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#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2004
#see license.txt for license details
#history http://www.reportlab.co.uk/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/public/reportlab/trunk/reportlab/pdfbase/pdfdoc.py
__version__=''' $Id: pdfdoc.py 2854 2006-05-10 12:57:21Z rgbecker $ '''
The module pdfdoc.py handles the 'outer structure' of PDF documents, ensuring that
all objects are properly cross-referenced and indexed to the nearest byte. The
'inner structure' - the page descriptions - are presumed to be generated before
each page is saved.
pdfgen.py calls this and provides a 'canvas' object to handle page marking operators.
piddlePDF calls pdfgen and offers a high-level interface.
The classes within this generally mirror structures in the PDF file
and are not part of any public interface. Instead, canvas and font
classes are made available elsewhere for users to manipulate.
import string, types, binascii, codecs
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfutils
from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfutils import LINEEND # this constant needed in both
from reportlab import rl_config
from reportlab.lib.utils import import_zlib, open_for_read, fp_str
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
from sys import platform
from sys import version_info
except: # pre-2.0
# may be inaccurate but will at least
#work in anything which seeks to format
# version_info into a string
version_info = (1,5,2,'unknown',0)
if platform[:4] == 'java' and version_info[:2] == (2, 1):
# workaround for list()-bug in Jython 2.1 (should be fixed in 2.2)
def list(sequence):
def f(x):
return x
return map(f, sequence)
class PDFError(Exception):
# set this flag to get more vertical whitespace (and larger files)
LongFormat = 1
##if LongFormat: (doesn't work)
## pass
## LINEEND = "\n" # no wasteful carriage returns!
# __InternalName__ is a special attribute that can only be set by the Document arbitrator
__InternalName__ = "__InternalName__"
# __RefOnly__ marks reference only elements that must be formatted on top level
__RefOnly__ = "__RefOnly__"
# __Comment__ provides a (one line) comment to inline with an object ref, if present
# if it is more than one line then percentize it...
__Comment__ = "__Comment__"
# If DoComments is set then add helpful (space wasting) comment lines to PDF files
DoComments = 1
if not LongFormat:
DoComments = 0
# name for standard font dictionary
BasicFonts = "BasicFonts"
# name for the pages object
Pages = "Pages"
### generic utilities
# for % substitutions
from types import InstanceType
def format(element, document, toplevel=0, InstanceType=InstanceType):
"""Indirection step for formatting.
Ensures that document parameters alter behaviour
of formatting for all elements.
if t is InstanceType:
if not toplevel and hasattr(element, __RefOnly__):
# the object cannot be a component at non top level.
# make a reference to it and return it's format
return document.Reference(element).format(document)
f = element.format(document)
if not rl_config.invariant and DoComments and hasattr(element, __Comment__):
f = "%s%s%s%s" % ("% ", element.__Comment__, LINEEND, f)
return f
elif t in (float, int):
#use a controlled number formatting routine
#instead of str, so Jython/Python etc do not differ
return fp_str(element)
return str(element)
def xObjectName(externalname):
return "FormXob.%s" % externalname
# backwards compatibility
formName = xObjectName
# no encryption
class NoEncryption:
def encode(self, t):
"encode a string, stream, text"
return t
def prepare(self, document):
# get ready to do encryption
def register(self, objnum, version):
# enter a new direct object
def info(self):
# the representation of self in file if any (should be None or PDFDict)
return None
class DummyDoc:
"used to bypass encryption when required"
encrypt = NoEncryption()
### the global document structure manager
class PDFDocument:
_ID = None
objectcounter = 0
inObject = None
# set this to define filters
defaultStreamFilters = None
encrypt = NoEncryption() # default no encryption
pageCounter = 1
def __init__(self,
# allow None value to be passed in to mean 'give system defaults'
if invariant is None:
self.invariant = rl_config.invariant
self.invariant = invariant
# signature for creating PDF ID
import md5
sig = self.signature = md5.new()
sig.update("a reportlab document")
if not self.invariant:
cat = _getTimeStamp()
cat = 946684800.0
sig.update(repr(cat)) # initialize with timestamp digest
# mapping of internal identifier ("Page001") to PDF objectnumber and generation number (34, 0)
self.idToObjectNumberAndVersion = {}
# mapping of internal identifier ("Page001") to PDF object (PDFPage instance)
self.idToObject = {}
# internal id to file location
self.idToOffset = {}
# number to id
self.numberToId = {}
cat = self.Catalog = self._catalog = PDFCatalog()
pages = self.Pages = PDFPages()
cat.Pages = pages
if dummyoutline:
outlines = PDFOutlines0()
outlines = PDFOutlines()
self.Outlines = self.outline = outlines
cat.Outlines = outlines
self.info = PDFInfo()
self.info.invariant = self.invariant
self.fontMapping = {}
#make an empty font dictionary
DD = PDFDictionary({})
DD.__Comment__ = "The standard fonts dictionary"
DDR = self.Reference(DD, BasicFonts)
self.delayedFonts = []
def setCompression(self, onoff):
# XXX: maybe this should also set self.defaultStreamFilters?
self.compression = onoff
def updateSignature(self, thing):
"add information to the signature"
if self._ID: return # but not if its used already!
def ID(self):
"A unique fingerprint for the file (unless in invariant mode)"
if self._ID:
return self._ID
digest = self.signature.digest()
doc = DummyDoc()
ID = PDFString(digest,enc='raw')
IDs = ID.format(doc)
self._ID = "%s %% ReportLab generated PDF document -- digest (http://www.reportlab.com) %s [%s %s] %s" % (
return self._ID
def SaveToFile(self, filename, canvas):
if callable(getattr(filename, "write",None)):
myfile = 0
f = filename
filename = str(getattr(filename,'name',''))
else :
myfile = 1
filename = str(filename)
f = open(filename, "wb")
if myfile:
import os
if os.name=='mac':
from reportlab.lib.utils import markfilename
markfilename(filename) # do platform specific file junk
if getattr(canvas,'_verbosity',None): print 'saved', filename
def GetPDFData(self, canvas):
# realize delayed fonts
for fnt in self.delayedFonts:
# add info stuff to signature
self.info.invariant = self.invariant
### later: maybe add more info to sig?
# prepare outline
outline = self.outline
outline.prepare(self, canvas)
return self.format()
def inPage(self):
"""specify the current object as a page (enables reference binding and other page features)"""
if self.inObject is not None:
if self.inObject=="page": return
raise ValueError, "can't go in page already in object %s" % self.inObject
self.inObject = "page"
def inForm(self):
"""specify that we are in a form xobject (disable page features, etc)"""
# don't need this check anymore since going in a form pushes old context at canvas level.
#if self.inObject not in ["form", None]:
# raise ValueError, "can't go in form already in object %s" % self.inObject
self.inObject = "form"
# don't need to do anything else, I think...
def getInternalFontName(self, psfontname):
fm = self.fontMapping
if fm.has_key(psfontname):
return fm[psfontname]
# does pdfmetrics know about it? if so, add
fontObj = pdfmetrics.getFont(psfontname)
if getattr(fontObj, '_dynamicFont', 0):
raise PDFError, "getInternalFontName(%s) called for a dynamic font" % repr(psfontname)
return fm[psfontname]
except KeyError:
raise PDFError, "Font %s not known!" % repr(psfontname)
def thisPageName(self):
return "Page"+repr(self.pageCounter)
def thisPageRef(self):
return PDFObjectReference(self.thisPageName())
def addPage(self, page):
name = self.thisPageName()
self.Reference(page, name)
self.pageCounter = self.pageCounter+1
self.inObject = None
def addForm(self, name, form):
"""add a Form XObject."""
