
1380 lines
51 KiB

File: oct6100_events.c
Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Octasic Inc.
This file contains functions used to retrieve tone and playout events.
This file is part of the Octasic OCT6100 GPL API . The OCT6100 GPL API is
free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The OCT6100 GPL API is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with the OCT6100 GPL API; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
$Octasic_Release: OCT612xAPI-01.00-PR49 $
$Octasic_Revision: 81 $
/***************************** INCLUDE FILES *******************************/
#include "octdef.h"
#include "oct6100api/oct6100_defines.h"
#include "oct6100api/oct6100_errors.h"
#include "oct6100api/oct6100_apiud.h"
#include "apilib/octapi_llman.h"
#include "oct6100api/oct6100_tlv_inst.h"
#include "oct6100api/oct6100_chip_open_inst.h"
#include "oct6100api/oct6100_chip_stats_inst.h"
#include "oct6100api/oct6100_interrupts_inst.h"
#include "oct6100api/oct6100_remote_debug_inst.h"
#include "oct6100api/oct6100_debug_inst.h"
#include "oct6100api/oct6100_api_inst.h"
#include "oct6100api/oct6100_channel_inst.h"
#include "oct6100api/oct6100_events_inst.h"
#include "oct6100api/oct6100_tone_detection_inst.h"
#include "oct6100api/oct6100_playout_buf_inst.h"
#include "oct6100api/oct6100_interrupts_pub.h"
#include "oct6100api/oct6100_chip_open_pub.h"
#include "oct6100api/oct6100_channel_pub.h"
#include "oct6100api/oct6100_events_pub.h"
#include "oct6100api/oct6100_tone_detection_pub.h"
#include "oct6100api/oct6100_playout_buf_pub.h"
#include "oct6100_chip_open_priv.h"
#include "oct6100_miscellaneous_priv.h"
#include "oct6100_channel_priv.h"
#include "oct6100_events_priv.h"
#include "oct6100_tone_detection_priv.h"
#include "oct6100_playout_buf_priv.h"
/**************************** PUBLIC FUNCTIONS *****************************/
Function: Oct6100EventGetTone
Description: Retreives an array of tone events.
| Argument | Description
f_pApiInstance Pointer to API instance. This memory is used to keep
the present state of the chip and all its resources.
f_pEventGetTone Pointer to structure used to store the Tone events.
#if !SKIP_Oct6100EventGetToneDef
UINT32 Oct6100EventGetToneDef(
tPOCT6100_EVENT_GET_TONE f_pEventGetTone )
f_pEventGetTone->pToneEvent = NULL;
f_pEventGetTone->ulMaxToneEvent = 1;
f_pEventGetTone->ulNumValidToneEvent = cOCT6100_INVALID_VALUE;
f_pEventGetTone->fMoreEvents = FALSE;
f_pEventGetTone->fResetBufs = FALSE;
return cOCT6100_ERR_OK;
#if !SKIP_Oct6100EventGetTone
UINT32 Oct6100EventGetTone(
tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance,
tPOCT6100_EVENT_GET_TONE f_pEventGetTone )
UINT32 ulSerRes = cOCT6100_ERR_OK;
UINT32 ulFncRes = cOCT6100_ERR_OK;
/* Set the process context of the serialize structure. */
SeizeSerObj.pProcessContext = f_pApiInstance->pProcessContext;
ReleaseSerObj.pProcessContext = f_pApiInstance->pProcessContext;
/* Seize all list semaphores needed by this function. */
SeizeSerObj.ulSerialObjHndl = f_pApiInstance->ulApiSerObj;
SeizeSerObj.ulTryTimeMs = cOCT6100_WAIT_INFINITELY;
ulSerRes = Oct6100UserSeizeSerializeObject( &SeizeSerObj );
if ( ulSerRes == cOCT6100_ERR_OK )
/* Call the serialized function. */
ulFncRes = Oct6100EventGetToneSer( f_pApiInstance, f_pEventGetTone );
return ulSerRes;
/* Release the seized semaphores. */
ReleaseSerObj.ulSerialObjHndl = f_pApiInstance->ulApiSerObj;
ulSerRes = Oct6100UserReleaseSerializeObject( &ReleaseSerObj );
/* If an error occured then return the error code. */
if ( ulSerRes != cOCT6100_ERR_OK )
return ulSerRes;
if ( ulFncRes != cOCT6100_ERR_OK )
return ulFncRes;
return cOCT6100_ERR_OK;
Function: Oct6100BufferPlayoutGetEvent
Description: Retrieves an array of playout stop events.
| Argument | Description
f_pApiInstance Pointer to API instance. This memory is used to keep
the present state of the chip and all its resources.
f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent Pointer to structure used to store the playout events.
#if !SKIP_Oct6100BufferPlayoutGetEventDef
UINT32 Oct6100BufferPlayoutGetEventDef(
tPOCT6100_BUFFER_PLAYOUT_GET_EVENT f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent )
f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent->pBufferPlayoutEvent = NULL;
f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent->ulMaxEvent = 1;
f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent->ulNumValidEvent = cOCT6100_INVALID_VALUE;
f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent->fMoreEvents = FALSE;
f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent->fResetBufs = FALSE;
return cOCT6100_ERR_OK;
#if !SKIP_Oct6100BufferPlayoutGetEvent
UINT32 Oct6100BufferPlayoutGetEvent(
tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance,
tPOCT6100_BUFFER_PLAYOUT_GET_EVENT f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent )
UINT32 ulSerRes = cOCT6100_ERR_OK;
UINT32 ulFncRes = cOCT6100_ERR_OK;
/* Set the process context of the serialize structure. */
SeizeSerObj.pProcessContext = f_pApiInstance->pProcessContext;
ReleaseSerObj.pProcessContext = f_pApiInstance->pProcessContext;
/* Seize all list semaphores needed by this function. */
SeizeSerObj.ulSerialObjHndl = f_pApiInstance->ulApiSerObj;
SeizeSerObj.ulTryTimeMs = cOCT6100_WAIT_INFINITELY;
ulSerRes = Oct6100UserSeizeSerializeObject( &SeizeSerObj );
if ( ulSerRes == cOCT6100_ERR_OK )
/* Call the serialized function. */
ulFncRes = Oct6100BufferPlayoutGetEventSer( f_pApiInstance, f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent );
return ulSerRes;
/* Release the seized semaphores. */
ReleaseSerObj.ulSerialObjHndl = f_pApiInstance->ulApiSerObj;
ulSerRes = Oct6100UserReleaseSerializeObject( &ReleaseSerObj );
/* If an error occured then return the error code. */
if ( ulSerRes != cOCT6100_ERR_OK )
return ulSerRes;
if ( ulFncRes != cOCT6100_ERR_OK )
return ulFncRes;
return cOCT6100_ERR_OK;
/**************************** PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ****************************/
Function: Oct6100ApiGetEventsSwSizes
Description: Gets the sizes of all portions of the API instance pertinent
to the management of the tone events and playout events
software buffers.
| Argument | Description
f_pOpenChip Pointer to chip configuration struct.
f_pInstSizes Pointer to struct containing instance sizes.
