/* * Written by Oron Peled * Copyright (C) 2008, Xorcom * * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "echo_loader.h" #include "debug.h" #include #define DBG_MASK 0x03 #define TIMEOUT 1000 #define ECHO_MAX_CHANS 128 #define ECHO_RIN_STREAM 0 #define ECHO_ROUT_STREAM 1 #define ECHO_SIN_STREAM 2 #define ECHO_SOUT_STREAM 3 #define ECHO_RIN_STREAM2 4 #define ECHO_SIN_STREAM2 6 #define ECHO_ROUT_STREAM2 5 #define ECHO_SOUT_STREAM2 7 #define EC_VER_TEST 0xABCD #define EC_VER_INVALID 0xFFFF static float oct_fw_load_timeout = 2.0; struct echo_mod { tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API pApiInstance; UINT32 ulEchoChanHndl[256]; struct astribank_device *astribank; int maxchans; }; enum xpp_packet_types { SPI_SND_XOP = 0x0F, SPI_RCV_XOP = 0x10, TST_SND_XOP = 0x35, TST_RCV_XOP = 0x36, }; struct xpp_packet_header { struct { uint16_t len; uint8_t op; uint8_t unit; } PACKED header; union { struct { uint8_t header; uint8_t flags; uint8_t addr_l; uint8_t addr_h; uint8_t data_l; uint8_t data_h; } PACKED spi_pack; struct { uint8_t tid; uint8_t tsid; } PACKED tst_pack; } alt; } PACKED; static struct usb_buffer { char data[PACKET_SIZE]; int max_len; int curr; /* statistics */ int min_send; int max_send; int num_sends; long total_bytes; struct timeval start; struct timeval end; } usb_buffer; static void usb_buffer_init(struct astribank_device *astribank, struct usb_buffer *ub) { ub->max_len = xusb_packet_size(astribank->xusb); ub->curr = 0; ub->min_send = INT_MAX; ub->max_send = 0; ub->num_sends = 0; ub->total_bytes = 0; gettimeofday(&ub->start, NULL); } static long usb_buffer_usec(struct usb_buffer *ub) { struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); return (now.tv_sec - ub->start.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (now.tv_usec - ub->start.tv_usec); } static void usb_buffer_showstatistics(struct astribank_device *astribank, struct usb_buffer *ub) { long usec; usec = usb_buffer_usec(ub); AB_INFO(astribank, "Octasic statistics: packet_size=[%d, %ld, %d] packets=%d, bytes=%ld msec=%ld usec/packet=%ld\n", ub->min_send, ub->total_bytes / ub->num_sends, ub->max_send, ub->num_sends, ub->total_bytes, usec / 1000, usec / ub->num_sends); } static int usb_buffer_flush(struct astribank_device *astribank, struct usb_buffer *ub) { int ret; long t; long sec; static int last_sec; if (ub->curr == 0) return 0; ret = xusb_send(astribank->xusb, ub->data, ub->curr, TIMEOUT); if (ret < 0) { AB_ERR(astribank, "xusb_send failed: %d\n", ret); return ret; } DBG("%s: Written %d bytes\n", __func__, ret); if (ret > ub->max_send) ub->max_send = ret; if (ret < ub->min_send) ub->min_send = ret; ub->total_bytes += ret; ub->num_sends++; ub->curr = 0; sec = usb_buffer_usec(ub) / (1000 * 1000); if (sec > last_sec) { DBG("bytes/sec=%ld average len=%ld\n", ub->total_bytes / sec, ub->total_bytes / ub->num_sends); last_sec = sec; } /* * Best result with high frequency firmware: 21 seconds * Octasic statistics: packet_size=[10, 239, 510] packets=26806, bytes=6419640 usec=21127883 usec/packet=788 * t = 0.3 * ret - 150; */ t = oct_fw_load_timeout * ret - 150; if (t > 0) usleep(t); return