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:banner: banners/security.jpg
.. _reference/security:
Security in Odoo
2014-08-29 11:39:07 +00:00
Aside from manually managing access using custom code, Odoo provides two main
data-driven mechanisms to manage or restrict access to data.
Both mechanisms are linked to specific users through *groups*: a user belongs
to any number of groups, and security mechanisms are associated to groups,
thus applying security mechamisms to users.
.. _reference/security/acl:
Access Control
2014-08-29 11:39:07 +00:00
Managed by the ``ir.model.access`` records, defines access to a whole model.
Each access control has a model to which it grants permissions, the
permissions it grants and optionally a group.
Access controls are additive, for a given model a user has access all
permissions granted to any of its groups: if the user belongs to one group
which allows writing and another which allows deleting, they can both write
2014-08-29 11:39:07 +00:00
and delete.
If no group is specified, the access control applies to all users, otherwise
it only applies to the members of the given group.
2014-08-29 11:39:07 +00:00
Available permissions are creation (``perm_create``), searching and reading
(``perm_read``), updating existing records (``perm_write``) and deleting
existing records (``perm_unlink``)
.. _reference/security/rules:
Record Rules
2014-08-29 11:39:07 +00:00
Record rules are conditions that records must satisfy for an operation
(create, read, update or delete) to be allowed. It is applied record-by-record
after access control has been applied.
A record rule has:
* a model on which it applies
* a set of permissions to which it applies (e.g. if ``perm_read`` is set, the
rule will only be checked when reading a record)
* a set of user groups to which the rule applies, if no group is specified
the rule is *global*
* a :ref:`domain <reference/orm/domains>` used to check whether a given record
matches the rule (and is accessible) or does not (and is not accessible).
The domain is evaluated with two variables in context: ``user`` is the
current user's record and ``time`` is the `time module`_
Global rules and group rules (rules restricted to specific groups versus
groups applying to all users) are used quite differently:
* Global rules are subtractive, they *must all* be matched for a record to be
* Group rules are additive, if *any* of them matches (and all global rules
match) then the record is accessible
This means the first *group rule* restricts access, but any further
*group rule* expands it, while *global rules* can only ever restrict access
(or have no effect).
.. warning:: record rules do not apply to the Administrator user
:class: aphorism
although access rules do
.. _reference/security/fields:
2014-08-29 11:39:07 +00:00
Field Access
.. versionadded:: 7.0
An ORM :class:`~openerp.fields.Field` can have a ``groups`` attribute
providing a list of groups (as a comma-separated string of
:term:`external identifiers`).
If the current user is not in one of the listed groups, he will not have
access to the field:
* restricted fields are automatically removed from requested views
* restricted fields are removed from :meth:`~openerp.models.Model.fields_get`
* attempts to (explicitly) read from or write to restricted fields results in
an access error
.. todo::
field access groups apply to administrator in fields_get but not in
Workflow transition rules
Workflow transitions can be restricted to a specific group. Users outside the
group can not trigger the transition.
.. _foo: http://google.com
.. _time module: https://docs.python.org/2/library/time.html