[IMP] Improve recompute with dictionary of moves for every product

bzr revid: jco@openerp.com-20140305154836-f279eafnickmyjz9
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Josse Colpaert 2014-03-05 16:48:36 +01:00
parent abd79cc036
commit 3e2ebaae80
1 changed files with 53 additions and 46 deletions

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@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID
import openerp.addons.decimal_precision as dp
import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from profilehooks import profile
# Incoterms
@ -382,6 +382,8 @@ class stock_quant(osv.osv):
the choice on the quants that match the prefered_domain as well. But if the qty requested is not reached
it tries to find the remaining quantity by using the fallback_domain.
if location.usage in ['inventory', 'production', 'supplier']:
return [(None, qty)]
if prefered_domain and fallback_domain:
if domain is None:
domain = []
@ -502,36 +504,38 @@ class stock_quant(osv.osv):
dom += [('package_id', '=', quant.package_id.id)]
if move.move_dest_id:
dom += [('negative_move_id', '=', move.move_dest_id.id)]
quants = self.quants_get(cr, uid, quant.location_id, quant.product_id, quant.qty, dom, context=context)
for quant_neg, qty in quants:
if not quant_neg:
to_solve_quant_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('propagated_from_id', '=', quant_neg.id)], context=context)
if not to_solve_quant_ids:
solving_qty = qty
solved_quant_ids = []
for to_solve_quant in self.browse(cr, uid, to_solve_quant_ids, context=context):
if solving_qty <= 0:
quants = self.search(cr, uid, [('product_id', '=', quant.product_id.id), ('qty','<', 0)], context=context)
if quants:
quants = self.quants_get(cr, uid, quant.location_id, quant.product_id, quant.qty, dom, context=context)
for quant_neg, qty in quants:
if not quant_neg:
self._quant_split(cr, uid, to_solve_quant, min(solving_qty, to_solve_quant.qty), context=context)
solving_qty -= min(solving_qty, to_solve_quant.qty)
remaining_solving_quant = self._quant_split(cr, uid, solving_quant, qty, context=context)
remaining_neg_quant = self._quant_split(cr, uid, quant_neg, -qty, context=context)
#if the reconciliation was not complete, we need to link together the remaining parts
if remaining_neg_quant:
remaining_to_solve_quant_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('propagated_from_id', '=', quant_neg.id), ('id', 'not in', solved_quant_ids)], context=context)
if remaining_to_solve_quant_ids:
self.write(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, remaining_to_solve_quant_ids, {'propagated_from_id': remaining_neg_quant.id}, context=context)
#delete the reconciled quants, as it is replaced by the solved quants
self.unlink(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [quant_neg.id], context=context)
#price update + accounting entries adjustments
self._price_update(cr, uid, solved_quant_ids, solving_quant.cost, context=context)
#merge history (and cost?)
self._quants_merge(cr, uid, solved_quant_ids, solving_quant, context=context)
self.unlink(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [solving_quant.id], context=context)
solving_quant = remaining_solving_quant
to_solve_quant_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('propagated_from_id', '=', quant_neg.id)], context=context)
if not to_solve_quant_ids:
solving_qty = qty
solved_quant_ids = []
for to_solve_quant in self.browse(cr, uid, to_solve_quant_ids, context=context):
if solving_qty <= 0:
self._quant_split(cr, uid, to_solve_quant, min(solving_qty, to_solve_quant.qty), context=context)
solving_qty -= min(solving_qty, to_solve_quant.qty)
remaining_solving_quant = self._quant_split(cr, uid, solving_quant, qty, context=context)
remaining_neg_quant = self._quant_split(cr, uid, quant_neg, -qty, context=context)
#if the reconciliation was not complete, we need to link together the remaining parts
if remaining_neg_quant:
remaining_to_solve_quant_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('propagated_from_id', '=', quant_neg.id), ('id', 'not in', solved_quant_ids)], context=context)
if remaining_to_solve_quant_ids:
self.write(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, remaining_to_solve_quant_ids, {'propagated_from_id': remaining_neg_quant.id}, context=context)
#delete the reconciled quants, as it is replaced by the solved quants
self.unlink(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [quant_neg.id], context=context)
#price update + accounting entries adjustments
self._price_update(cr, uid, solved_quant_ids, solving_quant.cost, context=context)
#merge history (and cost?)
