
1148 lines
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openerp.mail = function(session) {
var _t = session.web._t,
_lt = session.web._lt;
var mail = session.mail = {};
openerp_mail_followers(session, mail); // import mail_followers.js
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* FormView
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* Override of formview do_action method, to catch all return action about
* mail.compose.message. The purpose is to bind 'Send by e-mail' buttons
* and redirect them to the Chatter.
session.web.FormView = session.web.FormView.extend({
do_action: function(action, on_close) {
if (action.res_model == 'mail.compose.message' &&
action.context && action.context.redirect == true &&
this.fields && this.fields.message_ids && this.fields.message_ids.view.get("actual_mode") != 'create') {
var thread = this.fields.message_ids.thread;
return false;
else {
return this._super(action, on_close);
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* ChatterUtils
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* This class holds a few tools method for Chatter.
* Some regular expressions not used anymore, kept because I want to
* - (^|\s)@((\w|@|\.)*): @login@log.log
* - (^|\s)\[(\w+).(\w+),(\d)\|*((\w|[@ .,])*)\]: [ir.attachment,3|My Label],
* for internal links
mail.ChatterUtils = {
/** Get an image in /web/binary/image?... */
get_image: function(session, model, field, id) {
return session.prefix + '/web/binary/image?session_id=' + session.session_id + '&model=' + model + '&field=' + field + '&id=' + (id || '');
/** Get the url of an attachment {'id': id} */
get_attachment_url: function (session, attachment) {
return session.origin + '/web/binary/saveas?session_id=' + session.session_id + '&model=ir.attachment&field=datas&filename_field=datas_fname&id=' + attachment['id'];
/** Replaces some expressions
* - :name - shortcut to an image
do_replace_expressions: function (string) {
var icon_list = ['al', 'pinky']
/* special shortcut: :name, try to find an icon if in list */
var regex_login = new RegExp(/(^|\s):((\w)*)/g);
var regex_res = regex_login.exec(string);
while (regex_res != null) {
var icon_name = regex_res[2];
if (_.include(icon_list, icon_name))
string = string.replace(regex_res[0], regex_res[1] + '<img src="/mail/static/src/img/_' + icon_name + '.png" width="22px" height="22px" alt="' + icon_name + '"/>');
regex_res = regex_login.exec(string);
return string;
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* ComposeMessage widget
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* This widget handles the display of a form to compose a new message.
* This form is a mail.compose.message form_view.
mail.ComposeMessage = session.web.Widget.extend({
template: 'mail.compose_message',
* @param {Object} parent parent
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Object} [context] context passed to the
* mail.compose.message DataSetSearch. Please refer to this model
* for more details about fields and default values.
* @param {Boolean} [show_attachment_delete]
init: function (parent, options) {
var self = this;
this.attachment_ids = [];
this.context = options.context || {};
this.id = options.parameters.id;
this.model = options.parameters.model;
this.is_private = options.parameters.is_private;
this.partner_ids = options.parameters.partner_ids;
this.attachment_ids = [];
this.show_attachment_delete = true;
this.show_attachment_link = false;
this.parent_thread= parent.messages!= undefined ? parent : false;
start: function(){
var self = this;
var user_avatar = mail.ChatterUtils.get_image(this.session, 'res.users', 'image_small', this.session.uid);
this.$('img.oe_mail_icon').attr('src', user_avatar);
display_attachments: function(){
var self = this;
var render = $(session.web.qweb.render('mail.thread.message.attachments', {'widget': self}));
this.$('.oe_mail_compose_attachment_list').replaceWith( render );
} else {
this.list_attachment.replaceWith( render );
this.list_attachment = this.$("ul.oe_mail_msg_attachments");
// event: delete an attachment
this.$el.on('click', '.oe_mail_attachment_delete', self.on_attachment_delete);
bind_events: function() {
var self = this;
// event: add a new attachment
$(window).on(this.fileupload_id, function() {
var args = [].slice.call(arguments).slice(1);
var attachment = args[0];
attachment['url'] = mail.ChatterUtils.get_attachment_url(self.session, attachment);
