# Copyright (C) 2019-2022 by Sukchan Lee # This file is part of Open5GS. # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from docx import Document import re, os, sys, string import datetime import getopt import getpass version = "0.1.0" msg_list = {} type_list = {} group_list = {} verbosity = 0 filename = "" outdir = './' cachedir = './cache/' FAIL = '\033[91m' INFO = '\033[93m' ENDC = '\033[0m' def d_print(string): if verbosity > 0: sys.stdout.write(string) def d_info(string): sys.stdout.write(INFO + string + ENDC + "\n") def d_error(string): sys.stderr.write(FAIL + string + ENDC + "\n") sys.exit(0) def write_file(f, string): f.write(string) d_print(string) def output_header_to_file(f): now = datetime.datetime.now() f.write("""/* * Copyright (C) 2019-2022 by Sukchan Lee * * This file is part of Open5GS. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ """) f.write("/*******************************************************************************\n") f.write(" * This file had been created by pfcp-tlv.py script v%s\n" % (version)) f.write(" * Please do not modify this file but regenerate it via script.\n") f.write(" * Created on: %s by %s\n * from %s\n" % (str(now), getpass.getuser(), filename)) f.write(" ******************************************************************************/\n\n") def usage(): print("Python generating TLV build/parser for PFCP v%s" % (version)) print("Usage: python pfcp-tlv.py [options]") print("Available options:") print("-d Enable script debug") print("-f [file] Input file to parse") print("-o [dir] Output files to given directory") print("-c [dir] Cache files to given directory") print("-h Print this help and return") def v_upper(v): return re.sub('3GPP', '', re.sub('\'', '_', re.sub('/', '_', re.sub('-', '_', re.sub(' ', '_', v)))).upper()) def v_lower(v): return re.sub('3gpp', '', re.sub('\'', '_', re.sub('/', '_', re.sub('-', '_', re.sub(' ', '_', v)))).lower()) def get_cells(cells): note = cells[0].text if note.find('NOTE') != -1: return None comment = cells[2].text.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('utf-8') comment = re.sub('\n|\"|\'|\\\\', '', comment); #print(comment) ie_type = re.sub('\s*$', '', re.sub('\'\s*\n*\s*\(NOTE.*\)*', '', cells[-1].text)) #if ie_type.find('Usage Report') != -1: if ie_type == 'Usage Report': if comment.find('Report Type') != -1: ie_type = "Usage Report Session Report Request" elif comment.find('Query URR') != -1: ie_type = "Usage Report Session Modification Response" elif comment.find('provisioned ') != -1: ie_type = "Usage Report Session Deletion Response" else: assert False, "Unknown IE type : [Usage Report]" if ie_type == 'Update BAR': if comment.find('') != -1: ie_type = "Update BAR Session Modification Request" elif comment.find('') != -1: ie_type = "Update BAR PFCP Session Report Response" else: assert False, "Unknown IE type : [Update BAR]" if ie_type.find('PFD Contents') != -1: ie_type = 'PFD contents' elif ie_type.find('UE IP address') != -1: ie_type = 'UE IP Address' elif ie_type.find('SxSMReq-Flags') != -1: ie_type = 'PFCPSMReq-Flags' elif ie_type.find('PFCPSRRsp-Flags2') != -1: ie_type = 'PFCPSRRsp-Flags' elif ie_type.find('IPv4 Configuration Parameters (IP4CP)') != -1: ie_type = 'IP4CP' elif ie_type.find('QoS Information') != -1: ie_type = 'QoS Information in GTP-U Path QoS Report' elif ie_type.find('IP Multicast Addressing Info') != -1: ie_type = 'IP Multicast Addressing Info within PFCP Session Establishment Request' elif ie_type.find('Redundant Transmission Detection Parameters') != -1: ie_type = 'Redundant Transmission Parameters' elif ie_type.find('MAC Addressed Detected') != -1: ie_type = 'MAC Addresses Detected' elif ie_type.find('Join IP Multicast Information') != -1: ie_type = 'Join IP Multicast Information IE within Usage Report' elif ie_type.find('Leave IP Multicast Information') != -1: ie_type = 'Leave IP Multicast Information IE within Usage Report' elif ie_type.find('PFCP Session Retention Information') != -1: ie_type = 'PFCP Session Retention Information within PFCP Association Setup Request' elif ie_type.find('GTP-U Path QoS Report') != -1: ie_type = 'GTP-U Path QoS Report PFCP Node Report Request' if ie_type not in type_list.keys(): assert False, "Unknown IE type : [" \ + cells[-1].text + "]" + "(" + ie_type + ")" presence = cells[1].text ie_value = re.sub('\s*\n*\s*\([^\)]*\)*', '', cells[0].text) ie_value = re.sub('\n', '', ie_value) if ie_value[len(ie_value)-1] == ' ': ie_value = ie_value[:len(ie_value)-1] tlv_more = "0" # PFCP has no tlv_more if ie_type == 'Create PDR' or ie_type == 'Created PDR' or ie_type == 'Update PDR' or ie_type == "Remove PDR": tlv_more = "15" if ie_type == 'Create FAR' or ie_type == 'Update FAR' or ie_type == "Remove FAR": tlv_more = "15" if ie_type == 'Create URR' or ie_type == 'Update URR' or ie_type == "Remove URR": tlv_more = "15" if ie_type == 'Create QER' or ie_type == 'Update QER' or ie_type == "Remove QER": tlv_more = "3" if ie_type == 'User Plane IP Resource Information': tlv_more = "3" if ie_type == 'SDF Filter': tlv_more = "7" if (ie_type == 'Usage Report Session Report Request' or ie_type == 'Usage Report Session Deletion Response' or ie_type == 'Usage Report Session Modification Response'): tlv_more = "7" if ie_type == 'URR ID' and comment.find('Several IEs within the same IE type may be present') != -1: tlv_more = "7" if int(tlv_more) > int(type_list[ie_type]["max_tlv_more"]): type_list[ie_type]["max_tlv_more"] = tlv_more write_file(f, "type_list[\"" + ie_type + "\"][\"max_tlv_more\"] = \"" + tlv_more + "\"\n") return { "ie_type" : ie_type, "ie_value" : ie_value, "presence" : presence, "tlv_more" : tlv_more, "comment" : comment } def write_cells_to_file(name, cells): write_file(f, name + ".append({ \"ie_type\" : \"" + cells["ie_type"] + \ "\", \"ie_value\" : \"" + cells["ie_value"] + \ "\", \"presence\" : \"" + cells["presence"] + \ "\", \"tlv_more\" : \"" + cells["tlv_more"] + \ "\", \"comment\" : \"" + cells["comment"] + "\"})\n") try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "df:ho:c:", ["debug", "file", "help", "output", "cache"]) except getopt.GetoptError as err: # print help information and exit: usage() sys.exit(2) for o, a in opts: if o in ("-d", "--debug"): verbosity = 1 if o in ("-f", "--file"): filename = a if o in ("-o", "--output"): outdir = a if outdir.rfind('/') != len(outdir): outdir += '/' if o in ("-c", "--cache"): cachedir = a if cachedir.rfind('/') != len(cachedir): cachedir += '/' if o in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit(2) if os.path.isfile(filename) and