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# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
import unittest2
from openerp.tests.common import TransactionCase
from .. import models
'id': 'id',
'name': 'id',
'string': "External ID",
'required': False,
'fields': [],
def make_field(name='value', string='unknown', required=False, fields=[]):
return [
{'id': name, 'name': name, 'string': string, 'required': required, 'fields': fields},
def sorted_fields(fields):
""" recursively sort field lists to ease comparison """
recursed = [dict(field, fields=sorted_fields(field['fields'])) for field in fields]
return sorted(recursed, key=lambda field: field['id'])
class BaseImportCase(TransactionCase):
def assertEqualFields(self, fields1, fields2):
self.assertEqual(sorted_fields(fields1), sorted_fields(fields2))
class test_basic_fields(BaseImportCase):
def get_fields(self, field):
return self.registry('base_import.import')\
.get_fields(self.cr, self.uid, 'base_import.tests.models.' + field)
def test_base(self):
""" A basic field is not required """
self.assertEqualFields(self.get_fields('char'), make_field())
def test_required(self):
""" Required fields should be flagged (so they can be fill-required) """
self.assertEqualFields(self.get_fields('char.required'), make_field(required=True))
def test_readonly(self):
""" Readonly fields should be filtered out"""
[FIX] models: display_name and name_get mismatch - display_name uses name_get and not the other way around: name_get should not call _compute_display_name, _compute_display_name should call name_get. The previous behaviour was not backward-compatible with the old api. All the models redefining name_get would have 2 different behaviors between name_get and display_name. - Do not set an inverse function to display_name: In most cases, writing on display_name writes on _rec_name (if any, not mandatory). If the display_name computation is redefined, we need to redefine as well the inverse method to avoid unexpected behaviour This required to also modify tests in base_import as readonly fields are avoided. - Remove search method on display_name: For the same reason as for the first point, it could be good that searching on display_name use name_search (and not the other way around). However doing this would be very inefficiant (need to do the search, without limit, extract the ids of the name_get result just to generate a subdomain ('id', 'in', [...]). As in most cases it would anyway mean to search on the _rec_name it's better to directly do so. - Changing label to avoid mismatch: In view displaying the list of fields or when a match is made on the label of a field (e.g. when importing csv file, matching is made on both label and technical name), the fact that display_name field has ' Calling it 'Display Name' will avoid most errors. - remove display_name definition from website_forum_doc,ir_model: These fields are doing the same thing as the display_name of the new api, we can remove them. We need to keep the one for res.partner as it's a stored field.
2014-07-16 08:35:52 +00:00
self.assertEqualFields(self.get_fields('char.readonly'), [ID_FIELD])
def test_readonly_states(self):
""" Readonly fields with states should not be filtered out"""
self.assertEqualFields(self.get_fields('char.states'), make_field())
def test_readonly_states_noreadonly(self):
""" Readonly fields with states having nothing to do with
readonly should still be filtered out"""
[FIX] models: display_name and name_get mismatch - display_name uses name_get and not the other way around: name_get should not call _compute_display_name, _compute_display_name should call name_get. The previous behaviour was not backward-compatible with the old api. All the models redefining name_get would have 2 different behaviors between name_get and display_name. - Do not set an inverse function to display_name: In most cases, writing on display_name writes on _rec_name (if any, not mandatory). If the display_name computation is redefined, we need to redefine as well the inverse method to avoid unexpected behaviour This required to also modify tests in base_import as readonly fields are avoided. - Remove search method on display_name: For the same reason as for the first point, it could be good that searching on display_name use name_search (and not the other way around). However doing this would be very inefficiant (need to do the search, without limit, extract the ids of the name_get result just to generate a subdomain ('id', 'in', [...]). As in most cases it would anyway mean to search on the _rec_name it's better to directly do so. - Changing label to avoid mismatch: In view displaying the list of fields or when a match is made on the label of a field (e.g. when importing csv file, matching is made on both label and technical name), the fact that display_name field has ' Calling it 'Display Name' will avoid most errors. - remove display_name definition from website_forum_doc,ir_model: These fields are doing the same thing as the display_name of the new api, we can remove them. We need to keep the one for res.partner as it's a stored field.