#if !SKIP_Oct6100ApiGetEventsSwSizes
UINT32 Oct6100ApiGetEventsSwSizes(
IN tPOCT6100_CHIP_OPEN f_pOpenChip,
UINT32 ulTempVar;
/* Memory needed by soft tone event buffers. */
/* Add 1 to the circular buffer such that all user requested events can fit in the circular queue. */
f_pInstSizes->ulSoftToneEventsBuffer = ( f_pOpenChip->ulSoftToneEventsBufSize + 1 ) * sizeof( tOCT6100_API_TONE_EVENT );
/* Round off the sizes of the soft buffers above. */
mOCT6100_ROUND_MEMORY_SIZE( f_pInstSizes->ulSoftToneEventsBuffer, ulTempVar )
UINT32 ulTempVar;
/* Memory needed by soft playout stop event buffers. */
if ( f_pOpenChip->ulSoftBufferPlayoutEventsBufSize != cOCT6100_INVALID_VALUE )
f_pInstSizes->ulSoftBufPlayoutEventsBuffer = ( f_pOpenChip->ulSoftBufferPlayoutEventsBufSize + 1 ) * sizeof( tOCT6100_API_BUFFER_PLAYOUT_EVENT );
/* Round off the sizes of the soft buffers above. */
mOCT6100_ROUND_MEMORY_SIZE( f_pInstSizes->ulSoftBufPlayoutEventsBuffer, ulTempVar )
else /* if ( f_pInstSizes->ulSoftBufferPlayoutEventsBufSize == cOCT6100_INVALID_VALUE ) */
f_pInstSizes->ulSoftBufPlayoutEventsBuffer = 0;
return cOCT6100_ERR_OK;
Function: Oct6100EventGetToneSer
Description: Retreives an array of tone event from the software event buffer.
| Argument | Description
f_pApiInstance Pointer to API instance. This memory is used to keep
the present state of the chip and all its resources.
f_pEventGetTone Pointer to structure which will contain the retreived
#if !SKIP_Oct6100EventGetToneSer
UINT32 Oct6100EventGetToneSer(
IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance,
IN OUT tPOCT6100_EVENT_GET_TONE f_pEventGetTone )
tPOCT6100_SHARED_INFO pSharedInfo;
tPOCT6100_API_TONE_EVENT pSoftEvent;
UINT32 ulSoftReadPnt;
UINT32 ulSoftWritePnt;
UINT32 ulSoftBufSize;
UINT32 ulNumEventsReturned;
UINT32 ulResult;
/* Get local pointer(s). */
pSharedInfo = f_pApiInstance->pSharedInfo;
/* Check the parameters given by the user. */
if ( f_pEventGetTone->fResetBufs != TRUE &&
f_pEventGetTone->fResetBufs != FALSE )
/* Check max tones. */
if ( f_pEventGetTone->ulMaxToneEvent > pSharedInfo->ChipConfig.ulSoftToneEventsBufSize )
if ( f_pEventGetTone->fResetBufs == FALSE )
/* Check if the events need to be fetched from the chip buffer. */
ulSoftReadPnt = pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferReadPtr;
ulSoftWritePnt = pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferWritePtr;
if ( ulSoftReadPnt == ulSoftWritePnt )
ulResult = Oct6100ApiTransferToneEvents( f_pApiInstance, f_pEventGetTone->fResetBufs );
if ( ulResult != cOCT6100_ERR_OK )
return ulResult;
/* If there are no events in the soft buffer then there are none in the chip */
/* either, so return the empty case. Else, return the events in the buffer. */
ulSoftReadPnt = pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferReadPtr;
ulSoftWritePnt = pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferWritePtr;
ulSoftBufSize = pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferSize;
if ( ulSoftReadPnt != ulSoftWritePnt )
ulNumEventsReturned = 0;
while( (ulSoftReadPnt != ulSoftWritePnt) && ( ulNumEventsReturned != f_pEventGetTone->ulMaxToneEvent) )
/* Get a pointer to the first event in the buffer. */
mOCT6100_GET_TONE_EVENT_BUF_PNT( pSharedInfo, pSoftEvent )
pSoftEvent += ulSoftReadPnt;
f_pEventGetTone->pToneEvent[ ulNumEventsReturned ].ulChannelHndl = pSoftEvent->ulChannelHandle;
f_pEventGetTone->pToneEvent[ ulNumEventsReturned ].ulUserChanId = pSoftEvent->ulUserChanId;
f_pEventGetTone->pToneEvent[ ulNumEventsReturned ].ulTimestamp = pSoftEvent->ulTimestamp;
f_pEventGetTone->pToneEvent[ ulNumEventsReturned ].ulEventType = pSoftEvent->ulEventType;
f_pEventGetTone->pToneEvent[ ulNumEventsReturned ].ulToneDetected = pSoftEvent->ulToneDetected;
f_pEventGetTone->pToneEvent[ ulNumEventsReturned ].ulExtToneDetectionPort = pSoftEvent->ulExtToneDetectionPort;
/* Update the pointers of the soft buffer. */
if ( ulSoftReadPnt == ulSoftBufSize )
ulSoftReadPnt = 0;
pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferReadPtr = ulSoftReadPnt;
/* Detemine if there are more events pending in the soft buffer. */
if ( ulSoftReadPnt != ulSoftWritePnt )
f_pEventGetTone->fMoreEvents = TRUE;
else /* ( ulSoftReadPnt == ulSoftWritePnt ) */
f_pEventGetTone->fMoreEvents = FALSE;
/* Remember this state in the interrupt manager. */
pSharedInfo->IntrptManage.fToneEventsPending = FALSE;
f_pEventGetTone->ulNumValidToneEvent = ulNumEventsReturned;
/* No valid tone.*/
f_pEventGetTone->ulNumValidToneEvent = 0;
f_pEventGetTone->fMoreEvents = FALSE;
/* Remember this state in the interrupt manager. */
pSharedInfo->IntrptManage.fToneEventsPending = FALSE;
else /* ( f_pEventGetTone->fResetBufs == TRUE ) */
/* Empty the hardware buffer. */
ulResult = Oct6100ApiTransferToneEvents( f_pApiInstance, f_pEventGetTone->fResetBufs );
if ( ulResult != cOCT6100_ERR_OK )
return ulResult;
/* If the buffers are to be reset then update the pointers and full flag. */
pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferReadPtr = 0;
pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferWritePtr = 0;
f_pEventGetTone->fMoreEvents = FALSE;
f_pEventGetTone->ulNumValidToneEvent = 0;
/* Remember this state in the interrupt manager. */
pSharedInfo->IntrptManage.fToneEventsPending = FALSE;
return cOCT6100_ERR_OK;
Function: Oct6100ApiTransferToneEvents
Description: Transfers all tone events from the PGSP event out chip buffer
to the soft buffer.
| Argument | Description
f_pApiInstance Pointer to API instance. This memory is used to keep
the present state of the chip and all its resources.
f_ulResetBuf Reset flag.