ret; } static int usb_buffer_append(struct astribank_device *astribank, struct usb_buffer *ub, char *buf, int len) { if (ub->curr + len >= ub->max_len) { AB_ERR(astribank, "%s: buffer too small ub->curr=%d, len=%d, ub->max_len=%d\n", __func__, ub->curr, len, ub->max_len); return -ENOMEM; } memcpy(ub->data + ub->curr, buf, len); ub->curr += len; return len; } static int usb_buffer_send(struct astribank_device *astribank, struct usb_buffer *ub, char *buf, int len, int timeout, int recv_answer) { int ret = 0; if (ub->curr + len >= ub->max_len) { ret = usb_buffer_flush(astribank, ub); if (ret < 0) return ret; } if ((ret = usb_buffer_append(astribank, ub, buf, len)) < 0) { return ret; } DBG("%s: %d bytes %s\n", __func__, len, (recv_answer) ? "recv" : "send"); if (recv_answer) { struct xpp_packet_header *phead; ret = usb_buffer_flush(astribank, ub); if (ret < 0) return ret; ret = xusb_recv(astribank->xusb, buf, PACKET_SIZE, TIMEOUT); if (ret <= 0) { AB_ERR(astribank, "No USB packs to read: %s\n", strerror(-ret)); return -EINVAL; } DBG("%s: %d bytes recv\n", __func__, ret); phead = (struct xpp_packet_header *)buf; if (phead->header.op != SPI_RCV_XOP && phead->header.op != TST_RCV_XOP) { AB_ERR(astribank, "Got unexpected reply OP=0x%02X\n", phead->header.op); dump_packet(LOG_ERR, DBG_MASK, "hexline[ERR]", buf, ret); return -EINVAL; } dump_packet(LOG_DEBUG, DBG_MASK, "dump:echoline[R]", (char *)phead, phead->header.len); switch(phead->header.op) { case SPI_RCV_XOP: ret = (phead->alt.spi_pack.data_h << 8) | phead->alt.spi_pack.data_l; break; case TST_RCV_XOP: ret = (phead->alt.tst_pack.tid << 8) | phead->alt.tst_pack.tsid; break; default: ret = -EINVAL; } } return ret; } int spi_send(struct astribank_device *astribank, uint16_t addr, uint16_t data, int recv_answer, int ver) { int ret; char buf[PACKET_SIZE]; struct xpp_packet_header *phead = (struct xpp_packet_header *)buf; int pack_len; int spi_flags; assert(astribank != NULL); spi_flags = 0x30 | (recv_answer ? 0x40 : 0x00) | (ver ? 0x01 : 0x00); pack_len = sizeof(phead->header) + sizeof(phead->alt.spi_pack); phead->header.len = pack_len; phead->header.op = SPI_SND_XOP; phead->header.unit = 0x40; /* EC has always this unit num */ phead->alt.spi_pack.header = 0x05; phead->alt.spi_pack.flags = spi_flags; phead->alt.spi_pack.addr_l = (addr >> 0) & 0xFF; phead->alt.spi_pack.addr_h = (addr >> 8) & 0xFF; phead->alt.spi_pack.data_l = (data >> 0) & 0xFF; phead->alt.spi_pack.data_h = (data >> 8) & 0xFF; dump_packet(LOG_DEBUG, DBG_MASK, "dump:echoline[W]", (char *)phead, pack_len); ret = usb_buffer_send(astribank, &usb_buffer, buf, pack_len, TIMEOUT, recv_answer); if (ret < 0) { AB_ERR(astribank, "usb_buffer_send failed: %d\n", ret); return ret; } DBG("%s: Written %d bytes\n", __func__, ret); return ret; } int test_send(struct astribank_device *astribank) { int ret; char buf[PACKET_SIZE]; struct xpp_packet_header *phead = (struct xpp_packet_header *)buf; int pack_len; assert(astribank != NULL); pack_len = sizeof(phead->header) + sizeof(phead->alt.tst_pack); phead->header.len = 6; phead->header.op = 0x35; phead->header.unit = 0x00; phead->alt.tst_pack.tid = 0x28; /* EC TestId */ phead->alt.tst_pack.tsid = 0x00; /* EC SubId */ dump_packet(LOG_DEBUG, DBG_MASK, "dump:echoline[W]", (char *)phead, pack_len); ret = usb_buffer_send(astribank, &usb_buffer, buf, pack_len, TIMEOUT, 1); if (ret < 0) { AB_ERR(astribank, "usb_buffer_send failed: %d\n", ret); return ret; } DBG("%s: Written %d bytes\n", __func__, ret); return ret; } int echo_send_data(struct astribank_device *astribank, const unsigned int addr, const unsigned int data) { int ret; /* DBG("SEND: %04X -> [%04X]\n", data, addr); DBG("\t\t[%04X] <- %04X\n", 0x0008, (addr >> 20)); DBG("\t\t[%04X] <- %04X\n", 0x000A, (addr >> 4) & ((1 << 16) - 1)); DBG("\t\t[%04X] <- %04X\n", 0x0004, data); DBG("\t\t[%04X] <- %04X\n", 0x0000, (((addr >> 1) & 0x7) << 9) | (1 << 8) | (3 << 12) | 1); */ DBG("SND:\n"); ret = spi_send(astribank, 0x0008, (addr >> 20) , 0, 0); if (ret < 0) goto failed; ret = spi_send(astribank, 0x000A, (addr >> 4) & ((1 << 16) - 1) , 0, 0); if (ret < 0) goto failed; ret = spi_send(astribank, 0x0004, data , 0, 0); if (ret < 0) goto failed; ret = spi_send(astribank, 0x0000, (((addr >> 1) & 0x7) << 9) | (1 << 8) | (3 << 12) | 1 , 0, 0); if (ret < 0) goto failed; return cOCT6100_ERR_OK; failed: AB_ERR(astribank, "echo_send_data: spi_send failed (ret = %d)\n", ret); return ret; } int echo_recv_data(struct astribank_device *astribank, const unsigned int addr) { unsigned int data = 0x00; int ret; DBG("RCV:\n"); ret = spi_send(astribank, 0x0008, (addr >> 20) , 0, 0); if (ret < 0) goto failed; ret = spi_send(astribank, 0x000A, (addr >> 4) & ((1 << 16) - 1) , 0, 0); if (ret < 0) goto failed; ret = spi_send(astribank, 0x0000, (((addr >> 1) & 0x7) << 9) | (1 << 8) | 1 , 0, 0); if (ret < 0) goto failed; ret = spi_send(astribank, 0x0004, data , 1, 0); if (ret < 0) goto failed; return ret; failed: AB_ERR(astribank, "echo_recv_data: spi_send failed (ret = %d)\n", ret); return ret; } int load_file(char *filename, unsigned char **ppBuf, UINT32 *pLen) { unsigned char *pbyFileData = NULL; FILE *pFile; DBG("Loading %s file...\n", filename); pFile = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (pFile == NULL) { ERR("fopen: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -ENODEV; } fseek(pFile, 0L, SEEK_END); *pLen = ftell(pFile); fseek(pFile, 0L, SEEK_SET); pbyFileData = (unsigned char *)malloc(*pLen); if (pbyFileData == NULL) { fclose(pFile); ERR("malloc\n"); return -ENODEV; } else { DBG("allocated mem for pbyFileData\n"); } if (fread(pbyFileData, 1, *pLen, pFile) != *pLen) { fclose(pFile); ERR("fread: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -ENODEV; } fclose(pFile); DBG("Successful loading %s file into memory " "(size = %d, DUMP: first = %02X %02X, last = %02X %02X)\n", filename, *pLen, pbyFileData[0], pbyFileData[1], pbyFileData[(*pLen)-2], pbyFileData[(*pLen)-1]); *ppBuf = pbyFileData; return 0; } UINT32 Oct6100UserGetTime(tPOCT6100_GET_TIME f_pTime) { ///* Why couldn't they just take a timeval like everyone else? */ struct timeval tv; unsigned long long total_usecs; unsigned int mask = ~0; gettimeofday(&tv, 0); total_usecs = (((unsigned long long)(tv.tv_sec)) * 