// set the function called when attachments are added
this.$el.on('change', 'input.oe_insert_file', self.on_attachment_change );
this.$el.on('click', 'a.oe_cancel', self.on_cancel );
this.$el.on('click', 'button.oe_post', function(){self.on_message_post()} );
this.$el.on('click', 'button.oe_full', function(){self.on_compose_fullmail()} );
on_attachment_change: function (event) {
var $target = $(event.target);
if ($target.val() !== '') {
var id = _.uniqueId('oe_fileupload');
'url': $target.val(),
'filename' : $target.val().replace(/.*[\/\\]/,''),
'id': id
$newfield = $target.clone();
on_compose_fullmail: function(){
var action = {
type: 'ir.actions.act_window',
res_model: 'mail.compose.message',
view_mode: 'form',
view_type: 'form',
views: [[false, 'form']],
target: 'new',
context: {
'default_res_model': this.model,
'default_res_id': this.res_id,
'default_content_subtype': 'html',
'default_is_private': true,
'default_parent_id': this.id,
'default_body': (this.$('textarea').val() || '').replace(/[\n\r]/g,'<br>'),
'default_attachment_ids': this.attachment_ids
on_cancel: function(){
on_attachment_delete: function (event) {
var id=$(event.target).data("id");
if (id) {
var attachments=[];
for(var i in this.attachment_ids){
this.attachment_ids = attachments;
var attachment_id = parseInt(event.target.dataset.id);
var idx = _.pluck(this.attachment_ids, 'id').indexOf(attachment_id);
if (idx == -1) return false;
new session.web.DataSetSearch(this, 'ir.attachment').unlink(attachment_id);
this.attachment_ids.splice(idx, 1);
/*post a message and fletch the message*/
on_message_post: function (body) {
var self = this;
if (! body) {
var comment_node = this.$('textarea');
var body = comment_node.val();
if(body.match(/\S+/)) {
this.parent_thread.ds_thread.call('message_post_api', [
[this.context.default_res_id], body, false, 'comment', false, this.context.default_parent_id, undefined])
else {
return false;
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* Thread Message Expandable Widget
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* This widget handles the display the expandable message in a thread. The
* [thread_level] parameter sets the thread level number:
* - thread
* - - visible message
* - - expandable
* - - visible message
* - - visible message
* - - expandable
mail.ThreadExpandable = session.web.Widget.extend({
template: 'mail.thread.expandable',
init: function(parent, options) {
this.domain = options.domain || [];
this.context = _.extend({
default_model: 'mail.thread',
default_res_id: 0,
default_parent_id: false }, options.context || {});
this.id = options.parameters.id || -1;
this.parent_id= options.parameters.parent_id || false;
this.nb_messages = options.parameters.nb_messages || 0;
this.type = 'expandable';
// record options and data
this.parent_thread= parent.messages!= undefined ? parent : options.options.thread._parents[0] ;
start: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
* Bind events in the widget. Each event is slightly described
* in the function. */
bind_events: function() {
var self = this;
// event: click on 'Vote' button
this.$el.on('click', 'a.oe_mail_fetch_more', self.on_expandable);
/*The selected thread and all childs (messages/thread) became read
* @param {object} mouse envent
on_expandable: function (event) {
this.parent_thread.message_fletch(false, this.domain, this.context);
return false;
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* Thread Message Widget
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* This widget handles the display of a messages in a thread.
* Displays a record and performs some formatting on the record :
* - record.date: formatting according to the user timezone
* - record.timerelative: relative time givein by timeago lib
* - record.avatar: image url
* - record.attachment_ids[].url: url of each attachmentThe
* [thread_level] parameter sets the thread level number:
* - root thread
* - - sub message (parent_id = root message)
* - - - sub thread
* - - - - sub sub message (parent id = sub thread)
* - - sub message (parent_id = root message)
* - - - sub thread
mail.ThreadMessage = session.web.Widget.extend({
template: 'mail.thread.message',
* @param {Object} parent parent
* @param {Array} [domain]
* @param {Object} [context] context of the thread. It should
contain at least default_model, default_res_id. Please refer to
the ComposeMessage widget for more information about it.