#if !SKIP_Oct6100ApiTransferToneEvents
UINT32 Oct6100ApiTransferToneEvents(
IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance,
IN UINT32 f_ulResetBuf )
tPOCT6100_SHARED_INFO pSharedInfo;
tPOCT6100_API_TONE_EVENT pSoftEvent;
tPOCT6100_API_CHANNEL pEchoChannel;
tOCT6100_WRITE_PARAMS WriteParams;
tOCT6100_READ_PARAMS ReadParams;
UINT32 ulChipBufFill;
UINT32 ulChipWritePtr = 0;
UINT32 ulChipReadPtr = 0;
UINT32 usChannelIndex;
UINT32 ulBaseTimestamp;
UINT32 ulToneCnt;
UINT32 ulNumWordsToRead;
UINT32 ulEventCode;
UINT32 ulResult;
UINT32 i, j;
UINT16 usReadData;
UINT32 ulExtToneDetectionPort;
/* Get local pointer(s). */
pSharedInfo = f_pApiInstance->pSharedInfo;
/* If the buffer is to be reset then clear the overflow flag. */
if ( f_ulResetBuf == TRUE )
pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferOverflowCnt = 0;
/* Set some parameters of read struct. */
ReadParams.pProcessContext = f_pApiInstance->pProcessContext;
ReadParams.ulUserChipId = pSharedInfo->ChipConfig.ulUserChipId;
ReadParams.pusReadData = &usReadData;
/* Get the current read pointer of the chip buffer. */
ReadParams.ulReadAddress = cOCT6100_TONE_EVENT_READ_PTR_REG;
mOCT6100_DRIVER_READ_API( ReadParams, ulResult )
if ( ulResult != cOCT6100_ERR_OK )
return ulResult;
ulChipReadPtr = usReadData;
/* Now get the current write pointer. */
ReadParams.ulReadAddress = cOCT6100_TONE_EVENT_WRITE_PTR_REG;
mOCT6100_DRIVER_READ_API( ReadParams, ulResult )
if ( ulResult != cOCT6100_ERR_OK )
return ulResult;
ulChipWritePtr = usReadData;
ulChipBufFill = (( ulChipWritePtr - ulChipReadPtr ) & ( cOCT6100_NUM_PGSP_EVENT_OUT - 1 ));
/* Set some parameters of write structs. */
WriteParams.pProcessContext = f_pApiInstance->pProcessContext;
WriteParams.ulUserChipId = pSharedInfo->ChipConfig.ulUserChipId;
BurstParams.pProcessContext = f_pApiInstance->pProcessContext;
BurstParams.ulUserChipId = pSharedInfo->ChipConfig.ulUserChipId;
/* Read in the tone event one at a time. */
for ( i = 0; i < ulChipBufFill; i++ )
/* Skip the event processing if the buffer is to be reset. */
if ( f_ulResetBuf == TRUE )
/* Update the control variables of the buffer. */
if ( cOCT6100_NUM_PGSP_EVENT_OUT == ulChipReadPtr )
ulChipReadPtr = 0;
/* Read in the event only if there's enough room in the soft buffer, and */
/* the chip buffer is NOT to be reset. */
if ( ((pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferWritePtr + 1) != pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferReadPtr) &&
((pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferWritePtr + 1) != pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferSize || pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferReadPtr != 0) )
BurstParams.ulReadAddress = cOCT6100_PGSP_EVENT_OUT_BASE + ( ulChipReadPtr * cOCT6100_PGSP_TONE_EVENT_SIZE );
BurstParams.pusReadData = ausReadData;
ulNumWordsToRead = cOCT6100_PGSP_TONE_EVENT_SIZE / 2;
while ( ulNumWordsToRead > 0 )
if ( ulNumWordsToRead > pSharedInfo->ChipConfig.usMaxRwAccesses )
BurstParams.ulReadLength = pSharedInfo->ChipConfig.usMaxRwAccesses;
BurstParams.ulReadLength = ulNumWordsToRead;
mOCT6100_DRIVER_READ_BURST_API( BurstParams, ulResult );
if ( ulResult != cOCT6100_ERR_OK )
return ulResult;
BurstParams.pusReadData += BurstParams.ulReadLength;
BurstParams.ulReadAddress += BurstParams.ulReadLength * 2;
ulNumWordsToRead -= BurstParams.ulReadLength;
/* Verify if the event is valid. */
if ( ( ausReadData[ 0 ] & cOCT6100_VALID_TONE_EVENT ) == 0x0 )
return cOCT6100_ERR_FATAL_2D;
/* First extract the channel number of the tone event. */
usChannelIndex = ausReadData[ 1 ] & 0x3FF;
/* Now the timestamp. */
ulBaseTimestamp = ausReadData[ 2 ] << 16;
ulBaseTimestamp |= ausReadData[ 3 ];
/* This timestamp is 256 in adwance, must remove 256 frames. */
ulBaseTimestamp -= 256;
/* Fetch the channel stucture to validate which event can be reported. */
mOCT6100_GET_CHANNEL_ENTRY_PNT( f_pApiInstance->pSharedInfo, pEchoChannel, usChannelIndex );
if ( pEchoChannel->fReserved != TRUE )
/* Update the control variables of the buffer. */
if ( ulChipReadPtr == cOCT6100_NUM_PGSP_EVENT_OUT )
ulChipReadPtr = 0;
/* This channel has been closed since the generation of the event. */
/* Extract the extended tone detection port if available. */
if ( pEchoChannel->ulExtToneChanMode == cOCT6100_API_EXT_TONE_SIN_PORT_MODE )
ulExtToneDetectionPort = cOCT6100_CHANNEL_PORT_SIN;
else if ( pEchoChannel->ulExtToneChanMode == cOCT6100_API_EXT_TONE_RIN_PORT_MODE )
ulExtToneDetectionPort = cOCT6100_CHANNEL_PORT_RIN;
/* Modify the channel index. */
usChannelIndex = pEchoChannel->usExtToneChanIndex;
/* Change the channel entry to the original one for statistical purposes. */
mOCT6100_GET_CHANNEL_ENTRY_PNT( f_pApiInstance->pSharedInfo, pEchoChannel, usChannelIndex );
else /* pEchoChannel->ulExtToneChanMode == cOCT6100_API_EXT_TONE_DISABLED */
ulExtToneDetectionPort = cOCT6100_INVALID_VALUE;
ulToneCnt = 0;
/* Verify all the possible events that might have been detected. */
for ( j = 4; j < cOCT6100_NUM_WORDS_PER_TONE_EVENT; j++ )
ulEventCode = ( ausReadData[ j ] >> 8 ) & 0x7;
if ( ulEventCode != 0x0 )
/* This tone generated an event, now check if event is masked for the channel. */
if ((( pEchoChannel->aulToneConf[ ulToneCnt / 32 ] >> ( 31 - ( ulToneCnt % 32 ))) & 0x1) == 1 )