# XXX should check that name is a legal PDF name
if self.inObject != "form":
self.Reference(form, xObjectName(name))
self.inObject = None
def annotationName(self, externalname):
return "Annot.%s"%externalname
def addAnnotation(self, name, annotation):
self.Reference(annotation, self.annotationName(name))
def refAnnotation(self, name):
internalname = self.annotationName(name)
return PDFObjectReference(internalname)
def setTitle(self, title):
"embeds in PDF file"
self.info.title = title
def setAuthor(self, author):
"embedded in PDF file"
self.info.author = author
def setSubject(self, subject):
"embeds in PDF file"
self.info.subject = subject
def setDateFormatter(self, dateFormatter):
self.info._dateFormatter = dateFormatter
def getAvailableFonts(self):
fontnames = self.fontMapping.keys()
# the standard 14 are also always available! (even if not initialized yet)
import _fontdata
for name in _fontdata.standardFonts:
if name not in fontnames:
return fontnames
def format(self):
# register the Catalog/INfo and then format the objects one by one until exhausted
# (possible infinite loop if there is a bug that continually makes new objects/refs...)
# Prepare encryption
cat = self.Catalog
info = self.info
# register the encryption dictionary if present
encryptref = None
encryptinfo = self.encrypt.info()
if encryptinfo:
encryptref = self.Reference(encryptinfo)
# make std fonts (this could be made optional
counter = 0 # start at first object (object 1 after preincrement)
ids = [] # the collection of object ids in object number order
numbertoid = self.numberToId
idToNV = self.idToObjectNumberAndVersion
idToOb = self.idToObject
idToOf = self.idToOffset
### note that new entries may be "appended" DURING FORMATTING
done = None
File = PDFFile() # output collector
while done is None:
counter += 1 # do next object...
if numbertoid.has_key(counter):
id = numbertoid[counter]
obj = idToOb[id]
IO = PDFIndirectObject(id, obj)
# register object number and version
IOf = IO.format(self)
# add a comment to the PDF output
if not rl_config.invariant and DoComments:
classname = obj.__class__.__name__
classname = repr(obj)
File.add("%% %s: class %s %s" % (repr(id), classname[:50], LINEEND))
offset = File.add(IOf)
idToOf[id] = offset
done = 1
# sanity checks (must happen AFTER formatting)
lno = len(numbertoid)
if counter-1!=lno:
raise ValueError, "counter %s doesn't match number to id dictionary %s" %(counter, lno)
# now add the xref
xref = PDFCrossReferenceTable()
xref.addsection(0, ids)
xreff = xref.format(self)
xrefoffset = File.add(xreff)
# now add the trailer
trailer = PDFTrailer(
startxref = xrefoffset,
Size = lno+1,
Root = self.Reference(cat),
Info = self.Reference(info),
Encrypt = encryptref,
ID = self.ID(),
trailerf = trailer.format(self)
# return string format for pdf file
return File.format(self)
def hasForm(self, name):
"""test for existence of named form"""
internalname = xObjectName(name)
return self.idToObject.has_key(internalname)
def getFormBBox(self, name):
"get the declared bounding box of the form as a list"
internalname = xObjectName(name)
if self.idToObject.has_key(internalname):
theform = self.idToObject[internalname]
if isinstance(theform, PDFFormXObject):
# internally defined form
return theform.BBoxList()
elif isinstance(theform, PDFStream):
# externally defined form
return list(theform.dictionary.dict["BBox"].sequence)
raise ValueError, "I don't understand the form instance %s" % repr(name)
def getXObjectName(self, name):
"""Lets canvas find out what form is called internally.
Never mind whether it is defined yet or not."""
return xObjectName(name)
def xobjDict(self, formnames):
"""construct an xobject dict (for inclusion in a resource dict, usually)
from a list of form names (images not yet supported)"""
D = {}
for name in formnames:
internalname = xObjectName(name)
reference = PDFObjectReference(internalname)
D[internalname] = reference
#print "xobjDict D", D
return PDFDictionary(D)
def Reference(self, object, name=None, InstanceType=InstanceType):
### note references may "grow" during the final formatting pass: don't use d.keys()!
# don't make references to other references, or non instances, unless they are named!
#print"object type is ", type(object)
tob = type(object)
idToObject = self.idToObject
if name is None and (
(tob is not InstanceType) or (tob is InstanceType and object.__class__ is PDFObjectReference)):
return object
if hasattr(object, __InternalName__):
# already registered
intname = object.__InternalName__
if name is not None and name!=intname:
raise ValueError, "attempt to reregister object %s with new name %s" % (
repr(intname), repr(name))
if not idToObject.has_key(intname):
raise ValueError, "object named but not registered"
return PDFObjectReference(intname)
# otherwise register the new object
objectcounter = self.objectcounter = self.objectcounter+1
if name is None:
name = "R"+repr(objectcounter)
if idToObject.has_key(name):
other = idToObject[name]
if other!=object:
raise ValueError, "redefining named object: "+repr(name)
return PDFObjectReference(name)
if tob is InstanceType:
object.__InternalName__ = name
#print "name", name, "counter", objectcounter
self.idToObjectNumberAndVersion[name] = (objectcounter, 0)
self.numberToId[objectcounter] = name
idToObject[name] = object
return PDFObjectReference(name)
### chapter 4 Objects
PDFtrue = "true"
PDFfalse = "false"
PDFnull = "null"
class PDFText:
def __init__(self, t):
self.t = t
def format(self, document):
result = binascii.hexlify(document.encrypt.encode(self.t))
return "<%s>" % result
def __str__(self):
dummydoc = DummyDoc()
return self.format(dummydoc)
def PDFnumber(n):
return n
import re
del re
def _isbalanced(s):
'''test whether a string is balanced in parens'''
s = _re_cleanparens.sub('',s)
n = 0
for c in s:
if c=='(': n+=1
n -= 1
if n<0: return 0
return not n and 1 or 0
def _checkPdfdoc(utext):
'''return true if no Pdfdoc encoding errors'''
return 1
except UnicodeEncodeError, e:
return 0
class PDFString:
def __init__(self, s, escape=1, enc='auto'):
'''s can be unicode/utf8 or a PDFString
if escape is true then the output will be passed through escape
if enc is raw then the string will be left alone
if enc is auto we'll try and automatically adapt to utf_16_be if the
effective string is not entirely in pdfdoc
if isinstance(s,PDFString):
self.s = s.s
self.escape = s.escape
self.enc = s.enc
self.s = s
self.escape = escape
self.enc = enc
def format(self, document):
s = self.s
enc = getattr(self,'enc','auto')
if type(s) is str:
if enc is 'auto':
u = s.decode('utf8')
print s
if _checkPdfdoc(u):
s = u.encode('pdfdoc')
s = codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE+u.encode('utf_16_be')
elif type(s) is unicode:
if enc is 'auto':
if _checkPdfdoc(s):
s = s.encode('pdfdoc')
s = codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE+s.encode('utf_16_be')
s = codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE+s.encode('utf_16_be')
raise ValueError('PDFString argument must be str/unicode not %s' % type(s))
escape = getattr(self,'escape',1)
if not isinstance(document.encrypt,NoEncryption):
s = document.encrypt.encode(s)
escape = 1
if escape:
es = "(%s)" % pdfutils._escape(s)
raise ValueError("cannot escape %s %s" % (s, repr(s)))
if escape&2:
es = es.replace('\\012','\n')
if escape&4 and _isbalanced(s):
es = es.replace('\\(','(').replace('\\)',')')
return es
return '(%s)' % s
def __str__(self):
return "(%s)" % pdfutils._escape(self.s)
def PDFName(data,lo=chr(0x21),hi=chr(0x7e)):
# might need to change this to class for encryption
# first convert the name
L = list(data)
for i,c in enumerate(L):
if c<lo or c>hi or c in "%()<>{}[]#":
L[i] = "#"+hex(ord(c))[2:] # forget the 0x thing...
