE = ['receivable']
self.ACCOUNT_TYPE = ('receivable',)
elif (data['form']['result_selection'] == 'supplier'):
self.ACCOUNT_TYPE = ['payable']
self.ACCOUNT_TYPE = ('payable',)
self.ACCOUNT_TYPE = ['payable','receivable']
self.ACCOUNT_TYPE = ('payable','receivable')
self.cr.execute("SELECT a.id " \
"FROM account_account a " \
"LEFT JOIN account_account_type t " \
"ON (a.type = t.code) " \
"WHERE a.company_id = %s " \
"AND a.type =ANY(%s) "\
"AND a.active", (data['form']['company_id'],self.ACCOUNT_TYPE,))
"AND a.type IN %s " \
"AND a.active", (data['form']['company_id'],self.ACCOUNT_TYPE))
self.account_ids = [a for (a,) in self.cr.fetchall()]
super(partner_balance, self).set_context(objects, data, ids, report_type)
@ -197,7 +192,7 @@ class partner_balance(report_sxw.rml_parse):
account_move_line_obj = pooler.get_pool(self.cr.dbname).get('account.move.line')
full_account = []
result_tmp = 0.0
if self.date_lst_string:
if self.date_lst:
"SELECT p.ref,l.account_id,ac.name as account_name,ac.code as code ,p.name, sum(debit) as debit, sum(credit) as credit, " \
"CASE WHEN sum(debit) > sum(credit) " \
@ -211,16 +206,17 @@ class partner_balance(report_sxw.rml_parse):
"(SELECT sum(debit-credit) " \
"FROM account_move_line l " \
"WHERE partner_id = p.id " \
"AND l.date IN (" + self.date_lst_string + ") " \
"AND l.date IN %s " \
"AND blocked = TRUE " \
") AS enlitige " \
"FROM account_move_line l LEFT JOIN res_partner p ON (l.partner_id=p.id) " \
"JOIN account_account ac ON (l.account_id = ac.id)" \
"WHERE ac.type =ANY(%s) "
"AND l.date IN (" + self.date_lst_string + ") " \
"AND ac.company_id = %s" \
"WHERE ac.type IN %s " \
"AND l.date IN %s " \
"AND ac.company_id = %s " \
"GROUP BY p.id, p.ref, p.name,l.account_id,ac.name,ac.code " \
"ORDER BY l.account_id,p.name",(self.ACCOUNT_TYPE,data['form']['company_id'],))
"ORDER BY l.account_id,p.name",
(tuple(self.date_lst), self.ACCOUNT_TYPE, tuple(self.date_lst), data['form']['company_id']))
res = self.cr.dictfetchall()
for r in res:
@ -353,12 +349,13 @@ class partner_balance(report_sxw.rml_parse):
account_move_line_obj = pooler.get_pool(self.cr.dbname).get('account.move.line')
result_tmp = 0.0
temp_res = 0.0
if self.date_lst_string:
if self.date_lst:
"SELECT sum(debit) " \
"FROM account_move_line AS l " \
"WHERE l.account_id =ANY(%s)" \
"AND l.date IN (" + self.date_lst_string + ")" ,(self.account_ids,))
"WHERE l.account_id IN %s" \
"AND l.date IN %s",
(tuple(self.account_ids), tuple(self.date_lst)))
temp_res = float(self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0)
result_tmp = result_tmp + temp_res
@ -371,12 +368,13 @@ class partner_balance(report_sxw.rml_parse):
result_tmp = 0.0
temp_res = 0.0
if self.date_lst_string:
if self.date_lst:
"SELECT sum(credit) " \
"FROM account_move_line AS l " \
"WHERE l.account_id =ANY(%s)" \
"AND l.date IN (" + self.date_lst_string + ")" ,(self.account_ids,))
"WHERE l.account_id IN %s" \
"AND l.date IN %s",
(tuple(self.account_ids), tuple(self.date_lst),))
temp_res = float(self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0)
result_tmp = result_tmp + temp_res
@ -388,13 +386,14 @@ class partner_balance(report_sxw.rml_parse):
account_move_line_obj = pooler.get_pool(self.cr.dbname).get('account.move.line')
result_tmp = 0.0
temp_res = 0.0
if self.date_lst_string:
if self.date_lst:
"SELECT sum(debit-credit) " \
"FROM account_move_line AS l " \
"WHERE l.account_id =ANY(%s)" \
"AND l.date IN (" + self.date_lst_string + ")"\
"AND l.blocked=TRUE " ,(self.account_ids,))
"WHERE l.account_id IN %s" \
"AND l.date IN %s " \
"AND l.blocked=TRUE ",
(tuple(self.account_ids), tuple(self.date_lst),))
temp_res = float(self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0)
result_tmp = result_tmp + temp_res
@ -406,16 +405,17 @@ class partner_balance(report_sxw.rml_parse):
account_move_line_obj = pooler.get_pool(self.cr.dbname).get('account.move.line')
result_tmp = 0.0
a = 0.0
if self.date_lst_string:
if self.date_lst:
"SELECT CASE WHEN sum(debit) > sum(credit) " \
"THEN sum(debit) - sum(credit) " \
"ELSE 0 " \
"END " \
"FROM account_move_line AS l " \
"WHERE l.account_id =ANY(%s)" \
"AND l.date IN (" + self.date_lst_string + ")" \
"GROUP BY l.partner_id",(self.account_ids,))
"WHERE l.account_id IN %s" \
"AND l.date IN %s " \
"GROUP BY l.partner_id",
(tuple(self.account_ids), tuple(self.date_lst),))
a = self.cr.fetchone()[0]
if self.cr.fetchone() != None:
@ -433,16 +433,17 @@ class partner_balance(report_sxw.rml_parse):
result_tmp = 0.0
a = 0.0
if self.date_lst_string:
if self.date_lst:
"SELECT CASE WHEN sum(debit) < sum(credit) " \
"THEN sum(credit) - sum(debit) " \
"ELSE 0 " \
"END " \
"FROM account_move_line AS l " \
"WHERE l.account_id =ANY(%s)" \
"AND l.date IN (" + self.date_lst_string + ")" \
"GROUP BY l.partner_id",(self.account_ids,))
"WHERE l.account_id IN %s" \
"AND l.date IN %s " \
"GROUP BY l.partner_id",
(tuple(self.account_ids), tuple(self.date_lst),))
a = self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
if self.cr.fetchone() != None:

View File

@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ from report import report_sxw
class tax_report(rml_parse.rml_parse):
_name = 'report.account.vat.declaration'
def __init__(self, cr, uid, name, context={}):
print "tax______init", name, context
super(tax_report, self).__init__(cr, uid, name, context=context)
'time': time,
@ -86,9 +85,10 @@ class tax_report(rml_parse.rml_parse):
def _get_period(self, period_id, context={}):
return self.pool.get('account.period').browse(self.cr, self.uid, period_id, context=context).name
def _get_general(self, tax_code_id,period_list ,company_id, based_on, context={}):
def _get_general(self, tax_code_id, period_list ,company_id, based_on, context={}):
obj_account = self.pool.get('account.account')
periods_ids = tuple(period_list)
if based_on == 'payments':
self.cr.execute('SELECT SUM(line.tax_amount) AS tax_amount, \
SUM(line.debit) AS debit, \
@ -107,11 +107,11 @@ class tax_report(rml_parse.rml_parse):
AND line.account_id = account.id \
AND account.company_id = %s \
AND move.id = line.move_id \
AND line.period_id =ANY(%s) \
AND line.period_id IN %s \
AND ((invoice.state = %s) \
OR (invoice.id IS NULL)) \
GROUP BY account.id,account.name,account.code', ('draft', tax_code_id,
company_id, period_list, 'paid',))
company_id, periods_ids, 'paid',))
else :
self.cr.execute('SELECT SUM(line.tax_amount) AS tax_amount, \
@ -127,10 +127,10 @@ class tax_report(rml_parse.rml_parse):
AND line.tax_code_id = %s \
AND line.account_id = account.id \
AND account.company_id = %s \
AND line.period_id =ANY(%s)\
AND line.period_id IN %s\
AND account.active \
GROUP BY account.id,account.name,account.code', ('draft', tax_code_id,
company_id, period_list,))
company_id, periods_ids,))
res = self.cr.dictfetchall()
#AND line.period_id IN ('+ period_sql_list +') \

View File

@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class account_balance_report(osv.osv_memory):
context = {}
sql = """
SELECT f.id, f.date_start, f.date_stop FROM account_fiscalyear f Where %s between f.date_start and f.date_stop """
cr.execute(sql, (data['form']['date_from'],))
res = cr.dictfetchall()
if res:

View File

@ -160,10 +160,10 @@ class account_fiscalyear_close(osv.osv_memory):
'WHERE b.account_id = %s ' \
'AND b.reconcile_id is NOT NULL ' \
'AND a.reconcile_id = b.reconcile_id ' \
'AND b.period_id =ANY(%s)'\
'AND a.period_id =ANY(%s)' \
'AND b.period_id IN %s'\
'AND a.period_id IN %s' \
'ORDER BY id ' \
'LIMIT %s OFFSET %s', (account.id,period_ids,periods_fy2,limit, offset))
'LIMIT %s OFFSET %s', (account.id,tuple(period_ids),tuple(periods_fy2),limit, offset))
result = cr.dictfetchall()
if not result:

View File

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class account_general_ledger_report(osv.osv_memory):
context = {}
sql = """
SELECT f.id, f.date_start, f.date_stop FROM account_fiscalyear f Where %s between f.date_start and f.date_stop """
cr.execute(sql, (data['form']['date_from'],))
res = cr.dictfetchall()
if res:
if (data['form']['date_to'] > res[0]['date_stop'] or data['form']['date_to'] < res[0]['date_start']):

View File

@ -37,16 +37,7 @@ class account_open_closed_fiscalyear(osv.osv_memory):
period_journal = data_fyear.end_journal_period_id
ids_move = self.pool.get('account.move').search(cr,uid,[('journal_id','=',period_journal.journal_id.id),('period_id','=',period_journal.period_id.id)])
if ids_move:
cr.execute('delete from account_move where id =ANY(%s)',(ids_move,))
#cr.execute('UPDATE account_journal_period ' \
# 'SET state = %s ' \
# 'WHERE period_id IN (SELECT id FROM account_period WHERE fiscalyear_id = %s)',
# ('draft',data_fyear))
#cr.execute('UPDATE account_period SET state = %s ' \
# 'WHERE fiscalyear_id = %s', ('draft',data_fyear))
#cr.execute('UPDATE account_fiscalyear ' \
# 'SET state = %s, end_journal_period_id = null '\
# 'WHERE id = %s', ('draft',data_fyear))
cr.execute('delete from account_move where id IN %s', (tuple(ids_move),))
return {}

View File

@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ class account_partner_balance(osv.osv_memory):
'model': 'res.partner',
'form': self.read(cr, uid, ids, [])[0],
if data['form']['state'] == 'bydate' :
return self._check_date(cr, uid, data, context)
if data['form']['state'] == 'byperiod':
@ -89,7 +88,7 @@ class account_partner_balance(osv.osv_memory):
def _check_date(self, cr, uid, data, context):
sql = """
SELECT f.id, f.date_start, f.date_stop FROM account_fiscalyear f Where %s between f.date_start and f.date_stop """
cr.execute(sql, (data['form']['date1'],))
res = cr.dictfetchall()
if res:
if (data['form']['date2'] > res[0]['date_stop'] or data['form']['date2'] < res[0]['date_start']):

View File

@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ class account_partner_ledger(osv.osv_memory):
context = {}
sql = """
SELECT f.id, f.date_start, f.date_stop FROM account_fiscalyear f Where %s between f.date_start and f.date_stop """
cr.execute(sql, (data['form']['date1'],))
res = cr.dictfetchall()
if res:
if (data['form']['date2'] > res[0]['date_stop'] or data['form']['date2'] < res[0]['date_start']):

View File

@ -32,31 +32,29 @@ class account_analytic_account(osv.osv):
def _ca_invoiced_calc(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context={}):
res = {}
ids2 = self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)])
if ids2:
acc_set = ",".join(map(str, ids2))
parent_ids = tuple(self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)]))
if parent_ids:
cr.execute("select account_analytic_line.account_id, COALESCE(sum(amount_currency),0.0) \
from account_analytic_line \
join account_analytic_journal \
on account_analytic_line.journal_id = account_analytic_journal.id \
where account_analytic_line.account_id =ANY(%s) \
where account_analytic_line.account_id IN %s \
and account_analytic_journal.type = 'sale' \
group by account_analytic_line.account_id" ,(ids2,))
group by account_analytic_line.account_id" ,(parent_ids,))
for account_id, sum in cr.fetchall():
res[account_id] = round(sum,2)
return self._compute_currency_for_level_tree(cr, uid, ids, ids2, res, acc_set, context)
return self._compute_currency_for_level_tree(cr, uid, ids, parent_ids, res, context)
def _ca_to_invoice_calc(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context={}):
res = {}
res2 = {}
ids2 = self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)])
if ids2:
parent_ids = tuple(self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)]))
if parent_ids:
# Amount uninvoiced hours to invoice at sale price
# Warning
# This computation doesn't take care of pricelist !
# Just consider list_price
acc_set = ",".join(map(str, ids2))
cr.execute("""SELECT account_analytic_account.id, \
COALESCE(sum (product_template.list_price * \
account_analytic_line.unit_amount * \
@ -73,11 +71,11 @@ class account_analytic_account(osv.osv):
on account_analytic_account.id = account_analytic_line.account_id \
JOIN hr_timesheet_invoice_factor \
on hr_timesheet_invoice_factor.id = account_analytic_account.to_invoice \
WHERE account_analytic_account.id =ANY(%s) \
WHERE account_analytic_account.id IN %s \
AND account_analytic_line.invoice_id is null \
AND account_analytic_line.to_invoice IS NOT NULL \
and account_analytic_journal.type in ('purchase','general') \
GROUP BY account_analytic_account.id;""",(ids2,))
GROUP BY account_analytic_account.id;""",(parent_ids,))
for account_id, sum in cr.fetchall():
res[account_id] = round(sum,2)
@ -96,17 +94,17 @@ class account_analytic_account(osv.osv):
def _hours_qtt_non_invoiced_calc (self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context={}):
res = {}
ids2 = self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)])
if ids2:
parent_ids = tuple(self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)]))
if parent_ids:
cr.execute("select account_analytic_line.account_id, COALESCE(sum(unit_amount),0.0) \
from account_analytic_line \
join account_analytic_journal \
on account_analytic_line.journal_id = account_analytic_journal.id \
where account_analytic_line.account_id =ANY(%s) \
where account_analytic_line.account_id IN %s \
and account_analytic_journal.type='general' \
and invoice_id is null \
AND to_invoice IS NOT NULL \
GROUP BY account_analytic_line.account_id;",(ids2,))
GROUP BY account_analytic_line.account_id;",(parent_ids,))
for account_id, sum in cr.fetchall():
res[account_id] = round(sum,2)
for obj_id in ids:
@ -121,15 +119,15 @@ class account_analytic_account(osv.osv):
def _hours_quantity_calc(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context={}):
res = {}
ids2 = self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)])
if ids2:
parent_ids = tuple(self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)]))
if parent_ids:
cr.execute("select account_analytic_line.account_id,COALESCE(SUM(unit_amount),0.0) \
from account_analytic_line \
join account_analytic_journal \
on account_analytic_line.journal_id = account_analytic_journal.id \
where account_analytic_line.account_id =ANY(%s) \
where account_analytic_line.account_id IN %s \
and account_analytic_journal.type='general' \
GROUP BY account_analytic_line.account_id",(ids2,))
GROUP BY account_analytic_line.account_id",(parent_ids,))
ff = cr.fetchall()
for account_id, sum in ff:
res[account_id] = round(sum,2)
@ -145,30 +143,29 @@ class account_analytic_account(osv.osv):
def _total_cost_calc(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context={}):
res = {}
ids2 = self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)])
if ids2:
acc_set = ",".join(map(str, ids2))
parent_ids = tuple(self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)]))
if parent_ids:
cr.execute("""select account_analytic_line.account_id,COALESCE(sum(amount_currency),0.0) \
from account_analytic_line \
join account_analytic_journal \
on account_analytic_line.journal_id = account_analytic_journal.id \
where account_analytic_line.account_id =ANY(%s) \
where account_analytic_line.account_id IN %s \
and amount<0 \
GROUP BY account_analytic_line.account_id""",(ids2,))
GROUP BY account_analytic_line.account_id""",(parent_ids,))
for account_id, sum in cr.fetchall():
res[account_id] = round(sum,2)
return self._compute_currency_for_level_tree(cr, uid, ids, ids2, res, acc_set, context)
return self._compute_currency_for_level_tree(cr, uid, ids, parent_ids, res, context)
# TODO Take care of pricelist and purchase !
def _ca_theorical_calc(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context={}):
res = {}
res2 = {}
ids2 = self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)])
parent_ids = tuple(self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)]))
# Warning
# This computation doesn't take care of pricelist !
# Just consider list_price
if ids2:
if parent_ids:
cr.execute("""select account_analytic_line.account_id as account_id, \
COALESCE(sum((account_analytic_line.unit_amount * pt.list_price) \
- (account_analytic_line.unit_amount * pt.list_price \
@ -184,10 +181,10 @@ class account_analytic_account(osv.osv):
on (a.id=account_analytic_line.account_id) \
join hr_timesheet_invoice_factor hr \
on (hr.id=a.to_invoice) \
where account_analytic_line.account_id =ANY(%s) \
where account_analytic_line.account_id IN %s \
and a.to_invoice IS NOT NULL \
and account_analytic_journal.type in ('purchase','general')
GROUP BY account_analytic_line.account_id""",(ids2,))
GROUP BY account_analytic_line.account_id""",(parent_ids,))
for account_id, sum in cr.fetchall():
res2[account_id] = round(sum,2)
@ -207,13 +204,13 @@ class account_analytic_account(osv.osv):
def _last_worked_date_calc (self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context={}):
res = {}
ids2 = self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)])
if ids2:
parent_ids = tuple(self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)]))
if parent_ids:
cr.execute("select account_analytic_line.account_id, max(date) \
from account_analytic_line \
where account_id =ANY(%s) \
where account_id IN %s \
and invoice_id is null \
GROUP BY account_analytic_line.account_id" ,(ids2,))
GROUP BY account_analytic_line.account_id" ,(parent_ids,))
for account_id, sum in cr.fetchall():
res[account_id] = sum
for obj_id in ids:
@ -228,16 +225,16 @@ class account_analytic_account(osv.osv):
def _last_invoice_date_calc (self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context={}):
res = {}
ids2 = self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)])
if ids2:
parent_ids = tuple(self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)]))
if parent_ids:
cr.execute ("select account_analytic_line.account_id, \
date(max(account_invoice.date_invoice)) \
from account_analytic_line \
join account_invoice \
on account_analytic_line.invoice_id = account_invoice.id \
where account_analytic_line.account_id =ANY(%s) \
where account_analytic_line.account_id IN %s \
and account_analytic_line.invoice_id is not null \
GROUP BY account_analytic_line.account_id",(ids2,))
GROUP BY account_analytic_line.account_id",(parent_ids,))
for account_id, sum in cr.fetchall():
res[account_id] = sum
for obj_id in ids:
@ -252,13 +249,13 @@ class account_analytic_account(osv.osv):
def _last_worked_invoiced_date_calc (self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context={}):
res = {}
ids2 = self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)])
if ids2:
parent_ids = tuple(self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)]))
if parent_ids:
cr.execute("select account_analytic_line.account_id, max(date) \
from account_analytic_line \
where account_id =ANY(%s) \
where account_id IN %s \
and invoice_id is not null \
GROUP BY account_analytic_line.account_id;",(ids2,))
GROUP BY account_analytic_line.account_id;",(parent_ids,))
for account_id, sum in cr.fetchall():
res[account_id] = sum
for obj_id in ids:
@ -346,10 +343,10 @@ class account_analytic_account(osv.osv):
def _month(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context=None):
res = {}
for id in ids:
ids2 = self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', [id])])
if ids2:
parent_ids = tuple(self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)]))
if parent_ids:
cr.execute('SELECT DISTINCT(month_id) FROM account_analytic_analysis_summary_month ' \
'WHERE account_id =ANY(%s) AND unit_amount <> 0.0',(ids2,))
'WHERE account_id IN %s AND unit_amount <> 0.0',(parent_ids,))
res[id] = [int(id * 1000000 + int(x[0])) for x in cr.fetchall()]
res[id] = []
@ -360,10 +357,10 @@ class account_analytic_account(osv.osv):
cr.execute('SELECT MAX(id) FROM res_users')
max_user = cr.fetchone()[0]
for id in ids:
ids2 = self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', [id])])
if ids2:
parent_ids = tuple(self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)]))
if parent_ids:
cr.execute('SELECT DISTINCT("user") FROM account_analytic_analysis_summary_user ' \
'WHERE account_id =ANY(%s) AND unit_amount <> 0.0',(ids2,))
'WHERE account_id IN %s AND unit_amount <> 0.0',(parent_ids,))
res[id] = [int((id * max_user) + x[0]) for x in cr.fetchall()]
res[id] = []
@ -405,12 +402,12 @@ class account_analytic_account_summary_user(osv.osv):
max_user = cr.fetchone()[0]
account_ids = [int(str(x/max_user - (x%max_user == 0 and 1 or 0))) for x in ids]
user_ids = [int(str(x-((x/max_user - (x%max_user == 0 and 1 or 0)) *max_user))) for x in ids]
account_ids2 = account_obj.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', account_ids)])
if account_ids2:
parent_ids = tuple(self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', account_ids)]))
if parent_ids:
cr.execute('SELECT id, unit_amount ' \
'FROM account_analytic_analysis_summary_user ' \
'WHERE account_id =ANY(%s) ' \
'AND "user" =ANY(%s)',(account_ids2, user_ids,))
'WHERE account_id IN %s ' \
'AND "user" IN %s',(parent_ids, user_ids,))
for sum_id, unit_amount in cr.fetchall():
res[sum_id] = unit_amount
for obj_id in ids:
@ -570,12 +567,12 @@ class account_analytic_account_summary_month(osv.osv):
account_obj = self.pool.get('account.analytic.account')
account_ids = [int(str(int(x))[:-6]) for x in ids]
month_ids = [int(str(int(x))[-6:]) for x in ids]
account_ids2 = account_obj.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', account_ids)])
if account_ids2:
parent_ids = tuple(self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', account_ids)]))
if parent_ids:
cr.execute('SELECT id, unit_amount ' \
'FROM account_analytic_analysis_summary_month ' \
'WHERE account_id =ANY(%s) ' \
'AND month_id =ANY(%s) ',(account_ids2, month_ids,))
'WHERE account_id IN %s ' \
'AND month_id IN %s ',(parent_ids, month_ids,))
for sum_id, unit_amount in cr.fetchall():
res[sum_id] = unit_amount
for obj_id in ids:

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from operator import itemgetter
from osv import fields, osv
from tools.translate import _
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class account_move_line(osv.osv):
WHERE move_line_id = ml.id
AND po.state != 'cancel') as amount
FROM account_move_line ml
WHERE id =ANY(%s)""" ,(ids,))
WHERE id IN %s""", (tuple(ids),))
return r
@ -58,8 +58,10 @@ class account_move_line(osv.osv):
END - coalesce(sum(pl.amount_currency), 0)
FROM payment_line pl
INNER JOIN payment_order po ON (pl.order_id = po.id)
WHERE move_line_id = l.id AND po.state != 'cancel')''' \
+ x[1] + str(x[2])+' ',args))
WHERE move_line_id = l.id
AND po.state != 'cancel'
) %(operator)s %%s ''' % {'operator': x[1]}, args))
sql_args = tuple(map(itemgetter(2), args))
cr.execute(('''select id
from account_move_line l
@ -68,7 +70,7 @@ class account_move_line(osv.osv):
where type=%s and active)
and reconcile_id is null
and credit > 0
and ''' + where + ' and ' + query), ('payable',) )
and ''' + where + ' and ' + query), ('payable',)+sql_args )
res = cr.fetchall()
if not len(res):

View File

@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ class payment_mode(osv.osv):
where pm.id = %s """, [payment_code])
return [x[0] for x in cr.fetchall()]
@ -151,19 +150,9 @@ class payment_line(osv.osv):
_name = 'payment.line'
_description = 'Payment Line'
#~ def partner_payable(self, cr, uid, ids, name, args, context={}):
#~ if not ids: return {}
#~ partners= self.read(cr, uid, ids, ['partner_id'], context)
#~ partners= dict(map(lambda x: (x['id'], x['partner_id'][0]), partners))
#~ debit = self.pool.get('res.partner')._debit_get(cr, uid,
#~ partners.values(), name, args, context)
#~ for i in partners:
#~ partners[i] = debit[partners[i]]
#~ return partners
def translate(self, orig):
return {
# "to_pay": "credit",
"due_date": "date_maturity",
"reference": "ref"}.get(orig, orig)
@ -225,8 +214,8 @@ class payment_line(osv.osv):
from account_move_line ml
inner join payment_line pl
on (ml.id = pl.move_line_id)
where pl.id =ANY(%s)""",
where pl.id IN %%s"""% self.translate(name),
res = dict(cr.fetchall())
if name == 'partner_id':
@ -245,61 +234,6 @@ class payment_line(osv.osv):
res.setdefault(id, (False, ""))
return res
# def _currency(self, cursor, user, ids, name, args, context=None):
# if not ids:
# return {}
# res = {}
# currency_obj = self.pool.get('res.currency')
# account_obj = self.pool.get('account.account')
# cursor.execute('''SELECT pl.id, ml.currency_id, ml.account_id
# FROM account_move_line ml
# INNER JOIN payment_line pl
# ON (ml.id = pl.move_line_id)
# WHERE pl.id in (''' + ','.join([str(x) for x in ids]) + ')')
# res2 = {}
# account_ids = []
# for payment_line_id, currency_id, account_id in cursor.fetchall():
# res2[payment_line_id] = [currency_id, account_id]
# account_ids.append(account_id)
# account2currency_id = {}
# for account in account_obj.browse(cursor, user, account_ids,
# context=context):
# account2currency_id[account.id] = account.company_currency_id.id
# for payment_line_id in ids:
# if res2[payment_line_id][0]:
# res[payment_line_id] = res2[payment_line_id][0]
# else:
# res[payment_line_id] = \
# account2currency_id[res2[payment_line_id][1]]
# currency_names = {}
# for currency_id, name in currency_obj.name_get(cursor, user, res.values(),
# context=context):
# currency_names[currency_id] = name
# for payment_line_id in ids:
# res[payment_line_id] = (res[payment_line_id],
# currency_names[res[payment_line_id]])
# return res
# def _to_pay_currency(self, cursor, user, ids, name , args, context=None):
# if not ids:
# return {}
# cursor.execute('''SELECT pl.id,
# CASE WHEN ml.amount_currency < 0
# THEN - ml.amount_currency
# ELSE ml.credit
# FROM account_move_line ml
# INNER JOIN payment_line pl
# ON (ml.id = pl.move_line_id)
# WHERE pl.id in (''' + ','.join([str(x) for x in ids]) + ')')
# return dict(cursor.fetchall())
def _amount(self, cursor, user, ids, name, args, context=None):
if not ids:
return {}
@ -335,15 +269,6 @@ class payment_line(osv.osv):
return self.pool.get('res.currency').search(cr, uid, [('rate','=',1.0)])[0]
# def select_move_lines(*a):
# print a
# return []
# def create(self, cr, uid, vals, context):
# print "created!!!"
# vals['company_currency'] = self._get_currency(cr, uid, context)
# return super(payment_line, self).create(cr, uid, vals, context)
def _get_ml_inv_ref(self, cr, uid, ids, *a):
for id in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
@ -378,11 +303,6 @@ class payment_line(osv.osv):
'move_line_id': fields.many2one('account.move.line','Entry line', domain=[('reconcile_id','=', False), ('account_id.type', '=','payable')],help='This Entry Line will be referred for the information of the ordering customer.'),
'amount_currency': fields.float('Amount in Partner Currency', digits=(16,2),
required=True, help='Payment amount in the partner currency'),
# 'to_pay_currency': fields.function(_to_pay_currency, string='To Pay',
# method=True, type='float',
# help='Amount to pay in the partner currency'),
# 'currency': fields.function(_currency, string='Currency',
# method=True, type='many2one', obj='res.currency'),
'currency': fields.many2one('res.currency','Partner Currency',required=True),
'company_currency': fields.many2one('res.currency','Company Currency',readonly=True),
'bank_id': fields.many2one('res.partner.bank', 'Destination Bank account'),
@ -392,21 +312,12 @@ class payment_line(osv.osv):
'amount': fields.function(_amount, string='Amount in Company Currency',
method=True, type='float',
help='Payment amount in the company currency'),
# 'to_pay': fields.function(select_by_name, string="To Pay", method=True,
# type='float', help='Amount to pay in the company currency'),
# 'due_date': fields.function(select_by_name, string="Due date",
# method=True, type='date'),
'ml_date_created': fields.function(_get_ml_created_date, string="Effective Date",
method=True, type='date',help="Invoice Effective Date"),
# 'reference': fields.function(select_by_name, string="Ref", method=True,
# type='char'),
'ml_maturity_date': fields.function(_get_ml_maturity_date, method=True, type='date', string='Maturity Date'),
'ml_inv_ref': fields.function(_get_ml_inv_ref, method=True, type='many2one', relation='account.invoice', string='Invoice Ref.'),
'info_owner': fields.function(info_owner, string="Owner Account", method=True, type="text",help='Address of the Main Partner'),
'info_partner': fields.function(info_partner, string="Destination Account", method=True, type="text",help='Address of the Ordering Customer.'),
# 'partner_payable': fields.function(partner_payable, string="Partner payable", method=True, type='float'),
# 'value_date': fields.function(_value_date, string='Value Date',
# method=True, type='date'),
'date': fields.date('Payment Date',help="If no payment date is specified, the bank will treat this payment line directly"),
'create_date': fields.datetime('Created' ,readonly=True),
'state': fields.selection([('normal','Free'), ('structured','Structured')], 'Communication Type', required=True)