BOOL f2100Tone;
/* Check if it is a 2100 Tone STOP and if the user wants receive those events*/
ulResult = Oct6100ApiIs2100Tone(f_pApiInstance,
pSharedInfo->ImageInfo.aToneInfo[ ulToneCnt ].ulToneID,
if ( ulResult != cOCT6100_ERR_OK )
return ulResult;
if ( (f2100Tone == FALSE) ||
( (f2100Tone == TRUE) && (ulEventCode != 2) ) ||
( (f2100Tone == TRUE) && pSharedInfo->ChipConfig.fEnable2100StopEvent == TRUE ) )
/* If enough space. */
if ( ((pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferWritePtr + 1) != pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferReadPtr) &&
((pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferWritePtr + 1) != pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferSize || pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferReadPtr != 0) )
/* The tone event is not masked, The API can create a soft tone event. */
mOCT6100_GET_TONE_EVENT_BUF_PNT( pSharedInfo, pSoftEvent )
pSoftEvent += pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferWritePtr;
/* Decode the event type. */
switch( ulEventCode )
case 1:
pSoftEvent->ulEventType = cOCT6100_TONE_PRESENT;
case 2:
pSoftEvent->ulEventType = cOCT6100_TONE_STOP;
case 3:
/* This one is a little tricky. We first */
/* generate the "PRESENT" event and then generate the "STOP" event. */
pSoftEvent->ulEventType = cOCT6100_TONE_PRESENT;
pSoftEvent->ulChannelHandle = cOCT6100_HNDL_TAG_CHANNEL | (pEchoChannel->byEntryOpenCnt << cOCT6100_ENTRY_OPEN_CNT_SHIFT) | usChannelIndex;
pSoftEvent->ulUserChanId = pEchoChannel->ulUserChanId;
pSoftEvent->ulToneDetected = pSharedInfo->ImageInfo.aToneInfo[ ulToneCnt ].ulToneID;
/* We want the timestamp not to be equal to the "STOP" event, so we subtract one to the detector's value. */
pSoftEvent->ulTimestamp = ( ulBaseTimestamp + ((( ausReadData[ j ] >> 13 ) & 0x7) * cOCT6100_LOCAL_TIMESTAMP_INCREMENT ) ) - 1;
pSoftEvent->ulExtToneDetectionPort = ulExtToneDetectionPort;
/* Update the control variables of the buffer. */
if ( pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferWritePtr == pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferSize )
pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferWritePtr = 0;
/* If enough space for the "STOP" event. */
if ( ((pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferWritePtr + 1) != pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferReadPtr) &&
((pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferWritePtr + 1) != pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferSize || pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferReadPtr != 0) )
mOCT6100_GET_TONE_EVENT_BUF_PNT( pSharedInfo, pSoftEvent )
pSoftEvent += pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferWritePtr;
pSoftEvent->ulEventType = cOCT6100_TONE_STOP;
/* Set the overflow flag of the buffer. */
/* We continue in the loop in order to empty the hardware buffer. */
case 4:
pSoftEvent->ulEventType = cOCT6100_TONE_PRESENT;
/* do not process this packet*/
pSoftEvent->ulChannelHandle = cOCT6100_HNDL_TAG_CHANNEL | (pEchoChannel->byEntryOpenCnt << cOCT6100_ENTRY_OPEN_CNT_SHIFT) | usChannelIndex;
pSoftEvent->ulUserChanId = pEchoChannel->ulUserChanId;
pSoftEvent->ulToneDetected = pSharedInfo->ImageInfo.aToneInfo[ ulToneCnt ].ulToneID;
pSoftEvent->ulTimestamp = ulBaseTimestamp + ((( ausReadData[ j ] >> 13 ) & 0x7) * cOCT6100_LOCAL_TIMESTAMP_INCREMENT );
pSoftEvent->ulExtToneDetectionPort = ulExtToneDetectionPort;
/* Update the control variables of the buffer. */
if ( pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferWritePtr == pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferSize )
pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferWritePtr = 0;
/* Set the interrupt manager such that the user knows that some tone events */
/* are pending in the software Q. */
pSharedInfo->IntrptManage.fToneEventsPending = TRUE;
/* Set the overflow flag of the buffer. */
/* We continue in the loop in order to empty the hardware buffer. */
ulResult = Oct6100ApiIsSSTone(
pSharedInfo->ImageInfo.aToneInfo[ ulToneCnt ].ulToneID,
&fSSTone );
if ( ulResult != cOCT6100_ERR_OK )
return ulResult;
if ( fSSTone == TRUE )
/* Check if this is a "PRESENT" or "STOP" event */
switch( ulEventCode )
case 1:
/* This is a signaling system present event. Keep this in the instance memory. */
pEchoChannel->ulLastSSToneDetected = pSharedInfo->ImageInfo.aToneInfo[ ulToneCnt ].ulToneID;
pEchoChannel->ulLastSSToneTimestamp = ulBaseTimestamp + ((( ausReadData[ j ] >> 13 ) & 0x7) * cOCT6100_LOCAL_TIMESTAMP_INCREMENT );
case 2:
/* This is the "STOP" event, invalidate the last value. The user does not want to know about this. */
pEchoChannel->ulLastSSToneDetected = (PTR_TYPE)cOCT6100_INVALID_VALUE;
pEchoChannel->ulLastSSToneTimestamp = (PTR_TYPE)cOCT6100_INVALID_VALUE;
/* Check the other tone of this word. */
ulEventCode = ausReadData[ j ] & 0x7;
if ( ulEventCode != 0x0 )
if ((( pEchoChannel->aulToneConf[ ulToneCnt / 32 ] >> ( 31 - ( ulToneCnt % 32 ))) & 0x1) == 1 )
BOOL f2100Tone;
/* Check if it is a 2100 Tone STOP and if the user wants receive those events*/
ulResult = Oct6100ApiIs2100Tone(f_pApiInstance,
pSharedInfo->ImageInfo.aToneInfo[ ulToneCnt ].ulToneID,
