/* * Mbuni - Open Source MMS Gateway * * MMSC handler functions: Receive and send MMS messages to MMSCs * * Copyright (C) 2003 - 2005, Digital Solutions Ltd. - http://www.dsmagic.com * * Paul Bagyenda * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License, with a few exceptions granted (see LICENSE) */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mmsbox.h" #include "mms_queue.h" #include "mmsbox.h" typedef struct MmsHTTPClientInfo { HTTPClient *client; Octstr *ua; Octstr *ip; List *headers; Octstr *url; Octstr *body; List *cgivars; MmscGrp *m; } MmsHTTPClientInfo; static void free_clientInfo(MmsHTTPClientInfo *h, int freeh); static int auth_check(Octstr *user, Octstr *pass, List *headers) { int i, res = -1; Octstr *v = http_header_value(headers, octstr_imm("Authorization")); Octstr *p = NULL, *q = NULL; if (user == NULL || octstr_len(user) == 0) { res = 0; goto done; } if (!v || octstr_search(v, octstr_imm("Basic "), 0) != 0) goto done; p = octstr_copy(v, sizeof "Basic", octstr_len(v)); octstr_base64_to_binary(p); i = octstr_search_char(p, ':', 0); q = octstr_copy(p, i+1, octstr_len(p)); octstr_delete(p, i, octstr_len(p)); /* p = user, q = pass. */ if (octstr_compare(user, p) != 0 || octstr_compare(pass, q) != 0) res = -1; else res = 0; done: if (v) octstr_destroy(v); if (p) octstr_destroy(p); if (q) octstr_destroy(q); return res; } static int send_report(Octstr *from, char *report_type, Octstr *status, Octstr *msgid, Octstr *mmc_id) { Octstr *url = mms_dlr_url_get(msgid, report_type, mmc_id); List *rh, *rph = NULL; Octstr *furl = NULL, *rb = NULL; if (!url) return 0; rh = http_create_empty_headers(); http_header_add(rh, "X-Mbuni-Report-Type", report_type); http_header_add(rh, "X-Mbuni-MM-Status", octstr_get_cstr(status)); http_header_add(rh, "X-Mbuni-Message-ID", octstr_get_cstr(msgid)); http_header_add(rh, "X-Mbuni-MMSC-ID", octstr_get_cstr(mmc_id)); http_header_add(rh, "X-Mbuni-From", octstr_get_cstr(from)); http_get_real(HTTP_METHOD_GET, url, rh, &furl, &rph, &rb); if (furl) octstr_destroy(furl); if (rb) octstr_destroy(rb); octstr_destroy(url); if (rph) http_destroy_headers(rph); http_destroy_headers(rh); /* At what point do we delete it? For now, when we get a read report, * and also when we get a delivery report that is not 'deferred' */ if (strcmp(report_type, "read-report") == 0 || octstr_case_compare(status, octstr_imm("Deferred")) != 0) mms_dlr_url_remove(msgid, report_type, mmc_id); return 0; } /* These functions are very similar to those in mmsproxy */ static void mm7soap_receive(MmsHTTPClientInfo *h) { MSoapMsg_t *mreq = NULL, *mresp = NULL; int hstatus = HTTP_OK; List *rh = NULL; Octstr *reply_body = NULL, *value; List *to = NULL; Octstr *from = NULL, *subject = NULL, *vasid = NULL, *msgid = NULL; time_t expiryt = -1, delivert = -1; MmsMsg *m = NULL; int status = 1000; unsigned char *msgtype = (unsigned char *)""; Octstr *qf = NULL; if (h->body) mreq = mm7_parse_soap(h->headers, h->body); if (mreq) msgtype = mms_mm7tag_to_cstr(mm7_msgtype(mreq)); debug("mmsbox.mm7sendinterface", 0, " --> Enterred mm7dispatch interface, mreq=%s mtype = %s <-- ", mreq ? "Ok" : "Null", mreq ? (char *)msgtype : "Null"); if (!mreq) { mresp = mm7_make_resp(NULL, MM7_SOAP_FORMAT_CORRUPT, NULL,1); goto done; } mm7_get_envelope(mreq, &from, &to, &subject, &vasid, &expiryt, &delivert); if (!from) from = octstr_imm("anon@anon"); switch (mm7_msgtype(mreq)) { case MM7_TAG_DeliverReq: m = mm7_soap_to_mmsmsg(mreq, from); if (m) { Octstr *value = NULL; /* Store linked id so we use it in response. */ Octstr *linkedid = mm7_soap_header_value(mreq, octstr_imm("LinkedID")); int dlr; value = mms_get_header_value(m, octstr_imm("X-Mms-Delivery-Report")); if (value && octstr_case_compare(value, octstr_imm("Yes")) == 0) dlr = 1; else dlr = 0; if (delivert < 0) delivert = time(NULL); if (expiryt < 0) expiryt = time(NULL) + DEFAULT_EXPIRE; qf = mms_queue_add(from, to, subject, h->m->id, NULL, delivert, expiryt, m, linkedid, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, dlr, octstr_get_cstr(incoming_qdir), octstr_imm(MM_NAME)); msgid = mms_maketransid(octstr_get_cstr(qf), octstr_imm(MM_NAME)); mms_log("Received", from, to, -1, msgid, NULL, h->m->id, "MMSBox", h->ua, NULL); if (linkedid) octstr_destroy(linkedid); octstr_destroy(value); } else status = 4000; mresp = mm7_make_resp(mreq, status, NULL,1); break; case MM7_TAG_DeliveryReportReq: msgid = mm7_soap_header_value(mreq, octstr_imm("MessageID")); value = mm7_soap_header_value(mreq, octstr_imm("MMStatus")); send_report(from, "delivery-report", value, msgid, h->m->id); if (value) octstr_destroy(value); mms_log("DeliveryReport", from, NULL, -1, msgid, NULL, h->m->id, "MMSBox", h->ua, NULL); mresp = mm7_make_resp(mreq, status, NULL,1); break; case MM7_TAG_ReadReplyReq: msgid = mm7_soap_header_value(mreq, octstr_imm("MessageID")); value = mm7_soap_header_value(mreq, octstr_imm("MMStatus")); send_report(from, "read-report", value, msgid, h->m->id); if (value) octstr_destroy(value); mms_log("ReadReport", from, NULL, -1, msgid, NULL, h->m->id, "MMSBox", h->ua, NULL); mresp = mm7_make_resp(mreq, status, NULL,1); break; default: mresp = mm7_make_resp(mreq, MM7_SOAP_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, NULL,1); break; } done: if (mresp && mm7_soapmsg_to_httpmsg(mresp, &rh, &reply_body) == 0) http_send_reply(h->client, hstatus, rh, reply_body); else http_close_client(h->client); debug("mmsbox.mm7sendinterface", 0, " --> leaving mm7dispatch interface, mresp=%s, body=%s, mm7_status=%d <-- ", mresp ? "ok" : "(null)", reply_body ? "ok" : "(null)", status); if (from) octstr_destroy(from); if (subject) octstr_destroy(subject); if (vasid) octstr_destroy(vasid); if (msgid) octstr_destroy(msgid); if (qf) octstr_destroy(qf); if (m) mms_destroy(m); if (rh) http_destroy_headers(rh); if (reply_body) octstr_destroy(reply_body); if (mresp) mm7_soap_destroy(mresp); if (mreq) mm7_soap_destroy(mreq); if (to) gwlist_destroy(to, (gwlist_item_destructor_t *)octstr_destroy); } static void mm7eaif_receive(MmsHTTPClientInfo *h) { MmsMsg *m = NULL; List *mh = NULL; int hstatus = HTTP_NO_CONTENT; List *rh = http_create_empty_headers(); Octstr *reply_body = NULL, *value, *value2; List *to = gwlist_create(), *hto = NULL; Octstr *subject = NULL, *otransid = NULL, *msgid = NULL; Octstr *hfrom = NULL; time_t expiryt = -1, deliveryt = -1; Octstr *qf = NULL; int msize = h->body ? octstr_len(h->body) : 0; int dlr; int