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Object} [thread] read obout mail.Thread object
* @param {Object} [message]
* @param {Number} [message_ids=null] ids for message_fletch
* @param {Number} [message_data=null] already formatted message data,
* for subthreads getting data from their parent
* @param {Number} [truncate_limit=250] number of character to
* display before having a "show more" link; note that the text
* will not be truncated if it does not have 110% of the parameter
* @param {Boolean} [show_record_name]
* @param {Boolean} [show_reply]
* @param {Boolean} [show_reply_by_email]
* @param {Boolean} [show_dd_delete]
* @param {Boolean} [show_dd_hide]
init: function(parent, options) {
// record parameters
var param = options.parameters;
for(var i in param){
this[i] = param[i];
this.id = param.id || -1;
this.model = param.model || false;
this.parent_id= param.parent_id || false;
this.res_id = param.res_id || false;
this.type = param.type || false;
this.is_author = param.is_author || false;
this.subject = param.subject || false;
this.name = param.name || false;
this.record_name = param.record_name || false;
this.body = param.body || false;
this.vote_user_ids =param.vote_user_ids || [];
this.has_voted = param.has_voted || false;
this.vote_user_ids = param.vote_user_ids || [];
this.unread = param.unread || false;
this._date = param.date;
this.author_id = param.author_id || [];
this.attachment_ids = param.attachment_ids || [];
// record domain and context
this.domain = options.domain || [];
this.context = _.extend({
default_model: 'mail.thread',
default_res_id: 0,
default_parent_id: false }, options.context || {});
// record options
'thread' : options.options.thread,
'message' : {
'message_ids': options.options.message.message_ids || null,
'message_data': options.options.message.message_data || null,
'show_record_name': options.options.message.show_record_name != undefined ? options.options.message.show_record_name: true,
'show_reply': options.options.message.show_reply || false,
'show_reply_by_email': options.options.message.show_reply_by_email || false,
'show_dd_delete': options.options.message.show_dd_delete || false,
'show_dd_hide': options.options.message.show_dd_hide || false,
'truncate_limit': options.options.message.truncate_limit || 250,
// record options and data
this.parent_thread= parent.messages!= undefined ? parent : options.options.thread._parents[0];
this.thread = false;
if( param.id > 0 ) {
this.ds_notification = new session.web.DataSetSearch(this, 'mail.notification');
this.ds_message = new session.web.DataSetSearch(this, 'mail.message');
formating_data: function(){
//formating and add some fields for render
this.date = session.web.format_value(this._date, {type:"datetime"});
this.timerelative = $.timeago(this.date);
if (this.type == 'email') {
this.avatar = ('/mail/static/src/img/email_icon.png');
} else {
this.avatar = mail.ChatterUtils.get_image(this.session, 'res.partner', 'image_small', this.author_id[0]);
for (var l in this.attachment_ids) {
var attach = this.attachment_ids[l];
attach['url'] = mail.ChatterUtils.get_attachment_url(this.session, attach);
start: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
* Bind events in the widget. Each event is slightly described
* in the function. */
bind_events: function() {
var self = this;
// event: click on 'Attachment(s)' in msg
this.$el.on('click', 'a.oe_mail_msg_view_attachments', function (event) {
var act_dom = $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('.oe_mail_msg_attachments');
// event: click on icone 'Read' in header
this.$el.on('click', 'a.oe_read', this.on_message_read_unread);
// event: click on icone 'UnRead' in header
this.$el.on('click', 'a.oe_unread', this.on_message_read_unread);