self._quants_merge(cr, uid, solved_quant_ids, solving_quant, context=context)
self.unlink(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [solving_quant.id], context=context)
solving_quant = remaining_solving_quant
def _price_update(self, cr, uid, ids, newprice, context=None):
self.write(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, ids, {'cost': newprice}, context=context)
@ -549,8 +553,8 @@ class stock_quant(osv.osv):
domain += location and [('location_id', 'child_of', location.id)] or []
domain += [('product_id', '=', product.id)] + domain
#don't take into account location that are production, supplier or inventory
ignore_location_ids = self.pool.get('stock.location').search(cr, uid, [('usage', 'in', ('production', 'supplier', 'inventory'))], context=context)
domain.append(('location_id','not in',ignore_location_ids))
#ignore_location_ids = self.pool.get('stock.location').search(cr, uid, [('usage', 'in', ('production', 'supplier', 'inventory'))], context=context)
#domain.append(('location_id','not in',ignore_location_ids))
res = []
offset = 0
while quantity > 0:
@ -1144,6 +1148,7 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
stock_move_obj.do_unreserve(cr, uid, move_ids, context=context)
stock_move_obj.action_assign(cr, uid, move_ids, context=context)
def do_transfer(self, cr, uid, picking_ids, context=None):
If no pack operation, we do simple action_done of the picking
@ -3552,19 +3557,18 @@ class stock_pack_operation(osv.osv):
res_id = super(stock_pack_operation, self).create(cr, uid, vals, context=context)
self.recompute_rem_qty_from_operation(cr, uid, [res_id], context=context)
return res_id
def recompute_rem_qty_from_operation(self, cr, uid, op_ids, context=None):
def _create_link_for_product(product_id, qty):
qty_to_assign = qty
for move in sorted_moves:
if move.product_id.id == product_id and move.state not in ['done', 'cancel']:
qty_on_link = min(qty_move_rem[move.id], qty_to_assign)
cr.execute("""insert into stock_move_operation_link (move_id, operation_id, qty) values
(%s, %s, %s)""", (move.id, op.id, qty_on_link,))
qty_move_rem[move.id] -= qty_on_link
qty_to_assign -= qty_on_link
if qty_to_assign <= 0:
for move in prod_move[product_id]:
qty_on_link = min(qty_move_rem[move.id], qty_to_assign)
cr.execute("""insert into stock_move_operation_link (move_id, operation_id, qty) values
(%s, %s, %s)""", (move.id, op.id, qty_on_link,))
qty_move_rem[move.id] -= qty_on_link
qty_to_assign -= qty_on_link
if qty_to_assign <= 0:
return qty_to_assign == 0
def _check_quants_reserved(ops):
@ -3612,7 +3616,7 @@ class stock_pack_operation(osv.osv):
package_obj = self.pool.get('stock.quant.package')
quant_obj = self.pool.get('stock.quant')
quants_done = {}
prod_move = {}
qty_rem = {}
qty_move_rem = {}
operations = self.browse(cr, uid, op_ids, context=context)
@ -3628,8 +3632,13 @@ class stock_pack_operation(osv.osv):
for quant in move.reserved_quant_ids:
qty_rem[move.id] -= quant.qty
quants_done[quant.id] = quant.qty
sorted_moves = op.picking_id.move_lines
sorted_moves = [x for x in op.picking_id.move_lines if x.state not in ['done', 'cancel']]
sorted_moves.sort(key=lambda x: qty_rem[x.id])
for move in sorted_moves:
if not prod_move.get(move.product_id.id):
prod_move[move.product_id.id] = [move]
to_unlink_ids = [x.id for x in op.linked_move_operation_ids]
if to_unlink_ids:
@ -3648,8 +3657,6 @@ class stock_pack_operation(osv.osv):
prod_quants = self._get_remaining_prod_quantities(cr, uid, op, context=context)
for product_id, qty in prod_quants.items():
if qty > 0:
if op.product_id.type != 'consu':
quants_reserve_ok = False
remaining_qty_ok = remaining_qty_ok and _create_link_for_product(product_id, qty)
quants_reserve_ok = all([quants_done[x] == 0 for x in quants_done.keys()])