remove more cruft, really ugly storage engine code

bzr revid:
This commit is contained in:
Antony Lesuisse 2012-12-16 23:50:00 +01:00
parent 893f34555f
commit 0adc138bdc
4 changed files with 16 additions and 574 deletions

View File

@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
'description': """
This is a complete document management system.
* User Authentication
* Document Indexation:- .pptx and .docx files are not supported in Windows platform.
* Dashboard for Document that includes:
@ -35,13 +34,6 @@ This is a complete document management system.
* Files by Resource Type (graph)
* Files by Partner (graph)
* Files Size by Month (graph)
- When you install this module in a running company that have already PDF
files stored into the database, you will lose them all.
- After installing this module PDF's are no longer stored into the database,
but in the servers rootpad like /server/bin/filestore.
'author': 'OpenERP SA',
'website': '',

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<record model="ir.ui.view" id="board_document_manager_form">
<field name="name">board.document.manager.form</field>
<field name="model">board.board</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form string="Document board" version="7.0">
<board style="2-1" >
<action string="Files by Month"
<action string="Files by user"
<record model="ir.actions.act_window" id="open_board_document_manager">
<field name="name">Knowledge</field>
<field name="res_model">board.board</field>
<field name="view_type">form</field>
<field name="view_mode">form</field>
<field name="view_id" ref="board_document_manager_form"/>
<menuitem id="menu_reports_document"

View File

@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ import pooler
import nodes
from content_index import cntIndex
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
DMS_ROOT_PATH = tools.config.get('document_path', os.path.join(tools.config.get('root_path'), 'filestore'))
""" The algorithm of data storage
@ -68,103 +66,8 @@ but directly jump to the end node (like node[/dir1/dir2]) whenever possible.
We also contain all the parenting loop code in one function. This is intentional,
because one day this will be optimized in the db (Pg 8.4).
def random_name():
d = [random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for x in xrange(10) ]
name = "".join(d)
return name
INVALID_CHARS = {'*':str(hash('*')), '|':str(hash('|')) , "\\":str(hash("\\")), '/':'__', ':':str(hash(':')), '"':str(hash('"')), '<':str(hash('<')) , '>':str(hash('>')) , '?':str(hash('?'))}
def create_directory(path):
dir_name = random_name()
path = os.path.join(path, dir_name)
return dir_name
class nodefd_file(nodes.node_descriptor):
""" A descriptor to a real file
Inheriting directly from file doesn't work, since file exports
some read-only attributes (like 'name') that we don't like.
def __init__(self, parent, path, mode):
nodes.node_descriptor.__init__(self, parent)
self.__file = open(path, mode)
if mode.endswith('b'):
mode = mode[:-1]
self.mode = mode
self._size = os.stat(path).st_size
for attr in ('closed', 'read', 'write', 'seek', 'tell', 'next'):
setattr(self,attr, getattr(self.__file, attr))
def size(self):
return self._size
def __iter__(self):
return self
def close(self):
# TODO: locking in init, close()
fname =
if self.mode in ('w', 'w+', 'r+'):
par = self._get_parent()
cr = pooler.get_db(par.context.dbname).cursor()
icont = ''
mime = ''
filename = par.path
if isinstance(filename, (tuple, list)):
filename = '/'.join(filename)
mime, icont = cntIndex.doIndex(None, filename=filename,
content_type=None, realfname=fname)
except Exception:
_logger.debug('Cannot index file:', exc_info=True)
icont_u = ustr(icont)
except UnicodeError:
icont_u = ''
fsize = os.stat(fname).st_size
cr.execute("UPDATE ir_attachment " \
" SET index_content = %s, file_type = %s, " \
" file_size = %s " \
" WHERE id = %s",
(icont_u, mime, fsize, par.file_id))
par.content_length = fsize
par.content_type = mime
except Exception:
_logger.warning('Cannot save file indexed content:', exc_info=True)
elif self.mode in ('a', 'a+' ):
par = self._get_parent()
cr = pooler.get_db(par.context.dbname).cursor()
fsize = os.stat(fname).st_size
cr.execute("UPDATE ir_attachment SET file_size = %s " \
" WHERE id = %s",
(fsize, par.file_id))
par.content_length = fsize
except Exception:
_logger.warning('Cannot save file appended content:', exc_info=True)
class nodefd_db(StringIO, nodes.node_descriptor):
""" A descriptor to db data
@ -175,9 +78,7 @@ class nodefd_db(StringIO, nodes.node_descriptor):
mode = mode[:-1]
if mode in ('r', 'r+'):
cr = ira_browse._cr # reuse the cursor of the browse object, just now
cr.execute('SELECT db_datas FROM ir_attachment WHERE id = %s',(,))
data = cr.fetchone()[0]
data = ira_browse.datas
if data:
self._size = len(data)
StringIO.__init__(self, data)
@ -244,85 +145,6 @@ class nodefd_db(StringIO, nodes.node_descriptor):
class nodefd_db64(StringIO, nodes.node_descriptor):
""" A descriptor to db data, base64 (the old way)
It stores the data in base64 encoding at the db. Not optimal, but
the transparent compression of Postgres will save the day.