// event: click on 'Delete' in msg side menu
this.$el.on('click', 'a.oe_mail_msg_delete', this.on_message_delete);
// event: click on 'Reply' in msg
this.$el.on('click', 'a.oe_reply', this.on_message_reply);
// event: click on 'Vote' button
this.$el.on('click', 'button.oe_mail_msg_vote', this.on_vote);
return false;
expender: function(){
slicePoint: this.options.truncate_limit,
expandText: 'read more',
userCollapseText: '[^]',
detailClass: 'oe_mail_msg_tail',
moreClass: 'oe_mail_expand',
lessClass: 'oe_mail_reduce',
create_thread: function(){
var self=this;
return false;
var param = _.extend(self, {'parent_id': self.id});
/*create thread*/
self.thread = new mail.Thread(self, {
'domain': self.domain,
'default_model': self.model,
'default_res_id': self.res_id,
'default_parent_id': self.id
'options': {
'thread' : self.options.thread,
'message' : self.options.message
'parameters': param
/*insert thread in parent message*/
animated_destroy: function(options) {
var self=this;
//graphic effects
if(options && options.fadeTime) {
self.$el.fadeOut(options.fadeTime, function(){
} else {
on_message_delete: function (event) {
if (! confirm(_t("Do you really want to delete this message?"))) { return false; }
// delete this message and his childs
var ids = [this.id].concat( this.get_child_ids() );
return false;
/*The selected thread and all childs (messages/thread) became read
* @param {object} mouse envent
on_message_read_unread: function (event) {
if($(event.srcElement).hasClass("oe_read")) this.animated_destroy({fadeTime:250});
// if this message is read, all childs message display is read
var ids = [this.id].concat( this.get_child_ids() );
this.ds_notification.call('set_message_read', [ids,$(event.srcElement).hasClass("oe_read")]);
return false;
/** browse message
* @param {object}{int} option.id
* @param {object}{string} option.model
* @param {object}{boolean} option._go_thread_wall
* private for check the top thread
* @return thread object
browse_message: function(options){
// goto the wall thread for launch browse
if(!options._go_thread_wall) {
options._go_thread_wall = true;
for(var i in this.options.thread._parents[0].messages){
var res=this.options.thread._parents[0].messages[i].browse_message(options);
if(res) return res;
return this;
for(var i in this.thread.messages){
var res=this.thread.messages[i].browse_message(options);
if(res) return res;
return false;
/* get all child message/thread id linked
get_child_ids: function(){
var res=[]
if(arguments[0]) res.push(this.id);
res = res.concat( this.thread.get_child_ids(true) );
return res;
on_vote: function (event) {
var self=this;
return this.ds_message.call('vote_toggle', [[self.id]]).pipe(function(vote){
if (!self.has_voted) {
var votes=[];
for(var i in self.vote_user_ids){
else {
self.vote_user_ids.push([self.session.uid, 'You']);
return false;
// Render vote Display template.
display_vote: function () {
var self = this;
var vote_element = session.web.qweb.render('mail.thread.message.vote', {'widget': self});
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* Thread Widget
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* This widget handles the display of a thread of messages. The
* [thread_level] parameter sets the thread level number:
* - root message
* - - sub message (parent_id = root message)
* - - - sub sub message (parent id = sub message)
* - - sub message (parent_id = root message)
mail.Thread = session.web.Widget.extend({
template: 'mail.thread',
* @param {Object} parent parent
* @param {Array} [domain]
* @param {Object} [context] context of the thread. It should
contain at least default_model, default_res_id. Please refer to
the ComposeMessage widget for more information about it.