return "/"+(''.join(L))
class PDFDictionary:
multiline = LongFormat
def __init__(self, dict=None):
"""dict should be namestring to value eg "a": 122 NOT pdfname to value NOT "/a":122"""
if dict is None:
self.dict = {}
self.dict = dict.copy()
def __setitem__(self, name, value):
self.dict[name] = value
def Reference(name, document):
self.dict[name] = document.Reference(self.dict[name])
def format(self, document,IND=LINEEND+' '):
dict = self.dict
keys = dict.keys()
L = [(format(PDFName(k),document)+" "+format(dict[k],document)) for k in keys]
if self.multiline:
L = IND.join(L)
# break up every 6 elements anyway
for i in xrange(6, len(L), 6):
L = " ".join(L)
return "<< %s >>" % L
# stream filters are objects to support round trip and
# possibly in the future also support parameters
class PDFStreamFilterZCompress:
pdfname = "FlateDecode"
def encode(self, text):
from reportlab.lib.utils import import_zlib
zlib = import_zlib()
if not zlib: raise ImportError, "cannot z-compress zlib unavailable"
return zlib.compress(text)
def decode(self, encoded):
from reportlab.lib.utils import import_zlib
zlib = import_zlib()
if not zlib: raise ImportError, "cannot z-decompress zlib unavailable"
return zlib.decompress(encoded)
# need only one of these, unless we implement parameters later
PDFZCompress = PDFStreamFilterZCompress()
class PDFStreamFilterBase85Encode:
pdfname = "ASCII85Decode"
def encode(self, text):
from pdfutils import _AsciiBase85Encode, _wrap
return _wrap(_AsciiBase85Encode(text))
def decode(self, text):
from pdfutils import _AsciiBase85Decode
return _AsciiBase85Decode(text)
# need only one of these too
PDFBase85Encode = PDFStreamFilterBase85Encode()
STREAMFMT = ("%(dictionary)s%(LINEEND)s" # dictionary
"stream" # stream keyword
"%(LINEEND)s" # a line end (could be just a \n)
"%(content)s" # the content, with no lineend
"endstream%(LINEEND)s" # the endstream keyword
class PDFStream:
'''set dictionary elements explicitly stream.dictionary[name]=value'''
### compression stuff not implemented yet
__RefOnly__ = 1 # must be at top level
def __init__(self, dictionary=None, content=None):
if dictionary is None:
dictionary = PDFDictionary()
self.dictionary = dictionary
self.content = content
self.filters = None
def format(self, document):
dictionary = self.dictionary
# copy it for modification
dictionary = PDFDictionary(dictionary.dict.copy())
content = self.content
filters = self.filters
if self.content is None:
raise ValueError, "stream content not set"
if filters is None:
filters = document.defaultStreamFilters
# only apply filters if they haven't been applied elsewhere
if filters is not None and not dictionary.dict.has_key("Filter"):
# apply filters in reverse order listed
rf = list(filters)
fnames = []
for f in rf:
#print "*****************content:"; print repr(content[:200])
#print "*****************filter", f.pdfname
content = f.encode(content)
fnames.insert(0, PDFName(f.pdfname))
#print "*****************finally:"; print content[:200]
#print "****** FILTERS", fnames
dictionary["Filter"] = PDFArray(fnames)
# "stream encoding is done after all filters have been applied"
content = document.encrypt.encode(content)
fc = format(content, document)
#print "type(content)", type(content), len(content), type(self.dictionary)
lc = len(content)
#if fc!=content: burp
# set dictionary length parameter
dictionary["Length"] = lc
fd = format(dictionary, document)
sdict = LINEENDDICT.copy()
sdict["dictionary"] = fd
sdict["content"] = fc
return STREAMFMT % sdict
def teststream(content=None):
#content = "" # test
if content is None:
content = teststreamcontent
content = string.strip(content)
content = string.replace(content, "\n", LINEEND) + LINEEND
S = PDFStream()
S.content = content
S.filters = [PDFBase85Encode, PDFZCompress]
# nothing else needed...
S.__Comment__ = "test stream"
return S
teststreamcontent = """
1 0 0 1 0 0 cm BT /F9 12 Tf 14.4 TL ET
1.00 0.00 1.00 rg
n 72.00 72.00 432.00 648.00 re B*
class PDFArray:
multiline = LongFormat
def __init__(self, sequence):
self.sequence = list(sequence)
def References(self, document):
"""make all objects in sequence references"""
self.sequence = map(document.Reference, self.sequence)
def format(self, document, IND=LINEEND+' '):
L = [format(e, document) for e in self.sequence]
if self.multiline:
L = IND.join(L)
# break up every 10 elements anyway
breakline = LINEEND+" "
for i in xrange(10, len(L), 10):
L = ' '.join(L)
return "[ %s ]" % L
INDIRECTOBFMT = ("%(n)s %(v)s obj%(LINEEND)s"
"%(content)s" "%(LINEEND)s"
"endobj" "%(LINEEND)s")
class PDFIndirectObject:
__RefOnly__ = 1
def __init__(self, name, content):
self.name = name
self.content = content
def format(self, document):
name = self.name
(n, v) = document.idToObjectNumberAndVersion[name]
# set encryption parameters
document.encrypt.register(n, v)
content = self.content
fcontent = format(content, document, toplevel=1) # yes this is at top level
sdict = LINEENDDICT.copy()
sdict["n"] = n
sdict["v"] = v
sdict["content"] = fcontent
return INDIRECTOBFMT % sdict
class PDFObjectReference:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def format(self, document):
return "%s %s R" % document.idToObjectNumberAndVersion[self.name]
raise KeyError, "forward reference to %s not resolved upon final formatting" % repr(self.name)