def __init__(self, parent, ira_browse, mode):
nodes.node_descriptor.__init__(self, parent)
self._size = 0L
if mode.endswith('b'):
mode = mode[:-1]
if mode in ('r', 'r+'):
data = base64.decodestring(ira_browse.db_datas)
if data:
self._size = len(data)
StringIO.__init__(self, data)
elif mode in ('w', 'w+'):
StringIO.__init__(self, None)
# at write, we start at 0 (= overwrite), but have the original
# data available, in case of a seek()
elif mode == 'a':
StringIO.__init__(self, None)
_logger.error("Incorrect mode %s is specified.", mode)
raise IOError(errno.EINVAL, "Invalid file mode.")
self.mode = mode
def size(self):
return self._size
def close(self):
# we now open a *separate* cursor, to update the data.
# FIXME: this may be improved, for concurrency handling
par = self._get_parent()
# uid = par.context.uid
cr = pooler.get_db(par.context.dbname).cursor()
if self.mode in ('w', 'w+', 'r+'):
data = self.getvalue()
icont = ''
mime = ''
filename = par.path
if isinstance(filename, (tuple, list)):
filename = '/'.join(filename)
mime, icont = cntIndex.doIndex(data, filename=filename,
content_type=None, realfname=None)
except Exception:
self.logger.debug('Cannot index file:', exc_info=True)
icont_u = ustr(icont)
except UnicodeError:
icont_u = ''
cr.execute('UPDATE ir_attachment SET db_datas = %s::bytea, file_size=%s, ' \
'index_content = %s, file_type = %s ' \
'WHERE id = %s',
(base64.encodestring(data), len(data), icont_u, mime, par.file_id))
elif self.mode == 'a':
data = self.getvalue()
# Yes, we're obviously using the wrong representation for storing our
# data as base64-in-bytea
cr.execute("UPDATE ir_attachment " \
"SET db_datas = encode( (COALESCE(decode(encode(db_datas,'escape'),'base64'),'') || decode(%s, 'base64')),'base64')::bytea , " \
" file_size = COALESCE(file_size, 0) + %s " \
" WHERE id = %s",
(base64.encodestring(data), len(data), par.file_id))
except Exception:
_logger.exception('Cannot update db file #%d for close.', par.file_id)
class document_storage(osv.osv):
""" The primary object for data storage.
Each instance of this object is a storage media, in which our application
@ -346,72 +168,12 @@ class document_storage(osv.osv):
'user_id': fields.many2one('res.users', 'Owner'),
'group_ids': fields.many2many('res.groups', 'document_storage_group_rel', 'item_id', 'group_id', 'Groups'),
'dir_ids': fields.one2many('', 'parent_id', 'Directories'),
'type': fields.selection([('db', 'Database'), ('filestore', 'Internal File storage'),
('realstore','External file storage'),], 'Type', required=True),
'path': fields.char('Path', size=250, select=1, help="For file storage, the root path of the storage"),
'online': fields.boolean('Online', help="If not checked, media is currently offline and its contents not available"),
'readonly': fields.boolean('Read Only', help="If set, media is for reading only"),
def _get_rootpath(self, cr, uid, context=None):
return os.path.join(DMS_ROOT_PATH, cr.dbname)
_defaults = {
'user_id': lambda self, cr, uid, ctx: uid,
'online': lambda *args: True,
'readonly': lambda *args: False,
# Note: the defaults below should only be used ONCE for the default
# storage media. All other times, we should create different paths at least.
'type': lambda *args: 'filestore',
'path': _get_rootpath,
_sql_constraints = [
# SQL note: a path = NULL doesn't have to be unique.
('path_uniq', 'UNIQUE(type,path)', "The storage path must be unique!")