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Object} [message] read about mail.ThreadMessage object
* @param {Object} [thread]
* @param {Number} [thread_level=0] number of thread levels
* @param {Boolean} [use_composer] use the advanced composer, or
* the default basic textarea if not set
* @param {Number} [expandable_number=5] number message show
* for each click on "show more message"
* @param {Number} [expandable_default_number=5] number message show
* on begin before the first click on "show more message"
* @param {Boolean} [display_on_flat] display all thread
* on the wall thread level (no hierarchy)
* @param {Array} [parents] liked with the parents thread
* use with browse, fletch... [O]= top parent
init: function(parent, options) {
this.domain = options.domain || [];
this.context = _.extend({
default_model: 'mail.thread',
default_res_id: 0,
default_parent_id: false }, options.context || {});
// options
'thread' : {
'thread_level': options.options.thread.thread_level || 0,
'show_header_compose': (options.options.thread.show_header_compose != undefined ? options.options.thread.show_header_compose: false),
'use_composer': options.options.thread.use_composer || false,
'expandable_number': options.options.thread.expandable_number || 5,
'expandable_default_number': options.options.thread.expandable_default_number || 5,
'_expandable_max': options.options.thread.expandable_default_number || 5,
'display_on_flat': options.options.thread.display_on_flat || false,
'_parents': (options.options.thread._parents != undefined ? options.options.thread._parents : []).concat( [this] )
'message' : options.options.message
// record options and data
this.parent_linked_message= parent.thread!= undefined ? parent : false ;
var param = options.parameters
// datasets and internal vars
this.id= param.id || false;
this.model= param.model || false;
this.parent_id= param.parent_id || false;
this.is_private = param.is_private || false;
this.author_id = param.author_id || false;
this.partner_ids = [];
for(var i in param.partner_ids){
if(param.partner_ids[i][0]!=(param.author_id ? param.author_id[0] : -1)){
this.messages = [];
this.ds_thread = new session.web.DataSetSearch(this, this.context.default_model);
this.ds_message = new session.web.DataSetSearch(this, 'mail.message');
start: function() {
// TDE TODO: check for deferred, not sure it is correct
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
var display_done = compose_done = false;
return display_done && compose_done;
instantiate_ComposeMessage: function(){
// add message composition form view
this.ComposeMessage = new mail.ComposeMessage(this,{
'context': this.context,
'parameters': this,
'show_attachment_delete': true,
* Override-hack of do_action: automatically load message on the chatter.
* Normally it should be called only when clicking on 'Post/Send'
* in the composition form. */
do_action: function(action, on_close) {
this.message_fletch(false, false, false, [action.id]);
return this._super(action, on_close);
/* this method is runing for first parent thread
on_first_thread: function(){
var self=this;
// fetch and display message, using message_ids if set
display_done = this.message_fletch(true);
$(document).scroll( self.on_scroll );
window.setTimeout( self.on_scroll, 500 );
/* When the expandable object is visible on screen (with scrolling)
* then the on_expandable function is launch
on_scroll: function(event){
var last=this.messages[0];
if(last && last.type=="expandable"){
var pos = last.$el.position();
/* bottom of the screen */
var bottom = $(window).scrollTop()+$(window).height()+100;
if(bottom - pos.top > 0){
* Bind events in the widget. Each event is slightly described
* in the function. */
bind_events: function() {
var self = this;
self.$('.oe_mail_compose_textarea .oe_more').click(function () { var p=$(this).parent(); p.find('.oe_more_hidden, .oe_hidden').show(); p.find('.oe_more').hide(); });
self.$('.oe_mail_compose_textarea .oe_more_hidden').click(function () { var p=$(this).parent(); p.find('.oe_more_hidden, .oe_hidden').hide(); p.find('.oe_more').show(); });
/* get all child message/thread id linked
get_child_ids: function(){
var res=[];
for(var i in this.messages){
res = res.concat( this.messages[i].get_child_ids(true) );
return res;
/** browse thread
* @param {object}{int} option.id