os.access(filename, os.R_OK): file = open(filename, 'r') else: d_error("Cannot find file : " + filename) d_info("[Message List]") cachefile = cachedir + 'tlv-msg-list.py' if os.path.isfile(cachefile) and os.access(cachefile, os.R_OK): exec(open(cachefile).read()) print("Read from " + cachefile) else: document = Document(filename) f = open(cachefile, 'w') msg_table = "" for i, table in enumerate(document.tables): try: cell = table.rows[0].cells[0] except: continue; else: if cell.text.find('Message Type value') != -1: msg_table = table d_print("Table Index = %d\n" % i) for row in msg_table.rows[2:-3]: key = row.cells[1].text type = row.cells[0].text if type.isdigit() is False: continue if key.find('Reserved') != -1: continue key = re.sub('\s*\n*\s*\([^\)]*\)*', '', key) key = re.sub('\n', '', key) msg_list[key] = { "type": type } write_file(f, "msg_list[\"" + key + "\"] = { \"type\" : \"" + type + "\" }\n") f.close() d_info("[IE Type List]") cachefile = cachedir + 'tlv-type-list.py' if os.path.isfile(cachefile) and os.access(cachefile, os.R_OK): exec(open(cachefile).read()) print("Read from " + cachefile) else: document = Document(filename) f = open(cachefile, 'w') ie_table = "" for i, table in enumerate(document.tables): try: cell = table.rows[0].cells[0] except: pass else: if cell.text.find('IE Type value') != -1: ie_table = table d_print("Table Index = %d\n" % i) for row in ie_table.rows[1:]: key = row.cells[1].text type = row.cells[0].text if type.isdigit() is False: continue if key.find('Reserved') != -1: continue key = re.sub('\(', '', key) key = re.sub('\)', '', key) key = re.sub('\s*$', '', key) type_list[key] = { "type": type , "max_tlv_more" : "0" } write_file(f, "type_list[\"" + key + "\"] = { \"type\" : \"" + type) write_file(f, "\", \"max_tlv_more\" : \"0\" }\n") f.close() d_info("[Group IE List]") cachefile = cachedir + 'tlv-group-list.py' if os.path.isfile(cachefile) and os.access(cachefile, os.R_OK): exec(open(cachefile).read()) print("Read from " + cachefile) else: document = Document(filename) f = open(cachefile, 'w') for i, table in enumerate(document.tables): try: cell = table.rows[0].cells[0] except: pass else: if cell.text.find('Octet') != -1 and \ table.rows[0].cells[1].text.find('Outer Header to be created') == -1: num = 0; if len(table.rows[0].cells) > 2 and table.rows[0].cells[2].text.find('IE Type') != -1: num = 2 elif len(table.rows[0].cells) > 3 and table.rows[0].cells[3].text.find('IE Type') != -1: num = 3 elif len(table.rows[0].cells) > 4 and table.rows[0].cells[4].text.find('IE Type') != -1: num = 4 if num == 0: continue; row = table.rows[0]; d_print("Table Index = %d[%d:%s]\n" % (i, num, row.cells[num].text)) if len(re.findall('\d+', row.cells[num].text)) == 0: continue; ie_type = re.findall('\d+', row.cells[num].text)[-1] ie_name = re.sub('\s*IE Type.