def __get_random_fname(self, path):
flag = None
# This can be improved
if os.path.isdir(path):
for dirs in os.listdir(path):
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, dirs)) and len(os.listdir(os.path.join(path, dirs))) < 4000:
flag = dirs
flag = flag or create_directory(path)
filename = random_name()
return os.path.join(flag, filename)
def __prepare_realpath(self, cr, file_node, ira, store_path, do_create=True):
""" Cleanup path for realstore, create dirs if needed
@param file_node the node
@param ira ir.attachment browse of the file_node
@param store_path the path of the parent storage object, list
@param do_create create the directories, if needed
@return tuple(path "/var/filestore/real/dir/", npath ['dir','fname.ext'] )
file_node.fix_ppath(cr, ira)
npath = file_node.full_path() or []
# npath may contain empty elements, for root directory etc.
npath = filter(lambda x: x is not None, npath)
# if self._debug:
# self._logger.debug('Npath: %s', npath)
for n in npath:
if n == '..':
raise ValueError("Invalid '..' element in path.")
for ch in ('*', '|', "\\", '/', ':', '"', '<', '>', '?',):
if ch in n:
raise ValueError("Invalid char %s in path %s." %(ch, n))
dpath = [store_path,]
dpath += npath[:-1]
path = os.path.join(*dpath)
if not os.path.isdir(path):
_logger.debug("Create dirs: %s", path)
return path, npath
def get_data(self, cr, uid, id, file_node, context=None, fil_obj=None):
""" retrieve the contents of some file_node having storage_id = id
@ -419,14 +181,16 @@ class document_storage(osv.osv):
boo = self.browse(cr, uid, id, context=context)
if not
raise IOError(errno.EREMOTE, 'Medium offline.')
if fil_obj:
ira = fil_obj
ira = self.pool.get('ir.attachment').browse(cr, uid, file_node.file_id, context=context)
return self.__get_data_3(cr, uid, boo, ira, context)
data = ira.datas
if data:
out = data.decode('base64')
out = ''
return out
def get_file(self, cr, uid, id, file_node, mode, context=None):
""" Return a file-like object for the contents of some node
@ -434,101 +198,10 @@ class document_storage(osv.osv):
if context is None:
context = {}
boo = self.browse(cr, uid, id, context=context)
if not
raise IOError(errno.EREMOTE, 'Medium offline.')
if boo.readonly and mode not in ('r', 'rb'):
raise IOError(errno.EPERM, "Readonly medium.")
ira = self.pool.get('ir.attachment').browse(cr, uid, file_node.file_id, context=context)
if boo.type == 'filestore':
if not ira.store_fname:
# On a migrated db, some files may have the wrong storage type
# try to fix their directory.
if mode in ('r','r+'):
if ira.file_size:
_logger.warning( "ir.attachment #%d does not have a filename, but is at filestore. This should get fixed." %
raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, 'No file can be located.')
store_fname = self.__get_random_fname(boo.path)
cr.execute('UPDATE ir_attachment SET store_fname = %s WHERE id = %s',
fpath = os.path.join(boo.path, store_fname)
fpath = os.path.join(boo.path, ira.store_fname)
return nodefd_file(file_node, path=fpath, mode=mode)
elif boo.type == 'db':
# TODO: we need a better api for large files
return nodefd_db(file_node, ira_browse=ira, mode=mode)
elif boo.type == 'db64':
return nodefd_db64(file_node, ira_browse=ira, mode=mode)
elif boo.type == 'realstore':
path, npath = self.__prepare_realpath(cr, file_node, ira, boo.path,
do_create = (mode[0] in ('w','a')) )
fpath = os.path.join(path, npath[-1])
if (not os.path.exists(fpath)) and mode[0] == 'r':
raise IOError("File not found: %s." % fpath)
elif mode[0] in ('w', 'a') and not ira.store_fname:
store_fname = os.path.join(*npath)
cr.execute('UPDATE ir_attachment SET store_fname = %s WHERE id = %s',
return nodefd_file(file_node, path=fpath, mode=mode)
elif boo.type == 'virtual':
raise ValueError('Virtual storage does not support static file(s).')
raise TypeError("No %s storage." % boo.type)
def __get_data_3(self, cr, uid, boo, ira, context):
if boo.type == 'filestore':
if not ira.store_fname:
# On a migrated db, some files may have the wrong storage type
# try to fix their directory.
if ira.file_size:
_logger.warning( "ir.attachment #%d does not have a filename, but is at filestore. This should get fixed." %
return None
fpath = os.path.join(boo.path, ira.store_fname)
return file(fpath, 'rb').read()
elif boo.type == 'db64':
# TODO: we need a better api for large files
if ira.db_datas:
out = base64.decodestring(ira.db_datas)
out = ''
return out
elif boo.type == 'db':
# We do an explicit query, to avoid type transformations.
cr.execute('SELECT db_datas FROM ir_attachment WHERE id = %s', (,))
res = cr.fetchone()
if res:
return res[0]
return ''
elif boo.type == 'realstore':
if not ira.store_fname:
# On a migrated db, some files may have the wrong storage type
# try to fix their directory.
if ira.file_size:
_logger.warning("ir.attachment #%d does not have a filename, trying the name."