### chapter 5
# Following Ken Lunde's advice and the PDF spec, this includes
# some high-order bytes. I chose the characters for Tokyo
# in Shift-JIS encoding, as these cannot be mistaken for
# any other encoding, and we'll be able to tell if something
# has run our PDF files through a dodgy Unicode conversion.
PDFHeader = (
"%\223\214\213\236 ReportLab Generated PDF document http://www.reportlab.com"+LINEEND)
class PDFFile:
### just accumulates strings: keeps track of current offset
def __init__(self):
self.strings = []
self.write = self.strings.append
self.offset = 0
def closeOrReset(self):
def add(self, s):
"""should be constructed as late as possible, return position where placed"""
result = self.offset
self.offset = result+len(s)
return result
def format(self, document):
strings = map(str, self.strings) # final conversion, in case of lazy objects
return string.join(strings, "")
XREFFMT = '%0.10d %0.5d n'
class PDFCrossReferenceSubsection:
def __init__(self, firstentrynumber, idsequence):
self.firstentrynumber = firstentrynumber
self.idsequence = idsequence
def format(self, document):
"""id sequence should represent contiguous object nums else error. free numbers not supported (yet)"""
firstentrynumber = self.firstentrynumber
idsequence = self.idsequence
entries = list(idsequence)
nentries = len(idsequence)
# special case: object number 0 is always free
taken = {}
if firstentrynumber==0:
taken[0] = "standard free entry"
nentries = nentries+1
entries.insert(0, "0000000000 65535 f")
idToNV = document.idToObjectNumberAndVersion
idToOffset = document.idToOffset
lastentrynumber = firstentrynumber+nentries-1
for id in idsequence:
(num, version) = idToNV[id]
if taken.has_key(num):
raise ValueError, "object number collision %s %s %s" % (num, repr(id), repr(taken[id]))
if num>lastentrynumber or num<firstentrynumber:
raise ValueError, "object number %s not in range %s..%s" % (num, firstentrynumber, lastentrynumber)
# compute position in list
rnum = num-firstentrynumber
taken[num] = id
offset = idToOffset[id]
entries[num] = XREFFMT % (offset, version)
# now add the initial line
firstline = "%s %s" % (firstentrynumber, nentries)
entries.insert(0, firstline)
# make sure it ends with a LINEEND
if LINEEND=="\n" or LINEEND=="\r":
reflineend = " "+LINEEND # as per spec
elif LINEEND=="\r\n":
reflineend = LINEEND
raise ValueError, "bad end of line! %s" % repr(LINEEND)
return string.join(entries, LINEEND)
class PDFCrossReferenceTable:
def __init__(self):
self.sections = []
def addsection(self, firstentry, ids):
section = PDFCrossReferenceSubsection(firstentry, ids)
def format(self, document):
sections = self.sections
if not sections:
raise ValueError, "no crossref sections"
L = ["xref"+LINEEND]
for s in self.sections:
fs = format(s, document)
return string.join(L, "")
TRAILERFMT = ("trailer%(LINEEND)s"
class PDFTrailer:
def __init__(self, startxref, Size=None, Prev=None, Root=None, Info=None, ID=None, Encrypt=None):
self.startxref = startxref
if Size is None or Root is None:
raise ValueError, "Size and Root keys required"
dict = self.dict = PDFDictionary()
for (n,v) in [("Size", Size), ("Prev", Prev), ("Root", Root),
("Info", Info), ("ID", ID), ("Encrypt", Encrypt)]:
if v is not None:
dict[n] = v
def format(self, document):
fdict = format(self.dict, document)
D["dict"] = fdict
D["startxref"] = self.startxref
#### XXXX skipping incremental update,
#### encryption
#### chapter 6, doc structure
class PDFCatalog:
__Comment__ = "Document Root"
__RefOnly__ = 1
# to override, set as attributes
__Defaults__ = {"Type": PDFName("Catalog"),
"PageMode": PDFName("UseNone"),
__NoDefault__ = string.split("""
Dests Outlines Pages Threads AcroForm Names OpenActions PageMode URI
ViewerPreferences PageLabels PageLayout JavaScript StructTreeRoot SpiderInfo"""
__Refs__ = __NoDefault__ # make these all into references, if present
def format(self, document):
defaults = self.__Defaults__
Refs = self.__Refs__
D = {}
for k in defaults.keys():
default = defaults[k]
v = None
if hasattr(self, k) and getattr(self,k) is not None:
v = getattr(self, k)
elif default is not None:
v = default
if v is not None:
D[k] = v
for k in self.__NoDefault__:
if hasattr(self, k):
v = getattr(self,k)
if v is not None:
D[k] = v
# force objects to be references where required
for k in Refs:
if D.has_key(k):
#print"k is", k, "value", D[k]
D[k] = document.Reference(D[k])
dict = PDFDictionary(D)
return format(dict, document)
def showOutline(self):
self.PageMode = PDFName("UseOutlines")
def showFullScreen(self):
self.PageMode = PDFName("FullScreen")
def check_format(self, document):
"""for use in subclasses"""
# not yet implementing
# ViewerPreferences, PageLabelDictionaries,
class PDFPages(PDFCatalog):
__Comment__ = "page tree"
__RefOnly__ = 1
# note: could implement page attribute inheritance...
__Defaults__ = {"Type": PDFName("Pages"),
__NoDefault__ = string.split("Kids Count Parent")
__Refs__ = ["Parent"]
def __init__(self):
self.pages = []
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.pages[item]
def addPage(self, page):
def check_format(self, document):
# convert all pages to page references
pages = self.pages
kids = PDFArray(pages)
# make sure all pages are references
self.Kids = kids
self.Count = len(pages)
class PDFPage(PDFCatalog):
