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from openerp import api, fields, models
import logging
from openerp.exceptions import Warning
import pycountry
from inema import Internetmarke
from inema import WarenpostInt
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# convert from ISO3166 2-digit to 3-digit
def get_alpha3_country_from_alpha2(twodigit):
c = pycountry.countries.get(alpha2=twodigit)
return c.alpha3
# split the last word of a string containing stree name + house number
def split_street_house(streethouse):
# first try to split at last space
r = streethouse.rsplit(' ', 1)
# if that fails, try to split at last dot
if len(r) < 2:
r = streethouse.rsplit('.', 1)
# if that also fails, return empty house number
if len(r) < 2:
return (streethouse, '')
return (r[0], r[1])
def split_first_lastname(name):
# try to split at last space
r = name.rsplit(' ', 1)
# if this fails, simply claim everything is the last name
if len(r) < 2:
return ("", name)
return (r[0], r[1])
class DPDeliveryCarrier(models.Model):
def conn_auth_im(self):
config = self._get_config()
partner_id = config['dp_partner_id']
key = config['dp_key']
key_phase = config['dp_key_phase']
pk_user = config['dp_portokasse_user']
pk_passwd = config['dp_portokasse_passwd']
im = Internetmarke(partner_id, key, key_phase)
im.authenticate(pk_user, pk_passwd)
return im
# Convert an Odoo Partner object into Internetmarke Address
def build_im_addr(self, im, partner):
(street, house) = split_street_house(partner.street)
country = get_alpha3_country_from_alpha2(partner.country_id.code)
street2 = None
if partner.street2:
street2 = partner.street2
# Countries like the US have state codes preceeding the ZIP
if partner.state_id and partner.state_id.code:
zipcode = "%s %s" % (partner.state_id.code,
zipcode =
addr = im.build_addr(street = street,
house = house,
additional = street2,
zipcode = zipcode,
city =,
country = country)
if partner.is_company:
2016-07-15 18:28:58 +00:00
return im.build_comp_addr(company =,
address = addr)
person = None
(first, last) = split_first_lastname(
title = None
if partner.title and partner.title.shortcut:
title = partner.title.shortcut
person = im.build_pers_name(first=first, last=last, title=title)
return im.build_comp_addr(company =,
address = addr,
person = person)
2016-07-15 15:10:43 +00:00
(first, last) = split_first_lastname(
return im.build_pers_addr(first = first,
last = last,
address = addr)
def conn_auth_wpi(self):
"""Connect to the Warenpost International API"""
config = self._get_config()
partner_id = config['dp_partner_id']
key = config['dp_key']
key_phase = config['dp_key_phase']
pk_user = config['dp_portokasse_user']
pk_passwd = config['dp_portokasse_passwd']
ekp = config['dp_wpi_ekp']
use_sandbox = config['dp_wpi_sandbox']
wpi = WarenpostInt(partner_id, key, ekp, pk_user, pk_passwd, key_phase, use_sandbox)
return wpi
def build_wpi_addr(self, wpi, partner):
"""Build a WarenpostInt.Address object from an Odoo partner object."""
def trim_phone(ph):
if not ph:
return None
if len(ph) <= 15:
return ph
ph = ph.replace('-','')
ph = ph.replace(' ','')
return ph
wpi_addr_lines = []
if partner.is_company:
wpi_name =
wpi_name =
wpi_name =
if partner.street2:
wpi_phone = trim_phone(
wpi_fax = trim_phone(partner.fax)
wpi_state = if partner.state_id else None
return wpi.Address(wpi_name, wpi_addr_lines,, partner.country_id.code,, wpi_state, wpi_phone, wpi_fax,
def build_wpi_content_item(self, wpi, line):
"""Build contentPiece from Odoo stock.move (line of a picking)."""
product_uom_obj = self.env['product.uom']
q = product_uom_obj._compute_qty_obj(self._get_default_uom(), line.product_uom_qty, self.uom_id)
product = line.product_id
ptmpl = line.product_tmpl_id
if product:
if product.x_country_of_origin:
orig = product.x_country_of_origin.code
elif line.product_tmpl_id and line.product_tmpl_id.x_country_of_origin:
orig = line.product_tmpl_id.x_country_of_origin.code
raise Warning('Product Variant %s has no Country of Origin defined' % (
weight = product.weight
if ptmpl.x_country_of_origin:
orig = ptmpl.x_country_of_origin.code
raise Warning('Product %s has no Country of Origin defined' % (
weight = ptmpl.weight
if not ptmpl.customs_code:
raise Warning('Product %s has no Customs Code defined' % (
hts = ptmpl.customs_code.replace(' ', '')
desc = ptmpl.customs_description_en
if line.procurement_id and line.procurement_id.sale_line_id:
price_unit = line.procurement_id.sale_line_id.price_unit
raise Warning('Line has no procurement or procurement no sale order line?!?')
weight_g = weight * 1000
line_value = q * price_unit
return wpi.build_content_item(weight_g, line_value, q, hts, orig, desc)
def build_wpi_content(self, wpi, picking):
"""Build contentPieces from Odoo stock.picking."""
content = [self.build_wpi_content_item(wpi, x) for x in picking.move_lines]
total = 0.0
for i in content:
total += float(i['contentPieceValue'])
return (content, total)
def wpi_send_shipping(self, pickings):
config = self._get_config()
order = self.env['sale.order'].search([('name','=',pickings.origin)])
recipient = pickings.partner_id
warehouse = pickings.picking_type_id.warehouse_id.partner_id
# determine weight and DP service/product
weight = self._get_weight(order, pickings)
service = self.get_service_by_class(recipient, weight, self.dp_service_class)
if not service:
raise Warning("Service not available for weight!")