View File

@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ class account_voucher(osv.osv):
def action_number(self, cr, uid, ids, *args):
cr.execute('SELECT id, type, number, move_id, reference ' \
'FROM account_voucher ' \
'WHERE id =ANY(%s)',(ids,))
'WHERE id IN %s',(tuple(ids),))
for (id, invtype, number, move_id, reference) in cr.fetchall():
if not number:
number = self.pool.get('ir.sequence').get(cr, uid, invtype)

View File

@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ class account_analytic_account(osv.osv):
_name = 'account.analytic.account'
_description = 'Analytic Account'
def _compute_currency_for_level_tree(self, cr, uid, ids, ids2, res, acc_set, context={}):
def _compute_currency_for_level_tree(self, cr, uid, ids, ids2, res, context={}):
# Handle multi-currency on each level of analytic account
# This is a refactoring of _balance_calc computation
cr.execute("SELECT a.id, r.currency_id FROM account_analytic_account a INNER JOIN res_company r ON (a.company_id = r.id) where a.id in (%s)" % acc_set)
cr.execute("SELECT a.id, r.currency_id FROM account_analytic_account a INNER JOIN res_company r ON (a.company_id = r.id) where a.id IN %s" , (tuple(ids2),))
currency= dict(cr.fetchall())
res_currency= self.pool.get('res.currency')
for id in ids:
@ -61,13 +61,11 @@ class account_analytic_account(osv.osv):
def _credit_calc(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context={}):
res = {}
ids2 = self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)])
acc_set = ",".join(map(str, ids2))
parent_ids = tuple(self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)]))
for i in ids:
if not ids2:
if not parent_ids:
return res
where_date = ''
@ -75,19 +73,17 @@ class account_analytic_account(osv.osv):
where_date += " AND l.date >= '" + context['from_date'] + "'"
if context.get('to_date',False):
where_date += " AND l.date <= '" + context['to_date'] + "'"
cr.execute("SELECT a.id, COALESCE(SUM(l.amount_currency),0) FROM account_analytic_account a LEFT JOIN account_analytic_line l ON (a.id=l.account_id "+where_date+") WHERE l.amount_currency<0 and a.id =ANY(%s) GROUP BY a.id",(ids2,))
cr.execute("SELECT a.id, COALESCE(SUM(l.amount_currency),0) FROM account_analytic_account a LEFT JOIN account_analytic_line l ON (a.id=l.account_id "+where_date+") WHERE l.amount_currency<0 and a.id IN %s GROUP BY a.id",(tuple(parent_ids),))
r = dict(cr.fetchall())
return self._compute_currency_for_level_tree(cr, uid, ids, ids2, r, acc_set, context)
return self._compute_currency_for_level_tree(cr, uid, ids, parent_ids, r, context)
def _debit_calc(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context={}):
res = {}
ids2 = self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)])
acc_set = ",".join(map(str, ids2))
parent_ids = tuple(self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)]))
for i in ids:
if not ids2:
if not parent_ids:
return res
where_date = ''
@ -95,19 +91,17 @@ class account_analytic_account(osv.osv):
where_date += " AND l.date >= '" + context['from_date'] + "'"
if context.get('to_date',False):
where_date += " AND l.date <= '" + context['to_date'] + "'"
cr.execute("SELECT a.id, COALESCE(SUM(l.amount_currency),0) FROM account_analytic_account a LEFT JOIN account_analytic_line l ON (a.id=l.account_id "+where_date+") WHERE l.amount_currency>0 and a.id =ANY(%s) GROUP BY a.id" ,(ids2,))
cr.execute("SELECT a.id, COALESCE(SUM(l.amount_currency),0) FROM account_analytic_account a LEFT JOIN account_analytic_line l ON (a.id=l.account_id "+where_date+") WHERE l.amount_currency>0 and a.id IN %s GROUP BY a.id" ,(tuple(parent_ids),))
r= dict(cr.fetchall())
return self._compute_currency_for_level_tree(cr, uid, ids, ids2, r, acc_set, context)
return self._compute_currency_for_level_tree(cr, uid, ids, parent_ids, r, context)
def _balance_calc(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context={}):
res = {}
ids2 = self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)])
acc_set = ",".join(map(str, ids2))
parent_ids = tuple(self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)]))
for i in ids:
if not ids2:
if not parent_ids:
return res
where_date = ''
@ -115,23 +109,22 @@ class account_analytic_account(osv.osv):
where_date += " AND l.date >= '" + context['from_date'] + "'"
if context.get('to_date',False):
where_date += " AND l.date <= '" + context['to_date'] + "'"
cr.execute("SELECT a.id, COALESCE(SUM(l.amount_currency),0) FROM account_analytic_account a LEFT JOIN account_analytic_line l ON (a.id=l.account_id "+where_date+") WHERE a.id =ANY(%s) GROUP BY a.id",(ids2,))
cr.execute("SELECT a.id, COALESCE(SUM(l.amount_currency),0) FROM account_analytic_account a LEFT JOIN account_analytic_line l ON (a.id=l.account_id "+where_date+") WHERE a.id IN %s GROUP BY a.id",(tuple(parent_ids),))
for account_id, sum in cr.fetchall():
res[account_id] = sum
return self._compute_currency_for_level_tree(cr, uid, ids, ids2, res, acc_set, context)
return self._compute_currency_for_level_tree(cr, uid, ids, parent_ids, res, context)
def _quantity_calc(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context={}):
#XXX must convert into one uom
res = {}
ids2 = self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)])
acc_set = ",".join(map(str, ids2))
parent_ids = tuple(self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', ids)]))
for i in ids:
if not ids2:
if not parent_ids:
return res
where_date = ''
@ -143,13 +136,13 @@ class account_analytic_account(osv.osv):
cr.execute('SELECT a.id, COALESCE(SUM(l.unit_amount), 0) \
FROM account_analytic_account a \
LEFT JOIN account_analytic_line l ON (a.id = l.account_id ' + where_date + ') \
WHERE a.id =ANY(%s) GROUP BY a.id',(ids2,))
WHERE a.id IN %s GROUP BY a.id',(tuple(parent_ids),))
for account_id, sum in cr.fetchall():
res[account_id] = sum
for id in ids:
if id not in ids2:
if id not in parent_ids:
for child in self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', 'child_of', [id])]):
if child != id:

View File

@ -98,9 +98,15 @@ class auction_dates(osv.osv):
#TODO: convert this query to tiny API
lots_obj = self.pool.get('auction.lots')
cr.execute('select count(*) as c from auction_lots where auction_id =ANY(%s) and state=%s and obj_price>0', (ids,'draft',))
cr.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) AS c '
'FROM auction_lots '
'WHERE auction_id IN %s '
'AND state=%s AND obj_price>0', (tuple(ids), 'draft'))
nbr = cr.fetchone()[0]
ach_uids = {}
cr.execute('select id from auction_lots where auction_id =ANY(%s) and state=%s and obj_price>0', (ids,'draft',))
cr.execute('SELECT id FROM auction_lots '
'WHERE auction_id IN %s '
'AND state=%s AND obj_price>0', (tuple(ids), 'draft'))
r = lots_obj.lots_invoice(cr, uid, [x[0] for x in cr.fetchall()],{},None)
cr.execute('select id from auction_lots where auction_id =ANY(%s) and obj_price>0',(ids,))
ids2 = [x[0] for x in cr.fetchall()]
@ -115,7 +121,9 @@ auction_dates()
# Deposits
def _inv_uniq(cr, ids):
cr.execute('select name from auction_deposit where id =ANY(%s)',(ids,))
cr.execute('SELECT id FROM auction_lots '
'WHERE auction_id IN %s '
'AND obj_price>0', (tuple(ids),))
for datas in cr.fetchall():
cr.execute('select count(*) from auction_deposit where name=%s', (datas[0],))
if cr.fetchone()[0]>1:
@ -231,7 +239,9 @@ def _type_get(self, cr, uid,ids):
# Lots
def _inv_constraint(cr, ids):
cr.execute('select id, bord_vnd_id, lot_num from auction_lots where id =ANY(%s)', (ids,))
cr.execute('SELECT id, bord_vnd_id, lot_num FROM auction_lots '
'WHERE id IN %s',
for datas in cr.fetchall():
cr.execute('select count(*) from auction_lots where bord_vnd_id=%s and lot_num=%s', (datas[1],datas[2]))
if cr.fetchone()[0]>1:

View File

@ -28,19 +28,8 @@ class auction_objects(report_sxw.rml_parse):
super(auction_objects, self).__init__(cr, uid, name, context=context)
'time': time,
#'lines': self.lines
#'get_data' : self.get_data
# def lines(self, auction_id):
# cr.execute('select ad.name from auction_dates ad, a1uction_lots al where ad.id=al.%d group by ad.name',(auction_id))
# return self.cr.fetchone()[0]
# def get_data(self, auction_id):
# res = self.pool.get('auction.bid.lines').read(self.cr,self.uid,[lot_id])
# return True
report_sxw.report_sxw('report.auction.objects', 'auction.lots', 'addons/auction/report/auction_objects.rml', parser=auction_objects)

View File

@ -54,7 +54,10 @@ class auction_total_rml(report_sxw.rml_parse):
for lot_id in objects:
self.cr.execute('select auction_id from auction_lots where id =ANY(%s) group by auction_id',(auc_lot_ids,))
self.cr.execute('SELECT auction_id FROM auction_lots '
'WHERE id IN %s '
'GROUP BY auction_id',
auc_date_ids = self.cr.fetchall()
for ad_id in auc_date_ids:
@ -64,52 +67,52 @@ class auction_total_rml(report_sxw.rml_parse):
def sum_taxes(self,auction_id):
self.cr.execute("select count(1) from auction_lots where id =ANY(%s) and auction_id=%s group by auction_id ", (self.total_obj,auction_id,))
self.cr.execute("select count(1) from auction_lots where id IN %s and auction_id=%s group by auction_id ", (tuple(self.total_obj),auction_id,))
res = self.cr.fetchone()
return res[0]
def sold_item(self, object_id):
self.cr.execute("select count(1) from auction_lots where id =ANY(%s) and auction_id=%s and state in ('unsold') ", (self.total_obj,object_id,))
self.cr.execute("select count(1) from auction_lots where id IN %s and auction_id=%s and state in ('unsold') ", (tuple(self.total_obj),object_id,))
res = self.cr.fetchone()
return str(res[0])
def sum_buyer(self, auction_id):
self.cr.execute("select count(*) from auction_lots where id =ANY(%s) and auction_id=%s and (ach_uid is not null or ach_login is not null) ", (self.total_obj,auction_id,))
self.cr.execute("select count(*) from auction_lots where id IN %s and auction_id=%s and (ach_uid is not null or ach_login is not null) ", (tuple(self.total_obj),auction_id,))
res = self.cr.fetchone()
return str(res[0])
def sum_seller(self, auction_id):
self.cr.execute("select count(distinct bord_vnd_id) from auction_lots where id =ANY(%s) and auction_id=%s AND bord_vnd_id is not null ", (self.total_obj,auction_id,))
self.cr.execute("select count(distinct bord_vnd_id) from auction_lots where id IN %s and auction_id=%s AND bord_vnd_id is not null ", (tuple(self.total_obj),auction_id,))
res = self.cr.fetchone()
return res[0]
def sum_adj(self, auction_id):
self.cr.execute("select sum(obj_price) from auction_lots where id =ANY(%s) and auction_id=%s ", (self.total_obj,auction_id,))
self.cr.execute("select sum(obj_price) from auction_lots where id IN %s and auction_id=%s ", (tuple(self.total_obj),auction_id,))
res = self.cr.fetchone()
return str(res[0])
def count_take(self, auction_id):
self.cr.execute("select count(*) from auction_lots where id =ANY(%s) and auction_id=%s and ach_emp='True' ", (self.total_obj,auction_id,))
self.cr.execute("select count(*) from auction_lots where id IN %s and auction_id=%s and ach_emp='True' ", (tuple(self.total_obj),auction_id,))
res = self.cr.fetchone()
return str(res[0])
def chek_paid(self, auction_id):
self.cr.execute("select count(1) from auction_lots where id =ANY(%s) and auction_id=%s and ((paid_ach='T') or (is_ok='T')) ", (self.total_obj,auction_id,))
self.cr.execute("select count(1) from auction_lots where id IN %s and auction_id=%s and ((paid_ach='T') or (is_ok='T')) ", (tuple(self.total_obj),auction_id,))
res = self.cr.fetchone()
return str(res[0])
def check_paid_seller(self,auction_id):
self.cr.execute("select sum(seller_price) from auction_lots where id =ANY(%s) and auction_id=%s and paid_vnd != 'T' ", (self.total_obj,auction_id,))
self.cr.execute("select sum(seller_price) from auction_lots where id IN %s and auction_id=%s and paid_vnd != 'T' ", (tuple(self.total_obj),auction_id,))
res = self.cr.fetchone()
return str(res[0]) or 0.0
def sum_credit(self,auction_id):
self.cr.execute("select sum(buyer_price) from auction_lots where id =ANY(%s) and auction_id=%s", (self.total_obj,auction_id,))
self.cr.execute("select sum(buyer_price) from auction_lots where id IN %s and auction_id=%s", (tuple(self.total_obj),auction_id,))
res = self.cr.fetchone()
return str(res[0])
def sum_debit_buyer(self,auction_id):
self.cr.execute("select sum(buyer_price) from auction_lots where id =ANY(%s) and auction_id=%s", (self.total_obj,auction_id,))
self.cr.execute("select sum(buyer_price) from auction_lots where id IN %s and auction_id=%s", (tuple(self.total_obj),auction_id,))
res = self.cr.fetchone()
return str(res[0] or 0)
@ -121,27 +124,27 @@ class auction_total_rml(report_sxw.rml_parse):
def sum_credit_seller(self, object_id):
self.cr.execute("select sum(seller_price) from auction_lots where id =ANY(%s) and auction_id=%s", (self.total_obj,object_id,))
self.cr.execute("select sum(seller_price) from auction_lots where id IN %s and auction_id=%s", (tuple(self.total_obj),object_id,))
res = self.cr.fetchone()
return str(res[0] or 0)
def sum_minadj(self, auction_id):
self.cr.execute('select sum(lot_est1) from auction_lots where id =ANY(%s) and auction_id=%s', (self.total_obj,auction_id,))
self.cr.execute('select sum(lot_est1) from auction_lots where id IN %s and auction_id=%s', (tuple(self.total_obj),auction_id,))
res = self.cr.fetchone()
return str(res[0]) or 0
def sum_maxadj(self, auction_id):
self.cr.execute('select sum(lot_est2) from auction_lots where id =ANY(%s) and auction_id=%s', (self.total_obj,auction_id,))
self.cr.execute('select sum(lot_est2) from auction_lots where id IN %s and auction_id=%s', (tuple(self.total_obj),auction_id,))
res = self.cr.fetchone()
return str(res[0]) or 0
def sum_buyer_paid(self, auction_id):
self.cr.execute("select count(*) from auction_lots where id =ANY(%s) and auction_id=%s and state = 'paid' ", (self.total_obj,auction_id,))
self.cr.execute("select count(*) from auction_lots where id IN %s and auction_id=%s and state = 'paid' ", (tuple(self.total_obj),auction_id,))
res = self.cr.fetchone()
return str(res[0])
def count_comm(self, auction_id):
self.cr.execute("select count(*) from auction_lots where id =ANY(%s) and auction_id=%s and obj_comm is not null ", (self.total_obj,auction_id,))
self.cr.execute("select count(*) from auction_lots where id IN %s and auction_id=%s and obj_comm is not null ", (tuple(self.total_obj),auction_id,))
res = self.cr.fetchone()
return str(res[0])