if ( ulResult != cOCT6100_ERR_OK )
return ulResult;
if ( (f2100Tone == FALSE) ||
( (f2100Tone == TRUE) && (ulEventCode != 2) ) ||
( (f2100Tone == TRUE) && pSharedInfo->ChipConfig.fEnable2100StopEvent == TRUE ) )
/* If enough space. */
if ( ((pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferWritePtr + 1) != pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferReadPtr) &&
((pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferWritePtr + 1) != pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferSize || pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferReadPtr != 0) )
/* The tone event is not masked, The API can create a soft tone event. */
mOCT6100_GET_TONE_EVENT_BUF_PNT( pSharedInfo, pSoftEvent )
pSoftEvent += pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferWritePtr;
/* Decode the event type. */
switch( ulEventCode )
case 1:
pSoftEvent->ulEventType = cOCT6100_TONE_PRESENT;
case 2:
pSoftEvent->ulEventType = cOCT6100_TONE_STOP;
case 3:
/* This one is a little tricky. We first */
/* generate the "PRESENT" event and then generate the "STOP" event. */
pSoftEvent->ulEventType = cOCT6100_TONE_PRESENT;
pSoftEvent->ulChannelHandle = cOCT6100_HNDL_TAG_CHANNEL | (pEchoChannel->byEntryOpenCnt << cOCT6100_ENTRY_OPEN_CNT_SHIFT) | usChannelIndex;
pSoftEvent->ulUserChanId = pEchoChannel->ulUserChanId;
pSoftEvent->ulToneDetected = pSharedInfo->ImageInfo.aToneInfo[ ulToneCnt ].ulToneID;
/* We want the timestamp not to be equal to the "STOP" event, so we subtract one to the detector's value. */
pSoftEvent->ulTimestamp = ( ulBaseTimestamp + ((( ausReadData[ j ] >> 5 ) & 0x7) * cOCT6100_LOCAL_TIMESTAMP_INCREMENT ) ) - 1;
pSoftEvent->ulExtToneDetectionPort = ulExtToneDetectionPort;
/* Update the control variables of the buffer. */
if ( pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferWritePtr == pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferSize )
pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferWritePtr = 0;
/* If enough space for the "STOP" event. */
if ( ((pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferWritePtr + 1) != pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferReadPtr) &&
((pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferWritePtr + 1) != pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferSize || pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferReadPtr != 0) )
mOCT6100_GET_TONE_EVENT_BUF_PNT( pSharedInfo, pSoftEvent )
pSoftEvent += pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferWritePtr;
pSoftEvent->ulEventType = cOCT6100_TONE_STOP;
/* Set the overflow flag of the buffer. */
/* We continue in the loop in order to empty the hardware buffer. */
case 4:
pSoftEvent->ulEventType = cOCT6100_TONE_PRESENT;
/* Do not process this packet. */
pSoftEvent->ulChannelHandle = cOCT6100_HNDL_TAG_CHANNEL | (pEchoChannel->byEntryOpenCnt << cOCT6100_ENTRY_OPEN_CNT_SHIFT) | usChannelIndex;
pSoftEvent->ulUserChanId = pEchoChannel->ulUserChanId;
pSoftEvent->ulToneDetected = pSharedInfo->ImageInfo.aToneInfo[ ulToneCnt ].ulToneID;
pSoftEvent->ulTimestamp = ulBaseTimestamp + ((( ausReadData[ j ] >> 5 ) & 0x7) * cOCT6100_LOCAL_TIMESTAMP_INCREMENT );
pSoftEvent->ulExtToneDetectionPort = ulExtToneDetectionPort;
/* Update the control variables of the buffer. */
if ( pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferWritePtr == pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferSize )
pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulToneEventBufferWritePtr = 0;
/* Set the interrupt manager such that the user knows that some tone events */
/* are pending in the software Q. */
pSharedInfo->IntrptManage.fToneEventsPending = TRUE;
/* Set the overflow flag of the buffer. */
/* We continue in the loop in order to empty the hardware buffer. */
ulResult = Oct6100ApiIsSSTone(
pSharedInfo->ImageInfo.aToneInfo[ ulToneCnt ].ulToneID,
&fSSTone );
if ( ulResult != cOCT6100_ERR_OK )
return ulResult;
if ( fSSTone == TRUE )
/* Check if this is a "PRESENT" event. */
switch ( ulEventCode )
case 1:
/* This is a signaling system present event. Keep this in the instance memory. */
pEchoChannel->ulLastSSToneDetected = pSharedInfo->ImageInfo.aToneInfo[ ulToneCnt ].ulToneID;
pEchoChannel->ulLastSSToneTimestamp = ulBaseTimestamp + ((( ausReadData[ j ] >> 5 ) & 0x7) * cOCT6100_LOCAL_TIMESTAMP_INCREMENT );
case 2:
/* This is the "STOP" event, invalidate the last value. The user does not want to know about this. */
pEchoChannel->ulLastSSToneDetected = (PTR_TYPE)cOCT6100_INVALID_VALUE;
pEchoChannel->ulLastSSToneTimestamp = (PTR_TYPE)cOCT6100_INVALID_VALUE;
/* Set the overflow flag of the buffer. */
/* We continue in the loop in order to empty the hardware buffer. */
/* Update the control variables of the buffer. */
if ( ulChipReadPtr == cOCT6100_NUM_PGSP_EVENT_OUT )
ulChipReadPtr = 0;
/* Write the value of the new Read pointer.*/
WriteParams.ulWriteAddress = cOCT6100_TONE_EVENT_READ_PTR_REG;
WriteParams.usWriteData = (UINT16)( ulChipReadPtr );
mOCT6100_DRIVER_WRITE_API( WriteParams, ulResult )
if ( ulResult != cOCT6100_ERR_OK )
return ulResult;
return cOCT6100_ERR_OK;
Function: Oct6100BufferPlayoutGetEventSer
Description: Retreives an array of buffer playout event from the software
event buffer.