mtype; debug("mmsbox.mm7eaif.sendinterface", 0, " --> Enterred eaif send interface, blen=%d <--- ", msize); hfrom = http_header_value(h->headers, octstr_imm("X-NOKIA-MMSC-From")); if (!h->body || /* A body is required, and must parse */ (m = mms_frombinary(h->body, hfrom ? hfrom : octstr_imm("anon@anon"))) == NULL) { http_header_add(rh, "Content-Type", "text/plain"); hstatus = HTTP_BAD_REQUEST; reply_body = octstr_format("Unexpected MMS message, no body?"); goto done; } /* XXXX handle delivery reports differently. */ mtype = mms_messagetype(m); mh = mms_message_headers(m); /* Now get sender and receiver data. * for now we ignore adaptation flags. */ mms_collect_envdata_from_msgheaders(mh, &to, &subject, &otransid, &expiryt, &deliveryt, DEFAULT_EXPIRE); if ((hto = http_header_find_all(h->headers, "X-NOKIA-MMSC-To")) != NULL && gwlist_len(hto) > 0) { /* To address is in headers. */ int i, n; if (to) gwlist_destroy(to, (gwlist_item_destructor_t *)octstr_destroy); to = gwlist_create(); for (i = 0, n = gwlist_len(hto); i < n; i++) { Octstr *h = NULL, *v = NULL; List *l; int j, m; http_header_get(hto,i, &h, &v); l = http_header_split_value(v); for (j = 0, m = gwlist_len(l); j < m; j++) gwlist_append(to, gwlist_get(l, j)); gwlist_destroy(l, NULL); if (h) octstr_destroy(h); if (v) octstr_destroy(v); } } switch(mtype) { case MMS_MSGTYPE_SEND_REQ: case MMS_MSGTYPE_RETRIEVE_CONF: /* Get Message ID */ if ((msgid = http_header_value(h->headers, octstr_imm("X-NOKIA-MMSC-Message-Id"))) == NULL) msgid = http_header_value(mh, octstr_imm("Message-ID")); else mms_replace_header_value(m, "Message-ID", octstr_get_cstr(msgid)); /* replace it in the message.*/ value = http_header_value(mh, octstr_imm("X-Mms-Delivery-Report")); if (value && octstr_case_compare(value, octstr_imm("Yes")) == 0) dlr = 1; else dlr = 0; if (value) octstr_destroy(value); if (deliveryt < 0) deliveryt = time(NULL); if (expiryt < 0) expiryt = time(NULL) + DEFAULT_EXPIRE; if (hfrom == NULL) hfrom = http_header_value(mh, octstr_imm("From")); mms_remove_headers(m, "Bcc"); mms_remove_headers(m, "X-Mms-Delivery-Time"); mms_remove_headers(m, "X-Mms-Expiry"); mms_remove_headers(m, "X-Mms-Sender-Visibility"); /* Save it, put message id in header, return. */ qf = mms_queue_add(hfrom, to, subject, h->m->id, NULL, deliveryt, expiryt, m, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, dlr, octstr_get_cstr(incoming_qdir), octstr_imm(MM_NAME)); if (qf) { /* Log to access log */ mms_log("Received", hfrom, to, msize, msgid, NULL, h->m->id, "MMSBox", h->ua, NULL); octstr_destroy(qf); hstatus = HTTP_NO_CONTENT; } else hstatus = HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; break; case MMS_MSGTYPE_DELIVERY_IND: value = http_header_value(mh, octstr_imm("X-Mms-Status")); value2 = http_header_value(mh, octstr_imm("Message-ID")); send_report(hfrom, "delivery-report", value, value2, h->m->id); if (value) octstr_destroy(value); if (value2) octstr_destroy(value2); break; case MMS_MSGTYPE_READ_ORIG_IND: value = http_header_value(mh, octstr_imm("X-Mms-Read-Status")); value2 = http_header_value(mh, octstr_imm("Message-ID")); send_report(hfrom, "read-report", value, value2, h->m->id); if (value) octstr_destroy(value); if (value2) octstr_destroy(value2); break; } done: http_header_add(rh, "X-NOKIA-MMSC-Version", EAIF_VERSION); http_send_reply(h->client, hstatus, rh, octstr_imm("")); if (hto) http_destroy_headers(hto); if (to) gwlist_destroy(to, (gwlist_item_destructor_t *)octstr_destroy); if (hfrom) octstr_destroy(hfrom); if (subject) octstr_destroy(subject); if (otransid) octstr_destroy(otransid); if (msgid) octstr_destroy(msgid); if (mh) http_destroy_headers(mh); if (m) mms_destroy(m); } void mmsc_receive_func(MmscGrp *m) { MmsHTTPClientInfo h = {NULL}; h.m = m; while(rstop == 0 && (h.client = http_accept_request(m->incoming.port, &h.ip, &h.url, &h.headers, &h.body, &h.cgivars)) != NULL) if (is_allowed_ip(m->incoming.deny_ip, m->incoming.allow_ip, h.ip)) { h.ua = http_header_value(h.headers, octstr_imm("User-Agent")); debug("mmsbox", 0, " MM7 Incoming, ip=%s, mmsc id=%s ", h.ip ? octstr_get_cstr(h.ip) : "", octstr_get_cstr(m->id)); /* Dump headers, url etc. */ #if 1 http_header_dump(h.headers); if (h.body) octstr_dump(h.body, 0); if (h.ip) octstr_dump(h.ip, 0); #endif if (auth_check(m->incoming.user, m->incoming.pass, h.headers) != 0) { /* Ask it to authenticate... */ List *hh = http_create_empty_headers(); http_header_add(hh, "WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"" MM_NAME "\""); http_send_reply(h.client, HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, hh, octstr_imm("")); http_destroy_headers(hh); info(0, "MMSBox: Auth failed, incoming connection, MMC group=%s", m->id ? octstr_get_cstr(m->id) : "(none)"); } else if (m->type == SOAP_MMSC) mm7soap_receive(&h); else mm7eaif_receive(&h); free_clientInfo(&h, 0); } else { free_clientInfo(&h, 0); http_close_client(h.client); } debug("proxy", 0, "MMSBox: MM7 Shutting down..."); } static void free_clientInfo(MmsHTTPClientInfo *h, int freeh) { debug("free info", 0, " entered free_clientinfo %d, ip=%ld", freeh, (long)h->ip); if (h->ip) octstr_destroy(h->ip); if (h->url) octstr_destroy(h->url); if (h->ua) octstr_destroy(h->ua); if (h->body) octstr_destroy(h->body); if (h->cgivars) http_destroy_cgiargs(h->cgivars); if (h->headers) http_destroy_headers(h->headers); if (freeh) gw_free(h); debug("free info", 0, " left free_clientinfo"); } /* XXX Returns msgid in mmsc or NULL if error. Caller uses this for DLR issues. * Caller must make sure throughput issues * are observed! * Don't remove from queue on fail, just leave it to expire. */ static Octstr *mm7soap_send(MmscGrp *mmc, Octstr *from, Octstr *to, Octstr *transid, Octstr *linkedid, char *vasid, Octstr *service_code, List *hdrs, MmsMsg *m, Octstr **error) { Octstr *ret = NULL; int mtype = mms_messagetype(m); int hstatus = HTTP_OK, tstatus; List *xto = gwlist_create(); MSoapMsg_t *mreq = NULL, *mresp = NULL; List *rh = NULL, *ph = NULL; Octstr *body = NULL, *rbody = NULL, *url = NULL; Octstr *s; info(0, "MMSBox: Send[soap] to MMSC[%s], msg type [%s], from %s, to %s", mmc->id ? octstr_get_cstr(mmc->id) : "", mms_message_type_to_cstr(mtype), octstr_get_cstr(from), octstr_get_cstr(to)); gwlist_append(xto, to); if ((mreq = mm7_mmsmsg_to_soap(m, from, xto, transid, service_code, linkedid, 1, octstr_get_cstr(mmc->id), vasid)) == NULL) { *error = octstr_format("Failed to convert Msg[%s] 2 SOAP