
68 lines
3.3 KiB

Section: kernel
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Debian Kernel Team <>
Uploaders: Bastian Blank <>, maximilian attems <>, Ben Hutchings <>
Standards-Version: 3.9.8
debhelper (>= 10.1~),
# used to run debian/bin/*.py
# used by debian/rules.real to prepare the source
# used by debian/rules.real to build linux-doc and linux-headers
cpio <!stage1>,
# used by upstream to compress kernel and by debian/rules.real to build linux-source
xz-utils <!stage1>,
# used by debian/rules.real to build udebs
kernel-wedge (>= 2.93~) <!stage1>,
# used by kernel-wedge (only on Linux, thus not declared as a dependency)
kmod <!stage1>,
# used by upstream to build include/generated/timeconst.h
bc <!stage1>,
# used by upstream to build signing tools and to process certificates
# - libssl-dev arch-qualification is a workaround for #827628 and #827633
libssl-dev:native <!stage1>, libssl-dev [linux-any] <!stage1 !pkg.linux.notools cross>,
# - openssl needs to run on the host; need :native for older versions that do
# not have M-A: allowed but need unqualified name for newer versions
openssl (>= 1.1.0-1~) <!stage1> | openssl:native <!stage1>,
# used by upstream to build perf documentation
asciidoc <!stage1 !nodoc !pkg.linux.notools>,
xmlto <!stage1 !nodoc !pkg.linux.notools>,
# used by upstream to build perf
bison <!stage1 !pkg.linux.notools !nopython>,
# - flex needs to run on the host; we have the same problem as for openssl
flex (>= 2.6.1-1.1~) <!stage1 !pkg.linux.notools !nopython> | flex:native <!stage1 !pkg.linux.notools !nopython>,
gcc-multilib [amd64 ppc64 s390x sparc64] <!stage1 !pkg.linux.notools !nopython>,
libaudit-dev <!stage1 !pkg.linux.notools !nopython>,
libdw-dev <!stage1 !pkg.linux.notools !nopython>,
libelf-dev <!stage1 !pkg.linux.notools !nopython>,
libiberty-dev <!stage1 !pkg.linux.notools !nopython>,
libnewt-dev <!stage1 !pkg.linux.notools !nopython>,
libnuma-dev [amd64 arm64 hppa i386 mips mips64 mips64el mipsel mipsn32 mipsn32el mipsr6 mipsr6el mipsn32r6 mipsn32r6el mips64r6 mips64r6el powerpc powerpcspe ppc64 ppc64el sparc x32] <!stage1 !pkg.linux.notools !nopython>,
libperl-dev <!stage1 !pkg.linux.notools !nopython>,
libunwind8-dev [amd64 armel armhf arm64 i386] <!stage1 !pkg.linux.notools !nopython>,
python-dev <!stage1 !pkg.linux.notools !nopython>,
# used by upstream to build usbip
autoconf <!stage1 !pkg.linux.notools>,
automake <!stage1 !pkg.linux.notools>,
libtool <!stage1 !pkg.linux.notools>,
libglib2.0-dev <!stage1 !pkg.linux.notools>,
libudev-dev <!stage1 !pkg.linux.notools>,
libwrap0-dev <!stage1 !pkg.linux.notools>,
# used by debian/rules.d/tools/usb/usbip to build usbip
rsync <!stage1 !pkg.linux.notools>,
# used by upstream to build cpupower
libpci-dev <!stage1 !pkg.linux.notools>,
# used by debian/rules.real to build linux-perf and linux-support
dh-python <!stage1>,
# used by debian/rules.real to build linux-source
patchutils <!stage1>,
# used by upstream to build documentation
python-sphinx <!stage1 !nodoc>,
python-sphinx-rtd-theme <!stage1 !nodoc>,
xmlto <!stage1 !nodoc>,