| Argument | Description
f_pApiInstance Pointer to API instance. This memory is used to keep
the present state of the chip and all its resources.
f_pEventGetPlayoutStop Pointer to structure which will contain the retreived
#if !SKIP_Oct6100BufferPlayoutGetEventSer
UINT32 Oct6100BufferPlayoutGetEventSer(
IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance,
tPOCT6100_SHARED_INFO pSharedInfo;
UINT32 ulSoftReadPnt;
UINT32 ulSoftWritePnt;
UINT32 ulSoftBufSize;
UINT32 ulNumEventsReturned;
UINT32 ulResult;
/* Get local pointer(s). */
pSharedInfo = f_pApiInstance->pSharedInfo;
/* Check the parameters past by the user. */
if ( f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent->fResetBufs != TRUE &&
f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent->fResetBufs != FALSE )
/* Check if software buffer has been allocated and thus enabled. */
if ( pSharedInfo->ChipConfig.ulSoftBufPlayoutEventsBufSize == 0 )
/* Checking max playout events. */
if ( f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent->ulMaxEvent > pSharedInfo->ChipConfig.ulSoftBufPlayoutEventsBufSize )
if ( f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent->fResetBufs == FALSE )
/* Check if events need to be fetched from the chip. */
ulSoftReadPnt = pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulBufPlayoutEventBufferReadPtr;
ulSoftWritePnt = pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulBufPlayoutEventBufferWritePtr;
if ( ulSoftReadPnt == ulSoftWritePnt )
ulResult = Oct6100BufferPlayoutTransferEvents( f_pApiInstance, f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent->fResetBufs );
if ( ulResult != cOCT6100_ERR_OK )
return ulResult;
/* If there are no events in the soft buffer then there are none in the chip */
/* either, so return the empty case. Else, return the events in the buffer. */
ulSoftReadPnt = pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulBufPlayoutEventBufferReadPtr;
ulSoftWritePnt = pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulBufPlayoutEventBufferWritePtr;
ulSoftBufSize = pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulBufPlayoutEventBufferSize;
if ( ulSoftReadPnt != ulSoftWritePnt )
ulNumEventsReturned = 0;
while( (ulSoftReadPnt != ulSoftWritePnt) && ( ulNumEventsReturned != f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent->ulMaxEvent) )
/* Get a pointer to the first event in the buffer. */
mOCT6100_GET_BUFFER_PLAYOUT_EVENT_BUF_PNT( pSharedInfo, pSoftEvent )
pSoftEvent += ulSoftReadPnt;
f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent->pBufferPlayoutEvent[ ulNumEventsReturned ].ulChannelHndl = pSoftEvent->ulChannelHandle;
f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent->pBufferPlayoutEvent[ ulNumEventsReturned ].ulUserChanId = pSoftEvent->ulUserChanId;
f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent->pBufferPlayoutEvent[ ulNumEventsReturned ].ulChannelPort = pSoftEvent->ulChannelPort;
f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent->pBufferPlayoutEvent[ ulNumEventsReturned ].ulUserEventId = pSoftEvent->ulUserEventId;
f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent->pBufferPlayoutEvent[ ulNumEventsReturned ].ulEventType = pSoftEvent->ulEventType;
f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent->pBufferPlayoutEvent[ ulNumEventsReturned ].ulTimestamp = pSoftEvent->ulTimestamp;
/* Update the pointers of the soft buffer. */
if ( ulSoftReadPnt == ulSoftBufSize )
ulSoftReadPnt = 0;
pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulBufPlayoutEventBufferReadPtr = ulSoftReadPnt;
/* Detemine if there are more events pending in the soft buffer. */
if ( ulSoftReadPnt != ulSoftWritePnt )
f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent->fMoreEvents = TRUE;
else /* ( ulSoftReadPnt == ulSoftWritePnt ) */
f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent->fMoreEvents = FALSE;
/* Remember this state in the interrupt manager. */
pSharedInfo->IntrptManage.fBufferPlayoutEventsPending = FALSE;
f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent->ulNumValidEvent = ulNumEventsReturned;
else /* if ( ulSoftReadPnt == ulSoftWritePnt ) */
/* No valid buffer playout events. */
f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent->ulNumValidEvent = 0;
f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent->fMoreEvents = FALSE;
/* Remember this state in the interrupt manager. */
pSharedInfo->IntrptManage.fBufferPlayoutEventsPending = FALSE;
else /* ( f_pEventGetPlayoutStop->fResetBufs == TRUE ) */
/* Check with the hardware first. */
ulResult = Oct6100BufferPlayoutTransferEvents( f_pApiInstance, f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent->fResetBufs );
if ( ulResult != cOCT6100_ERR_OK )
return ulResult;
/* If the buffers are to be reset, then update the pointers and full flag. */
pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulBufPlayoutEventBufferReadPtr = 0;
pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulBufPlayoutEventBufferWritePtr = 0;
f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent->fMoreEvents = FALSE;
f_pBufPlayoutGetEvent->ulNumValidEvent = 0;
/* Remember this state in the interrupt manager. */
pSharedInfo->IntrptManage.fBufferPlayoutEventsPending = FALSE;
return cOCT6100_ERR_OK;
Function: Oct6100BufferPlayoutTransferEvents
Description: Check all channels that are currently playing a buffer and
generate an event if a buffer has stopped playing.
| Argument | Description
f_pApiInstance Pointer to API instance. This memory is used to keep
the present state of the chip and all its resources.
f_ulResetBuf Reset flag.