1000000) + (((unsigned long long)(tv.tv_usec))); f_pTime->aulWallTimeUs[0] = (total_usecs & mask); f_pTime->aulWallTimeUs[1] = (total_usecs >> 32); //printf("Inside of Oct6100UserGetTime\n"); return cOCT6100_ERR_OK; } UINT32 Oct6100UserMemSet(PVOID f_pAddress, UINT32 f_ulPattern, UINT32 f_ulLength) { memset(f_pAddress, f_ulPattern, f_ulLength); return cOCT6100_ERR_OK; } UINT32 Oct6100UserMemCopy(PVOID f_pDestination, const void *f_pSource, UINT32 f_ulLength) { memcpy(f_pDestination, f_pSource, f_ulLength); return cOCT6100_ERR_OK; } UINT32 Oct6100UserCreateSerializeObject(tPOCT6100_CREATE_SERIALIZE_OBJECT f_pCreate) { return cOCT6100_ERR_OK; } UINT32 Oct6100UserDestroySerializeObject(tPOCT6100_DESTROY_SERIALIZE_OBJECT f_pDestroy) { #ifdef OCTASIC_DEBUG ERR("I should never be called! (destroy serialize object)\n"); #endif return cOCT6100_ERR_OK; } UINT32 Oct6100UserSeizeSerializeObject(tPOCT6100_SEIZE_SERIALIZE_OBJECT f_pSeize) { /* Not needed */ return cOCT6100_ERR_OK; } UINT32 Oct6100UserReleaseSerializeObject(tPOCT6100_RELEASE_SERIALIZE_OBJECT f_pRelease) { /* Not needed */ return cOCT6100_ERR_OK; } UINT32 Oct6100UserDriverWriteApi(tPOCT6100_WRITE_PARAMS f_pWriteParams) { const unsigned int addr = f_pWriteParams->ulWriteAddress; const unsigned int data = f_pWriteParams->usWriteData; const struct echo_mod *echo_mod = (struct echo_mod *)(f_pWriteParams->pProcessContext); struct astribank_device *astribank = echo_mod->astribank; int ret; ret = echo_send_data(astribank, addr, data); if (ret < 0) { ERR("echo_send_data failed (ret = %d)\n", ret); return cOCT6100_ERR_FATAL_DRIVER_WRITE_API; } return cOCT6100_ERR_OK; } UINT32 Oct6100UserDriverWriteSmearApi(tPOCT6100_WRITE_SMEAR_PARAMS f_pSmearParams) { unsigned int addr; unsigned int data; unsigned int len; const struct echo_mod *echo_mod; struct astribank_device *astribank; unsigned int i; len = f_pSmearParams->ulWriteLength; echo_mod = (struct echo_mod *)f_pSmearParams->pProcessContext; astribank = echo_mod->astribank; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { int ret; addr = f_pSmearParams->ulWriteAddress + (i << 1); data = f_pSmearParams->usWriteData; ret = echo_send_data(astribank, addr, data); if (ret < 0) { ERR("echo_send_data failed (ret = %d)\n", ret); return cOCT6100_ERR_FATAL_DRIVER_WRITE_API; } } return cOCT6100_ERR_OK; } UINT32 Oct6100UserDriverWriteBurstApi(tPOCT6100_WRITE_BURST_PARAMS f_pBurstParams) { unsigned int addr; unsigned int data; unsigned int len = f_pBurstParams->ulWriteLength; const struct echo_mod *echo_mod = (struct echo_mod *)f_pBurstParams->pProcessContext; struct astribank_device *astribank = echo_mod->astribank; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { int ret; addr = f_pBurstParams->ulWriteAddress + (i << 1); data = f_pBurstParams->pusWriteData[i]; ret = echo_send_data(astribank, addr, data); if (ret < 0) { ERR("echo_send_data failed (ret = %d)\n", ret); return cOCT6100_ERR_FATAL_DRIVER_WRITE_API; } } return cOCT6100_ERR_OK; } UINT32 Oct6100UserDriverReadApi(tPOCT6100_READ_PARAMS f_pReadParams) { const unsigned int addr = f_pReadParams->ulReadAddress; const struct echo_mod *echo_mod; struct astribank_device *astribank; int ret; echo_mod = (struct echo_mod *)f_pReadParams->pProcessContext; astribank = echo_mod->astribank; ret = echo_recv_data(astribank, addr); if (ret < 0) { ERR("echo_recv_data failed (%d)\n", ret); return cOCT6100_ERR_FATAL_DRIVER_READ_API; } *f_pReadParams->pusReadData = ret; return cOCT6100_ERR_OK; } UINT32 Oct6100UserDriverReadBurstApi(tPOCT6100_READ_BURST_PARAMS f_pBurstParams) { unsigned int addr; unsigned int len; const struct echo_mod *echo_mod; struct astribank_device *astribank; unsigned int i; len = f_pBurstParams->ulReadLength; echo_mod = (struct echo_mod *)f_pBurstParams->pProcessContext; astribank = echo_mod->astribank; for (i = 0;i < len; i++) { unsigned int ret; addr = f_pBurstParams->ulReadAddress + (i << 1); ret = echo_recv_data(astribank, addr); if (ret < 0) { ERR("echo_recv_data failed (%d)\n", ret); return cOCT6100_ERR_FATAL_DRIVER_READ_API; } f_pBurstParams->pusReadData[i] = ret; } return cOCT6100_ERR_OK; } inline int get_ver(struct astribank_device *astribank) { return spi_send(astribank, 0, 0, 1, 1); } //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ UINT32 init_octasic(char *filename, struct astribank_device *astribank, int is_alaw) { int cpld_ver; struct echo_mod *echo_mod; UINT32 nChan; UINT32 nSlot; UINT32 pcmLaw; UINT32 ulResult; tOCT6100_GET_INSTANCE_SIZE InstanceSize; tPOCT6100_INSTANCE_API pApiInstance; tOCT6100_CHIP_OPEN OpenChip; UINT32 ulImageByteSize; PUINT8 pbyImageData = NULL; /*=========================================================================*/ /* Channel resources.*/ tOCT6100_CHANNEL_OPEN ChannelOpen; UINT32 ulChanHndl; if (test_send(astribank) < 0) return cOCT6100_ERR_FATAL; cpld_ver = get_ver(astribank); AB_INFO(astribank, "Check EC_CPLD version: %d\n", cpld_ver); if (cpld_ver < 0) return cOCT6100_ERR_FATAL; else if (cpld_ver == EC_VER_TEST) { AB_INFO(astribank, "+---------------------------------------------------------+\n"); AB_INFO(astribank, "| WARNING: TEST HARDWARE IS ON THE BOARD INSTEAD OF EC!!! |\n"); AB_INFO(astribank, "+---------------------------------------------------------+\n"); return cOCT6100_ERR_OK; } /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ /* 1) Configure and Open the OCT6100. */ /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ memset(&InstanceSize, 0, sizeof(tOCT6100_GET_INSTANCE_SIZE)); memset(&OpenChip, 0, sizeof(tOCT6100_CHIP_OPEN)); echo_mod = malloc(sizeof(struct echo_mod)); if (!echo_mod) { AB_ERR(astribank, "cannot allocate memory for echo_mod\n"); return cOCT6100_ERR_FATAL; } DBG("allocated mem for echo_mod\n"); memset(echo_mod, 0, sizeof(struct echo_mod)); /* Fill the OCT6100 Chip Open configuration structure with default values */ ulResult = Oct6100ChipOpenDef(&OpenChip); if (ulResult != cOCT6100_ERR_OK) { AB_ERR(astribank, "Oct6100ChipOpenDef failed: result=%X\n", ulResult); return ulResult; } OpenChip.pProcessContext = echo_mod; /* Configure clocks */ /* upclk oscillator is at 33.33 Mhz */ OpenChip.ulUpclkFreq = cOCT6100_UPCLK_FREQ_33_33_MHZ; /* mclk will be generated by internal PLL at 133 Mhz */ OpenChip.fEnableMemClkOut = TRUE; OpenChip.ulMemClkFreq = cOCT6100_MCLK_FREQ_133_MHZ; /* General parameters */ OpenChip.fEnableChannelRecording = TRUE; /* Chip ID.