__Comment__ = "Page dictionary"
# all PDF attributes can be set explicitly
# if this flag is set, the "usual" behavior will be suppressed
Override_default_compilation = 0
__RefOnly__ = 1
__Defaults__ = {"Type": PDFName("Page"),
# "Parent": PDFObjectReference(Pages), # no! use document.Pages
__NoDefault__ = string.split(""" Parent
MediaBox Resources Contents CropBox Rotate Thumb Annots B Dur Hid Trans AA
PieceInfo LastModified SeparationInfo ArtBox TrimBox BleedBox ID PZ
__Refs__ = string.split("""
Contents Parent ID
pagewidth = 595
pageheight = 842
stream = None
hasImages = 0
compression = 0
XObjects = None
Trans = None
# transitionstring?
# xobjects?
# annotations
def __init__(self):
# set all nodefaults to None
for name in self.__NoDefault__:
setattr(self, name, None)
def setCompression(self, onoff):
self.compression = onoff
def setStream(self, code):
if self.Override_default_compilation:
raise ValueError, "overridden! must set stream explicitly"
from types import ListType
if type(code) is ListType:
code = string.join(code, LINEEND)+LINEEND
self.stream = code
def setPageTransition(self, tranDict):
self.Trans = PDFDictionary(tranDict)
def check_format(self, document):
# set up parameters unless usual behaviour is suppressed
if self.Override_default_compilation:
self.MediaBox = self.MediaBox or PDFArray([0, 0, self.pagewidth, self.pageheight])
if not self.Annots:
self.Annots = None
#print self.Annots
#raise ValueError, "annotations not reimplemented yet"
if type(self.Annots) is not types.InstanceType:
self.Annots = PDFArray(self.Annots)
if not self.Contents:
stream = self.stream
if not stream:
self.Contents = teststream()
S = PDFStream()
if self.compression:
S.filters = [PDFBase85Encode, PDFZCompress]
S.content = stream
S.__Comment__ = "page stream"
self.Contents = S
if not self.Resources:
resources = PDFResourceDictionary()
# fonts!
if self.hasImages:
if self.XObjects:
#print "XObjects", self.XObjects.dict
resources.XObject = self.XObjects
self.Resources = resources
if not self.Parent:
pages = document.Pages
self.Parent = document.Reference(pages)
def testpage(document):
P = PDFPage()
P.Contents = teststream()
pages = document.Pages
P.Parent = document.Reference(pages)
P.MediaBox = PDFArray([0, 0, 595, 841])
resources = PDFResourceDictionary()
resources.allProcs() # enable all procsets
P.Resources = resources
class PDFOutlines0:
__Comment__ = "TEST OUTLINE!"
text = string.replace(DUMMYOUTLINE, "\n", LINEEND)
__RefOnly__ = 1
def format(self, document):
return self.text
class OutlineEntryObject:
"an entry in an outline"
Title = Dest = Parent = Prev = Next = First = Last = Count = None
def format(self, document):
D = {}
D["Title"] = PDFString(self.Title)
D["Parent"] = self.Parent
D["Dest"] = self.Dest
for n in ("Prev", "Next", "First", "Last", "Count"):
v = getattr(self, n)
if v is not None:
D[n] = v
PD = PDFDictionary(D)
return PD.format(document)
class PDFOutlines:
"""takes a recursive list of outline destinations
out = PDFOutline1()
out.setNames(canvas, # requires canvas for name resolution
), # end of chapter2 description
("chapter4dest", ["c4s1", "c4s2"])
Higher layers may build this structure incrementally. KISS at base level.
# first attempt, many possible features missing.
#no init for now
mydestinations = ready = None
counter = 0
currentlevel = -1 # ie, no levels yet
def __init__(self):
self.destinationnamestotitles = {}
self.destinationstotitles = {}
self.levelstack = []
self.buildtree = []
self.closedict = {} # dictionary of "closed" destinations in the outline
def addOutlineEntry(self, destinationname, level=0, title=None, closed=None):
"""destinationname of None means "close the tree" """
from types import IntType, TupleType
if destinationname is None and level!=0:
raise ValueError, "close tree must have level of 0"
if type(level) is not IntType: raise ValueError, "level must be integer, got %s" % type(level)
if level<0: raise ValueError, "negative levels not allowed"
if title is None: title = destinationname
currentlevel = self.currentlevel
stack = self.levelstack
tree = self.buildtree
# adjust currentlevel and stack to match level
if level>currentlevel:
if level>currentlevel+1:
raise ValueError, "can't jump from outline level %s to level %s, need intermediates" %(currentlevel, level)
level = currentlevel = currentlevel+1
while level<currentlevel:
# pop off levels to match
current = stack[-1]
del stack[-1]
previous = stack[-1]
lastinprevious = previous[-1]
if type(lastinprevious) is TupleType:
(name, sectionlist) = lastinprevious
raise ValueError, "cannot reset existing sections: " + repr(lastinprevious)
name = lastinprevious
sectionlist = current
previous[-1] = (name, sectionlist)
currentlevel = currentlevel-1
if destinationname is None: return
self.destinationnamestotitles[destinationname] = title
if closed: self.closedict[destinationname] = 1
self.currentlevel = level
def setDestinations(self, destinationtree):
self.mydestinations = destinationtree
def format(self, document):
D = {}
D["Type"] = PDFName("Outlines")
c = self.count
D["Count"] = c
if c!=0:
D["First"] = self.first
D["Last"] = self.last
PD = PDFDictionary(D)
return PD.format(document)
def setNames(self, canvas, *nametree):
desttree = self.translateNames(canvas, nametree)
def setNameList(self, canvas, nametree):
"Explicit list so I don't need to do apply(...) in the caller"
desttree = self.translateNames(canvas, nametree)
def translateNames(self, canvas, object):
"recursively translate tree of names into tree of destinations"
from types import StringType, ListType, TupleType
Ot = type(object)
destinationnamestotitles = self.destinationnamestotitles
destinationstotitles = self.destinationstotitles
closedict = self.closedict
if Ot is StringType:
destination = canvas._bookmarkReference(object)
title = object
if destinationnamestotitles.has_key(object):
title = destinationnamestotitles[object]
destinationnamestotitles[title] = title
destinationstotitles[destination] = title
if closedict.has_key(object):
closedict[destination] = 1 # mark destination closed
return {object: canvas._bookmarkReference(object)} # name-->ref
if Ot is ListType or Ot is TupleType:
L = []
for o in object:
L.append(self.translateNames(canvas, o))
if Ot is TupleType:
return tuple(L)
return L
raise "in outline, destination name must be string: got a %s" % Ot
def prepare(self, document, canvas):
"""prepare all data structures required for save operation (create related objects)"""
if self.mydestinations is None:
if self.levelstack:
self.addOutlineEntry(None) # close the tree
destnames = self.levelstack[0]
#from pprint import pprint; pprint(destnames); stop
self.mydestinations = self.translateNames(canvas, destnames)
self.first = self.last = None
self.count = 0
self.ready = 1
#self.first = document.objectReference("Outline.First")
#self.last = document.objectReference("Outline.Last")
# XXXX this needs to be generalized for closed entries!
self.count = count(self.mydestinations, self.closedict)
(self.first, self.last) = self.maketree(document, self.mydestinations, toplevel=1)
self.ready = 1
def maketree(self, document, destinationtree, Parent=None, toplevel=0):
from types import ListType, TupleType, DictType
tdestinationtree = type(destinationtree)
if toplevel:
levelname = "Outline"
Parent = document.Reference(document.Outlines)
self.count = self.count+1
levelname = "Outline.%s" % self.count
if Parent is None:
raise ValueError, "non-top level outline elt parent must be specified"
if tdestinationtree is not ListType and tdestinationtree is not TupleType:
raise ValueError, "destinationtree must be list or tuple, got %s"
nelts = len(destinationtree)
lastindex = nelts-1
lastelt = firstref = lastref = None
destinationnamestotitles = self.destinationnamestotitles
closedict = self.closedict
for index in range(nelts):
eltobj = OutlineEntryObject()
eltobj.Parent = Parent
eltname = "%s.%s" % (levelname, index)
eltref = document.Reference(eltobj, eltname)
#document.add(eltname, eltobj)
if lastelt is not None:
lastelt.Next = eltref
eltobj.Prev = lastref
if firstref is None:
firstref = eltref
lastref = eltref
lastelt = eltobj # advance eltobj
lastref = eltref
elt = destinationtree[index]
te = type(elt)
if te is DictType:
# simple leaf {name: dest}
leafdict = elt
elif te is TupleType:
# leaf with subsections: ({name: ref}, subsections) XXXX should clean up (see count(...))
(leafdict, subsections) = elt
raise ValueError, "destination tree elt tuple should have two elts, got %s" % len(elt)
eltobj.Count = count(subsections, closedict)
(eltobj.First, eltobj.Last) = self.maketree(document, subsections, eltref)
raise ValueError, "destination tree elt should be dict or tuple, got %s" % te
[(Title, Dest)] = leafdict.items()
raise ValueError, "bad outline leaf dictionary, should have one entry "+str(elt)
eltobj.Title = destinationnamestotitles[Title]
eltobj.Dest = Dest
if te is TupleType and closedict.has_key(Dest):
# closed subsection, count should be negative
eltobj.Count = -eltobj.Count
return (firstref, lastref)
def count(tree, closedict=None):
"""utility for outline: recursively count leaves in a tuple/list tree"""
from operator import add
from types import TupleType, ListType
tt = type(tree)
if tt is TupleType:
# leaf with subsections XXXX should clean up this structural usage
(leafdict, subsections) = tree
[(Title, Dest)] = leafdict.items()
if closedict and closedict.has_key(Dest):
return 1 # closed tree element
if tt is TupleType or tt is ListType:
#return reduce(add, map(count, tree))
counts = []
for e in tree:
counts.append(count(e, closedict))
return reduce(add, counts)
return 1
class PDFInfo:
"""PDF documents can have basic information embedded, viewable from
File | Document Info in Acrobat Reader. If this is wrong, you get
Postscript errors while printing, even though it does not print."""
producer = "ReportLab http://www.reportlab.com"
title = "untitled"
author = "anonymous"
subject = "unspecified"
_dateFormatter = None
def __init__(self):
self.invariant = rl_config.invariant
def digest(self, md5object):
# add self information to signature
for x in (self.title, self.author, self.subject):
def format(self, document):
D = {}
D["Title"] = PDFString(self.title)
D["Author"] = PDFString(self.author)
D["CreationDate"] = PDFDate(invariant=self.invariant,dateFormatter=self._dateFormatter)
D["Producer"] = PDFString(self.producer)
D["Subject"] = PDFString(self.subject)
PD = PDFDictionary(D)
return PD.format(document)
# skipping thumbnails, etc
class Annotation:
"""superclass for all annotations."""
defaults = [("Type", PDFName("Annot"),)]
required = ("Type", "Rect", "Contents", "Subtype")
permitted = required+(
"Border", "C", "T", "M", "F", "H", "BS", "AA", "AS", "Popup", "P", "AP")
def cvtdict(self, d, escape=1):
"""transform dict args from python form to pdf string rep as needed"""
Rect = d["Rect"]
if type(Rect) is not types.StringType:
d["Rect"] = PDFArray(Rect)
d["Contents"] = PDFString(d["Contents"],escape)
return d
def AnnotationDict(self, **kw):
if 'escape' in kw:
escape = kw['escape']
del kw['escape']
escape = 1
d = {}
for (name,val) in self.defaults:
d[name] = val
for name in self.required:
if not d.has_key(name):
raise ValueError, "keyword argument %s missing" % name
d = self.cvtdict(d,escape=escape)
permitted = self.permitted
for name in d.keys():
if name not in permitted:
raise ValueError, "bad annotation dictionary name %s" % name
return PDFDictionary(d)
def Dict(self):
raise ValueError, "DictString undefined for virtual superclass Annotation, must overload"
# but usually
#return self.AnnotationDict(self, Rect=(a,b,c,d)) or whatever
def format(self, document):
D = self.Dict()
return D.format(document)
class TextAnnotation(Annotation):
permitted = Annotation.permitted + (
"Open", "Name")
def __init__(self, Rect, Contents, **kw):
self.Rect = Rect
self.Contents = Contents
self.otherkw = kw
def Dict(self):
d = {}
d["Rect"] = self.Rect
d["Contents"] = self.Contents
d["Subtype"] = "/Text"
return self.AnnotationDict(**d)
class FreeTextAnnotation(Annotation):
permitted = Annotation.permitted + ("DA",)
def __init__(self, Rect, Contents, DA, **kw):
self.Rect = Rect
self.Contents = Contents
self.DA = DA
self.otherkw = kw
def Dict(self):
d = {}
d["Rect"] = self.Rect
d["Contents"] = self.Contents
d["DA"] = self.DA
d["Subtype"] = "/FreeText"
return self.AnnotationDict(**d)
class LinkAnnotation(Annotation):
permitted = Annotation.permitted + (
"Dest", "A", "PA")
def __init__(self, Rect, Contents, Destination, Border="[0 0 1]", **kw):
self.Border = Border
self.Rect = Rect
self.Contents = Contents
self.Destination = Destination
self.otherkw = kw
def dummyDictString(self): # old, testing
return """
<< /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /Rect [71 717 190 734] /Border [16 16 1]
/Dest [23 0 R /Fit] >>
def Dict(self):
d = {}
d["Border"] = self.Border
d["Rect"] = self.Rect
d["Contents"] = self.Contents
d["Subtype"] = "/Link"
d["Dest"] = self.Destination
return apply(self.AnnotationDict, (), d)
# skipping names tree
# skipping actions
# skipping names trees
# skipping to chapter 7
class PDFRectangle:
def __init__(self, llx, lly, urx, ury):
self.llx, self.lly, self.ulx, self.ury = llx, lly, urx, ury
def format(self, document):
A = PDFArray([self.llx, self.lly, self.ulx, self.ury])
return format(A, document)
def _getTimeStamp():
global _NOWT
if not _NOWT:
import time
_NOWT = time.time()
return _NOWT
class PDFDate:
# gmt offset not yet suppported
def __init__(self, yyyy=None, mm=None, dd=None, hh=None, m=None, s=None,
if None in (yyyy, mm, dd, hh, m, s):
if invariant:
now = (2000,01,01,00,00,00,0)
import time
now = tuple(time.localtime(_getTimeStamp())[:6])
if yyyy is None: yyyy=now[0]
if mm is None: mm=now[1]
if dd is None: dd=now[2]
if hh is None: hh=now[3]
if m is None: m=now[4]
if s is None: s=now[5]
self.dateFormatter = dateFormatter
def format(self, doc):
dfmt = self.dateFormatter or (
lambda yyyy,mm,dd,hh,m,s: '%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d' % (yyyy,mm,dd,hh,m,s))
return format(PDFString(dfmt(*self.date)), doc)
class Destination:
"""not a pdfobject! This is a placeholder that can delegates
to a pdf object only after it has been defined by the methods
below. EG a Destination can refer to Appendix A before it has been
defined, but only if Appendix A is explicitly noted as a destination
and resolved before the document is generated...