2014-07-16 08:35:52 +00:00
self.assertEqualFields(self.get_fields('char.noreadonly'), [ID_FIELD])
def test_readonly_states_stillreadonly(self):
""" Readonly fields with readonly states leaving them readonly
always... filtered out"""
[FIX] models: display_name and name_get mismatch - display_name uses name_get and not the other way around: name_get should not call _compute_display_name, _compute_display_name should call name_get. The previous behaviour was not backward-compatible with the old api. All the models redefining name_get would have 2 different behaviors between name_get and display_name. - Do not set an inverse function to display_name: In most cases, writing on display_name writes on _rec_name (if any, not mandatory). If the display_name computation is redefined, we need to redefine as well the inverse method to avoid unexpected behaviour This required to also modify tests in base_import as readonly fields are avoided. - Remove search method on display_name: For the same reason as for the first point, it could be good that searching on display_name use name_search (and not the other way around). However doing this would be very inefficiant (need to do the search, without limit, extract the ids of the name_get result just to generate a subdomain ('id', 'in', [...]). As in most cases it would anyway mean to search on the _rec_name it's better to directly do so. - Changing label to avoid mismatch: In view displaying the list of fields or when a match is made on the label of a field (e.g. when importing csv file, matching is made on both label and technical name), the fact that display_name field has ' Calling it 'Display Name' will avoid most errors. - remove display_name definition from website_forum_doc,ir_model: These fields are doing the same thing as the display_name of the new api, we can remove them. We need to keep the one for res.partner as it's a stored field.
2014-07-16 08:35:52 +00:00
self.assertEqualFields(self.get_fields('char.stillreadonly'), [ID_FIELD])
def test_m2o(self):
""" M2O fields should allow import of themselves (name_get),
their id and their xid"""
self.assertEqualFields(self.get_fields('m2o'), make_field(fields=[
{'id': 'value', 'name': 'id', 'string': 'External ID', 'required': False, 'fields': []},
{'id': 'value', 'name': '.id', 'string': 'Database ID', 'required': False, 'fields': []},
def test_m2o_required(self):
""" If an m2o field is required, its three sub-fields are
required as well (the client has to handle that: requiredness
is id-based)
self.assertEqualFields(self.get_fields('m2o.required'), make_field(required=True, fields=[
{'id': 'value', 'name': 'id', 'string': 'External ID', 'required': True, 'fields': []},
{'id': 'value', 'name': '.id', 'string': 'Database ID', 'required': True, 'fields': []},
class test_o2m(BaseImportCase):
def get_fields(self, field):
return self.registry('base_import.import')\
.get_fields(self.cr, self.uid, 'base_import.tests.models.' + field)
def test_shallow(self):