#if !SKIP_Oct6100BufferPlayoutTransferEvents
UINT32 Oct6100BufferPlayoutTransferEvents(
IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance,
IN UINT32 f_ulResetBuf )
tPOCT6100_SHARED_INFO pSharedInfo;
tPOCT6100_API_CHANNEL pEchoChannel;
UINT32 ulChannelIndex;
UINT32 ulResult;
UINT32 ulLastBufPlayoutEventBufferOverflowCnt;
/* Get local pointer(s). */
pSharedInfo = f_pApiInstance->pSharedInfo;
/* If the buffer is to be reset then clear the overflow flag. */
if ( f_ulResetBuf == TRUE )
pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulBufPlayoutEventBufferOverflowCnt = 0;
/* We are done for now. */
/* No need to check for new events since the user requested to empty the soft buffer. */
return cOCT6100_ERR_OK;
/* Check if buffer playout has been activated on some ports. */
if ( pSharedInfo->ChipStats.usNumberActiveBufPlayoutPorts == 0 )
/* Buffer playout has not been activated on any channel, */
/* let's not waste time here. */
return cOCT6100_ERR_OK;
/* Save the current overflow count. We want to know if an overflow occured to get out of the loop. */
ulLastBufPlayoutEventBufferOverflowCnt = pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulBufPlayoutEventBufferOverflowCnt;
/* Search through the list of API channel entry for the ones that need playout event checking. */
for ( ulChannelIndex = 0; ulChannelIndex < pSharedInfo->ChipConfig.usMaxChannels; ulChannelIndex++ )
mOCT6100_GET_CHANNEL_ENTRY_PNT( pSharedInfo, pEchoChannel, ulChannelIndex );
/* Check if buffer playout is active on this channel, using the optimization flag. */
/* This flag is redundant of other flags used for playout, but will make the above loop */
/* much faster. This is needed since this function is called very frequently on systems */
/* which use buffer playout stop events. */
if ( pEchoChannel->fBufPlayoutActive == TRUE )
/* Read in the event only if there's enough room in the soft buffer. */
if ( ulLastBufPlayoutEventBufferOverflowCnt == pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulBufPlayoutEventBufferOverflowCnt )
/* Check Rout buffer playout first. */
if ( ( pEchoChannel->fRinBufPlayoutNotifyOnStop == TRUE )
&& ( pEchoChannel->fRinBufPlaying == TRUE ) )
ulResult = Oct6100BufferPlayoutCheckForSpecificEvent( f_pApiInstance, ulChannelIndex, cOCT6100_CHANNEL_PORT_ROUT, TRUE, NULL );
if ( ulResult != cOCT6100_ERR_OK )
return ulResult;
else /* if ( ulLastBufPlayoutEventBufferOverflowCnt != pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulBufPlayoutEventBufferOverflowCnt ) */
/* Get out of the loop, no more events can be inserted in the soft buffer. */
/* An overflow might have been detected in the lower level function. */
/* Check the overflow count once again to make sure there might be room for a next event. */
if ( ulLastBufPlayoutEventBufferOverflowCnt == pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulBufPlayoutEventBufferOverflowCnt )
/* Check Sout buffer playout. */
if ( ( pEchoChannel->fSoutBufPlayoutNotifyOnStop == TRUE )
&& ( pEchoChannel->fSoutBufPlaying == TRUE ) )
ulResult = Oct6100BufferPlayoutCheckForSpecificEvent( f_pApiInstance, ulChannelIndex, cOCT6100_CHANNEL_PORT_SOUT, TRUE, NULL );
if ( ulResult != cOCT6100_ERR_OK )
return ulResult;
else /* if ( ulLastBufPlayoutEventBufferOverflowCnt != pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulBufPlayoutEventBufferOverflowCnt ) */
/* Get out of the loop, no more events can be inserted in the soft buffer. */
return cOCT6100_ERR_OK;
Function: Oct6100BufferPlayoutCheckForSpecificEvent
Description: Check a specific channel/port for playout buffer events.
If asked to, save this event to the software event buffer.
Return a flag specifying whether the event was detected or not.
| Argument | Description
f_pApiInstance Pointer to API instance. This memory is used to keep
the present state of the chip and all its resources.
f_ulChannelIndex Index of the channel to be checked.
f_ulChannelPort Port of the channel to be checked.
f_fSaveToSoftBuffer Save event to software buffer.
f_pfEventDetected Whether or not an event was detected.
#if !SKIP_Oct6100BufferPlayoutCheckForSpecificEvent
UINT32 Oct6100BufferPlayoutCheckForSpecificEvent(
IN OUT tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API f_pApiInstance,
IN UINT32 f_ulChannelIndex,
IN UINT32 f_ulChannelPort,
IN BOOL f_fSaveToSoftBuffer,
OUT PBOOL f_pfEventDetected )
tPOCT6100_SHARED_INFO pSharedInfo;
tPOCT6100_API_CHANNEL pEchoChannel;
tOCT6100_READ_PARAMS ReadParams;
tOCT6100_GET_TIME GetTimeParms;
UINT32 ulResult;
UINT16 usReadData;
UINT32 ulReadPtrBytesOfst;
UINT32 ulReadPtrBitOfst;
UINT32 ulReadPtrFieldSize;
UINT32 ulWritePtrBytesOfst;
UINT32 ulWritePtrBitOfst;
UINT32 ulWritePtrFieldSize;
UINT32 ulPlayoutBaseAddress;
UINT32 ulTempData;
UINT32 ulReadPtr;
UINT32 ulMask;
UINT32 ulWritePtr;
UINT32 ulUserEventId;
UINT32 ulEventType;
/* Get local pointer(s). */
pSharedInfo = f_pApiInstance->pSharedInfo;
/* Compare the read and write pointers for matching. If they matched, playout stopped. */
mOCT6100_GET_CHANNEL_ENTRY_PNT( pSharedInfo, pEchoChannel, f_ulChannelIndex );
/* Set the playout feature base address. */
ulPlayoutBaseAddress = cOCT6100_CHANNEL_ROOT_BASE + ( f_ulChannelIndex * cOCT6100_CHANNEL_ROOT_SIZE ) + pSharedInfo->MemoryMap.ulChanRootConfOfst;
if ( f_ulChannelPort == cOCT6100_CHANNEL_PORT_ROUT )
/* Check on the Rout port. */
ulUserEventId = pEchoChannel->ulRinUserBufPlayoutEventId;
ulEventType = pEchoChannel->byRinPlayoutStopEventType;
ulWritePtrBytesOfst = pSharedInfo->MemoryMap.PlayoutRinWritePtrOfst.usDwordOffset * 4;
ulWritePtrBitOfst = pSharedInfo->MemoryMap.PlayoutRinWritePtrOfst.byBitOffset;
ulWritePtrFieldSize = pSharedInfo->MemoryMap.PlayoutRinWritePtrOfst.byFieldSize;
