
344 lines
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package Dahdi::Xpp;
# Written by Oron Peled <oron@actcom.co.il>
# Copyright (C) 2007, Xorcom
# This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
# $Id$
use strict;
use Dahdi::Hardware;
use Dahdi::Xpp::Xbus;
=head1 NAME
Dahdi::Xpp - Perl interface to the Xorcom Astribank drivers.
# Listing all Astribanks:
use Dahdi::Xpp;
# scans hardware:
my @xbuses = Dahdi::Xpp::xbuses("SORT_CONNECTOR");
for my $xbus (@xbuses) {
print $xbus->name." (".$xbus->label .", ". $xbus->connector .")\n";
for my $xpd ($xbus->xpds) {
print " - ".$xpd->fqn,"\n";
# A global handle for all xbuses
my @xbuses;
our $sysfs_astribanks;
our $sysfs_xpds;
our $sysfs_ab_driver;
my $virt_base = $Dahdi::virt_base;
$sysfs_astribanks = "$virt_base/sys/bus/astribanks/devices";
$sysfs_xpds = "$virt_base/sys/bus/xpds/devices";
$sysfs_ab_driver = "$virt_base/sys/bus/astribanks/drivers/xppdrv";
sub scan($) {
my $pack = shift || die;
opendir(D, $sysfs_astribanks) || return();
while(my $entry = readdir D) {
next unless $entry =~ /xbus-(\d+)/;
my $xbus = Dahdi::Xpp::Xbus->new($1);
push(@xbuses, $xbus);
closedir D;
return @xbuses;
# Nominal sorters for xbuses
sub by_name {
return $a->name cmp $b->name;
sub by_connector {
return $a->connector cmp $b->connector;
sub by_label {
my $cmp = $a->label cmp $b->label;
return $cmp if $cmp != 0;
return $a->connector cmp $b->connector;
sub score_type {
my $score;
return 1 if grep(/\b[ETJ]1/, @_);
return 2 if grep(/\bBRI/, @_);
return 3 if grep(/\bFXO/, @_);
return 4; # FXS
sub by_type {
my @a_types = map { $_->type } $a->xpds();
my @b_types = map { $_->type } $b->xpds();
my $res;
my $a_score = score_type(@a_types);
my $b_score = score_type(@b_types);
#printf STDERR "DEBUG-a: %s %s %s\n", $a->name, $a_score, join(',',@a_types);
#printf STDERR "DEBUG-b: %s %s %s\n", $b->name, $b_score, join(',',@b_types);
$res = $a_score <=> $b_score;
$res = $a->connector cmp $b->connector if $res == 0;
return $res;
sub by_xpporder {
my $cmp = $a->xpporder cmp $b->xpporder;
return $cmp if $cmp != 0;
return $a->connector cmp $b->connector;
=head1 xbuses([sort_order])
Scans system (/proc and /sys) and returns a list of Astribank (Xbus)
objects. The optional parameter sort_order is the order in which
the Astribanks will be returns:
=head1 sorters([sort_order])
With no parameters, returns the names of built in sorters.
With a single parameter, returns a reference to the requested built in sorter.
Also, for convenience, a reference to a custom sorter function may be passed
and returned as is.
The built in sorters are:
Sort by ordering defined in F</etc/dahdi/xpp_order> file.
Astribanks can be listed in this file by their label or by
their connector string (prefixed with <@>).
Astribanks not listed in the F<xpp_order> file are sorted
via ordering number 999 -- So they come after the Astribanks
that are listed.
Astribanks with same ordering number (e.g: 999) are sorted
by their connector string (to preserve legacy behaviour).
Sort by the connector string. For USB this defines the "path" to get to
the device through controllers, hubs etc.
Sorts by the label of the Astribank. The label field is unique to the
Astribank. It can also be viewed through 'lsusb -v' without the drivers
loaded (the iSerial field in the Device Descriptor). This is normally
relieble, but some older Astribanks have an empty label.
Sort by the "name". e.g: "XBUS-00". The order of Astribank names depends
on the load order, and hence may change between different runs.
Sort by XPD types. First Astribanks with E1/T1/J1 XPDs, then with BRI,
then with FXO, then ones with only FXS ports. Within each type they
are sorted by the connector field (as in SORT_CONNECTOR above).