For example the following sequence causes resolution before doc generation.
d = Destination()
d.fit() # or other format defining method call
(at present setPageRef is called on generation of the page).
representation = format = page = None
def __init__(self,name):
self.name = name
self.fmt = self.page = None
def format(self, document):
f = self.fmt
if f is None: raise ValueError, "format not resolved %s" % self.name
p = self.page
if p is None: raise ValueError, "Page reference unbound %s" % self.name
f.page = p
return f.format(document)
def xyz(self, left, top, zoom): # see pdfspec mar 11 99 pp184+
self.fmt = PDFDestinationXYZ(None, left, top, zoom)
def fit(self):
self.fmt = PDFDestinationFit(None)
def fitb(self):
self.fmt = PDFDestinationFitB(None)
def fith(self, top):
self.fmt = PDFDestinationFitH(None,top)
def fitv(self, left):
self.fmt = PDFDestinationFitV(None, left)
def fitbh(self, top):
self.fmt = PDFDestinationFitBH(None, top)
def fitbv(self, left):
self.fmt = PDFDestinationFitBV(None, left)
def fitr(self, left, bottom, right, top):
self.fmt = PDFDestinationFitR(None, left, bottom, right, top)
def setPage(self, page):
self.page = page
#self.fmt.page = page # may not yet be defined!
class PDFDestinationXYZ:
typename = "XYZ"
def __init__(self, page, left, top, zoom):
self.page = page
self.top = top
self.zoom = zoom
self.left = left
def format(self, document):
pageref = document.Reference(self.page)
A = PDFArray( [ pageref, PDFName(self.typename), self.left, self.top, self.zoom ] )
return format(A, document)
class PDFDestinationFit:
typename = "Fit"
def __init__(self, page):
self.page = page
def format(self, document):
pageref = document.Reference(self.page)
A = PDFArray( [ pageref, PDFName(self.typename) ] )
return format(A, document)
class PDFDestinationFitB(PDFDestinationFit):
typename = "FitB"
class PDFDestinationFitH:
typename = "FitH"
def __init__(self, page, top):
self.page = page; self.top=top
def format(self, document):
pageref = document.Reference(self.page)
A = PDFArray( [ pageref, PDFName(self.typename), self.top ] )
return format(A, document)
class PDFDestinationFitBH(PDFDestinationFitH):
typename = "FitBH"
class PDFDestinationFitV:
typename = "FitV"
def __init__(self, page, left):
self.page = page; self.left=left
def format(self, document):
pageref = document.Reference(self.page)
A = PDFArray( [ pageref, PDFName(self.typename), self.left ] )
return format(A, document)
class PDFDestinationBV(PDFDestinationFitV):
typename = "FitBV"
class PDFDestinationFitR:
typename = "FitR"
def __init__(self, page, left, bottom, right, top):
self.page = page; self.left=left; self.bottom=bottom; self.right=right; self.top=top
def format(self, document):
pageref = document.Reference(self.page)
A = PDFArray( [ pageref, PDFName(self.typename), self.left, self.bottom, self.right, self.top] )
return format(A, document)
# named destinations need nothing
# skipping filespecs
class PDFResourceDictionary:
"""each element *could* be reset to a reference if desired"""
def __init__(self):
self.ColorSpace = {}
self.XObject = {}
self.ExtGState = {}
self.Font = {}
self.Pattern = {}
self.ProcSet = []
self.Properties = {}
self.Shading = {}
# ?by default define the basicprocs
stdprocs = map(PDFName, string.split("PDF Text ImageB ImageC ImageI"))
dict_attributes = ("ColorSpace", "XObject", "ExtGState", "Font", "Pattern", "Properties", "Shading")
def allProcs(self):
# define all standard procsets
self.ProcSet = self.stdprocs
def basicProcs(self):
self.ProcSet = self.stdprocs[:2] # just PDF and Text
def basicFonts(self):
self.Font = PDFObjectReference(BasicFonts)
def format(self, document):
D = {}
from types import ListType, DictType
for dname in self.dict_attributes:
v = getattr(self, dname)
if type(v) is DictType:
if v:
dv = PDFDictionary(v)
D[dname] = dv
D[dname] = v
v = self.ProcSet
dname = "ProcSet"
if type(v) is ListType:
if v:
dv = PDFArray(v)
D[dname] = dv
D[dname] = v
DD = PDFDictionary(D)
return format(DD, document)
# Font objects - the PDFDocument.addFont() method knows which of these
# to construct when given a user-facing Font object
class PDFType1Font:
"""no init: set attributes explicitly"""
__RefOnly__ = 1
# note! /Name appears to be an undocumented attribute....
name_attributes = string.split("Type Subtype BaseFont Name")
Type = "Font"
Subtype = "Type1"
# these attributes are assumed to already be of the right type
local_attributes = string.split("FirstChar LastChar Widths Encoding ToUnicode FontDescriptor")
def format(self, document):
D = {}
for name in self.name_attributes:
if hasattr(self, name):
value = getattr(self, name)
D[name] = PDFName(value)
for name in self.local_attributes:
if hasattr(self, name):
value = getattr(self, name)
D[name] = value
#print D
PD = PDFDictionary(D)
return PD.format(document)
## These attribute listings will be useful in future, even if we
## put them elsewhere
class PDFTrueTypeFont(PDFType1Font):
Subtype = "TrueType"
#local_attributes = string.split("FirstChar LastChar Widths Encoding ToUnicode FontDescriptor") #same
##class PDFMMType1Font(PDFType1Font):
## Subtype = "MMType1"
##class PDFType3Font(PDFType1Font):
## Subtype = "Type3"
## local_attributes = string.split(
## "FirstChar LastChar Widths CharProcs FontBBox FontMatrix Resources Encoding")
##class PDFType0Font(PDFType1Font):
## Subtype = "Type0"
## local_attributes = string.split(
## "DescendantFonts Encoding")
##class PDFCIDFontType0(PDFType1Font):
## Subtype = "CIDFontType0"
## local_attributes = string.split(
## "CIDSystemInfo FontDescriptor DW W DW2 W2 Registry Ordering Supplement")
##class PDFCIDFontType0(PDFType1Font):
## Subtype = "CIDFontType2"
## local_attributes = string.split(
## "BaseFont CIDToGIDMap CIDSystemInfo FontDescriptor DW W DW2 W2")
##class PDFEncoding(PDFType1Font):
## Type = "Encoding"
## name_attributes = string.split("Type BaseEncoding")
## # these attributes are assumed to already be of the right type
## local_attributes = ["Differences"]
# UGLY ALERT - this needs turning into something O-O, it was hacked
# across from the pdfmetrics.Encoding class to avoid circularity
# skipping CMaps
class PDFFormXObject:
# like page requires .info set by some higher level (doc)
# XXXX any resource used in a form must be propagated up to the page that (recursively) uses
# the form!! (not implemented yet).
XObjects = Annots = BBox = Matrix = Contents = stream = Resources = None
hasImages = 1 # probably should change
compression = 0
def __init__(self, lowerx, lowery, upperx, uppery):
#not done
self.lowerx = lowerx; self.lowery=lowery; self.upperx=upperx; self.uppery=uppery
def setStreamList(self, data):
if type(data) is types.ListType:
data = string.join(data, LINEEND)
self.stream = data
def BBoxList(self):
"get the declared bounding box for the form as a list"
if self.BBox:
return list(self.BBox.sequence)
return [self.lowerx, self.lowery, self.upperx, self.uppery]
def format(self, document):
self.BBox = self.BBox or PDFArray([self.lowerx, self.lowery, self.upperx, self.uppery])
self.Matrix = self.Matrix or PDFArray([1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0])
if not self.Annots:
self.Annots = None
#these must be transferred to the page when the form is used
raise ValueError, "annotations not reimplemented yet"
if not self.Contents:
stream = self.stream
if not stream:
self.Contents = teststream()
S = PDFStream()
S.content = stream
# need to add filter stuff (?)
S.__Comment__ = "xobject form stream"
self.Contents = S
if not self.Resources:
resources = PDFResourceDictionary()
# fonts!
if self.hasImages:
if self.XObjects:
#print "XObjects", self.XObjects.dict
resources.XObject = self.XObjects
if self.compression:
self.Contents.filters = [PDFBase85Encode, PDFZCompress]
sdict = self.Contents.dictionary
sdict["Type"] = PDFName("XObject")
sdict["Subtype"] = PDFName("Form")
sdict["FormType"] = 1
sdict["BBox"] = self.BBox
sdict["Matrix"] = self.Matrix
sdict["Resources"] = resources
return self.Contents.format(document)
class PDFPostScriptXObject:
"For embedding PD (e.g. tray commands) in PDF"
def __init__(self, content=None):
self.content = content
def format(self, document):
S = PDFStream()
S.content = self.content
S.__Comment__ = "xobject postscript stream"
sdict = S.dictionary
sdict["Type"] = PDFName("XObject")
sdict["Subtype"] = PDFName("PS")
return S.format(document)
_mode2CS={'RGB':'DeviceRGB', 'L':'DeviceGray', 'CMYK':'DeviceCMYK'}
class PDFImageXObject:
# first attempts at a hard-coded one
# in the file, Image XObjects are stream objects. We already
# have a PDFStream object with 3 attributes: dictionary, content
# and filters. So the job of this thing is to construct the
# right PDFStream instance and ask it to format itself.
def __init__(self, name, source=None, mask=None):
self.name = name
self.width = 24
self.height = 23
self.bitsPerComponent = 1
self.colorSpace = 'DeviceGray'
self._filters = 'ASCII85Decode',
self.streamContent = """
003B00 002700 002480 0E4940 114920 14B220 3CB650
75FE88 17FF8C 175F14 1C07E2 3803C4 703182 F8EDFC
B2BBC2 BB6F84 31BFC2 18EA3C 0E3E00 07FC00 03F800
1E1800 1FF800>
self.mask = mask
if source is None:
pass # use the canned one.
elif type(source)==type(''):
# it is a filename
import os
ext = string.lower(os.path.splitext(source)[1])
src = open_for_read(source)
if not(ext in ('.jpg', '.jpeg') and self.loadImageFromJPEG(src)):
else: # it is already a PIL Image
def loadImageFromA85(self,source):
imagedata = map(string.strip,pdfutils.makeA85Image(source,IMG=IMG))
words = string.split(imagedata[1])
self.width, self.height = map(string.atoi,(words[1],words[3]))
self.colorSpace = {'/RGB':'DeviceRGB', '/G':'DeviceGray', '/CMYK':'DeviceCMYK'}[words[7]]
self.bitsPerComponent = 8
self._filters = 'ASCII85Decode','FlateDecode' #'A85','Fl'
if IMG: self._checkTransparency(IMG[0])
elif self.mask=='auto': self.mask = None
self.streamContent = string.join(imagedata[3:-1],'')
def loadImageFromJPEG(self,imageFile):
info = pdfutils.readJPEGInfo(imageFile)
imageFile.seek(0) #reset file pointer
return False
self.width, self.height = info[0], info[1]
self.bitsPerComponent = 8
if info[2] == 1:
self.colorSpace = 'DeviceGray'
elif info[2] == 3:
self.colorSpace = 'DeviceRGB'
else: #maybe should generate an error, is this right for CMYK?
self.colorSpace = 'DeviceCMYK'
self._dotrans = 1
self.streamContent = pdfutils._AsciiBase85Encode(imageFile.read())
self._filters = 'ASCII85Decode','DCTDecode' #'A85','DCT'
self.mask = None
return True
def _checkTransparency(self,im):
if self.mask=='auto':
tc = im.getTransparent()
if tc:
self.mask = (tc[0], tc[0], tc[1], tc[1], tc[2], tc[2])
self.mask = None
elif hasattr(self.mask,'rgb'):
_ = self.mask.rgb()
self.mask = _[0],_[0],_[1],_[1],_[2],_[2]
def loadImageFromSRC(self, im):
"Extracts the stream, width and height"
fp = im.jpeg_fh()
if fp:
zlib = import_zlib()
if not zlib: return
self.width, self.height = im.getSize()
raw = im.getRGBData()
assert(len(raw) == self.width*self.height, "Wrong amount of data for image")
self.streamContent = pdfutils._AsciiBase85Encode(zlib.compress(raw))
self.colorSpace= _mode2CS[im.mode]
self.bitsPerComponent = 8
self._filters = 'ASCII85Decode','FlateDecode' #'A85','Fl'
def format(self, document):
S = PDFStream()
S.content = self.streamContent
dict = S.dictionary
dict["Type"] = PDFName("XObject")
dict["Subtype"] = PDFName("Image")
dict["Width"] = self.width
dict["Height"] = self.height
dict["BitsPerComponent"] = self.bitsPerComponent
dict["ColorSpace"] = PDFName(self.colorSpace)
if self.colorSpace=='DeviceCMYK' and getattr(self,'_dotrans',0):
dict["Decode"] = PDFArray([1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0])
dict["Filter"] = PDFArray(map(PDFName,self._filters))
dict["Length"] = len(self.streamContent)
if self.mask: dict["Mask"] = PDFArray(self.mask)
return S.format(document)
if __name__=="__main__":
print "There is no script interpretation for pdfdoc."