# sfname =
fpath = os.path.join(boo.path,ira.store_fname or
if os.path.exists(fpath):
return file(fpath,'rb').read()
elif not ira.store_fname:
return None
raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, "File not found: %s." % fpath)
elif boo.type == 'virtual':
raise ValueError('Virtual storage does not support static file(s).')
raise TypeError("No %s storage!" % boo.type)
def set_data(self, cr, uid, id, file_node, data, context=None, fil_obj=None):
""" store the data.
This function MUST be used from an ir.attachment. It wouldn't make sense
@ -540,68 +213,11 @@ class document_storage(osv.osv):
ira = self.pool.get('ir.attachment').browse(cr, uid, file_node.file_id, context=context)
if not
raise IOError(errno.EREMOTE, 'Medium offline.')
if boo.readonly:
raise IOError(errno.EPERM, "Readonly medium.")
_logger.debug( "Store data for ir.attachment #%d." %
store_fname = None
fname = None
if boo.type == 'filestore':
path = boo.path
store_fname = self.__get_random_fname(path)
fname = os.path.join(path, store_fname)
fp = open(fname, 'wb')
_logger.debug( "Saved data to %s." % fname)
filesize = len(data) # os.stat(fname).st_size
# TODO Here, an old file would be left hanging.
except Exception, e:
_logger.warning( "Cannot save data to %s.", path, exc_info=True)
raise except_orm(_('Error!'), str(e))
elif boo.type == 'db':
filesize = len(data)
# will that work for huge data?
out = psycopg2.Binary(data)
cr.execute('UPDATE ir_attachment SET db_datas = %s WHERE id = %s',
(out, file_node.file_id))
elif boo.type == 'db64':
filesize = len(data)
# will that work for huge data?
out = base64.encodestring(data)
cr.execute('UPDATE ir_attachment SET db_datas = %s WHERE id = %s',
(out, file_node.file_id))
elif boo.type == 'realstore':
path, npath = self.__prepare_realpath(cr, file_node, ira, boo.path, do_create=True)
fname = os.path.join(path, npath[-1])
fp = open(fname,'wb')
_logger.debug("Saved data to %s.", fname)
filesize = len(data) # os.stat(fname).st_size
store_fname = os.path.join(*npath)
# TODO Here, an old file would be left hanging.
except Exception,e :
_logger.warning("Cannot save data.", exc_info=True)
raise except_orm(_('Error!'), str(e))
elif boo.type == 'virtual':
raise ValueError('Virtual storage does not support static file(s).')
raise TypeError("No %s storage!" % boo.type)
self.pool.get('ir.attachment').write(cr, uid, [file_node.file_id], {'datas': data.encode('base64')}, context=context)
# 2nd phase: store the metadata
icont = ''
@ -609,22 +225,18 @@ class document_storage(osv.osv):
if not mime:
mime = ""
mime, icont = cntIndex.doIndex(data, ira.datas_fname,
ira.file_type or None, fname)
mime, icont = cntIndex.doIndex(data, ira.datas_fname, ira.file_type or None, fname)
except Exception:
_logger.debug('Cannot index file.', exc_info=True)
icont_u = ustr(icont)
except UnicodeError:
icont_u = ''
# a hack: /assume/ that the calling write operation will not try
# to write the fname and size, and update them in the db concurrently.
# We cannot use a write() here, because we are already in one.
cr.execute('UPDATE ir_attachment SET store_fname = %s, file_size = %s, index_content = %s, file_type = %s WHERE id = %s',
(store_fname, filesize, icont_u, mime, file_node.file_id))
cr.execute('UPDATE ir_attachment SET file_size = %s, index_content = %s, file_type = %s WHERE id = %s', (filesize, icont_u, mime, file_node.file_id))
file_node.content_length = filesize
file_node.content_type = mime
return True
@ -637,40 +249,9 @@ class document_storage(osv.osv):
def prepare_unlink(self, cr, uid, storage_bo, fil_bo):
""" Before we unlink a file (fil_boo), prepare the list of real
files that have to be removed, too. """
if not
raise IOError(errno.EREMOTE, 'Medium offline.')