View File

@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ class buyer_list(report_sxw.rml_parse):
for lot_id in objects:
self.cr.execute('select auction_id from auction_lots where id =ANY(%s) group by auction_id',(auc_lot_ids,))
self.cr.execute('SELECT auction_id FROM auction_lots WHERE id IN %s GROUP BY auction_id',
auc_date_ids = self.cr.fetchall()
for ad_id in auc_date_ids:
@ -69,13 +70,16 @@ class buyer_list(report_sxw.rml_parse):
auc_date_ids = self.pool.get('auction.dates').search(self.cr,self.uid,([('name','like',obj['name'])]))
# self.cr.execute('select ach_uid,count(1) as no_lot, sum(obj_price) as adj_price, sum(buyer_price)-sum(obj_price) as buyer_cost ,sum(buyer_price) as to_pay from auction_lots where id in ('+','.join(map(str,self.auc_lot_ids))+') and auction_id=%s and ach_uid is not null group by ach_uid ', (auc_date_ids[0],))
self.cr.execute('select ach_login as ach_uid,count(1) as no_lot, sum(obj_price) as adj_price, sum(buyer_price)-sum(obj_price) as buyer_cost ,sum(buyer_price) as to_pay from auction_lots where id =ANY(%s) and auction_id=%s and ach_login is not null group by ach_login order by ach_login', (self.auc_lot_ids,auc_date_ids[0],))
self.cr.execute('SELECT ach_login AS ach_uid, COUNT(1) AS no_lot, '\
'SUM(obj_price) AS adj_price, '\
'SUM(buyer_price)-SUM(obj_price) AS buyer_cost, '\
'SUM(buyer_price) AS to_pay '\
'FROM auction_lots WHERE id IN %s '\
'AND auction_id=%s AND ach_login IS NOT NULL '\
'GROUP BY ach_login ORDER BY ach_login',
(tuple(self.auc_lot_ids), auc_date_ids[0],))
res = self.cr.dictfetchall()
for r in res:
# if r['ach_uid']:
# tnm=self.pool.get('res.partner').read(self.cr,self.uid,[r['ach_uid']],['name'])#
# r.__setitem__('ach_uid',tnm[0]['name'])
self.sum_adj_price_val = self.sum_adj_price_val + r['adj_price']
self.sum_buyer_obj_price_val = self.sum_buyer_obj_price_val + r['buyer_cost']
self.sum_buyer_price_val = self.sum_buyer_price_val + r['to_pay']

View File

@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ class auction_catalog(report_rml):
for test in ab:
if test.has_key('auction_id'):
cr.execute('select * from auction_lots where auction_id =ANY(%s)',(auction_ids,))
cr.execute('select * from auction_lots where auction_id IN %s',(tuple(auction_ids),))
res = cr.dictfetchall()
for cat in res:
product =doc.createElement('product')

View File

@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ class crm_case_section(osv.osv):
level = 100
while len(ids):
cr.execute('select distinct parent_id from crm_case_section where id =ANY(%s)', (ids,))
cr.execute('select distinct parent_id from crm_case_section where id IN %s', (tuple(ids),))
ids = filter(None, map(lambda x: x[0], cr.fetchall()))
if not level:
return False

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class report_custom(report_int):
cr.execute('select probability, planned_revenue, planned_cost, user_id,\
res_users.name as name from crm_case left join res_users on \
(crm_case.user_id=res_users.id) where crm_case.id =ANY(%s) order by user_id',(ids,))
(crm_case.user_id=res_users.id) where crm_case.id IN %s order by user_id',(tuple(ids),))
res = cr.dictfetchall()
for row in res:

View File

@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ class email_template_mailbox(osv.osv):
for attid in values['attachments_ids']:
attachment = self.pool.get('ir.attachment').browse(cr, uid, attid, context)#,['datas_fname','datas'])
payload[attachment.datas_fname] = attachment.datas
print "233333333333333"
result = account_obj.send_mail(cr, uid,
{'To':values.get('email_to', u'') or u'', 'CC':values.get('email_cc', u'') or u'', 'BCC':values.get('email_bcc', u'') or u''},

View File

@ -168,7 +168,6 @@ class email_template_send_wizard(osv.osv_memory):
mail_ids = []
template = self._get_template(cr, uid, context)
for id in context['src_rec_ids']:
print "@22222222222222222222222",ids
screen_vals = self.read(cr, uid, ids[0], [],context)
account = self.pool.get('email_template.account').read(cr, uid, screen_vals['from'], context=context)
vals = {

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class hr_employee_category(osv.osv):
def _check_recursion(self, cr, uid, ids):
level = 100
while len(ids):
cr.execute('select distinct parent_id from hr_employee_category where id=ANY(%s)',(ids,))
cr.execute('select distinct parent_id from hr_employee_category where id IN %s',(tuple(ids),))
ids = filter(None, map(lambda x:x[0], cr.fetchall()))
if not level:
return False
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ class hr_employee(osv.osv):
def _check_recursion(self, cr, uid, ids):
level = 100
while len(ids):
cr.execute('select distinct parent_id from hr_employee where id =ANY(%s)',(ids,))
cr.execute('select distinct parent_id from hr_employee where id IN %s',(tuple(ids),))
ids = filter(None, map(lambda x:x[0], cr.fetchall()))
if not level:
return False

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class hr_department(osv.osv):
def _check_recursion(self, cr, uid, ids):
level = 100
while len(ids):
cr.execute('select distinct parent_id from hr_department where id =ANY(%s)',(ids,))
cr.execute('select distinct parent_id from hr_department where id IN %s',(tuple(ids),))
ids = filter(None, map(lambda x:x[0], cr.fetchall()))
if not level:
return False

View File

@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class hr_employee(osv.osv):
LEFT JOIN hr_attendance \
ON (hr_attendance.employee_id = foo.employee_id \
AND hr_attendance.name = foo.name) \
WHERE hr_attendance.employee_id =ANY(%s)',(ids,))
WHERE hr_attendance.employee_id IN %s',(tuple(ids),))
for res in cr.fetchall():
result[res[1]] = res[0] == 'sign_in' and 'present' or 'absent'
return result

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class hr_attendance_error(osv.osv_memory):
data_error = self.read(cr, uid, ids)[0]
date_from = data_error['init_date']
date_to = data_error['end_date']
cr.execute("select id from hr_attendance where employee_id =ANY(%s) and to_char(name,'YYYY-mm-dd')<=%s and to_char(name,'YYYY-mm-dd')>=%s and action =ANY(%s) order by name" ,(context['active_ids'], date_to, date_from, ['sign_in','sign_out']))
cr.execute("select id from hr_attendance where employee_id IN %s and to_char(name,'YYYY-mm-dd')<=%s and to_char(name,'YYYY-mm-dd')>=%s and action IN %s order by name" ,(tuple(context['active_ids']), date_to, date_from, tuple(['sign_in','sign_out'])))
attendance_ids = [x[0] for x in cr.fetchall()]
if not attendance_ids:
raise osv.except_osv(_('No Data Available'), _('No records found for your selection!'))

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class hr_expense_expense(osv.osv):
return super(hr_expense_expense, self).copy(cr, uid, id, default, context)
def _amount(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context):
cr.execute("SELECT s.id,COALESCE(SUM(l.unit_amount*l.unit_quantity),0) AS amount FROM hr_expense_expense s LEFT OUTER JOIN hr_expense_line l ON (s.id=l.expense_id) WHERE s.id =ANY(%s) GROUP BY s.id ",(ids,))
cr.execute("SELECT s.id,COALESCE(SUM(l.unit_amount*l.unit_quantity),0) AS amount FROM hr_expense_expense s LEFT OUTER JOIN hr_expense_line l ON (s.id=l.expense_id) WHERE s.id IN %s GROUP BY s.id ",(tuple(ids),))
res = dict(cr.fetchall())
return res
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ class hr_expense_line(osv.osv):
def _amount(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context):
if not len(ids):
return {}
cr.execute("SELECT l.id,COALESCE(SUM(l.unit_amount*l.unit_quantity),0) AS amount FROM hr_expense_line l WHERE id =ANY(%s) GROUP BY l.id ",(ids,))
cr.execute("SELECT l.id,COALESCE(SUM(l.unit_amount*l.unit_quantity),0) AS amount FROM hr_expense_line l WHERE id IN %s GROUP BY l.id ",(tuple(ids),))
res = dict(cr.fetchall())
return res