*', '', row.cells[num].text) d_print("TYPE:%s NAME:%s\n" % (ie_type, ie_name)) # SKIP Access Forwarding Action Information if (int(ie_type) == 78): ie_name = "Usage Report Session Modification Response" elif (int(ie_type) == 79): ie_name = "Usage Report Session Deletion Response" elif (int(ie_type) == 80): ie_name = "Usage Report Session Report Request" elif (int(ie_type) == 86): ie_name = "Update BAR Session Modification Request" elif (int(ie_type) == 12): ie_name = "Update BAR PFCP Session Report Response" elif (int(ie_type) == 183): ie_name = "PFCP Session Retention Information within PFCP Association Setup Request" elif (int(ie_type) == 188): ie_name = "IP Multicast Addressing Info within PFCP Session Establishment Request" elif (int(ie_type) == 189): ie_name = "Join IP Multicast Information IE within Usage Report" elif (int(ie_type) == 190): ie_name = "Leave IP Multicast Information IE within Usage Report" elif (int(ie_type) == 199): ie_name = "TSC Management Information IE within PFCP Session Modification Request" elif (int(ie_type) == 200): ie_name = "TSC Management Information IE within PFCP Session Modification Response" elif (int(ie_type) == 201): ie_name = "TSC Management Information IE within PFCP Session Report Request" elif (int(ie_type) == 239): ie_name = "GTP-U Path QoS Report PFCP Node Report Request" elif (int(ie_type) == 240): ie_name = "QoS Information in GTP-U Path QoS Report" elif (int(ie_type) == 255): ie_name = "Redundant Transmission Parameters" elif (int(ie_type) == 263): ie_name = "Query Packet Rate Status IE within PFCP Session Modification Request" elif (int(ie_type) == 264): ie_name = "Packet Rate Status Report IE within PFCP Session Modification Response" if ie_name.find('Non-3GPP Access Forwarding Action Information') != -1: ie_idx = str(int(ie_type)+100) group_list[ie_name] = { "index" : ie_idx, "type" : ie_type, "ies" : ies } write_file(f, "group_list[\"" + ie_name + "\"] = { \"index\" : \"" + ie_idx + "\", \"type\" : \"" + ie_type + "\", \"ies\" : ies }\n") continue if ie_name not in group_list.keys(): ies = [] write_file(f, "ies = []\n") for row in table.rows[4:]: cells = get_cells(row.cells) if cells is None: continue ies.append(cells) write_cells_to_file("ies", cells) ie_idx = str(int(ie_type)+100) group_list[ie_name] = { "index" : ie_idx, "type" : ie_type, "ies" : ies } write_file(f, "group_list[\"" + ie_name + "\"] = { \"index\" : \"" + ie_idx + "\", \"type\" : \"" + ie_type + "\", \"ies\" : ies }\n") f.close() msg_list["PFCP Heartbeat Request"]["table"] = 9 msg_list["PFCP Heartbeat Response"]["table"] = 10 msg_list["PFCP PFD Management Request"]["table"] = 11 msg_list["PFCP PFD Management Response"]["table"] = 14 msg_list["PFCP Association Setup Request"]["table"] = 15 msg_list["PFCP Association Setup Response"]["table"] = 20 msg_list["PFCP Association Update Request"]["table"] = 21 msg_list["PFCP Association Update Response"]["table"] = 23 msg_list["PFCP Association Release Request"]["table"] = 24 msg_list["PFCP Association Release Response"]["table"] = 25 msg_list["PFCP Version Not Supported Response"]["table"] = 0 msg_list["PFCP Node Report Request"]["table"] = 26 msg_list["PFCP Node Report Response"]["table"] = 32 msg_list["PFCP Session Set Deletion Request"]["table"] = 33 msg_list["PFCP Session Set Deletion Response"]["table"] = 34 msg_list["PFCP Session Establishment Request"]["table"] = 35 msg_list["PFCP Session Establishment Response"]["table"] = 60 msg_list["PFCP Session Modification Request"]["table"] = 70 msg_list["PFCP Session Modification Response"]["table"] = 95 msg_list["PFCP Session Deletion Request"]["table"] = 100 msg_list["PFCP Session Deletion Response"]["table"] = 101 msg_list["PFCP Session Report Request"]["table"] = 104 