self.assertEqualFields(self.get_fields('o2m'), make_field(fields=[
# FIXME: should reverse field be ignored?
{'id': 'parent_id', 'name': 'parent_id', 'string': 'unknown', 'required': False, 'fields': [
{'id': 'parent_id', 'name': 'id', 'string': 'External ID', 'required': False, 'fields': []},
{'id': 'parent_id', 'name': '.id', 'string': 'Database ID', 'required': False, 'fields': []},
{'id': 'value', 'name': 'value', 'string': 'unknown', 'required': False, 'fields': []},
class test_match_headers_single(TransactionCase):
def test_match_by_name(self):
match = self.registry('base_import.import')._match_header(
'f0', [{'name': 'f0'}], {})
self.assertEqual(match, [{'name': 'f0'}])
def test_match_by_string(self):
match = self.registry('base_import.import')._match_header(
'some field', [{'name': 'bob', 'string': "Some Field"}], {})
self.assertEqual(match, [{'name': 'bob', 'string': "Some Field"}])
def test_nomatch(self):
match = self.registry('base_import.import')._match_header(
'should not be', [{'name': 'bob', 'string': "wheee"}], {})
self.assertEqual(match, [])
def test_recursive_match(self):
f = {
'name': 'f0',
'string': "My Field",
'fields': [
{'name': 'f0', 'string': "Sub field 0", 'fields': []},
{'name': 'f1', 'string': "Sub field 2", 'fields': []},
match = self.registry('base_import.import')._match_header(
'f0/f1', [f], {})
self.assertEqual(match, [f, f['fields'][1]])
def test_recursive_nomatch(self):
""" Match first level, fail to match second level
f = {
'name': 'f0',
'string': "My Field",
'fields': [
{'name': 'f0', 'string': "Sub field 0", 'fields': []},
{'name': 'f1', 'string': "Sub field 2", 'fields': []},
match = self.registry('base_import.import')._match_header(
'f0/f2', [f], {})
self.assertEqual(match, [])
class test_match_headers_multiple(TransactionCase):
def test_noheaders(self):
[], [], {}),
(None, None)
def test_nomatch(self):
['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux'],
['v1', 'v2', 'v3', 'v4'],
{'headers': True}),
['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux'],
def test_mixed(self):
iter(['foo bar baz qux/corge'.split()]),
{'name': 'bar', 'string': 'Bar'},
{'name': 'bob', 'string': 'Baz'},
{'name': 'qux', 'string': 'Qux', 'fields': [
{'name': 'corge', 'fields': []},
{'headers': True}),
(['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux/corge'], {
0: None,
1: ['bar'],
2: ['bob'],
3: ['qux', 'corge'],
class test_preview(TransactionCase):
def make_import(self):
Import = self.registry('base_import.import')
id = Import.create(self.cr, self.uid, {
'res_model': 'res.users',
'file': u"로그인,언어\nbob,1\n".encode('euc_kr'),
return Import, id
def test_encoding(self):
Import, id = self.make_import()
result = Import.parse_preview(self.cr, self.uid, id, {
'quoting': '"',
'separator': ',',
self.assertTrue('error' in result)
def test_csv_errors(self):
Import, id = self.make_import()
result = Import.parse_preview(self.cr, self.uid, id, {
'quoting': 'foo',
'separator': ',',
'encoding': 'euc_kr',
self.assertTrue('error' in result)
result = Import.parse_preview(self.cr, self.uid, id, {
'quoting': '"',
'separator': 'bob',
'encoding': 'euc_kr',
self.assertTrue('error' in result)
def test_success(self):
Import = self.registry('base_import.import')
id = Import.create(self.cr, self.uid, {
'res_model': 'base_import.tests.models.preview',
'file': 'name,Some Value,Counter\n'
result = Import.parse_preview(self.cr, self.uid, id, {
'quoting': '"',
'separator': ',',
'headers': True,
self.assertEqual(result['matches'], {0: ['name'], 1: ['somevalue'], 2: None})
self.assertEqual(result['headers'], ['name', 'Some Value', 'Counter'])
# Order depends on iteration order of fields_get
self.assertItemsEqual(result['fields'], [
{'id': 'name', 'name': 'name', 'string': 'Name', 'required':False, 'fields': []},
{'id': 'somevalue', 'name': 'somevalue', 'string': 'Some Value', 'required':True, 'fields': []},
{'id': 'othervalue', 'name': 'othervalue', 'string': 'Other Variable', 'required':False, 'fields': []},