View File

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class hr_timesheet_invoice_create(osv.osv_memory):
if obj_acc.invoice_id and obj_acc.invoice_id.state !='cancel':
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning'),_('The analytic entry "%s" is already invoiced!')%(obj_acc.name,))
cr.execute("SELECT distinct(account_id) from account_analytic_line where id =ANY(%s)",(context['active_ids'],))
cr.execute("SELECT distinct(account_id) from account_analytic_line where id IN %s",(tuple(context['active_ids']),))
account_ids = cr.fetchall()
return [x[0] for x in account_ids]
@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ class hr_timesheet_invoice_create(osv.osv_memory):
cr.execute("SELECT product_id, to_invoice, sum(unit_amount) " \
"FROM account_analytic_line as line " \
"WHERE account_id = %s " \
"AND id =ANY(%s) AND to_invoice IS NOT NULL " \
"GROUP BY product_id,to_invoice", (account.id,context['active_ids'],))
"AND id IN %s AND to_invoice IS NOT NULL " \
"GROUP BY product_id,to_invoice", (account.id,tuple(context['active_ids']),))
for product_id,factor_id,qty in cr.fetchall():
product = pool.get('product.product').browse(cr, uid, product_id, context2)
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ class hr_timesheet_invoice_create(osv.osv_memory):
# Compute for lines
cr.execute("SELECT * FROM account_analytic_line WHERE account_id = %s and id = ANY (%s) AND product_id=%s and to_invoice=%s", (account.id, data['ids'], product_id, factor_id))
cr.execute("SELECT * FROM account_analytic_line WHERE account_id = %s and id in %s AND product_id=%s and to_invoice=%s", (account.id, tuple(data['ids']), product_id, factor_id))
line_ids = cr.dictfetchall()
note = []
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ class hr_timesheet_invoice_create(osv.osv_memory):
curr_line['note'] = "\n".join(map(lambda x: unicode(x) or '',note))
pool.get('account.invoice.line').create(cr, uid, curr_line)
cr.execute("update account_analytic_line set invoice_id=%s WHERE account_id = %s and id =ANY(%s)" ,(last_invoice, account.id,data['ids']))
cr.execute("update account_analytic_line set invoice_id=%s WHERE account_id = %s and id in %s" ,(last_invoice, account.id,tuple(data['ids'])))
self.pool.get('account.invoice').button_reset_taxes(cr, uid, [last_invoice], context)

View File

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class hr_timesheet_sheet(osv.osv):
LEFT JOIN hr_timesheet_sheet_sheet_day AS day \
ON (sheet.id = day.sheet_id \
AND day.name = sheet.date_current) \
WHERE sheet.id =ANY(%s)',(ids,))
WHERE sheet.id IN %s',(tuple(ids),))
for record in cr.fetchall():
res[record[0]] = {}
res[record[0]]['total_attendance_day'] = record[1]
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ class hr_timesheet_sheet(osv.osv):
FROM hr_timesheet_sheet_sheet s \
LEFT JOIN hr_timesheet_sheet_sheet_day d \
ON (s.id = d.sheet_id) \
WHERE s.id =ANY(%s) GROUP BY s.id',(ids,))
WHERE s.id IN %s GROUP BY s.id',(tuple(ids),))
for record in cr.fetchall():
res[record[0]] = {}
res[record[0]]['total_attendance'] = record[1]
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ class hr_timesheet_line(osv.osv):
ON (s.date_to >= al.date \
AND s.date_from <= al.date \
AND s.user_id = al.user_id) \
WHERE l.id =ANY(%s) GROUP BY l.id',(ids,))
WHERE l.id IN %s GROUP BY l.id',(tuple(ids),))
res = dict(cursor.fetchall())
sheet_names = {}
for sheet_id, name in sheet_obj.name_get(cursor, user, res.values(),
@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ class hr_attendance(osv.osv):
ON (s.date_to >= date_trunc('day',a.name) \
AND s.date_from <= a.name \
AND s.user_id = r.user_id) \
WHERE a.id =ANY(%s) GROUP BY a.id",(ids,))
WHERE a.id IN %s GROUP BY a.id",(tuple(ids),))
res = dict(cursor.fetchall())
sheet_names = {}
for sheet_id, name in sheet_obj.name_get(cursor, user, res.values(),

View File

@ -66,11 +66,11 @@ class idea_idea(osv.osv):
sql = """SELECT i.id, avg(v.score::integer)
FROM idea_idea i LEFT OUTER JOIN idea_vote v ON i.id = v.idea_id
WHERE i.id = ANY(%s)
WHERE i.id IN %s
cr.execute(sql, (ids,))
cr.execute(sql, (tuple(ids),))
return dict(cr.fetchall())
def _vote_count(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context=None):
@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ class idea_idea(osv.osv):
sql = """SELECT i.id, COUNT(1)
FROM idea_idea i LEFT OUTER JOIN idea_vote v ON i.id = v.idea_id
WHERE i.id = ANY(%s)
WHERE i.id IN %s
cr.execute(sql, (ids,))
cr.execute(sql, (tuple(ids),))
return dict(cr.fetchall())
def _comment_count(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context=None):
@ -106,11 +106,11 @@ class idea_idea(osv.osv):
sql = """SELECT i.id, COUNT(1)
FROM idea_idea i LEFT OUTER JOIN idea_comment c ON i.id = c.idea_id
WHERE i.id = ANY(%s)
WHERE i.id IN %s
cr.execute(sql, (ids,))
cr.execute(sql, (tuple(ids),))
return dict(cr.fetchall())
def _vote_read(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context = None):

View File

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class partner_vat(osv.osv_memory):
if not go_ahead:
cursor.execute('select b.code, sum(credit)-sum(debit) from account_move_line l left join account_account a on (l.account_id=a.id) left join account_account_type b on (a.user_type=b.id) where b.code in %s and l.partner_id=%s and l.period_id=ANY(%s) group by b.code',(('produit','tax'),obj_partner.id,period,))
cursor.execute('select b.code, sum(credit)-sum(debit) from account_move_line l left join account_account a on (l.account_id=a.id) left join account_account_type b on (a.user_type=b.id) where b.code IN %s and l.partner_id=%s and l.period_id IN %s group by b.code',(('produit','tax'),obj_partner.id,tuple(period),))
line_info = cursor.fetchall()
if not line_info:

View File

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ def _reconstruct_invoice_ref(cursor, user, reference, context):
cursor.execute('SELECT l.id ' \
'FROM account_move_line l, account_invoice i ' \
'WHERE l.move_id = i.move_id AND l.reconcile_id is NULL ' \
'AND i.id =ANY(%s)',([id_invoice],))
'AND i.id IN %s',(tuple([id_invoice]),))
inv_line = []
for id_line in cursor.fetchall():

View File

@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ class lunch_cashbox_clean(osv.osv_memory):
cashmove_ref = self.pool.get('lunch.cashmove')
cr.execute("select user_cashmove, box,sum(amount) from lunch_cashmove \
where active = 't' and box in (%s) group by user_cashmove, \
box" % ','.join(map(str, data)))
where active = 't' and box IN (%s) group by user_cashmove, \
box" , (tuple(data),))
res = cr.fetchall()
cr.execute("update lunch_cashmove set active = 'f' where active= 't' \
and box in (%s)" % ','.join(map(str, data)))
and box IN (%s)" , (tuple(data),))
for (user_id, box_id, amount) in res:
cashmove_ref.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Summary for user' + str(user_id),

View File

@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ class membership_line(osv.osv):
JOIN account_invoice ai ON (
ai.id = ail.invoice_id)
WHERE ml.id =ANY(%s)''',(ids,))
WHERE ml.id IN %s''',(tuple(ids),))
res = cr.fetchall()
for r in res:
if r[0] and r[0] < 0:
@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ class Partner(osv.osv):
def _check_recursion(self, cr, uid, ids):
level = 100
while len(ids):
cr.execute('select distinct associate_member from res_partner where id =ANY(%s)',(ids,))
cr.execute('select distinct associate_member from res_partner where id IN %s',(tuple(ids),))
ids = filter(None, map(lambda x:x[0], cr.fetchall()))
if not level:
return False

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class membership_invoice(osv.osv_memory):
SELECT partner_id, id, type
FROM res_partner_address
WHERE partner_id =ANY(%s)''',(partner_ids,))
WHERE partner_id IN %s''',(tuple(partner_ids),))
fetchal = cr.fetchall()
if not fetchal:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Error !'), _('No Address defined for this partner'))

View File

@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ class mrp_bom(osv.osv):
def _check_recursion(self, cr, uid, ids):
level = 100
while len(ids):
cr.execute('select distinct bom_id from mrp_bom where id =ANY(%s)',(ids,))
cr.execute('select distinct bom_id from mrp_bom where id IN %s',(tuple(ids),))
ids = filter(None, map(lambda x:x[0], cr.fetchall()))
if not level:
return False

View File

@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class report_custom(report_int):
"WHERE mrp_production_workcenter_line.production_id=mrp_production.id "\
"AND mrp_production_workcenter_line.workcenter_id=mrp_workcenter.id "\
"AND mrp_production.state NOT IN ('cancel','done') "\
"AND mrp_workcenter.id =ANY(%s)",(ids,))
"AND mrp_workcenter.id IN %s",(tuple(ids),))
res = cr.dictfetchone()
if not res['stop']:
res['stop'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ class report_custom(report_int):
# select workcenters
"SELECT mw.id, rs.name FROM mrp_workcenter mw, resource_resource rs " \
"WHERE mw.id=ANY(%s) and mw.resource_id=rs.id " \
"ORDER BY mw.id" ,(ids,))
"WHERE mw.id IN %s and mw.resource_id=rs.id " \
"ORDER BY mw.id" ,(tuple(ids),))
workcenters = cr.dictfetchall()
data = []

View File

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class pos_order(osv.osv):
) AS amount
FROM pos_order p
LEFT OUTER JOIN pos_order_line l ON (p.id=l.order_id)
WHERE p.id =ANY(%s) GROUP BY p.id """,(ids,))
WHERE p.id IN %s GROUP BY p.id """,(tuple(ids),))
res = dict(cr.fetchall())
for rec in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context):
if rec.partner_id \