message!", mms_message_type_to_cstr(mtype)); goto done1; } if (mm7_soapmsg_to_httpmsg(mreq, &rh, &body) < 0) { *error = octstr_format("Failed to convert SOAP message to HTTP Msg!"); goto done1; } if (hdrs) http_header_combine(rh, hdrs); /* If specified, then update and pass on. */ hstatus = mmsbox_url_fetch_content(HTTP_METHOD_POST, mmc->mmsc_url, rh, body, &ph,&rbody); if (http_status_class(hstatus) != HTTP_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL) { *error = octstr_format("Failed to contact MMC[url=%s] => HTTP returned status = %d!", octstr_get_cstr(mmc->mmsc_url), hstatus); goto done1; } if ((mresp = mm7_parse_soap(ph, rbody)) == NULL) { *error = octstr_format("Failed to parse MMSC[url=%s, id=%s] response!", octstr_get_cstr(mmc->mmsc_url), octstr_get_cstr(mmc->id)); goto done1; } /* Now look at response code and use it to tell you what you want. */ if ((s = mm7_soap_header_value(mresp, octstr_imm("StatusCode"))) != NULL) { tstatus = atoi(octstr_get_cstr(s)); octstr_destroy(s); } else if ((s = mm7_soap_header_value(mresp, octstr_imm("faultstring"))) != NULL) { tstatus = atoi(octstr_get_cstr(s)); octstr_destroy(s); } else tstatus = MM7_SOAP_FORMAT_CORRUPT; if (!MM7_SOAP_STATUS_OK(tstatus)) { Octstr *detail = mm7_soap_header_value(mresp, octstr_imm("Details")); if (detail == NULL) mm7_soap_header_value(mresp, octstr_imm("faultcode")); ret = NULL; info(0, "Send to MMSC[%s], failed, code=[%d=>%s], detail=%s", mmc ? octstr_get_cstr(mmc->id) : "", tstatus, mms_soap_status_to_cstr(tstatus), detail ? octstr_get_cstr(detail) : ""); *error = octstr_format("Failed to deliver to MMC[url=%s, id=%s], status=[%d=>%s]!", octstr_get_cstr(mmc->mmsc_url), octstr_get_cstr(mmc->id), tstatus, mms_soap_status_to_cstr(tstatus)); if (detail) octstr_destroy(detail); } else ret = mm7_soap_header_value(mresp, octstr_imm("MessageID")); info(0, "Sent to MMC[%s], code=[%d=>%s], msgid [%s]", octstr_get_cstr(mmc->id), tstatus, mms_soap_status_to_cstr(tstatus), ret ? octstr_get_cstr(ret) : "(none)"); if (ret) mms_log2("Sent", from, to, -1, ret, NULL, mmc->id, "MMSBox", NULL, NULL); done1: if (mreq) mm7_soap_destroy(mreq); if (mresp) mm7_soap_destroy(mresp); if (rh) http_destroy_headers(rh); if (body) octstr_destroy(body); if (ph) http_destroy_headers(ph); if (rbody) octstr_destroy(rbody); if (url) octstr_destroy(url); gwlist_destroy(xto, NULL); return ret; } static Octstr *mm7eaif_send(MmscGrp *mmc, Octstr *from, Octstr *to, Octstr *transid, char *vasid, List *hdrs, MmsMsg *m, Octstr **error) { Octstr *ret = NULL, *resp = NULL; int mtype = mms_messagetype(m); int hstatus = HTTP_OK; List *rh = http_create_empty_headers(), *ph = NULL; Octstr *body = NULL, *rbody = NULL, *url = NULL; char *msgtype; info(0, "MMSBox: Send [eaif] to MMC[%s], msg type [%s], from %s, to %s", mmc ? octstr_get_cstr(mmc->id) : "", mms_message_type_to_cstr(mtype), octstr_get_cstr(from), octstr_get_cstr(to)); http_header_add(rh, "X-NOKIA-MMSC-To", octstr_get_cstr(to)); http_header_add(rh, "X-NOKIA-MMSC-From", octstr_get_cstr(from)); http_header_add(rh, "X-NOKIA-MMSC-Version", EAIF_VERSION); if (mtype == MMS_MSGTYPE_SEND_REQ || mtype == MMS_MSGTYPE_RETRIEVE_CONF) { msgtype = "MultiMediaMessage"; mms_make_sendreq(m); /* ensure it is