ulReadPtrBytesOfst = pSharedInfo->MemoryMap.PlayoutRinReadPtrOfst.usDwordOffset * 4;
ulReadPtrBitOfst = pSharedInfo->MemoryMap.PlayoutRinReadPtrOfst.byBitOffset;
ulReadPtrFieldSize = pSharedInfo->MemoryMap.PlayoutRinReadPtrOfst.byFieldSize;
else /* if ( f_ulChannelPort == cOCT6100_CHANNEL_PORT_SOUT ) */
/* Check on the Sout port. */
ulUserEventId = pEchoChannel->ulSoutUserBufPlayoutEventId;
ulEventType = pEchoChannel->bySoutPlayoutStopEventType;
ulWritePtrBytesOfst = pSharedInfo->MemoryMap.PlayoutSoutWritePtrOfst.usDwordOffset * 4;
ulWritePtrBitOfst = pSharedInfo->MemoryMap.PlayoutSoutWritePtrOfst.byBitOffset;
ulWritePtrFieldSize = pSharedInfo->MemoryMap.PlayoutSoutWritePtrOfst.byFieldSize;
ulReadPtrBytesOfst = pSharedInfo->MemoryMap.PlayoutSoutReadPtrOfst.usDwordOffset * 4;
ulReadPtrBitOfst = pSharedInfo->MemoryMap.PlayoutSoutReadPtrOfst.byBitOffset;
ulReadPtrFieldSize = pSharedInfo->MemoryMap.PlayoutSoutReadPtrOfst.byFieldSize;
/* Retrieve the current write pointer. */
ulResult = oct6100_retrieve_nlp_conf_dword(f_pApiInstance,
ulPlayoutBaseAddress + ulWritePtrBytesOfst,
if ( ulResult != cOCT6100_ERR_OK )
return ulResult;
mOCT6100_CREATE_FEATURE_MASK( ulWritePtrFieldSize, ulWritePtrBitOfst, &ulMask );
/* Store the write pointer.*/
ulWritePtr = ( ulTempData & ulMask ) >> ulWritePtrBitOfst;
/* Read the read pointer.*/
ReadParams.pProcessContext = f_pApiInstance->pProcessContext;
ReadParams.ulUserChipId = pSharedInfo->ChipConfig.ulUserChipId;
ReadParams.pusReadData = &usReadData;
ReadParams.ulReadAddress = ulPlayoutBaseAddress + ulReadPtrBytesOfst;
/* Optimize this access by only reading the word we are interested in. */
if ( ulReadPtrBitOfst < 16 )
ReadParams.ulReadAddress += 2;
/* Must read in memory directly since this value is changed by hardware */
mOCT6100_DRIVER_READ_API( ReadParams, ulResult )
if ( ulResult != cOCT6100_ERR_OK )
return ulResult;
/* Move data at correct position according to what was read. */
if ( ulReadPtrBitOfst < 16 )
ulTempData = usReadData;
ulTempData = usReadData << 16;
mOCT6100_CREATE_FEATURE_MASK( ulReadPtrFieldSize, ulReadPtrBitOfst, &ulMask );
/* Store the read pointer. */
ulReadPtr = ( ulTempData & ulMask ) >> ulReadPtrBitOfst;
/* Playout has finished when the read pointer reaches the write pointer. */
if ( ulReadPtr != ulWritePtr )
/* Still playing -- do not generate an event. */
if ( f_pfEventDetected != NULL )
*f_pfEventDetected = FALSE;
/* Buffer stopped playing, generate an event here, if asked. */
if ( ( f_fSaveToSoftBuffer == TRUE )
&& ( ( pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulBufPlayoutEventBufferWritePtr + 1 ) != pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulBufPlayoutEventBufferReadPtr )
&& ( ( pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulBufPlayoutEventBufferWritePtr + 1 ) != pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulBufPlayoutEventBufferSize || pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulBufPlayoutEventBufferReadPtr != 0 ) )
/* The API can create a soft buffer playout event. */
mOCT6100_GET_BUFFER_PLAYOUT_EVENT_BUF_PNT( pSharedInfo, pSoftEvent )
pSoftEvent += pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulBufPlayoutEventBufferWritePtr;
pSoftEvent->ulChannelHandle = cOCT6100_HNDL_TAG_CHANNEL | (pEchoChannel->byEntryOpenCnt << cOCT6100_ENTRY_OPEN_CNT_SHIFT) | f_ulChannelIndex;
pSoftEvent->ulUserChanId = pEchoChannel->ulUserChanId;
pSoftEvent->ulUserEventId = ulUserEventId;
pSoftEvent->ulChannelPort = f_ulChannelPort;
/* For now, only this type of event is available. */
pSoftEvent->ulEventType = ulEventType;
/* Generate millisecond timestamp. */
GetTimeParms.pProcessContext = f_pApiInstance->pProcessContext;
ulResult = Oct6100UserGetTime( &GetTimeParms );
if ( ulResult != cOCT6100_ERR_OK )
return ulResult;
pSoftEvent->ulTimestamp = ( GetTimeParms.aulWallTimeUs[ 0 ] / 1000 );
pSoftEvent->ulTimestamp += ( GetTimeParms.aulWallTimeUs[ 1 ] ) * ( 0xFFFFFFFF / 1000 );
/* Update the control variables of the buffer. */
if ( pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulBufPlayoutEventBufferWritePtr == pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulBufPlayoutEventBufferSize )
pSharedInfo->SoftBufs.ulBufPlayoutEventBufferWritePtr = 0;
/* Set the interrupt manager such that the user knows that some playout events */
/* are pending in the software Q. */
pSharedInfo->IntrptManage.fBufferPlayoutEventsPending = TRUE;
else if ( f_fSaveToSoftBuffer == TRUE )
/* Set the overflow flag of the buffer. */
/* Update the channel entry to set the playing flag to FALSE. */
/* Select the port of interest. */
if ( f_ulChannelPort == cOCT6100_CHANNEL_PORT_ROUT )
/* Decrement the number of active buffer playout ports. */
/* No need to check anything here, it's been done in the calling function. */
pEchoChannel->fRinBufPlaying = FALSE;
pEchoChannel->fRinBufPlayoutNotifyOnStop = FALSE;
/* Clear optimization flag if possible. */
if ( ( pEchoChannel->fSoutBufPlaying == FALSE )
&& ( pEchoChannel->fSoutBufPlayoutNotifyOnStop == FALSE ) )
/* Buffer playout is no more active on this channel. */
pEchoChannel->fBufPlayoutActive = FALSE;
else /* f_ulChannelPort == cOCT6100_CHANNEL_PORT_SOUT */
/* Decrement the number of active buffer playout ports. */
/* No need to check anything here, it's been done in the calling function. */
pEchoChannel->fSoutBufPlaying = FALSE;
pEchoChannel->fSoutBufPlayoutNotifyOnStop = FALSE;
/* Clear optimization flag if possible. */
if ( ( pEchoChannel->fRinBufPlaying == FALSE )
&& ( pEchoChannel->fRinBufPlayoutNotifyOnStop == FALSE ) )
/* Buffer playout is no more active on this channel. */
pEchoChannel->fBufPlayoutActive = FALSE;
/* Return that an event was detected. */
if ( f_pfEventDetected != NULL )
*f_pfEventDetected = TRUE;
return cOCT6100_ERR_OK;