self.assertEqual(result['preview'], [
['foo', '1', '2'],
['bar', '3', '4'],
['qux', '5', '6'],
# Ensure we only have the response fields we expect
self.assertItemsEqual(result.keys(), ['matches', 'headers', 'fields', 'preview'])
class test_convert_import_data(TransactionCase):
""" Tests conversion of base_import.import input into data which
can be fed to Model.import_data
def test_all(self):
Import = self.registry('base_import.import')
id = Import.create(self.cr, self.uid, {
'res_model': 'base_import.tests.models.preview',
'file': 'name,Some Value,Counter\n'
record = Import.browse(self.cr, self.uid, id)
data, fields = Import._convert_import_data(
record, ['name', 'somevalue', 'othervalue'],
{'quoting': '"', 'separator': ',', 'headers': True,})
self.assertItemsEqual(fields, ['name', 'somevalue', 'othervalue'])
self.assertItemsEqual(data, [
('foo', '1', '2'),
('bar', '3', '4'),
('qux', '5', '6'),
def test_filtered(self):
""" If ``False`` is provided as field mapping for a column,
that column should be removed from importable data
Import = self.registry('base_import.import')
id = Import.create(self.cr, self.uid, {
'res_model': 'base_import.tests.models.preview',
'file': 'name,Some Value,Counter\n'
record = Import.browse(self.cr, self.uid, id)
data, fields = Import._convert_import_data(
record, ['name', False, 'othervalue'],
{'quoting': '"', 'separator': ',', 'headers': True,})
self.assertItemsEqual(fields, ['name', 'othervalue'])
self.assertItemsEqual(data, [
('foo', '2'),
('bar', '4'),
('qux', '6'),
def test_norow(self):
""" If a row is composed only of empty values (due to having
filtered out non-empty values from it), it should be removed
Import = self.registry('base_import.import')
id = Import.create(self.cr, self.uid, {
'res_model': 'base_import.tests.models.preview',
'file': 'name,Some Value,Counter\n'
record = Import.browse(self.cr, self.uid, id)
data, fields = Import._convert_import_data(
record, ['name', False, 'othervalue'],
{'quoting': '"', 'separator': ',', 'headers': True,})
self.assertItemsEqual(fields, ['name', 'othervalue'])
self.assertItemsEqual(data, [
('foo', '2'),
('', '6'),
def test_empty_rows(self):
Import = self.registry('base_import.import')
id = Import.create(self.cr, self.uid, {
'res_model': 'base_import.tests.models.preview',
'file': 'name,Some Value\n'
' \n'
'\t \n'
record = Import.browse(self.cr, self.uid, id)
data, fields = Import._convert_import_data(
record, ['name', 'somevalue'],
{'quoting': '"', 'separator': ',', 'headers': True,})
self.assertItemsEqual(fields, ['name', 'somevalue'])
self.assertItemsEqual(data, [
('foo', '1'),
('bar', '2'),
def test_nofield(self):
Import = self.registry('base_import.import')
id = Import.create(self.cr, self.uid, {
'res_model': 'base_import.tests.models.preview',
'file': 'name,Some Value,Counter\n'
record = Import.browse(self.cr, self.uid, id)
record, [],
{'quoting': '"', 'separator': ',', 'headers': True,})
def test_falsefields(self):
Import = self.registry('base_import.import')
id = Import.create(self.cr, self.uid, {
'res_model': 'base_import.tests.models.preview',
'file': 'name,Some Value,Counter\n'
record = Import.browse(self.cr, self.uid, id)
record, [False, False, False],
{'quoting': '"', 'separator': ',', 'headers': True,})
class test_failures(TransactionCase):
def test_big_attachments(self):
Ensure big fields (e.g. b64-encoded image data) can be imported and
we're not hitting limits of the default CSV parser config
import csv, cStringIO
from PIL import Image
im = Image.new('RGB', (1920, 1080))
fout = cStringIO.StringIO()
writer = csv.writer(fout, dialect=None)
['name', 'db_datas'],
['foo', im.tobytes().encode('base64')]
Import = self.env['base_import.import']
imp = Import.create({
'res_model': 'ir.attachment',
'file': fout.getvalue()
[results] = imp.do(
['name', 'db_datas'],
{'headers': True, 'separator': ',', 'quoting': '"'})
results, "results should be empty on successful import")