a sendreq. */ } else if (mtype == MMS_MSGTYPE_DELIVERY_IND) msgtype = "DeliveryReport"; else msgtype = "ReadReply"; http_header_add(rh, "X-NOKIA-MMSC-Message-Type", msgtype); if (hdrs) http_header_combine(rh, hdrs); /* If specified, then update and pass on. */ http_header_add(rh, "Content-Type", "application/vnd.wap.mms-message"); /* Patch the message FROM and TO fields. */ mms_replace_header_value(m, "From", octstr_get_cstr(from)); mms_replace_header_value(m, "To", octstr_get_cstr(to)); mms_replace_header_value(m,"X-Mms-Transaction-ID", transid ? octstr_get_cstr(transid) : "000"); body = mms_tobinary(m); hstatus = mmsbox_url_fetch_content(HTTP_METHOD_POST, mmc->mmsc_url, rh, body, &ph, &rbody); if (http_status_class(hstatus) != HTTP_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL) { *error = octstr_format("Failed to contact MMC[url=%s] => HTTP returned status = %d !", octstr_get_cstr(mmc->mmsc_url), hstatus); } else { MmsMsg *mresp = rbody ? mms_frombinary(rbody, octstr_imm("anon@anon")) : NULL; resp = octstr_imm("Ok"); if (mresp && mms_messagetype(mresp) == MMS_MSGTYPE_SEND_CONF) resp = mms_get_header_value(mresp, octstr_imm("X-Mms-Response-Status")); if (octstr_case_compare(resp, octstr_imm("ok")) != 0) hstatus = HTTP_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR; /* error. */ else if (mresp) ret = mms_get_header_value(mresp, octstr_imm("Message-ID")); if (mresp) mms_destroy(mresp); } if (hstatus < 0) ret = NULL; else { hstatus = http_status_class(hstatus); if (hstatus == HTTP_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR) ret = NULL; else if (!ret) ret = http_header_value(ph, octstr_imm("X-Nokia-MMSC-Message-Id")); } if (ret) mms_log2("Sent", from, to, -1, ret, NULL, mmc->id, "MMSBox", NULL, NULL); info(0, "Sent to MMC[%s], code=[%d], resp=%s msgid [%s]", octstr_get_cstr(mmc->id), hstatus, resp ? octstr_get_cstr(resp) : "(none)", ret ? octstr_get_cstr(ret) : "(none)"); if (rh) http_destroy_headers(rh); if (body) octstr_destroy(body); if (ph) http_destroy_headers(ph); if (rbody) octstr_destroy(rbody); if (url) octstr_destroy(url); if (resp) octstr_destroy(resp); return ret; } static int mms_sendtommsc(MmscGrp *mmc, Octstr *from, Octstr *to, Octstr *transid, Octstr *linkedid, char *vasid, Octstr *service_code, MmsMsg *m, Octstr *dlr_url, Octstr *rr_url, List *hdrs, Octstr **err) { Octstr *id = NULL; mutex_lock(mmc->mutex); { /* Grab a lock on it. */ if (mmc->type == SOAP_MMSC) id = mm7soap_send(mmc, from, to, transid, linkedid, vasid, service_code, hdrs, m, err); else if (mmc->type == EAIF_MMSC) id = mm7eaif_send(mmc, from, to, transid, vasid, hdrs, m, err); else error(0, "MMC[%s] of unknown type, can't send!", mmc->id ? octstr_get_cstr(mmc->id) : ""); if (id && mmc->throughput > 0) gwthread_sleep(1.0/mmc->throughput); } mutex_unlock(mmc->mutex); /* release lock */ if (id) { if (dlr_url) /* remember the url's for reporting purposes. */ mms_dlr_url_put(id, "delivery-report", mmc->id, dlr_url); if (rr_url) mms_dlr_url_put(id, "read-report", mmc->id, rr_url); octstr_destroy(id); return MMS_SEND_OK; } else return MMS_SEND_ERROR_TRANSIENT; /* don't kill entry, wait a little. */ } /* Get the MMC that should handler this recipient. */ static MmscGrp *get_handler_mmc(Octstr *id, Octstr *to) { MmscGrp *mmc = NULL; int i, j, n; Octstr *phonenum = NULL; if (id) for (i = 0, n = gwlist_len(mmscs); i < n; i++) if ((mmc = gwlist_get(mmscs, i)) != NULL && mmc->id && octstr_compare(mmc->id, id) == 0) return mmc; if (octstr_search_char(to, '@', 0) > 0 || octstr_case_search(to, octstr_imm("/TYPE=IPv"), 0) > 0) /* For emails, or ip take first mmsc. */ return gwlist_get(mmscs, 0); j = octstr_case_search(to, octstr_imm("/TYPE=PLMN"), 0); if (j > 0 && j - 1 + sizeof "/TYPE=PLMN" == octstr_len(to)) phonenum = octstr_copy(to, 0, j); else phonenum = octstr_duplicate(to); normalize_number(octstr_get_cstr(unified_prefix), &phonenum); for (i = 0, n = gwlist_len(mmscs); i < n; i++) if ((mmc = gwlist_get(mmscs, i)) != NULL && (mmc->allowed_prefix == NULL || does_prefix_match(mmc->allowed_prefix, phonenum)) && (mmc->denied_prefix == NULL || !does_prefix_match(mmc->denied_prefix, phonenum))) return mmc; if (phonenum) octstr_destroy(phonenum); return NULL; } static int sendMsg(MmsEnvelope *e) { MmsMsg *msg = NULL; int i, n; msg = mms_queue_getdata(e); for (i = 0, n = gwlist_len(e->to); ito, i); Octstr *err = NULL; time_t tnow = time(NULL); MmscGrp *mmc = NULL; if (!to || !to->process) continue; if (e->expiryt != 0 && /* Handle message expiry. */ e->expiryt < tnow) { err = octstr_format("MMSC error: Message expired while sending to %S!", to->rcpt); res = MMS_SEND_ERROR_FATAL; goto done; } else if (e->attempts >= mmsbox_maxsendattempts) { err = octstr_format("MMSBox error: Failed to deliver to " "%S after %ld attempts. (max attempts allowed is %ld)!", to->rcpt, e->attempts, mmsbox_maxsendattempts); res = MMS_SEND_ERROR_FATAL; goto done; } if ((mmc = get_handler_mmc(e->viaproxy, to->rcpt)) == NULL) { err = octstr_format("MMSBox error: Failed to deliver to " "%S. Don't know how to route!", to->rcpt); res = MMS_SEND_ERROR_TRANSIENT; goto done; } res = mms_sendtommsc(mmc, e->from, to->rcpt, e->msgId, e->token, /* token = linkedid */ e->vasid ? octstr_get_cstr(e->vasid) : NULL, e->vaspid, msg, e->url1, e->url2, e->hdrs, &err); done: if (res == MMS_SEND_OK) to->process = 0; else if (res == MMS_SEND_ERROR_FATAL && mmc) send_report(to->rcpt, "delivery-report", (e->expiryt != 0 && e->expiryt < tnow) ? octstr_imm("Expired") : octstr_imm("Rejected"), e->msgId, mmc->id); if (res == MMS_SEND_ERROR_FATAL) to->process = 0; /* No more attempts. */ info(0, "%s MMSBox Outgoing Queue MMS Send: From %s, to %s, msgsize=%ld: err=%s", SEND_ERROR_STR(res), octstr_get_cstr(e->from), octstr_get_cstr(to->rcpt), e->msize, err ? octstr_get_cstr(err) : "(null)"); e->lasttry = tnow; if (mms_queue_update(e) == 1) { e = NULL; break; /* Queue entry gone. */ } } if (msg) mms_destroy(msg); if (e) { /* Update the queue if it is still valid (e.g. recipients not handled) * XXX can this happen here??... */ e->lasttry = time(NULL); e->attempts++; /* Update count of number of delivery attempts. */ e->sendt = e->lasttry + mmsbox_send_back_off * e->attempts; if (mms_queue_update(e) != 1) mms_queue_free_env(e); } return 1; /* always delete queue entry. */ } void mmsbox_outgoing_queue_runner(int *rstop) { mms_queue_run(octstr_get_cstr(outgoing_qdir), sendMsg, queue_interval, maxthreads, rstop); }