*/ OpenChip.ulUserChipId = 1; /* Set the max number of accesses to 1024 to speed things up */ /* OpenChip.ulMaxRwAccesses = 1024; */ /* Set the maximums that the chip needs to support for this test */ OpenChip.ulMaxChannels = 256; OpenChip.ulMaxPlayoutBuffers = 2; OpenChip.ulMaxBiDirChannels = 0; OpenChip.ulMaxConfBridges = 0; OpenChip.ulMaxPhasingTssts = 0; OpenChip.ulMaxTdmStreams = 8; OpenChip.ulMaxTsiCncts = 0; /* External Memory Settings: Use DDR memory*/ OpenChip.ulMemoryType = cOCT6100_MEM_TYPE_DDR; OpenChip.ulNumMemoryChips = 1; OpenChip.ulMemoryChipSize = cOCT6100_MEMORY_CHIP_SIZE_32MB; /* Load the image file */ ulResult = load_file( filename, &pbyImageData, &ulImageByteSize); if (ulResult != 0) { AB_ERR(astribank, "Failed load_file %s (%08X)\n", filename, ulResult); return ulResult; } if (pbyImageData == NULL || ulImageByteSize == 0){ AB_ERR(astribank, "Bad pbyImageData or ulImageByteSize\n"); return cOCT6100_ERR_FATAL; } /* Assign the image file.*/ OpenChip.pbyImageFile = pbyImageData; OpenChip.ulImageSize = ulImageByteSize; /* * Inserting default values into tOCT6100_GET_INSTANCE_SIZE * structure parameters. */ Oct6100GetInstanceSizeDef(&InstanceSize); /* Get the size of the OCT6100 instance structure. */ ulResult = Oct6100GetInstanceSize(&OpenChip, &InstanceSize); if (ulResult != cOCT6100_ERR_OK) { AB_ERR(astribank, "Oct6100GetInstanceSize failed (%08X)\n", ulResult); return ulResult; } pApiInstance = malloc(InstanceSize.ulApiInstanceSize); echo_mod->pApiInstance = pApiInstance; echo_mod->astribank = astribank; if (!pApiInstance) { AB_ERR(astribank, "Out of memory (can't allocate %d bytes)!\n", InstanceSize.ulApiInstanceSize); return cOCT6100_ERR_FATAL; } /* Perform actual open of chip */ ulResult = Oct6100ChipOpen(pApiInstance, &OpenChip); if (ulResult != cOCT6100_ERR_OK) { AB_ERR(astribank, "Oct6100ChipOpen failed: result=%X\n", ulResult); return ulResult; } DBG("%s: OCT6100 is open\n", __func__); /* Free the image file data */ free(pbyImageData); /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ /* 2) Open channels in echo cancellation mode. */ /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ for (nChan = 0; nChan < ECHO_MAX_CHANS; nChan++) { nSlot = nChan; /* open a channel.*/ Oct6100ChannelOpenDef(&ChannelOpen); /* Assign the handle memory.*/ ChannelOpen.pulChannelHndl = &ulChanHndl; /* Set the channel to work at the echo cancellation mode.*/ ChannelOpen.ulEchoOperationMode = cOCT6100_ECHO_OP_MODE_NORMAL; pcmLaw = (is_alaw ? cOCT6100_PCM_A_LAW: cOCT6100_PCM_U_LAW); /* Configure the TDM interface.*/ ChannelOpen.TdmConfig.ulRinPcmLaw = pcmLaw; ChannelOpen.TdmConfig.ulRinStream = ECHO_RIN_STREAM; ChannelOpen.TdmConfig.ulRinTimeslot = nSlot; ChannelOpen.TdmConfig.ulSinPcmLaw = pcmLaw; ChannelOpen.TdmConfig.ulSinStream = ECHO_SIN_STREAM; ChannelOpen.TdmConfig.ulSinTimeslot = nSlot; ChannelOpen.TdmConfig.ulRoutPcmLaw = pcmLaw; ChannelOpen.TdmConfig.ulRoutStream = ECHO_ROUT_STREAM; ChannelOpen.TdmConfig.ulRoutTimeslot = nSlot; ChannelOpen.TdmConfig.ulSoutPcmLaw = pcmLaw; ChannelOpen.TdmConfig.ulSoutStream = ECHO_SOUT_STREAM; ChannelOpen.TdmConfig.ulSoutTimeslot = nSlot; /* Set the desired VQE features.