=item custom function
Instead of using a predefined sorter, you can pass your own sorting
function. See the example sorters in the code of this module.
sub sorters {
my %sorter_table = (
SORT_CONNECTOR => \&by_connector,
SORT_NAME => \&by_name,
SORT_LABEL => \&by_label,
SORT_TYPE => \&by_type,
SORT_XPPORDER => \&by_xpporder,
# Aliases
connector => \&by_connector,
name => \&by_name,
label => \&by_label,
type => \&by_type,
xpporder => \&by_xpporder,
my $which_sorter = shift || return sort keys %sorter_table;
return $which_sorter if ref($which_sorter) eq 'CODE';
return $sorter_table{$which_sorter};
sub add_xpporder(@) {
my @xbuses = @_;
my $cfg = $ENV{XPPORDER_CONF} || '/etc/dahdi/xpp_order';
my %order;
# Set defaults
foreach my $xbus (@xbuses) {
$xbus->{XPPORDER} = 99;
# Read from optional config file
if(!open(F, $cfg)) {
warn "$0: Failed opening '$cfg': $!"
unless $! == 2; # ENOENT
my $count = 1;
while(<F>) {
next unless /\S/;
$order{$_} = $count++;
close F;
# Overrides from config file
foreach my $xbus (@xbuses) {
my $label = $xbus->label;
my $val;
$val = $order{$label};
$val = $order{$xbus->connector} unless defined $val;
$xbus->{XPPORDER} = $val if defined $val;
sub xbuses {
my $optsort = shift || 'SORT_XPPORDER';
my @sorted_xbuses;
if(! @xbuses) {
@xbuses = Dahdi::Xpp->scan();
my $sorter = sorters($optsort);
die "Unknown optional sorter '$optsort'" unless defined $sorter;
@sorted_xbuses = sort $sorter @xbuses;
return @sorted_xbuses;
sub xpd_of_span($) {
my $span = shift or die "Missing span parameter";
return undef unless defined $span;
foreach my $xbus (Dahdi::Xpp::xbuses) {
foreach my $xpd ($xbus->xpds()) {
return $xpd if $xpd->fqn eq $span->name;
return undef;
=head1 sync([new_sync_source])
Gets (and optionally sets) the internal Astribanks synchronization
source. When used to set sync source, returns the original sync source.
A synchronization source is a value valid writing into /proc/xpp/sync .
For more information read that file and see README.Astribank .
sub sync_via_proc {
my $newsync = shift;
my $result;
my $newapi = 0;
my $proc_base = $Dahdi::proc_xpp_base;
my $file = "$proc_base/sync";
return '' unless -f $file;
# First query
open(F, "$file") or die "Failed to open $file for reading: $!";
while(<F>) {
/SYNC=/ and $newapi = 1;
if(/\S/) { # First non-comment line
s/^SYNC=\D*// if $newapi;
$result = $_;
close F;
if(defined($newsync)) { # Now change
$newsync =~ s/.*/\U$&/;
if($newsync =~ /^(\d+)$/) {
$newsync = ($newapi)? "SYNC=$1" : "$1 0";
} elsif($newsync ne 'DAHDI') {
die "Bad sync parameter '$newsync'";
open(F, ">$file") or die "Failed to open $file for writing: $!";
print F $newsync;
close(F) or die "Failed in closing $file: $!";
return $result;
sub sync {
my ($newsync) = @_;
my $result;
my $file = "$sysfs_ab_driver/sync";
if(! -f $file) { # Old /proc interface
return sync_via_proc(@_);
open(F, "$file") or die "Failed to open $file for reading: $!";
$result = <F>;
close F;
chomp $result;
$result =~ s/^SYNC=\D*//;
if(defined $newsync) { # Now change
$newsync =~ s/.*/\U$&/;
if($newsync =~ /^(\d+)$/) {
$newsync = "SYNC=$1";
} elsif($newsync ne 'DAHDI') {
die "Bad sync parameter '$newsync'";
open(F, ">$file") or die "Failed to open $file for writing: $!";
print F $newsync;
close(F) or die "Failed in closing $file: $!";
return $result;
=head1 SEE ALSO
=item L<Dahdi::Xpp::Xbus>
Xbus (Astribank) object.
=item L<Dahdi::Xpp::Xpd>
XPD (the rough equivalent of a Dahdi span) object.
=item L<Dahdi::Xpp::Line>
Object for a line: an analog port or a time-slot in a adapter.
Equivalent of a channel in Dahdi.
=item L<Dahdi>
General documentation in the master package.