## Documentation If you don't understand something about NextEPC, the [https://open5gs.org/nextepc/docs/](https://open5gs.org/nextepc/docs/) is a great place to look for answers. ## Support Problem with NextEPC can be filed as [issues](https://github.com/open5gs/nextepc/issues) in this repository. Discussions related to this project are happening on the [nextepc@lists.osmocom.org](mailto:nextepc@lists.osmocom.org) mailing list, please see for subscription options and the list archive. Voice and text chat available in NextEPC's [Discord](https://discordapp.com/) workspace. Use [this link](https://discord.gg/GreNkuc) to get started. ## Contributing NextEPC is a pure/classic FOSS project, open to contributions from anyone. [Pull requests](https://github.com/open5gs/nextepc/pulls) are always welcome, and I appreciates any help the community can give to help make NextEPC better. Do you want to be a committer? Please [send me an email](mailto:acetcom@gmail.com). You will be added as a committer to this project. However, if someone consistently causes difficulties with these source repositories due to poor behavior or other serious problems then commit access may be revoked. ## License NextEPC source files are made available under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (GNU AGPLv3). When you contribute code for NextEPC, the same license applies.