if storage_bo.readonly:
raise IOError(errno.EPERM, "Readonly medium.")
if storage_bo.type == 'filestore':
fname = fil_bo.store_fname
if not fname:
return None
path = storage_bo.path
return (, 'file', os.path.join(path, fname))
elif storage_bo.type in ('db', 'db64'):
return None
elif storage_bo.type == 'realstore':
fname = fil_bo.store_fname
if not fname:
return None
path = storage_bo.path
return (, 'file', os.path.join(path, fname))
raise TypeError("No %s storage!" % storage_bo.type)
def do_unlink(self, cr, uid, unres):
for id, ktype, fname in unres:
if ktype == 'file':
except Exception:
_logger.warning("Cannot remove file %s, please remove it manually.", fname, exc_info=True)
_logger.warning("Unlink unknown key %s." % ktype)
return True
def simple_rename(self, cr, uid, file_node, new_name, context=None):
@ -680,38 +261,8 @@ class document_storage(osv.osv):
@return the dict of values that can safely be be stored in the db.
sbro = self.browse(cr, uid, file_node.storage_id, context=context)
assert sbro, "The file #%d didn't provide storage" % file_node.file_id
if not
raise IOError(errno.EREMOTE, 'Medium offline.')
if sbro.readonly:
raise IOError(errno.EPERM, "Readonly medium.")
if sbro.type in ('filestore', 'db', 'db64'):
# nothing to do for a rename, allow to change the db field
return { 'name': new_name, 'datas_fname': new_name }
elif sbro.type == 'realstore':
ira = self.pool.get('ir.attachment').browse(cr, uid, file_node.file_id, context=context)
path, npath = self.__prepare_realpath(cr, file_node, ira, sbro.path, do_create=False)
fname = ira.store_fname
if not fname:
_logger.warning("Trying to rename a non-stored file.")
if fname != os.path.join(*npath):
_logger.warning("Inconsistency to realstore: %s != %s." , fname, repr(npath))
oldpath = os.path.join(path, npath[-1])
newpath = os.path.join(path, new_name)
os.rename(oldpath, newpath)
store_path = npath[:-1]
store_fname = os.path.join(*store_path)
return { 'name': new_name, 'datas_fname': new_name, 'store_fname': store_fname }
raise TypeError("No %s storage!" % sbro.type)
def simple_move(self, cr, uid, file_node, ndir_bro, context=None):
""" A preparation for a file move.
@ -722,65 +273,6 @@ class document_storage(osv.osv):
file should move to.
@return the dict of values that can safely be be stored in the db.
sbro = self.browse(cr, uid, file_node.storage_id, context=context)
assert sbro, "The file #%d didn't provide storage" % file_node.file_id
if not
raise IOError(errno.EREMOTE, 'Medium offline.')
if sbro.readonly:
raise IOError(errno.EPERM, "Readonly medium.")
par = ndir_bro
psto = None
while par:
if par.storage_id:
psto =
par = par.parent_id
if file_node.storage_id != psto:
_logger.debug('Cannot move file %r from %r to %r.', file_node, file_node.parent,
raise NotImplementedError('Cannot move file(s) between storage media.')
if sbro.type in ('filestore', 'db', 'db64'):
# nothing to do for a rename, allow to change the db field
return { 'parent_id': }
elif sbro.type == 'realstore':
ira = self.pool.get('ir.attachment').browse(cr, uid, file_node.file_id, context=context)
path, opath = self.__prepare_realpath(cr, file_node, ira, sbro.path, do_create=False)
fname = ira.store_fname
if not fname:
_logger.warning("Trying to rename a non-stored file.")
if fname != os.path.join(*opath):
_logger.warning("Inconsistency to realstore: %s != %s." , fname, repr(opath))
oldpath = os.path.join(path, opath[-1])
npath = [sbro.path,] + (ndir_bro.get_full_path() or [])
npath = filter(lambda x: x is not None, npath)
newdir = os.path.join(*npath)
if not os.path.isdir(newdir):
_logger.debug("Must create dir %s.", newdir)
newpath = os.path.join(*npath)
_logger.debug("Going to move %s from %s to %s.", opath[-1], oldpath, newpath)
shutil.move(oldpath, newpath)
store_path = npath[1:] + [opath[-1],]
store_fname = os.path.join(*store_path)
return { 'store_fname': store_fname }
raise TypeError("No %s storage." % sbro.type)
# vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

View File

@ -134,7 +134,6 @@ class node_context(object):
return self.node_file_class(, parent, self, fbro)
class node_descriptor(object):
"""A file-like interface to the data contents of a node.