* @param {object}{string} option.model
* @param {object}{boolean} option._go_thread_wall
* private for check the top thread
* @param {object}{boolean} option.default_return_top_thread
* return the top thread (wall) if no thread found
* @return thread object
browse_thread: function(options){
// goto the wall thread for launch browse
if(!options._go_thread_wall) {
options._go_thread_wall = true;
return this.options.thread._parents[0].browse_thread(options);
return this;
for(var i in this.messages){
var res=this.messages[i].thread.browse_thread({'id':options.id, '_go_thread_wall':true});
if(res) return res;
//if option default_return_top_thread, return the top if no found thread
return this;
return false;
/** browse message
* @param {object}{int} option.id
* @param {object}{string} option.model
* @param {object}{boolean} option._go_thread_wall
* private for check the top thread
* @return thread object
browse_message: function(options){
return this.options.thread._parents[0].messages[0].browse_message(options);
/* this function is launch when a user click on "Reply" button
on_compose_message: function(){
return false;
refresh: function (action_context) {
var self=this;
_(this.messages).each(function(){ self.destroy(); });
/** Fetch messages
* @param {Bool} initial_mode: initial mode: try to use message_data or
* message_ids, if nothing available perform a message_read; otherwise
* directly perform a message_read
* @param {Array} replace_domain: added to this.domain
* @param {Object} replace_context: added to this.context
message_fletch: function (initial_mode, replace_domain, replace_context, ids) {
var self = this;
// initial mode: try to use message_data or message_ids
if (initial_mode && this.options.thread.message_data) {
return this.create_message_object(this.options.message_data);
// domain and context: options + additional
fetch_domain = replace_domain ? replace_domain : this.domain;
fetch_context = replace_context ? replace_context : this.context;
fetch_context.message_loaded= [this.id||0].concat( self.options.thread._parents[0].get_child_ids() );
return this.ds_message.call('message_read', [ids, fetch_domain, (this.options.thread.thread_level+1), fetch_context, this.context.default_parent_id || undefined]
/* create record object and linked him
create_message_object: function (message) {
var self = this;
// check if the message is already create
for(var i in this.messages){
return true;
self.messages.push( self.insert_message(message) );
/** Displays a message or an expandable message */
insert_message: function (message) {
var self=this;
var message = new mail.ThreadExpandable(self, {
'domain': message.domain,
'context': {
'default_model': message.model,
'default_res_id': message.res_id,
'default_parent_id': message.id },
'parameters': message
} else {
var message = new mail.ThreadMessage(self, {
'domain': message.domain,
'context': {
'default_model': message.model,
'default_res_id': message.res_id,
'default_parent_id': message.id },
'thread': self.options.thread,
'message': self.options.message
'parameters': message
var thread = self.options.thread.display_on_flat ? self.options.thread._parents[0] : this;
// check older and newer message for insert
var parent_newer = false;
var parent_older = false;
for(var i in thread.messages){
if(thread.messages[i].id > message.id){
if(!parent_newer || parent_newer.id>thread.messages[i].id)
parent_newer = thread.messages[i];
} else if(thread.messages[i].id>0 && thread.messages[i].id < message.id) {
if(!parent_older || parent_older.id<thread.messages[i].id)
parent_older = thread.messages[i];
else if(parent_newer)
return message
display_user_avatar: function () {
var avatar = mail.ChatterUtils.get_image(this.session, 'res.users', 'image_small', this.session.uid);
return this.$('img.oe_mail_icon').attr('src', avatar);
/* Send the records to his parent thread */
switch_new_message: function(records) {
var self=this;
'id': record.parent_id,
}).create_message_object( record );
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* mail_thread Widget
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* This widget handles the display of messages on a document. Its main
* use is to receive a context and a domain, and to delegate the message
* fetching and displaying to the Thread widget.