View File

@ -37,12 +37,11 @@ class pos_sales_user_today(report_sxw.rml_parse):
def _get_data(self,form):
ids = form['user_id']
idss = map(str, ids)
self.cr.execute("select po.name as pos,po.date_order,ru.name as user,po.state,rc.name " \
"from pos_order as po,res_users as ru,res_company as rc " \
"where to_char(date_trunc('day',po.date_order),'YYYY-MM-DD')::date = current_date " \
"and po.company_id=rc.id and po.user_id=ru.id and po.user_id in (%s)"% (",".join(idss), ))
"and po.company_id=rc.id and po.user_id=ru.id and po.user_id IN %s" ,(tuple(ids), ))
data = self.cr.dictfetchall()
return data

View File

@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ class product_category(osv.osv):
def _check_recursion(self, cr, uid, ids):
level = 100
while len(ids):
cr.execute('select distinct parent_id from product_category where id =ANY(%s)',(ids,))
cr.execute('select distinct parent_id from product_category where id IN %s',(tuple(ids),))
ids = filter(None, map(lambda x:x[0], cr.fetchall()))
if not level:
return False

View File

@ -92,10 +92,10 @@ class project(osv.osv):
project_id =ANY(%s) AND
project_id IN %s AND
progress = dict(map(lambda x: (x[0], (x[1], x[2], x[3])), cr.fetchall()))
for project in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
s = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ class project(osv.osv):
res = super(project, self).copy(cr, uid, id, default, context)
ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id','child_of', [res])])
if ids:
cr.execute('update project_task set active=True where project_id =ANY(%s)',(ids,))
cr.execute('update project_task set active=True where project_id IN %s',(tuple(ids),))
return res
def duplicate_template(self, cr, uid, ids, context={}):
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ class task(osv.osv):
# Compute: effective_hours, total_hours, progress
def _hours_get(self, cr, uid, ids, field_names, args, context=None):
res = {}
cr.execute("SELECT task_id, COALESCE(SUM(hours),0) FROM project_task_work WHERE task_id =ANY(%s) GROUP BY task_id",(ids,))
cr.execute("SELECT task_id, COALESCE(SUM(hours),0) FROM project_task_work WHERE task_id IN %s GROUP BY task_id",(tuple(ids),))
hours = dict(cr.fetchall())
for task in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
res[task.id] = {'effective_hours': hours.get(task.id, 0.0), 'total_hours': task.remaining_hours + hours.get(task.id, 0.0)}

View File

@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ class purchase_order(osv.osv):
stock_picking p on (p.id=m.picking_id)
p.purchase_id = ANY(%s) GROUP BY m.state, p.purchase_id''',(ids,))
p.purchase_id IN %s GROUP BY m.state, p.purchase_id''',(tuple(ids),))
for oid,nbr,state in cr.fetchall():
if state=='cancel':

View File

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class sale_order(osv.osv):
mrp_procurement mp on (mp.move_id=m.id)
p.sale_id = ANY(%s) GROUP BY mp.state, p.sale_id''',(ids,))
p.sale_id IN %s GROUP BY mp.state, p.sale_id''',(tuple(ids),))
for oid, nbr, mp_state in cr.fetchall():
if mp_state == 'cancel':
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ class sale_order(osv.osv):
def action_cancel_draft(self, cr, uid, ids, *args):
if not len(ids):
return False
cr.execute('select id from sale_order_line where order_id = ANY(%s) and state=%s',(ids,'cancel'))
cr.execute('select id from sale_order_line where order_id IN %s and state=%s',(tuple(ids),'cancel'))
line_ids = map(lambda x: x[0], cr.fetchall())
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state': 'draft', 'invoice_ids': [], 'shipped': 0})
self.pool.get('sale.order.line').write(cr, uid, line_ids, {'invoiced': False, 'state': 'draft', 'invoice_lines': [(6, 0, [])]})

View File

@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ import time
def compute_burndown(cr, uid, tasks_id, date_start, date_stop):
latest = False
if len(tasks_id):
cr.execute('select id,create_date,state,planned_hours from project_task where id = ANY(%s) order by create_date',(tasks_id,))
cr.execute('select id,create_date,state,planned_hours from project_task where id IN %s order by create_date',(tuple(tasks_id),))
tasks = cr.fetchall()
cr.execute('select w.date,w.hours from project_task_work w left join project_task t on (t.id=w.task_id) where t.id = ANY(%s) and t.state in (%s,%s) order by date',(tasks_id,'open','progress',))
cr.execute('select w.date,w.hours from project_task_work w left join project_task t on (t.id=w.task_id) where t.id IN %s and t.state in (%s,%s) order by date',(tuple(tasks_id),'open','progress',))
tasks2 = cr.fetchall()
cr.execute('select date_end,planned_hours from project_task where id =ANY(%s) and state in (%s,%s) order by date_end' ,(tasks_id,'cancelled','done',))
cr.execute('select date_end,planned_hours from project_task where id IN %s and state in (%s,%s) order by date_end' ,(tuple(tasks_id),'cancelled','done',))
tasks2 += cr.fetchall()

View File

@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ class external_pdf(render):
def burndown_chart(cr, uid, tasks_id, date_start, date_stop):
latest = False
cr.execute('select id,date_start,state,planned_hours from project_task where id = ANY(%s) order by date_start'(tasks_id,))
cr.execute('select id,date_start,state,planned_hours from project_task where id IN %s order by date_start'(tuple(tasks_id),))
tasks = cr.fetchall()
cr.execute('select id,date_end,state,planned_hours*progress/100 from project_task where id =ANY(%s) and state in (%s,%s) order by date_end', (tasks_id,'progress','done',))
cr.execute('select id,date_end,state,planned_hours*progress/100 from project_task where id IN %s and state in (%s,%s) order by date_end', (tuple(tasks_id),'progress','done',))
tasks2 = cr.fetchall()
current_date = date_start
total = 0
@ -72,14 +72,14 @@ class report_tasks(report_int):
io = StringIO.StringIO()
if 'date_start' not in datas:
cr.execute('select min(date_start) from project_task where id = ANY(%s)',(ids,))
cr.execute('select min(date_start) from project_task where id IN %s',(tuple(ids),))
dt = cr.fetchone()[0]
if dt:
datas['date_start'] = dt[:10]
datas['date_start'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
if 'date_stop' not in datas:
cr.execute('select max(date_start),max(date_end) from project_task where id = ANY(%s)',(ids,))
cr.execute('select max(date_start),max(date_end) from project_task where id IN %s',(tuple(ids),))
res = cr.fetchone()
datas['date_stop'] = (res[0] and res[0][:10]) or time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
if res[1] and datas['date_stop']<res[1]:

View File

@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ class report_stock(report_int):
cr.execute("select sum(r.product_qty * u.factor), r.date_planned, r.product_id "
"from stock_move r left join product_uom u on (r.product_uom=u.id) "
"where state in %s"
"and location_id=ANY(%s)"
"and product_id=ANY(%s)"
"group by date_planned,product_id",(('confirmed','assigned','waiting'),loc_ids ,product_ids,))
"and location_id IN %s"
"and product_id IN %s"
"group by date_planned,product_id",(('confirmed','assigned','waiting'),tuple(loc_ids) ,tuple(product_ids),))
for (qty, dt, prod_id) in cr.fetchall():
if dt<=dt_from:
dt= (datetime.now() + relativedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ class report_stock(report_int):
cr.execute("select sum(r.product_qty * u.factor), r.date_planned, r.product_id "
"from stock_move r left join product_uom u on (r.product_uom=u.id) "
"where state in %s"
"and location_dest_id=ANY(%s)"
"and product_id=ANY(%s)"
"group by date_planned,product_id",(('confirmed','assigned','waiting'),loc_ids ,product_ids,))
"and location_dest_id IN %s"
"and product_id IN %s"
"group by date_planned,product_id",(('confirmed','assigned','waiting'),tuple(loc_ids) ,tuple(product_ids),))
for (qty, dt, prod_id) in cr.fetchall():
if dt<=dt_from:

View File

@ -1092,7 +1092,7 @@ class stock_production_lot(osv.osv):
location_id =ANY(%s) and prodlot_id =ANY(%s) group by prodlot_id''',(locations,ids,))
location_id IN %s and prodlot_id IN %s group by prodlot_id''',(tuple(locations),tuple(ids),))
return res
@ -1104,8 +1104,8 @@ class stock_production_lot(osv.osv):
location_id =ANY(%s) group by prodlot_id
having sum(name) '''+ str(args[0][1]) + str(args[0][2]),(locations,))
location_id IN %s group by prodlot_id
having sum(name) '''+ str(args[0][1]) + str(args[0][2]),(tuple(locations),))
res = cr.fetchall()
ids = [('id', 'in', map(lambda x: x[0], res))]
return ids

View File

@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ class survey_question(osv.osv):
return {}
val = {}
cr.execute("select question_id, count(id) as Total_response from \
survey_response_line where state='done' and question_id in (%s)\
group by question_id" % ",".join(map(str, map(int, ids))))
survey_response_line where state='done' and question_id IN %s\
group by question_id" ,(tuple(ids),))
ids1 = copy.deepcopy(ids)
for rec in cr.fetchall():

View File

@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ class wiki_make_index(osv.osv_memory):
for index_obj in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
wiki_pool = self.pool.get('wiki.wiki')
cr.execute("Select id, section from wiki_wiki where id = ANY(%s) \
order by section ", (data,))
cr.execute("Select id, section from wiki_wiki where id IN %s \
order by section ", (tuple(data),))
lst0 = cr.fetchall()
lst = []
s_ids = {}