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#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2004
#see license.txt for license details
#history http://www.reportlab.co.uk/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/public/reportlab/trunk/reportlab/docs/userguide/ch3_pdffeatures.py
from reportlab.tools.docco.rl_doc_utils import *
heading1("Exposing PDF Special Capabilities")
disc("""PDF provides a number of features to make electronic
document viewing more efficient and comfortable, and
our library exposes a number of these.""")
disc("""The Form feature lets you create a block of graphics and text
once near the start of a PDF file, and then simply refer to it on
subsequent pages. If you are dealing with a run of 5000 repetitive
business forms - for example, one-page invoices or payslips - you
only need to store the backdrop once and simply draw the changing
text on each page. Used correctly, forms can dramatically cut
file size and production time, and apparently even speed things
up on the printer.
disc("""Forms do not need to refer to a whole page; anything which
might be repeated often should be placed in a form.""")
disc("""The example below shows the basic sequence used. A real
program would probably define the forms up front and refer to
them from another location.""")
heading2("Links and Destinations")
disc("""PDF supports internal hyperlinks. There is a very wide
range of link types, destination types and events which
can be triggered by a click. At the moment we just
support the basic ability to jump from one part of a document
to another, and to control the zoom level of the window after
the jump. The bookmarkPage method defines a destination that
is the endpoint of a jump.""")
#todo("code example here...")
By default the $bookmarkPage$ method defines the page itself as the
destination. After jumping to an endpoint defined by bookmarkPage,
the PDF browser will display the whole page, scaling it to fit the
disc("""The $bookmarkPage$ method can be instructed to display the
page in a number of different ways by providing a $fitType$
t = Table([
['fitType','Parameters Required','Meaning'],
['Fit',None,'Entire page fits in window (the default)'],
['FitH','top','Top coord at top of window, width scaled to fit'],
['FitV','left','Left coord at left of window, height scaled to fit'],
['FitR','left bottom right top','Scale window to fit the specified rectangle'],
['XYZ','left top zoom','Fine grained control. If you omit a parameter\nthe PDF browser interprets it as "leave as is"']
('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
caption("""Table <seq template="%(Chapter)s-%(Table+)s"/> - Required attributes for different fit types""")
Note : $fitType$ settings are case-sensitive so $fitType="FIT"$ is invalid$
Sometimes you want the destination of a jump to be some part of a page.
The $FitR$ fitType allows you to identify a particular rectangle, scaling
the area to fit the entire page.
To set the display to a particular x and y coordinate of the page and to
control the zoom directly use fitType="XYZ".
This destination is at the leftmost of the page with the top of the screen
at position 200. Because $zoom$ was not set the zoom remains at whatever the
user had it set to.
disc("""This time zoom is set to expand the page 2X its normal size.""")
Note : Both $XYZ$ and $FitR$ fitTypes require that their positional parameters
($top, bottom, left, right$) be specified in terms of the default user space.
They ignore any geometric transform in effect in the canvas graphic state.
<i>Note:</i> Two previous bookmark methods are supported but deprecated now
that bookmarkPage is so general. These are $bookmarkHorizontalAbsolute$
and $bookmarkHorizontal$.
heading3("Defining internal links")
canvas.linkAbsolute(contents, destinationname, Rect=None, addtopage=1, name=None, **kw)
The $linkAbsolute$ method defines a starting point for a jump. When the user
is browsing the generated document using a dynamic viewer (such as Acrobat Reader)
when the mouse is clicked when the pointer is within the rectangle specified
by $Rect$ the viewer will jump to the endpoint associated with $destinationname$.
As in the case with $bookmarkHorizontalAbsolute$ the rectangle $Rect$ must be
specified in terms of the default user space. The $contents$ parameter specifies
a chunk of text which displays in the viewer if the user left-clicks on the region.
The rectangle $Rect$ must be specified in terms of a tuple ^(x1,y1,x2,y2)^ identifying
the lower left and upper right points of the rectangle in default user space.
For example the code
defines a location as the whole of the current page with the identifier
$Meaning_of_life$. To create a rectangular link to it while drawing a possibly
different page, we would use this code:
canvas.linkAbsolute("Find the Meaning of Life", "Meaning_of_life",
(inch, inch, 6*inch, 2*inch))
By default during interactive viewing a rectangle appears around the
link. Use the keyword argument $Border='[0 0 0]'$ to
suppress the visible rectangle around the during viewing link.
For example
canvas.linkAbsolute("Meaning of Life", "Meaning_of_life",
(inch, inch, 6*inch, 2*inch), Border='[0 0 0]')
heading2("Outline Trees")
disc("""Acrobat Reader has a navigation page which can hold a
document outline; it should normally be visible when you
open this guide. We provide some simple methods to add
outline entries. Typically, a program to make a document
(such as this user guide) will call the method
$canvas.addOutlineEntry(^self, title, key, level=0,
closed=None^)$ as it reaches each heading in the document.
disc("""^title^ is the caption which will be displayed in
the left pane. The ^key^ must be a string which is
unique within the document and which names a bookmark,
as with the hyperlinks. The ^level^ is zero - the
uppermost level - unless otherwise specified, and
it is an error to go down more than one level at a time
(for example to follow a level 0 heading by a level 2
heading). Finally, the ^closed^ argument specifies
whether the node in the outline pane is closed
or opened by default.""")
disc("""The snippet below is taken from the document template
that formats this user guide. A central processor looks
at each paragraph in turn, and makes a new outline entry
when a new chapter occurs, taking the chapter heading text
as the caption text. The key is obtained from the
chapter number (not shown here), so Chapter 2 has the
key 'ch2'. The bookmark to which the
outline entry points aims at the whole page, but it could
as easily have been an individual paragraph.
#abridged code from our document template
if paragraph.style == 'Heading1':
self.chapter = paragraph.getPlainText()
key = 'ch%d' % self.chapterNo
key, 0, 0)
heading2("Page Transition Effects")
canvas.setPageTransition(self, effectname=None, duration=1,
The $setPageTransition$ method specifies how one page will be replaced with
the next. By setting the page transition effect to "dissolve" for example
the current page will appear to melt away when it is replaced by the next
page during interactive viewing. These effects are useful in spicing up
slide presentations, among other places.
Please see the reference manual for more detail on how to use this method.
heading2("Internal File Annotations")
These methods have no automatically seen visible effect on the document.
They add internal annotations to the document. These annotations can be
viewed using the "Document Info" menu item of the browser and they also can
be used as a simple standard way of providing basic information about the
document to archiving software which need not parse the entire
file. To find the annotations view the $*.pdf$ output file using a standard
text editor (such as $notepad$ on MS/Windows or $vi$ or $emacs$ on unix) and look
for the string $/Author$ in the file contents.
If you want the subject, title, and author to automatically display
in the document when viewed and printed you must paint them onto the
document like any other text.
illust(examples.annotations, "Setting document internal annotations")