# connect to API
wpi = self.conn_auth_wpi()
# build various data structures for the API
wpi_recipient = self.build_wpi_addr(wpi, recipient)
wpi_sender = self.build_wpi_addr(wpi, warehouse)
if self._country_code_outside_eu(recipient.country_id.code):
(wpi_content, total_value) = self.build_wpi_content(wpi, pickings)
wpi_content = []
total_value = 0
wpi_content = wpi.shrink_contents_if_needed(wpi_content)
wpi_item = wpi.build_item(service.code, wpi_sender, wpi_recipient, weight*1000, total_value,
'EUR',, contents=wpi_content)
# actually create the order + download the label
wpi_res = wpi.api_create_order([wpi_item], 'Max Mustermann')
if not 'shipments' in wpi_res:
_logger.error("Warenpost International failed to create shipment: %s", wpi_res)
raise Warning("Warenpost International failed to create shipment: %s", wpi_res)
wpi_res_item = wpi_res['shipments'][0]['items'][0]
png = wpi.api_get_item_label(wpi_res_item['id'], 'image/png')
# build result dict
awb = wpi_res['shipments'][0]['awb']
voucher_id = wpi_res_item['voucherId']
filename = 'WPI'+voucher_id+'.png'
tracking_nr = ' '
if 'barcode' in wpi_res_item:
tracking_nr += wpi_res_item['barcode']
result = { 'exact_price': service.cost_price,
'weight': service.weight,
'date_delivery': None,
'tracking_number': tracking_nr,
'voucher_id' : voucher_id,
'order_id' : awb,
'attachments': [(filename, png)]}
return result
def _get_eu_res_country_group(self):
eu_group = self.env.ref("base.europe", raise_if_not_found=False)
if not eu_group:
raise Warning(_('The Europe country group cannot be found. '
'Please update the base module.'))
return eu_group
def get_services_by_country(self, service_class, country_code):
if country_code == 'DE':
return service_class.services_natl
eu_country_group = self._get_eu_res_country_group()
country_id = self.env[''].search([('code','=',country_code)])
if in eu_country_group.country_ids.ids:
return service_class.services_eu
return service_class.services_intl
def _country_code_outside_eu(self, country_code):
"""Is the specified two-digit country code outside the EU?"""
if country_code == 'DE':
return False
eu_country_group = self._get_eu_res_country_group()
country_id = self.env[''].search([('code','=',country_code)])
if in eu_country_group.country_ids.ids:
return False
return True
# determine lowest-matching-max-weight service within same class
def get_service_by_class(self, recipient, weight, service_class):
services = self.get_services_by_country(service_class, recipient.country_id.code)
lowest_max_weight = 100000
lowest_service = None
for s in services:
if s.weight >= weight and s.weight < lowest_max_weight:
lowest_max_weight = s.weight
lowest_service = s
return lowest_service
# determine the maximum weight (in kg) of any service in this class
def get_class_max_weight(self, service_class):
services = self.get_services_by_country(service_class, recipient.country_id.code)
highest_weight = 0
for s in services:
if highest_weight > hightest_weight:
highest_weight = s.weight
return highest_weight
def dp_send_shipping(self, pickings):
if self.dp_service_class.is_wpi:
return self.wpi_send_shipping(pickings)[0]
config = self._get_config()
order = self.env['sale.order'].search([('name','=',pickings.origin)])
recipient = pickings.partner_id
warehouse = pickings.picking_type_id.warehouse_id.partner_id
weight = self._get_weight(order, pickings)
service = self.get_service_by_class(recipient, weight, self.dp_service_class)
if not service:
raise Warning("Service not available for weight!")
im = self.conn_auth_im()
im_recipient = self.build_im_addr(im, recipient)
im_sender = self.build_im_addr(im, warehouse)
position = im.build_position(service.code, im_sender, im_recipient)
if im.wallet_balance < im.compute_total():
raise Warning("Wallet balance %f is less than label cost %f!" % (im.wallet_balance/100, im.compute_total()/100))
r = im.checkoutPNG()
voucher = r.shoppingCart.voucherList.voucher[0]
filename = 'DP'+voucher.voucherId+'.png'
tracking_nr = ' '
if voucher.trackId:
tracking_nr += voucher.trackId
result = { 'exact_price': im.compute_total()/100,
'weight': service.weight,
'date_delivery': None,
'tracking_number': tracking_nr,
'voucher_id' : voucher.voucherId,
'order_id' : r.shoppingCart.shopOrderId,
'wallet_balance': r.walletBallance,
'attachments': [(filename, voucher.png_bin)]}
return result
def dp_get_shipping_price_from_so(self, order):
price = 0
config = self._get_config()
recipient = order.partner_shipping_id if order.partner_shipping_id else order.partner_id
warehouse = order.warehouse_id.partner_id
service_class = self.dp_service_class
# single-package implementation
weight = self._get_weight(order)
service = self.get_service_by_class(recipient, weight, service_class)
if not service:
raise Warning("Service not available for weight!")
return service.cost_price
# compute the maximum weight of any service within class
#class_max_weight = self.get_class_max_weight(service_class)
# compute number of packages and each weight
#weight, weight_limit, last_package, limits = self.get_package_count(class_max_weight, order)
# iterate over list of packages
#for line in range(1, limits+1):
# if last_package and line == limits:
# weight_limit = last_package
# service = self.get_service_by_class(recipient, weight, service_class)
# price += service.cost_price
#return price
def dp_get_tracking_link(self, pickings):
def dp_cancel_shipment(self, pickings):
raise Warning('Cancelling DP Shipments not supported!')