msg_list["PFCP Session Report Response"]["table"] = 116 for key in msg_list.keys(): if "table" in msg_list[key].keys(): d_info("[" + key + "]") cachefile = cachedir + "tlv-msg-" + msg_list[key]["type"] + ".py" if os.path.isfile(cachefile) and os.access(cachefile, os.R_OK): exec(open(cachefile).read()) print("Read from " + cachefile) else: document = Document(filename) f = open(cachefile, 'w') table = document.tables[msg_list[key]["table"]] if key.find('Association') != -1: start_i = 1 elif key.find('Heartbeat') != -1: start_i = 1 else: start_i = 2 ies = [] write_file(f, "ies = []\n") if key != "PFCP Session Deletion Request" and key != "PFCP Version Not Supported Response": for row in table.rows[start_i:]: cells = get_cells(row.cells) if cells is None: continue item = { "ie_type" : cells["ie_type"], "ie_value" : cells["ie_value"], "presence" : cells["presence"], "tlv_more" : cells["tlv_more"], "comment" : cells["comment"] } ies.append(item) write_cells_to_file("ies", item) msg_list[key]["ies"] = ies write_file(f, "msg_list[key][\"ies\"] = ies\n") f.close() type_list["Cause"]["size"] = 1 # Type 19 type_list["Source Interface"]["size"] = 1 # Type 20 type_list["Gate Status"]["size"] = 1 # Type 25 type_list["QER Correlation ID"]["size"] = 4 # Type 28 type_list["Precedence"]["size"] = 4 # Type 29 type_list["Time Threshold"]["size"] = 4 # Type 32 type_list["Reporting Triggers"]["size"] = 3 # Type 37 type_list["Report Type"]["size"] = 1 # Type 39 type_list["Offending IE"]["size"] = 2 # Type 40 type_list["Destination Interface"]["size"] = 1 # Type 42 type_list["Apply Action"]["size"] = 2 # Type 44 type_list["PFCPSMReq-Flags"]["size"] = 1 # Type 49 type_list["PFCPSRRsp-Flags"]["size"] = 1 # Type 50 type_list["PDR ID"]["size"] = 2 # Type 56 type_list["Measurement Method"]["size"] = 1 # Type 62 type_list["Usage Report Trigger"]["size"] = 3 # Type 63 type_list["Measurement Period"]["size"] = 4 # Type 64 type_list["Duration Measurement"]["size"] = 4 # Type 67 type_list["Time of First Packet"]["size"] = 4 # Type 69 type_list["Time of Last Packet"]["size"] = 4 # Type 70 type_list["Quota Holding Time"]["size"] = 4 # Type 71 type_list["Time Quota"]["size"] = 4 # Type 74 type_list["Start Time"]["size"] = 4 # Type 75 type_list["End Time"]["size"] = 4 # Type 76 type_list["URR ID"]["size"] = 4 # Type 81 type_list["BAR ID"]["size"] = 1 # Type 88 type_list["CP Function Features"]["size"] = 1 # Type 89 type_list["Recovery Time Stamp"]["size"] = 4 # Type 96 type_list["UR-SEQN"]["size"] = 4 # Type 104 type_list["FAR ID"]["size"] = 4 # Type 108 type_list["QER ID"]["size"] = 4 # Type 109 type_list["PDN Type"]["size"] = 1 # Type 113 type_list["RQI"]["size"] = 1 # Type 123 type_list["QFI"]["size"] = 1 # Type 124 type_list["Event Quota"]["size"] = 4 # Type 148 type_list["Event Threshold"]["size"] = 4 # Type 149 type_list["Averaging Window"]["size"] = 4 # Type 157 type_list["Paging Policy Indicator"]["size"] = 1 # Type 158 type_list["PFCPSRReq-Flags"]["size"] = 1 # Type 161 type_list["PFCPAUReq-Flags"]["size"] = 1 # Type 162 type_list["Quota Validity Time"]["size"] = 4 # Type 181 type_list["Data Status"]["size"] = 1 # Type 260 f = open(outdir + 'message.h', 'w') output_header_to_file(f) f.write("""#if !defined(OGS_PFCP_INSIDE) && !defined(OGS_PFCP_COMPILATION) #error "This header cannot be included directly." #endif #ifndef OGS_PFCP_MESSAGE_H #define OGS_PFCP_MESSAGE_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* 5.1 General format */ #define OGS_PFCP_HEADER_LEN 16 #define OGS_PFCP_SEID_LEN 8 typedef struct ogs_pfcp_header_s { union { struct { ED4(uint8_t version:3;, uint8_t spare1:3;, uint8_t mp:1;, uint8_t seid_presence:1;) }; uint8_t flags; }; uint8_t type; uint16_t length; union { struct { uint64_t seid; /* sqn : 31bit ~ 8bit, spare : 7bit ~ 0bit */ #define OGS_PFCP_XID_TO_SQN(__xid) htobe32(((__xid) << 8)) #define OGS_PFCP_SQN_TO_XID(__sqn) (be32toh(__sqn) >> 8) uint32_t sqn; }; /* sqn : 31bit ~ 8bit, spare : 7bit ~ 0bit */ uint32_t sqn_only; }; } __attribute__ ((packed)) ogs_pfcp_header_t; /* PFCP message type */ """) tmp = [(k, v["type"]) for k, v in msg_list.items()] sorted_msg_list = sorted(tmp, key=lambda tup: int(tup[1])) for (k, v) in sorted_msg_list: f.write("#define OGS_" + v_upper(k) + "_TYPE " + v + "\n") f.write("\n") tmp = [(k, v["type"]) for k, v in type_list.items()] sorted_type_list = sorted(tmp, key=lambda tup: int(tup[1])) for (k, v) in sorted_type_list: f.write("#define OGS_PFCP_" + v_upper(k) + "_TYPE " + v + "\n") f.write("\n") f.write("/* Information Element TLV Descriptor */\n") for (k, v) in sorted_type_list: if k in group_list.keys(): continue f.write("extern ogs_tlv_desc_t ogs_pfcp_tlv_desc_" + v_lower(k) + ";\n") f.write("\n") for k, v in group_list.items(): if v_lower(k) == "ethernet_packet_filter": v["index"] = "1" if v_lower(k) == "redundant_transmission_parameters": v["index"] = "2" if v_lower(k) == "ip_multicast_addressing_info_within_pfcp_session_establishment_request": v["index"] = "3" if v_lower(k) == "pdi": v["index"] = "4" if v_lower(k) == "transport_delay_reporting": v["index"] = "5" if v_lower(k) == "create_pdr": v["index"] = "6" if v_lower(k) == "forwarding_parameters": v["index"] = "7" if v_lower(k) == "duplicating_parameters": v["index"] = "8" if v_lower(k) == "redundant_transmission_forwarding_parameters": v["index"] = "9" if v_lower(k) == "create_far": v["index"] = "10" if v_lower(k) == "update_forwarding_parameters": v["index"] = "11" if v_lower(k) == "update_duplicating_parameters": v["index"] = "12" if v_lower(k) == "update_far": v["index"] = "13" if v_lower(k) == "pfd_context": v["index"] = "14" if v_lower(k) == "application_id_s_pfds": v["index"] = "15" if v_lower(k) == "ethernet_traffic_information": v["index"] = "16" if v_lower(k) == "_access_forwarding_action_information": v["index"] = "17" if v_lower(k) == "non__access_forwarding_action_information": v["index"] = "18" if v_lower(k) == "update__access_forwarding_action_information": v["index"] = "19" if v_lower(k) == "update_non__access_forwarding_action_information": v["index"] = "20" if v_lower(k) == "access_availability_report": v["index"] = "21" if v_lower(k) == "qos_monitoring_report": v["index"] = "22" if v_lower(k) == "mptcp_parameters": v["index"] = "23" if v_lower(k) == "atsss_ll_parameters": v["index"] = "24" if v_lower(k) == "pmf_parameters": v["index"] = "25" if v_lower(k) == "join_ip_multicast_information_ie_within_usage_report": v["index"] = "26" if v_lower(k) == "leave_ip_multicast_information_ie_within_usage_report": v["index"] = "27" tmp = [(k, v["index"]) for k, v in