*/ ChannelOpen.VqeConfig.fEnableNlp = TRUE; ChannelOpen.VqeConfig.fRinDcOffsetRemoval = TRUE; ChannelOpen.VqeConfig.fSinDcOffsetRemoval = TRUE; ChannelOpen.VqeConfig.ulComfortNoiseMode = cOCT6100_COMFORT_NOISE_NORMAL; /* cOCT6100_COMFORT_NOISE_NORMAL cOCT6100_COMFORT_NOISE_EXTENDED, cOCT6100_COMFORT_NOISE_OFF, cOCT6100_COMFORT_NOISE_FAST_LATCH */ ulResult = Oct6100ChannelOpen( pApiInstance, &ChannelOpen); if (ulResult != cOCT6100_ERR_OK) { AB_ERR(astribank, "Found error on chan %d\n", nChan); return ulResult; } } /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ /* *) Open channels in echo cancellation mode for second bus. */ /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ for (nChan = 8; nChan < 32; nChan++) { nSlot = (nChan >> 3) * 32 + (nChan & 0x07); /* open a channel.*/ Oct6100ChannelOpenDef(&ChannelOpen); /* Assign the handle memory.*/ ChannelOpen.pulChannelHndl = &ulChanHndl; /* Set the channel to work at the echo cancellation mode.*/ ChannelOpen.ulEchoOperationMode = cOCT6100_ECHO_OP_MODE_NORMAL; /* Configure the TDM interface.*/ ChannelOpen.TdmConfig.ulRinStream = ECHO_RIN_STREAM2;; ChannelOpen.TdmConfig.ulRinTimeslot = nSlot; ChannelOpen.TdmConfig.ulSinStream = ECHO_SIN_STREAM2; ChannelOpen.TdmConfig.ulSinTimeslot = nSlot; ChannelOpen.TdmConfig.ulRoutStream = ECHO_ROUT_STREAM2; ChannelOpen.TdmConfig.ulRoutTimeslot = nSlot; ChannelOpen.TdmConfig.ulSoutStream = ECHO_SOUT_STREAM2; ChannelOpen.TdmConfig.ulSoutTimeslot = nSlot; /* Set the desired VQE features.*/ ChannelOpen.VqeConfig.fEnableNlp = TRUE; ChannelOpen.VqeConfig.fRinDcOffsetRemoval = TRUE; ChannelOpen.VqeConfig.fSinDcOffsetRemoval = TRUE; ChannelOpen.VqeConfig.ulComfortNoiseMode = cOCT6100_COMFORT_NOISE_NORMAL; /* cOCT6100_COMFORT_NOISE_NORMAL cOCT6100_COMFORT_NOISE_EXTENDED, cOCT6100_COMFORT_NOISE_OFF, cOCT6100_COMFORT_NOISE_FAST_LATCH */ ulResult = Oct6100ChannelOpen( pApiInstance, &ChannelOpen); if (ulResult != cOCT6100_ERR_OK) { AB_ERR(astribank, "Found error on chan %d\n", nChan); return ulResult; } } DBG("%s: Finishing\n", __func__); free(pApiInstance); free(echo_mod); return cOCT6100_ERR_OK; } //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ int load_echo(struct astribank_device *astribank, char *filename, int is_alaw) { int ret; UINT32 octasic_status; AB_INFO(astribank, "Loading ECHOCAN Firmware: %s (%s)\n", filename, (is_alaw) ? "alaw" : "ulaw"); usb_buffer_init(astribank, &usb_buffer); octasic_status = init_octasic(filename, astribank, is_alaw); if (octasic_status != cOCT6100_ERR_OK) { AB_ERR(astribank, "ECHO %s burning failed (%08X)\n", filename, octasic_status); return -ENODEV; } ret = usb_buffer_flush(astribank, &usb_buffer); if (ret < 0) { AB_ERR(astribank, "ECHO %s buffer flush failed (%d)\n", filename, ret); return -ENODEV; } usb_buffer_showstatistics(astribank, &usb_buffer); return 0; } int echo_ver(struct astribank_device *astribank) { usb_buffer_init(astribank, &usb_buffer); return get_ver(astribank); }