[base] flavours: marvell versatile kernel-arch: arm [build] image-file: arch/arm/boot/zImage [image] suggests: fdutils configs: kernelarch-arm/config armel/config install-stem: vmlinuz [relations] headers%gcc-4.9: linux-compiler-gcc-4.9-arm [marvell_description] hardware: Marvell Kirkwood/Orion hardware-long: Marvell Kirkwood based systems (SheevaPlug, QNAP TS-119/TS-219, etc) and Orion 5181, 5182 and 5281 based systems (QNAP TS-109/TS-209, etc) [marvell_image] recommends: u-boot-tools ## Maximum kernel size for supported devices (64 bytes is the u-boot header) # SheevaPlug: 4194304 - 64 = 4194240 # QNAP TS-119/TS-219: 2097152 - 64 = 2097088 # D-Link DNS-323: 1572864 - 8 - 64 = 1572792 (too small, no longer supported) # HP Media Vault mv2120: 2097152 - 8 - 64 = 2097080 # QNAP TS-109/TS-209 & TS-409: 2097152 - 8 - 64 = 2097080 check-size: 2097080 check-size-with-dtb: true breaks: flash-kernel (<< 3.37~) configs: armel/config-reduced armel/config.marvell [versatile_description] hardware: Versatile hardware-long: Versatile systems (PB, AB, Qemu)