session.web.form.widgets.add('mail_thread', 'openerp.mail.RecordThread');
mail.RecordThread = session.web.form.AbstractField.extend({
template: 'mail.record_thread',
init: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
this.options.domain = this.options.domain || [];
this.options.context = {'default_model': 'mail.thread', 'default_res_id': false};
this.options.thread_level = this.options.thread_level || 0;
start: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
// NB: check the actual_mode property on view to know if the view is in create mode anymore
this.view.on("change:actual_mode", this, this._check_visibility);
_check_visibility: function() {
this.$el.toggle(this.view.get("actual_mode") !== "create");
set_value: function() {
var self = this;
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
if (! this.view.datarecord.id || session.web.BufferedDataSet.virtual_id_regex.test(this.view.datarecord.id)) {
// update context
_.extend(this.options.context, {
default_res_id: this.view.datarecord.id,
default_model: this.view.model });
// update domain
var domain = this.options.domain.concat([['model', '=', this.view.model], ['res_id', '=', this.view.datarecord.id]]);
// create and render Thread widget
var show_header_compose = this.view.is_action_enabled('edit') ||
(this.getParent().fields.message_is_follower && this.getParent().fields.message_is_follower.get_value());
this.thread = new mail.Thread(self, {
'domain': domain,
'context': this.options.context,
'thread_level': this.options.thread_level,
'show_header_compose': 0, //show_header_compose,
'use_composer': show_header_compose,
'show_dd_delete': true,
'show_reply_by_email': show_header_compose,
'parameters': {},
var render_res = session.web.qweb.render('mail.wall_thread_container', {});
return this.thread.appendTo( this.$('li.oe_mail_wall_thread:last') );
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* Wall Widget
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* This widget handles the display of messages on a Wall. Its main
* use is to receive a context and a domain, and to delegate the message
* fetching and displaying to the Thread widget.
session.web.client_actions.add('mail.wall', 'session.mail.Wall');
mail.Wall = session.web.Widget.extend({
template: 'mail.wall',
* @param {Object} parent parent
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Array} [options.domain] domain on the Wall
* @param {Object} [options.context] context, is an object. It should
* contain default_model, default_res_id, to give it to the threads.
* @param {Number} [options.thread_level] number of thread levels to display
* 0 being flat.
init: function (parent, options) {
this.options = options || {};
this.options.domain = options.domain || [];
this.options.context = options.context || {};
this.options.thread_level = options.thread_level || 1;
this.search_results = {'domain': [], 'context': {}, 'groupby': {}}
this.ds_msg = new session.web.DataSetSearch(this, 'mail.message');
start: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
var searchview_ready = this.load_searchview({}, false);
var thread_displayed = this.message_render();
this.options.domain = this.options.domain.concat(this.search_results['domain']);
return (searchview_ready && thread_displayed);
* Load the mail.message search view
* @param {Object} defaults ??
* @param {Boolean} hidden some kind of trick we do not care here
load_searchview: function (defaults, hidden) {
var self = this;
this.searchview = new session.web.SearchView(this, this.ds_msg, false, defaults || {}, hidden || false);
return this.searchview.appendTo(this.$('.oe_view_manager_view_search')).then(function () {
* Get the domains, contexts and groupbys in parameter from search
* view, then render the filtered threads.
* @param {Array} domains
* @param {Array} contexts
* @param {Array} groupbys
do_searchview_search: function(domains, contexts, groupbys) {
var self = this;
this.rpc('/web/session/eval_domain_and_context', {
domains: domains || [],
contexts: contexts || [],
group_by_seq: groupbys || []
}, function (results) {
self.search_results['context'] = results.context;
self.search_results['domain'] = results.domain;
return self.message_render();
/** Clean and display the threads */
message_render: function (search) {
this.thread = new mail.Thread(this, {
'domain' : this.options.domain.concat(this.search_results['domain']),
'context' : _.extend(this.options.context, search&&search.search_results['context'] ? search.search_results['context'] : {}),
'options': {
'thread' :{
'thread_level': this.options.thread_level,
'use_composer': true,
'show_header_compose': 0,
'message': {
'show_reply': this.options.thread_level > 0,
'show_dd_hide': true,
'parameters': {},
var render_res = session.web.qweb.render('mail.wall_thread_container', {});
return this.thread.appendTo( this.$('li.oe_mail_wall_thread:last') );
bind_events: function(){
var self=this;
this.$("button.oe_write_full:first").click(function(){ self.thread.ComposeMessage.on_compose_fullmail(); });
this.$("button.oe_write_onwall:first").click(function(){ self.thread.ComposeMessage.$el.toggle(); });