group_list.items()] sorted_group_list = sorted(tmp, key=lambda tup: int(tup[1]), reverse=False) f.write("/* Group Information Element TLV Descriptor */\n") for (k, v) in sorted_group_list: f.write("extern ogs_tlv_desc_t ogs_pfcp_tlv_desc_" + v_lower(k) + ";\n") f.write("\n") f.write("/* Message Descriptor */\n") for (k, v) in sorted_msg_list: f.write("extern ogs_tlv_desc_t ogs_pfcp_msg_desc_" + v_lower(k) + ";\n") f.write("\n") f.write("/* Structure for Information Element */\n") for (k, v) in sorted_type_list: if k in group_list.keys(): continue if "size" in type_list[k]: if type_list[k]["size"] == 1: f.write("typedef ogs_tlv_uint8_t ogs_pfcp_tlv_" + v_lower(k) + "_t;\n") elif type_list[k]["size"] == 2: f.write("typedef ogs_tlv_uint16_t ogs_pfcp_tlv_" + v_lower(k) + "_t;\n") elif type_list[k]["size"] == 3: f.write("typedef ogs_tlv_uint24_t ogs_pfcp_tlv_" + v_lower(k) + "_t;\n") elif type_list[k]["size"] == 4: f.write("typedef ogs_tlv_uint32_t ogs_pfcp_tlv_" + v_lower(k) + "_t;\n") else: assert False, "Unknown size = %d for key = %s" % (type_list[k]["size"], k) else: f.write("typedef ogs_tlv_octet_t ogs_pfcp_tlv_" + v_lower(k) + "_t;\n") f.write("\n") tmp = [] f.write("/* Structure for Group Information Element */\n") for (k, v) in sorted_group_list: f.write("typedef struct ogs_pfcp_tlv_" + v_lower(k) + "_s {\n") f.write(" ogs_tlv_presence_t presence;\n") for ies in group_list[k]["ies"]: if type_list[ies["ie_type"]]["max_tlv_more"] != "0" and ies["tlv_more"] != "0": f.write(" ogs_pfcp_tlv_" + v_lower(ies["ie_type"]) + "_t " + v_lower(ies["ie_value"]) + "[" + str(int(ies["tlv_more"])+1) + "];\n") else: f.write(" ogs_pfcp_tlv_" + v_lower(ies["ie_type"]) + "_t " + \ v_lower(ies["ie_value"]) + ";\n") f.write("} ogs_pfcp_tlv_" + v_lower(k) + "_t;\n") f.write("\n") f.write("/* Structure for Message */\n") for (k, v) in sorted_msg_list: if "ies" in msg_list[k]: f.write("typedef struct ogs_" + v_lower(k) + "_s {\n") for ies in msg_list[k]["ies"]: if type_list[ies["ie_type"]]["max_tlv_more"] != "0" and ies["tlv_more"] != "0": f.write(" ogs_pfcp_tlv_" + v_lower(ies["ie_type"]) + "_t " + v_lower(ies["ie_value"]) + "[" + str(int(ies["tlv_more"])+1) + "];\n") else: f.write(" ogs_pfcp_tlv_" + v_lower(ies["ie_type"]) + "_t " + v_lower(ies["ie_value"]) + ";\n") f.write("} ogs_" + v_lower(k) + "_t;\n") f.write("\n") f.write("typedef struct ogs_pfcp_message_s {\n") f.write(" ogs_pfcp_header_t h;\n") f.write(" union {\n") for (k, v) in sorted_msg_list: if "ies" in msg_list[k]: f.write(" ogs_" + v_lower(k) + "_t " + v_lower(k) + ";\n"); f.write(" };\n"); f.write("} ogs_pfcp_message_t;\n\n") f.write("""int ogs_pfcp_parse_msg(ogs_pfcp_message_t *pfcp_message, ogs_pkbuf_t *pkbuf); ogs_pkbuf_t *ogs_pfcp_build_msg(ogs_pfcp_message_t *pfcp_message); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* OGS_PFCP_MESSAGE_H */ """) f.close() f = open(outdir + 'message.c', 'w') output_header_to_file(f) f.write("""#include "ogs-pfcp.h" """) for (k, v) in sorted_type_list: if k in group_list.keys(): continue f.write("ogs_tlv_desc_t ogs_pfcp_tlv_desc_%s =\n" % v_lower(k)) f.write("{\n") if "size" in type_list[k]: if type_list[k]["size"] == 1: f.write(" OGS_TLV_UINT8,\n") elif type_list[k]["size"] == 2: f.write(" OGS_TLV_UINT16,\n") elif type_list[k]["size"] == 3: f.write(" OGS_TLV_UINT24,\n") elif type_list[k]["size"] == 4: f.write(" OGS_TLV_UINT32,\n") else: assert False, "Unknown size = %d for key = %s" % (type_list[k]["size"], k) else: f.write(" OGS_TLV_VAR_STR,\n") f.write(" \"%s\",\n" % k) f.write(" OGS_PFCP_%s_TYPE,\n" % v_upper(k)) if "size" in type_list[k]: f.write(" %d,\n" % type_list[k]["size"]) else: f.write(" 0,\n") f.write(" 0,\n") f.write(" sizeof(ogs_pfcp_tlv_%s_t),\n" % v_lower(k)) f.write(" { NULL }\n") f.write("};\n\n") for (k, v) in sorted_group_list: f.write("ogs_tlv_desc_t ogs_pfcp_tlv_desc_%s =\n" % v_lower(k)) f.write("{\n") f.write(" OGS_TLV_COMPOUND,\n") f.write(" \"%s\",\n" % k) f.write(" OGS_PFCP_%s_TYPE,\n" % v_upper(k)) f.write(" 0,\n") f.write(" 0,\n") f.write(" sizeof(ogs_pfcp_tlv_%s_t),\n" % v_lower(k)) f.write(" {\n") for ies in group_list[k]["ies"]: f.write(" &ogs_pfcp_tlv_desc_%s,\n" % v_lower(ies["ie_type"])) if type_list[ies["ie_type"]]["max_tlv_more"] != "0" and ies["tlv_more"] != "0": f.write(" &ogs_tlv_desc_more" + str(int(ies["tlv_more"])+1) + ",\n") f.write(" NULL,\n") f.write(" }\n") f.write("};\n\n") for (k, v) in sorted_msg_list: if "ies" in msg_list[k]: f.write("ogs_tlv_desc_t ogs_pfcp_msg_desc_%s =\n" % v_lower(k)) f.write("{\n") f.write(" OGS_TLV_MESSAGE,\n") f.write(" \"%s\",\n" % k) f.write(" 0, 0, 0, 0, {\n") for ies in msg_list[k]["ies"]: f.write(" &ogs_pfcp_tlv_desc_%s,\n" % v_lower(ies["ie_type"])) if type_list[ies["ie_type"]]["max_tlv_more"] != "0" and ies["tlv_more"] != "0": f.write(" &ogs_tlv_desc_more" + str(int(ies["tlv_more"])+1) + ",\n") f.write(" NULL,\n") f.write("}};\n\n") f.write("\n") f.write("""int ogs_pfcp_parse_msg(ogs_pfcp_message_t *pfcp_message, ogs_pkbuf_t *pkbuf) { int rv = OGS_ERROR; ogs_pfcp_header_t *h = NULL; uint16_t size = 0; ogs_assert(pfcp_message); ogs_assert(pkbuf); ogs_assert(pkbuf->len); h = (ogs_pfcp_header_t *)pkbuf->data; ogs_assert(h); memset(pfcp_message, 0, sizeof(ogs_pfcp_message_t)); if (h->seid_presence) size = OGS_PFCP_HEADER_LEN; else size = OGS_PFCP_HEADER_LEN-OGS_PFCP_SEID_LEN; ogs_assert(ogs_pkbuf_pull(pkbuf, size)); memcpy(&pfcp_message->h, pkbuf->data - size, size); if (h->seid_presence) { pfcp_message->h.seid = be64toh(pfcp_message->h.seid); } else { pfcp_message->h.sqn = pfcp_message->h.sqn_only; } if (pkbuf->len == 0) return OGS_OK; switch(pfcp_message->h.type) { """) for (k, v) in sorted_msg_list: if "ies" in msg_list[k]: f.write(" case OGS_%s_TYPE:\n" % v_upper(k)) f.write(" rv = ogs_tlv_parse_msg(&pfcp_message->%s,\n" % v_lower(k)) f.write(" &ogs_pfcp_msg_desc_%s, pkbuf, OGS_TLV_MODE_T2_L2);\n" % v_lower(k)) f.write(" break;\n") f.write(""" default: ogs_warn("Not implemented(type:%d)", pfcp_message->h.type); break; } return rv; } """) f.write("""ogs_pkbuf_t *ogs_pfcp_build_msg(ogs_pfcp_message_t *pfcp_message) { ogs_pkbuf_t *pkbuf = NULL; ogs_assert(pfcp_message); switch(pfcp_message->h.type) { """) for (k, v) in sorted_msg_list: if "ies" in msg_list[k]: f.write(" case OGS_%s_TYPE:\n" % v_upper(k)) f.write(" pkbuf = ogs_tlv_build_msg(&ogs_pfcp_msg_desc_%s,\n" % v_lower(k)) f.write(" &pfcp_message->%s, OGS_TLV_MODE_T2_L2);\n" % v_lower(k)) f.write(" break;\n") f.write(""" default: ogs_warn("Not implemented(type:%d)", pfcp_message->h.type); break; } return pkbuf; } """) f.write("\n") f.close()